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Escape to Earth-Fighting for Space

Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  He remembered before they moved to the moon that Stoney and Kathy had come to the island with a priest in tow. They asked Lukas and Salud if they would agree to be Christopher’s godparents. They happily agreed and the Priest christened the two year old. Salud really loved him and he had to agree that he did as well. He wondered if it was time for him to ask Salud to marry him. He wondered if she’d do it. He looked at the portable monitor and sighed, “First things first.”

  Lukas yelled, “Everyone pull up a chair and get something to drink.” The group gathered in front of the monitor and Lukas said, “I’m going to play a recording of everything that happened since I left here to scout the fellowship. Please hold your questions until the end. Included in the recording will be our comments as the events unfolded.” Lukas looked at Willow parked next to the lifeguard stand and nodded. The monitor illuminated and the group saw an image of the Welken Home World. For the Admirals, this was their first view of a civilized planet other than Earth. They were amazed at the giant cities that covered its surface along with the giant defense satellites that were in orbit above it. The Myot home world had them shaking their heads. The battleships in orbit around the two planets outnumbered Earths fleets more than ten to one.

  Two hours later, they saw the first view of the conduit outside the galaxy. Lukas said, “Let’s take a quick break and then we’ll continue.”

  Chad walked toward the four bathrooms with Julie beside him, “Now I understand why they haven’t attacked.”

  Julie nodded, “They’re locked in a stalemate.”

  “We need to use this time to work on some of the new tactics we’ve developed.” Julie nodded and went into one of the bathrooms. Chad went into another and they went back to their beach chairs. They forgot about tactics fifteen minutes into the conduit video.

  • • •

  The recording ended and the gathering was silent. Lukas stood up in front of the monitor and faced them, “I imagine this will impact your thoughts about this war of survival we’re fighting. Knowing who the real enemy is just became a lot clearer.”

  Stoney shook his head, “I’m going to need a dance card to figure it out.”

  Everyone laughed and Lukas smiled, “I think it’s clear that the real danger is that ship that came through the conduit. It is far ahead of us technologically and I don’t see how we can possibly catch up to it in the short term.”

  Jinks shook his head, “I don’t see how we can catch up to them period.”

  Lukas shrugged, “The Fellowship was light years ahead of Earth and we took their technology and improved on it. The answer to any more powerful civilization is power. Our ships are more powerful than the giant fellowship battleships. It’s not a matter of size; it has everything to do with power.” Lukas looked at Amanda, “Willow has found where dark energy resides on the spectrum. I don’t know if that means anything but it’s a starting place.”

  “What do you think that ship is doing in Myot space?”

  “I’m not sure, John. However, there’s something special about the Myot’s location that has that civilization’s attention. I don’t think they will invade unless we do something to provoke them.”

  Julie shook her head, “But weren’t you going to go into that conduit?”

  “I was. Salud prevailed, with good sense, and allowed me time to see she was right. Until something dramatic happens, we will stay away from it.”

  Windy said, “What exactly do you mean by ‘dramatic’?”


  “Do you think they have enough warships to invade?”

  “That conduit wouldn’t be there if they didn’t, Windy. One other thing that I want to make sure everyone understands.” Everyone looked at Lukas, “Willow was unable to find the dark energy particles in or around our Solar System. That means that ship is staying in Myot Territory and we’ve not been discovered…yet.”

  Jinks stared at Lukas and said, “It may not know about our existence.”

  “That appears to be the current situation.”

  “What happens when the Myot and Welken invade here? Will that ship follow them here?”

  Lukas shrugged, “I don’t know, Chad.”

  “The way to prevent that is to not wait on them to attack.”

  Everyone looked at John. He saw their attention and shook his head, “Listen, I have no desire to conquer them but to wait for them to hit us in the head before we react is a mistake. This ship’s presence only confirms that belief. We know they’re coming at the earliest moment they can pull it off. I think we can possibly delay them further if we strike first.”

  Lukas looked around the beach and saw the attendees agreed with John. “Attacking them without the Earth behind us as backstop can lead to heavy casualties.”

  “But if they manage to breakthrough, Earth is going to get pummeled. I’d rather they try to stop us from hitting them. If we do it right, they will be forced to leave a force behind large enough to defend their worlds. I don’t see a downside to this, Lukas.”

  “The death of a large number of our pilots.”

  Julie blew out a breath, “We know what we signed up to do. That risk is part of our chosen occupation and I agree with John; I’d rather be doing the hitting.”

  Lukas looked around the room and said, “Do all of you agree with this?”

  Salud looked at Lukas, “We need to hit the Welken.” Everyone looked at her. “That ship is in Myot territory. If we kick the crap out of the Welken, the Myot will figure out on their own that they’re next. They’ll stay put.”

  Lukas shrugged, “Or they’ll seize the moment and attack the Welken to remove the only Fellowship Civilization that can stand up to them.”

  Chad’s eyes narrowed, “Don’t they have an unbreakable agreement not to do that?”

