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Tales of Bondage and Submission: Award Winning Erotica

Page 9

by Powerone

  "You are doing a very good job, Sarah. Every night you will come down to my study after my bath and you will perform this ritual. Do you understand, Sarah?"

  "Yes, Sir,” she responded. She stood as he watched her, his gaze going up and down her body, from her hard nipples down her legs to her three-inch heels. She felt uncomfortable, standing half-naked in front of him.

  "Turn around again and move closer to the fire.” He watched as she turned around and moved forward. “That's good, hands at your sides. Spread you legs open more. More, spread them wider."

  Sarah cringed when she heard his command. He wanted her to spread her legs. She knew that he could see her silhouette through her negligee, the roaring fire sharply contrasting her body. With her legs spread, she seemed more naked. “Yes, Sir,” her legs moving wider, now over three feet, obeying his command.

  "Don't move or turn around until I tell you to,” he ordered her.

  Sarah could hear the rustle of his robe and then heard a sound like someone rubbing something. This went on for over five minutes, her legs beginning to ache from the spread. She heard Michael gasp and then the only noise was Michael's labored breathing.

  Another rustle and then she heard, “you may go to bed now. You did very well. I will see you in the morning."

  Sarah grabbed her wrap and almost ran out of the room, rushing to get into the safe confines of her room. She hung up her robe and got directly into bed, bringing the covers up to her neck, hiding beneath them. She closed her eyes, reflecting on what happened. It felt strange for her to stand there, in her negligee while he looked at her. She felt humiliated, forced to do this because she was poor, but she also felt some thrill in having to submit to such a powerful man. As she thought, her hand strayed down to her pussy and she began to rub her pussy. She was surprised, finding her pussy was already wet. She thought of being forced to stand naked in front of him and display her body to him, her legs spread, her pussy opening. She rubbed harder until she began to cum, trapping her fingers between her tightly clamped legs.

  The next couple of days found Sarah running into Michael more then pure coincidence. When she was bent over, cleaning, she would look up and there was Michael, watching her. When she was scrubbing the kitchen floor, he came in, sat down at the kitchen table and ate a sandwich, his eyes watching her every movement. A few times he suddenly came around corners in the house, bumping into her, his hands flying up in defense to fall upon her breasts, lingering perhaps just a little too long. In the kitchen cupboards, he had to squeeze past her, her back to him, the front of his pants slowly rubbing against her ass. She could feel his hard cock.

  Then it happened. She was in the kitchen, putting away the wine glasses when all of a sudden she slipped and almost fell on the floor. When she tried to grab the counter to keep from falling, she dropped the glass. The sound of glass breaking on the hard kitchen floor could be heard throughout the house. She waited, listening, did anyone hear it. John had mentioned punishment for making mistakes. This was only a glass and her first. It was an accident.

  "What happened in here?” Michael demanded, his voice loud, ringing out in the room.

  "Sorry, Master Michael, I tripped and almost fell. When I tried to keep from falling, I dropped the glass by accident and it broke. I will clean it up now.” Her voice trembled, hoping that would be the end of it.

  "That glass was part of a set that was my Mother's favorite set. Since her death, I made sure I drank a glass of wine from it every day. That was the last glass in the set and they cannot be replaced. I am very disappointed in you, Sarah. I gave you a good job, took care of you and this is how you repay me. Your nonchalant attitude is intolerable. What do you have to say for yourself?"

  "I'm sorry, Master Michael. It will never happen again. You have been an excellent employer and I appreciate this job,” hoping to placate him.

  "That is unacceptable. I don't feel that you're truly sorry. I want you to report to my study at 7:30 tonight, after all of the help leaves. I will think of a suitable punishment for you. Are you ready to accept your punishment? Otherwise you may pack your meager belongs and leave this very instant?"

