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Escape to Earth-Fighting for Space

Page 8

by Saxon Andrew

  Stoney sighed and looked toward the cottages, “Uh oh. Here comes a mood buster.” Lukas and Jinks turned and saw Amanda walking quickly toward them. Stoney called that particular gait, walking with a purpose. It was clear she had something on her mind.

  She walked up to Jinks and said, “Admiral, I need your assistance with one of your squadron commanders.”

  “What’s the problem?”

  “Chad Mitchell constantly plays music over his communications channel and it’s really distracting.”

  “Surely you can tolerate one person doing that, Amanda.”

  Amanda put her hands on her hips and said, “Every pilot under his command has the same music playing during their communications. When my staff is communicating with them, it’s distracting.”

  Jinks sighed and said, “I’ll deal with it, Amanda.”

  “Thank you, Admiral.” She turned and moved quickly up the slope toward the construction buildings.

  Lukas said, “Who is this Chad Mitchel?”

  “His wing came in third in the recent war games.”

  “Who beat him?”

  “Julie and John’s units came in first and second.” Lukas stared at Jinks and he said, “They ganged up on Chad and then went after each other. I suspect they were both worried he might beat them.”

  Lukas shook his head, “You allow that?”

  “The Myot and Welken are doing it. It makes it more realistic.”

  “Point taken. Bring him down, I’d like to meet him.”

  Jinks shrugged and lifted his wrist unit. Stoney said, “He’s only eighteen.”

  Lukas’ head went back, “What?”

  Stoney stopped speaking on his wrist unit and shrugged, “I really didn’t want to promote him so quickly but he is a genius at tactics. I worried that the older pilots in his unit would resent someone so young commanding them.”

  Lukas nodded, “What happened?”

  “His enthusiasm and high energy won them over. Once he began teaching them new maneuvers, his age was no longer an issue.” They heard a sonic boom out over the ocean and saw an Attack Pod moving toward the island at incredible velocity. It was barely above the waves and coming fast. It came in over the waves a hundred yards south of them and stopped instantly over the beach. It pivoted and moved over to the chairs. It landed and the cockpit opened. Lukas shook his head. The Pilot looked like he was thirteen or fourteen years old. Chad jumped out of the pod and jogged over to the three sitting in chairs. He came to attention and saluted, “Commodore Mitchell reporting as ordered, Sir.”

  Jinks smiled and said, “At ease; pull up a chair.”

  Chad smiled and said, “Do you mind if I change into something less hot?”

  “Do you have something to change into?”

  “Yes Sir. I always keep a bathing suit on board. I never know when I might get a chance to go surfing.”

  Jinks pointed at a small building and said, “You can change in there.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Chad ran back to his Pod and took out a pair of trunks. He then sprinted to the small change hut. Lukas shook his head, “You weren’t kidding about high energy.” Jinks nodded. Chad came out of the building and Lukas saw the young pilot was ripped. Chad pulled up a chair and looked at Jinks, “I suspect you called me in about the music.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Mrs. Ambrose kinda yelled at two of my pilots this morning. They warned me that she might say something.”

  Jinks smiled, “She has an issue of your music being in background communications with your command. Why don’t you stop sending it to your pilots and I think that will resolve the issue.” Chad looked uncomfortable and Jinks said, “What’s bothering you, Commodore?”

  “Sir, I stopped sending the feed to my pilots when she complained about it the first time. The Squadron requested a formal meeting with me and insisted that by stopping the music they were being punished for no good reason.”

  Jinks stared at Chad and Lukas said, “Your Pilots like hearing it?”

  “Yes Sir, they do. They say it helps them focus.” Chad paused and said, “They also say it puts them in a fighting mood.”

  Lukas said, “Commodore, you have three songs to play prior to a battle, what songs would you choose?”

  “That’s easy.”

  “Do tell. What are they?”

  “On the way into orbit I’d play Born Free by Kid Rock. “Once we’re in orbit and taking stations, I’m Alive by Michael Franti and Spearhead. Once we go live weapons, the song would be Geronimo by Sheppard.”

  Lukas said, “Willow, did you just hear the recommendation made by Commodore Mitchel?”

  “I did.”

  “Direct connect Stoney, Jinks, and myself and play those songs in that order.” Chad watched the three senior officers start listening and in a few moments, Jinks started head bobbing. A moment later, Stoney joined him. Lukas listened and suddenly realized there was a whole new world that he hadn’t discovered. The songs ended and Lukas lifted his wrist unit, “Amanda.”

  “Yes, Lukas.”

  “I’m ordering Commodore Mitchel to start playing his background music before every fleet action. I’m also ordering him to play it in your office.”


  “If you can’t tolerate it after a week, I’ll end it. But for a week, you and your staff will listen to it. We will make allowances to those that are putting their lives on the line.”

  Lukas heard Amanda sigh and say, “Yes Sir.”

  Chad’s eyes twinkled as he looked at Lukas, “You are the one in charge, aren’t you?”

  “I am.”

  “I’ve heard about you but I’ve never seen you. I’m thankful for you being here.”

  Lukas nodded and Jinks said, “Commodore, you may go back to your command.”