  “The agreement may be abrogated by the Sentinels.”

  Salud stared at Lukas, “Does attacking the Welken bother you?”

  Lukas stared at her and took a deep breath. He released it slowly and looked around the gathering, “I guess it does at some level. However, the Fellowship is broken and the ones broken the most are the Myot and Welken. The logical conclusion is that we have to make them see that coming here is going to be a mistake. Before we do something like that, I want to start a project in conjunction with the new government on Earth. Joey, I’m going to need you to work with the planet to try and make this happen.”

  “What do you want done, Lukas?”

  “If those ships start a major invasion, I want the planet to go dark.”

  “Do what?”

  “I want every electrical device on the planet turned off. The population should also start storing enough food to see them through an extended power outage.”

  “What about the moon?”

  Lukas looked at Kathy, “Everything on the surface will be turned off. Only the lower tunnels will remain powered. The rocks and metal in the moon’s surface will block any scanner from seeing that far down.”

  “How long will this blackout have to be done before power is restored?”

  “I’m not sure but I think that before they invade, they will scout our galaxy to determine their targets. We will know when that happens, Joey. That’s when we’ll go dark.”

  John tilted his head, “How are we going to know that?”

  “You and Windy are taking a new probe out to that conduit and will put it in the void a light year from the opening in it. Once we see thousands of ships exiting it, we’ll know the invasion is coming.”

  “Won’t they see the probe?”

  “Willow tells me that we can build a pod that will be unpowered and painted black. It will remain unpowered until numerous objects are visually seen coming out of the conduit. It will send us a message at that time and we’ll put our defensive plans into motion.” Lukas looked at Amanda, “I know you just upped the power in our reactors. Is there anything else you can do to make them more powerful?”

  “You know that dark energy is
a repulsive force unlike gravity that attracts things with mass.”

  “I know the current theory is that it’s dark energy that is causing the universe to expand.”

  “The issue with making a reactor more powerful is keeping the fuel away from the walls of the container. If we can find a way to harness dark energy, it would repel the fusion process away from the walls. We could then raise the power.”

  “How much?”

  “I’m not sure. However, it would have to be more than double.”


  “Yes, Jinks.”

  “I’ve ordered all the Admirals to have a ship like yours built for them.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  “I’m glad you agree. However, with this new civilization entering the equation, I believe we should make all of our ships like yours.”

  Lukas looked up, “Willow, how much modification would it take to the major converters to run an Attack Pod through it and modify it to match you.”

  “We’ll need a tremendous amount of material to feed them.”

  “We have the surface of the moon that is covered in rock, dust, and pebbles.”

  “Yes, but how are you going to get it to the converters?”

  Windy said, “Bring Mohammed to the mountain.”

  Salud smiled when Lukas’ eyes narrowed. She said, “Would it be possible to put tracks on the converters and have them scooping up the material as it moves across the Moon’s surface.”

  Willow laughed, “That is an excellent idea. The current pods can line up and go into the converter as it moves forward. They can fly away with the changes made.”

  “How long per pod, Willow?”

  “If we can get a hundred converters running, we can do one every twenty minutes in each of them.”

  “That’s three hundred an hour.”

  Chad said, “Seven thousand, two hundred a day.”

  Julie nodded, “That will take us more than two months to get them all converted.”

  Willow interrupted, “The process can’t be done faster than that. It should be done slower.”

  “How much slower.”

  “To make sure of no errors occur in the modification, one every thirty minutes is optimum.”

  Lukas looked at Jinks, “What do you think?”

  Jinks looked up, “If errors do happen, where would they most likely happen?”

  “In the computer’s central processors.”

  “That may cause them to have to be replaced with a new unit.”

  “That is true.”

  “Take whatever time you need. The Pods and Pilots have bonded and know each other. We can’t risk damaging the computers and forcing the pilots and new computers to relearn everything. We will start modifying our fleets based on their current standings in the war games.”

  The groans were loud and Jinks looked at them, “Chad’s fleet first, John second, Julie third.”

  Windy said, “What about the rest of us?”

  “While they’re being done, you can fight it out in a series of war games to determine who goes next.”

  Lukas looked at Amanda, “See what you can do about improving the reactors. I’d like to use what you develop in the new modifications.”

  “How long do I have?”

  “It’s going to take five weeks to make the major converters mobile.”

  “Oh, is that all?”

  Lukas smiled, “Anyone you need to help you will be made available.”

  “Can I have Willow?”

  “Use her and come up with something Amanda. I need you to be a heroine.”

  Amanda smiled, “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Lukas looked around the beach, “We won’t attack until our ships are modified. Once they’re done, we will go out with a nasty disposition looking for a fight.”

  The Admirals looked at each other and Lukas saw they looked forward to being the attacker instead of the punching bag.

  • • •

  Two weeks passed and Amanda found Lukas in Fleet Operations, “Lukas, I’m sorry but we’re at an impasse.”

  “What’s the problem?”