  Sarah was afraid of what would happen, but she knew she must submit to whatever he would come up with as suitable punishment. She really loved the job. While Michael did have some traits that bothered her, she had never been around rich people before and did not understand them. She didn't have much of a choice. There weren't many alternatives for an eighteen-year-old, uneducated orphan, it was already winter, snow on the ground. “Yes, Master Michael, I will accept a punishment that you find suitable. Thank you, Sir.” She immediately went about cleaning up the mess, not wanting to look at Michael's face. You can do this, she thought. So what, even if it is a spanking like John talked about. How bad could it be? Anything would be better then the streets.

  Sarah continued to work throughout the day, her mind always drifting back to what would happen tonight. She thought of him giving her a spanking, his hand slapping hard on her ass. Would she be able to stay still? How much would it hurt? Dinner went slowly, Sarah barely eating anything, nervous about tonight.

  "Is everything OK, Sarah?"

  John's voice woke her up out of the trance she was in. “I guess, I think it might be in trouble with Michael. I broke the last of his mother's favorite wine glasses today and he was really mad. He is going to punish me tonight. You don't think he will spank me, like you said, do you?"

  John tried to look surprised. Michael had already called him into his study. He wanted John to build a special padded bench for his study. He was a little puzzled about its use, but now he knew. Michael wanted a spanking bench. A special padded bench that would highlight Sarah's ass, raising it up higher then the rest of her body. He also had some other special requirements that would allow complete access to her ass and position her body in a very degrading position, opening up all kinds of options for its use. He wanted it by the weekend. Yes, tonight she might be receiving a spanking, but it would only be the first. Michael would make sure that she made many more mistakes by the time the weekend came. He planned to use his new spanking bench this weekend.

  "I like you a lot Sarah and you have been doing a good job around here. Yeah, you screwed up today. I told you about rich folks. They get a little strange; Michael's friends are even worse then him. I guess this is your big decision. You have to think about your future. You have no place to go; the orphanage will not take you back. It's winter outside, no job and no place to go. Your only option is to find a pimp on the street and become a whore. You're only eighteen and you could probably survive doing that a few years, but you will be worn out by twenty-one. Is that the kind of life you want?"

  John was right. She did not have many options. “I know, it's just so humiliating. I never told you, but I am a virgin. I lived at an all girls orphanage, so we didn't have any chance to date, not that anyone would want to date an orphan. Michael just looks at me very strange some times. Leering glances. And lately he has been rubbing and bumping up against me.” Sarah looked at John, looking for an answer.

  Michael sure picked himself a winner this time. A damn virgin. Wish I could pop her cherries. Damn rich guys were always getting the virgins. It wouldn't be long before he is fucking her. She is going to be taking his cock in every hole she has. And then his friends are going to have her. They were even worse, more perverted. He saw some of their parties. Even the whores he brought in were humiliated at what they were forced to perform. Well, once he fucks her, I'll have a chance at her. A little blackmail always goes a long way with the help. She'll do anything to stay out of trouble with Michael, anything. “Listen, Sarah, I'm not going to tell you again. Do what he says and don't make him cross. Well, I hope to see you tomorrow.” John left, his cock hard. Lucky bastard. It will really make his cock hard when he makes the spanking bench, knowing how it will be used. He said so many ideas of improvements. Yes, Michael would like it very much. Maybe he will even let me use it o
n Sarah.

  Sarah went up to her room to freshen up. She checked herself in the mirrors, blouse and skirt, high heels, dark stocking. She did look good. Maybe Michael would go easy on her. She went down to the study, going in, Michael sitting on one of the large overstuffed chairs, his feet on the large, padded ottoman in front of the chair. He put down the newspaper when he saw her enter. He already had his robe on, a bad sign. “I'm here to accept my punishment, Sir. I know what I did wrong was bad and I will do accept whatever punishment you see fit,” hoping to get him to go easy on her.