  Lukas shook his head, “Let him stay here for a while.” He looked at Chad, “Did you say you like to surf.”

  Stoney shook his head, “These waves aren’t large enough to surf on.”

  Chad smiled, “Would you mind if I try, Sir?”

  Lukas smiled and said, “I’d like to see you make the effort.”

  Chad jumped up and ran over to his Pod. A compartment opened on the bottom and he pulled out a three-foot long section of metal that he expanded into a six foot long surfboard. He put the ankle band on his left foot and ran down to the beach. Stoney shook his head, “He’s wasting his time.” They saw movement out of the corner of their eyes and saw Chad’s pod lift off the sand and move over him in the water. A long rope fell out of the pod and Chad grabbed it as his pod took off into the waves. Chad held on to the rope and jumped the small waves moving out. For the next thirty minutes they watched him being pulled along the shallow waves at high speed. He’d jump them and twist in midair. Stoney shook his head, “I stand corrected.”

  Lukas smiled and was thankful for the demonstration. He was going to start surfing. Chad finally surfed into the beach, lifted the board and put it back in his pod. He walked back to the three and said, “I’ve taken enough time away from my command. They’re working on a new attack profile and I really should be with them.”

  Jinks smiled, “Make them something special, Commodore.”

  “They are already that, Sir. I’m just helping them see it.” Chad looked at Lukas, “It’s a real pleasure meeting you, Sir.”

  “Likewise, Chad.” Chad ran to the change room and emerged wearing his blue flight suit. He ran and jumped into the cockpit from the sand. Stoney started laughing, “I didn’t know that could be done.” The Pod accelerated directly away from the beach and they heard a sonic boom in the upper atmosphere a few moments later. Lukas looked at Jinks and said, “You have something special there, Jinks.”

  “I know. What do you think I should do?”

  “I’d start giving him more ships. I’d also recommend a star as quickly as possible. His command should also all be housed in the same location; they’ll build a common bond wi
th each other.”

  Jinks looked at Stoney and then back at Lukas, “Are you sure about that?”

  “Jinks, we’re building pods at an incredible rate now. You might as well admit that we’re growing faster than our ability to coordinate their numbers. You need leaders like Chad to take large numbers of the new pilots and teach them how to fight together in a coordinated effort.”

  “Do you think he can do that?”

  “Jinks, the hard part is fatigue that wears the Commanding Officer out from long hours of hard work.” Lukas pointed at the sky, “I don’t think you can wear him out. He’s made me tired just watching him.”

  “Do you think Julie and John will resent promoting him ahead of them?”

  Stoney shook his head, “Jinks, we’re going to need more Admirals as our number of ships increases. The real issue is who do you want to have Seniority? I suspect Chad might be the best candidate.”

  Lukas smiled, “If they complain, tell them it was their idea.”


  “Simply point out that they felt it necessary to join forces to defeat him. That clearly revealed that they held him in high esteem. You took their recommendation and promoted him.”

  Jinks started laughing and Stoney said, “Hey, I think that will work.”

  Jinks laughed even harder.

  Chapter Seven

  Chad looked at Julie and John on his monitor and saw they were not happy campers. He was shocked when the Leadership Team announced his promotion. Now the two Senior Commodores had called to congratulate him. He could clearly see they were taking his measure. He decided honesty was called for and he knew it might not be well received. “Thank you, I appreciate your congratulations. Quite frankly, this promotion took me by surprise. It was my opinion that one of you would be promoted ahead of me.”

  Julie looked at Chad and didn’t smile, “Why do you think we weren’t?”

  Chad looked at Julie and saw she was challenging him. “Commodore, I believe the ONE WORLD Leaders felt like I was making more progress with my command than either of you. If you’re going to make this a confrontation, then I’m going to tell you what I see and you’re going to sit there and take what I have to say; is that clear, Commodore?”

  Julie and John sat up straight in their chairs and John said, “Yes Sir.”

  “What was the most effective tactic used during the last battle?”

  They were silent for a moment and John said again as Julie kept her silence, “We found out that coming over the top of the Johan Battleships was more effective than flying the length of them.”

  “And what maneuver have you developed to take advantage of that, Commodore Jennings?”

  Julie stared at Chad and after a moment said, “We have split our Squadrons and have planned to come at the next battleships from both above and below them.”

  “Which will allow the battleships to focus all their disruptors at one approach line. You’ll have to fly through more than three hundred disruptors to get at the center or rear of their ships. Attacking the vital areas on a battleship requires avoiding that combined firepower.”

  “Just what have you come up with…Sir?”

  Chad shook his head, “It doesn’t have to be like this Jennings. I’m sending you a maneuver called the triple spiral. Take a look at it and get back to me.”

  The screen went dark and John said, “You’re pushing it, Julie.”

  “John, this is a slap in the face.”

  “Then why did you suggest we combine against him during the last games?” Julie remained silent and John said, “You know he would have beat you or me one-on-one.”

  They saw a diagram of a maneuver appear on their displays and they studied it. They put the picture in motion and after a moment John said, “This is remarkable.”

  Julie sighed, “How did we miss this?”