  “We think we know a way to build a better reactor but we don’t have any way to collect the material we need to build them.” Lukas’ head tilted and Amanda said, “We believe that the secret to building the reactor is to line the interior of it with Dark Matter and fill it with Dark Energy. If we put a strong enough Dark Energy field in the containment vessel, it would repel the sides and explode it. Dark matter won’t be affected like normal matter.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “We can’t see either of the two and certainly don’t have a way to collect them. Without that, we’re stalled in the water.”

  Lukas closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and opened his mind. Amanda watched him and wondered what he was thinking. Lukas’ eyes opened, “The civilization that is currently using Dark Energy moves their ships in and out of that conduit. If you are able to collect some of the charged particles they leave behind, would that help you?”

  Amanda’s eyes narrowed and her expression took on a thousand yard stare. She shook her head and looked at Lukas, “If we can get a reading on the energy used to give the dark energy its charge that might tell us how to collect it. We’d have to be able to duplicate the energy they use, but yes, I think it might help.”

  Lukas looked at Amanda, “I hate suggesting this but you and Willow are going to have to go out to that conduit and wait for another ship to come through. Willow has been there so do not try to tell her what to do! Do you understand?”

  “Why, do you think I’m not safe?”

  “I think you’re impetuous and will rush in before you think things through. Matter of fact, as I think about this, take Trevor with you.”

  “You don’t trust me.”

  “Do I need to refer you to the issue with Chad’s music? You reacted before you thought that through.” Amanda sighed and nodded. Lukas put his hand on her shoulder, “Amanda, if you mess up out there, it could prompt an immediate invasion. You can’t allow your intellect to cause something that could kill all of us.”

  Amanda took a deep breath, “Put Trevor in command. My curiosity does get the best of me on occasion.” Lukas lowered his head and his eyebrows went up. She sighed, “Ok, ok, most of the time. Besides, it will be good to have some alone time with Trevor; we don’t get enough as things are now.”

  Lukas smiled, “That’s my girl. Stay in touch and do not scan that conduit electronically.”

  “But how are we going to get a…”

  “I don’t know, but do not scan it!”

  Amanda sighed again, “All right.”

  “When will you leave?”

  “Within the hour.” Amanda turned and walked away and Lukas shook his head. Amanda only operated at one speed…full.



  “Did you listen to what we just said?”

  “I did and I’ll not allow her to do anything that would jeopardize us.”

  “Do not get close enough for those ships to detect you.”

  “I won’t. I’m going to have the Ambroses in spacesuits in the event I have to turn off the environmental systems longer than normal.”

  “That’s a good idea. I want you to also take the new probe with you. That will save Windy and John from having to make the trip. The fewer that go near that thing, the better. Be safe.”

  “I will.”

  • • •

  Willow hung in the void and five days passed. Amanda sighed and said, “Can’t we just go and collect particles from around the conduit.”

  Willow and Trevor both said, “NO!” at the same time.

  Trevor looked at Amanda, “You are going to have to learn patience.”

  Amanda snorted and said, “Willow, I’m going to put on the direct connect head band and look at what we’ve done one more time. Bring me out of it if something happens.” The console o
pened and Amanda put the band around her head. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes.

  “She’s really impatient.”

  Trevor nodded, “Tell me about it.” Trevor stared at the conduit on the display and leaned forward, “Willow, did it just change color?”

  “Stand by.” Suddenly, an Orange Ship emerged from the Conduit. Willow shut off all power and Trevor pulled Amanda’s helmet over her head. Amanda’s eyes flew open as the direct connection ceased functioning and Willow said, “Be silent!” Amanda’s eyes narrowed and she looked at the display. She saw the ship and she leaned forward to see it clearer.

  She whispered, “How long was I out?”

  “A week.”

  Amanda looked at Trevor and punched him on the arm as she smiled, “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Just a few moments.”

  “What is that ship doing?”

  “If it’s like the one we saw last time, it’s waiting for the ship it’s going to replace to show up.”

  Amanda stared at the ship on the display and said, “Can you bring the image in closer?” The ship grew larger and Amanda stared at it. “The orange force field around it is moving in a pattern.” Trevor looked at her and she quietly said, “Notice how it’s spiraling around the hull.” Trevor stared at it and Amanda said, “That’s a magnetic pattern.” Trevor stared at it and shook his head.

  Willow said, “You’re right. My passive antenna is being hit with highly charged neutrons.”

  Trevor shook his head again, “Neutrons don’t have a charge.”

  “It’s not a positive or negative charge. It appears they are being excited by a magnetic field.” They stared at the ship and Willow said, “Here comes the other ship.” Amanda and Trevor saw the view expand and they saw something pitch black moving through the void toward the conduit. Trevor looked at Amanda and she put her finger over her lips. The black cloud began dissipating as it moved closer to the conduit until it was gone when it arrived. Trevor looked at the interior dials and saw the temperature inside the cockpit was below zero. He reached for his suit controls and turned the power down. Amanda saw him and she turned hers down as well.


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