  Michael looked at her sternly. “I realize that this is your first incident, but if I let it go lightly, I am afraid that this will continue to happen. I am a very stern disciplinarian and believe that corporal punishment is an excellent way to deter negative behavior. I therefore have decided that you will be spanked tonight.” Michael got up and sat down on the ottoman. “Are you willing to accept your punishment?"

  This was the moment in Sarah's life when her whole life would change because of a simple yes or no. A no and she would end up in the street, facing an uncertain future. A yes and she would be secure in her position, but what would be required of her. What would she have to give up? Could she live with herself and the things that might be required of her? She knew it wasn't about a simple spanking. That would just be the beginning. She knew that Michael had other plans for her, many things that she wouldn't like. It was either submit or not. A simple yes or no. “Yes, Master Michael,” sealing her future.

  Michael smiled, pleased with the answer. He knew that he had her. No longer would he have to feign reasons for watching her, touching her. He would take it slow, slowly forcing her, humiliating her. “Come closer, Sarah, come a little closer,” his hands reaching out to her.

  Sarah walked up in front of Michael, her arms at her sides. She felt his hands reach out and touch her, placed firmly on her hips. His hands were large, her hips small. She felt a tiny tremor running through her body. She felt her body turned, the hands urging her on.

  "Turn around, yes, that's a good girl.” Michael moved his hands, tentatively moving them up to the top of her skirt and then began to move them slowly down her ass. “Stand still,” he ordered her when he saw her begin to move away. He moved down, his hands now placed firmly on her ass, no hesitation, no excuses. “You have a nice ass, Sarah, it is made for spanking. Have you ever been spanked before?"

  "No Sir,” her voice softly answering. “Some of the other girls had been spanked by Mr. Smith even though they wouldn't speak about it, but I was lucky."

  No, she wasn't lucky; Mr. Smith had been saving her for him. And the other girls were spanked and caned until they gave up their virginity to Mr. Smith. Many girls at the orphanage lost the virginity of their mouths, pussy and assholes on Mr. Smith's desk only after receiving a severe spanking or caning with threats of more. “You haven't been so lucky here, Sarah. Only a few days and already you are to receive a spanking.” His fingers continued to linger over her ass cheeks, grabbing them tightly, moving his hands all over the gentle swell of her buttocks. “Turn around again,” his hands never leaving her body, guiding her. “I don't want you to get your blouse messed up so I want you to remove it now.” It wasn't a question. It was an order.

  Sarah had already removed her blouse for Michael when giving him a bath, so it didn't particularly bother her. But she knew more was coming. The familiarity of his hands on her ass showed her that he had no qualms about his power over her. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse, Michael's eyes on her the whole time as she revealed her silk camisole. She pulled it from her skirt, slipped it off her arms and shoulder. She held it while Michael looked at her. She looked down and saw her nipples pushing out on the silk camisole, blushing as Michael took the blouse from her, placing it on the chair next to him.

  "You have very small breasts, but your nipples look very big. Is that correct, or should I have you remove your top and show me?” Michael smiled, watching as she blushed at his questions.

  "No, Sir that will not be necessary. I do have very large nipples and the silk makes them very erect,” she blurted out. She did not know why she said so much. A simple yes would have been sufficient, but she didn't want to displease him anymore.

  "I am afraid that with your skirt on, it wouldn't hurt very much when I spank you, so your skirt will also have to come off. Turn around again, I will do it,” his hands again guiding her around until her back was toward him. “Look straight ahead into the mirror, I want you to watch what I do,” he ordered her. A large full-length mirror was situated in front of her. She had never noticed it before, but now she though that it might have been placed there for this particular reason. She watched herself as she felt hands on her ass again, massaging her cheeks. They moved up to the buttons and unbuttoned them one at a time until all three of them were open, hands holding her skirt up. She watched in slow motion as her skirt slowly fell to the floor, falling into a puddle at her feet. She looked down as her panties, white silk panties with ribbon ties at the side, were revealed.