  “It’s obvious after you see it. It takes someone special to actually envision this and develop it into something useful.” John paused, “Julie, has the Leadership Team made a mistake before now?”

  “What are you saying, John?”

  “Perhaps they see things that we’re too close to see. I know Chad is young but you’ve seen how fast he’s made his new Squadron competitive. He makes things happen faster than you or me. This was a good decision and I’m not going to allow my ego to get in the way of doing my job. I would suggest you do the same.”

  Julie stared at the maneuver on her display and shook her head. She started crying and after a moment said, “Jennie, take me to UConn,”

  “What are you doing, Julie?”

  “Do as you’re ordered!”

  • • •


  “Yes Jester.”

  “I’ve just received a resignation from Julie. She’s had her ship take her back to the University of Connecticut.” Jinks shook his head. “What are you going to do about this?”

  “Jes, we don’t impose our will on anyone and that includes those that are fighting for us.”

  “But we need her!”

  “She doesn’t appear to need us.” Jinks sat in his chair and shook his head. Lukas agreed that she should be left alone to deal with her demons. That still didn’t make it feel any better.

  • • •

  Julie settled back in to the routine of attending classes and tried to put the past behind her. After two weeks, she still felt depressed but at least she would graduate. She listened to her world history Professor talking about how the founders of communusm had gotten it right. She listened to her talk about how having the rich lording it over the poor was not acceptable and that capitalism was the source of all the world’s problems. She blew out a breath and then heard the Professor say that the new ONE WORLD movement was no better than the capitalistic pigs that robbed wealth from the lower classes. Julie raised her hand and the Professor said, “Here’s one of the ONE WORLDERs. Do you disagree with what I’ve said?”

  “How much do you get paid, Professor?”

  “What does that have to do with this?”

  “How much, or are you too afraid to say.”

  “I make a hundred and sixty thousand a year.”

  “Do you take everything you make above the national average and send it to the poor?” The Professor stared at Julie and Julie said, “Ideology never translates well in the real world. The communists had great ideas but they imposed their system on nations and there were those communists that were better than the others that lived like Royalty. You’re only talking half-truths and seeking to force your beliefs on those of us here trying to pass your class. ONE WORLD has given the world food and clothing for nothing in return. You’re nothing more than an ideologue and it makes me sick to hear you.”

  There was a knock on the door and the Professor stared at Julie in anger as she said, “YES!”

  The door opened and a young man dressed in a sky blue ONE WOLD military uniform stepped in. Julie saw Chad looking around the room and then he saw her, “Are you about done feeling sorry for yourself. Your Squadron has lost its will to fight and they need you more than you apparently need them. It’s time to go back to work.”

  The Professor said, “Get out of my class!”

  Julie stood up and said, “The only reason you have a class is because people like him have prevented this city from being blown into radioactive dust by the aliens attacking us. You should be on your knees thanking him. You are despicable!”

  Chad smiled, “You’ve done more to prevent that than I have, Commodore. I need you back.”

  Julie stood up and said, “I’ve been an idiot.” She looked around the class and tossed her books on the floor, “If any of you need this propaganda, it’s yours.” She stood up and walked out with Chad. The entire class applauded her as she left. The Professor screamed, “You will be silent!”

  Ten of the students ran out of the class and caught up with Chad, “How do I sign up to join you?”

  Chad reached in his pocket and took out a busines
s card, “Share this with each other. Go to the website and fill out the forms. We can use you.”

  Julie sighed, “I’m sorry, Admiral. I’ve allowed my ego to get the best of me.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Admiral.”

  “I shouldn’t have let it hap…did you say Admiral?”

  “Your squadron has been tripled in size. Your promotion was approved by the Leadership Team.”


  “Before you left. I told them that it would stay in place until after I had a chance to persuade you to come back.”

  Julie stared at chad, “Why would you do that? You know I resent your promotion.”

  “Talent trumps feelings, Julie. You’re one of the best we have.”

  Julie smiled and said, “I’ll fly back with you.”

  “Jennie is waiting outside. I think you should have some private time with your pilots.”

  Julie stopped walking and Chad stopped with her. Julie saluted Chad and said, “Thank you, Sir.”

  Chad smiled, returned her salute, and handed her a small storage element, “I think you might like this. At least I hope you do. It’s really good to have you back.” Julie turned and ran out of the building and saw Jennie hovering outside with hundreds of students surrounding her. Julie rushed through the crowd and climbed aboard as the cockpit raised.

  The brightly glowing ship lifted silently above the crowd and flew into the atmosphere at a speed that amazed the gathering. Chad arrived outside and his ship came down from high altitude and stopped three feet off the grass. He climbed into the cockpit and the ship began glowing. It rose above the trees and he took it straight up into orbit to join his fleet. The students watched and the inquiries about joining ONE WORLD spiked. Seeing the ships was something they couldn’t forget.

  Two days later, eight students walked into the world history class and tossed their books on the Professor’s desk. Mark Singer said, “See if any of your students can use these.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to learn how to fly one of those starships and defend you against the aliens. I really think you don’t deserve it but your students do.” The eight walked out of the class and ten more students followed them out.


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