  "Eyes straight ahead, there's extra swats for not obeying.” He watched as her eyes suddenly shot up and stared straight back at him, pleading eyes watching him in the mirror. He stared at her silk panty covered ass, his hands anxiously waiting to touch her ass, teasing himself. She looked simply beautiful, though he wouldn't tell her that. The high heels gave her legs that long, lean look highlighted by the stockings, the dark seam running symmetrically up her legs held up by the sexiest garter belt. He could almost see a peek of red pussy hair pushing out from the edge of her panties. No, he would not take her panties off tonight. That would be another time, another time to humiliate her, to force her, to strip her body for his pleasure.

  Ten more, how many was he going to give her? She stood up tall and straight as she felt the hands returning, this time only her silk panties standing in the way of his hands and her naked ass. She felt him lift up on her ass cheeks, moving them around, making them dance. She felt his fingers trace down the cheeks of her ass, her ass cheeks clenching tightly in defense. The finger did not probe, only run up and down the taunt cheeks, teasing her. She felt his hands move down, now off of her panties onto her naked legs, finger running gently up and down her the soft tender inner thighs.

  "Spread your legs apart, Sarah.” It was an order, not a request, knowing that she passed the point of no return; she would obey whatever he would request. His hands slipped in between her legs as she slowly parted her legs. He pushed his hands between the parted thighs, his fingers grabbing each thigh, pressure forcing out on them. “More, you can do better then that, Sarah.” He watched as her legs shuffled out, the gap between her legs widening, his hands molding her tight thighs. “Just a little bit more, do you like the way you look in the mirror, Sarah?"

  Sarah shuffled her legs a little further apart, they were now spread over two feet, her thighs being rubbed passionately by Michael. She saw her reflection, half-naked, her hard nipples still pushing out her camisole, her white panties and garter belt accented by the black stockings running up her legs, perched atop a pair of high heels. She wasn't sure what to answer. She never thought of herself as beautiful, only average. She had small breasts, but full hips and butt. “I just want to please you, Sir,” hoping that it would be a satisfactory response.

  "If you pleased me, I wouldn't have to be giving you this spanking now. I think it is time now. I want you on the ottoman. Over here, yes, now kneel down on it, no the other way, your head facing the mirror,” Michael's hands molding her body into the position he required of her.

  Sarah braced herself and moved towards the ottoman. She knelt on it, Michael turning her the other way so she would be facing the mirror, wanting her to see what he was going to do to her. He made her get into the doggy position, on her hands and knees. He pulled her head up, his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look forward into the mirror. She could see his hands moving over her flesh, running down the insides of her legs again, urging
them to spread out.

  "That's a good girl; now spread your legs more, I want them very wide this time, all the way to the side of the ottoman.” He watched her knees slide on the ottoman, her legs spreading wider and wider. She was opening up quite well. “Yes, that's good,” his hand now pushing down on her back, forcing the front part of her body down. “Put your head down on your arms, but keep facing forward, yes, that's good. Now arch up a little,” his hands coming under her abdomen forcing her ass out even further until she was arranged as he wanted. “That's a good girl, now don't move, that is the way I want you,” pleased with the way she was displayed.

  She felt like a trained dog, pushed this way, then that way, his voice always talking to her. She felt her body arranged. She looked in the mirror and couldn't believe it. Her ass was pushed up high, her back arched, her legs spread wide. She could only imagine what she looked like from behind. Like a whore, ready to be fucked. She felt hands return to her ass again, stroking her flesh. She began to feel her pussy get wet. Oh, God, don't let him see me wet, please, I could not stand the humiliation.

  Sarah looked very desirable from behind. Her legs were spread wide, bright red pussy hair poking out from the sides of her white panties, her ass held up high. Saturday he would have his new spanking bench. Then he would also be able to strap her into the wooden structure. He let his fingers caress her ass again, her ass tightly drawn from the strain of the position she was in. “This will teach you to respect my property.” The first slap with the flat part of his hand hit her right cheek with a loud splat, echoing off the walls of the study.


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