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Escape to Earth-Fighting for Space

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Lukas and Jinks stared at their monitors and shook their heads. The space around earth was filled with hundreds of thousands of Myot escape pods. Battleships were exploding at random and the numbers hanging in space burning were too numerous to count. Jinks sighed, “I don’t understand why so many are blowing up. They don’t appear to be that severely damaged.”

  Lukas nodded, “Once the last Escape Pod leaves a warship, it is programmed to self-destruct. What you’re seeing is them self-destructing.”

  “Seems like a waste of a good battleship.”

  “It makes it difficult for an enemy to use them.”

  “There is that. What if there are more escape pods than survivors?”

  “The self-destruct circuit is programed to continuously scan for life on the ship. Once none is detected, it will activate and destroy the ship.”

  “And if the self-destruct program is hit and destroyed?”

  Lukas shrugged, “Then you may have a slightly used battleship.”

  “Why do you say, ‘may’?”

  “Would you like to go on board and check it out?” Jinks smiled and shook his head. “Me either. We might as well just fire on them and set them off. We’ll collect any major pieces that survived and use them in our converters to build new ships.”

  “Lukas, did you know our ships would outclass their ships this much?”

  “I suspected they would.”


  “This completes our training.”

  Jinks stared at Lukas, “What training?”

  “You know someone has been directing what’s been going on. How do you train for any event?”

  “Are we supposed to discuss this openly?”

  “No, but I’m going to do it anyway. When you train for an event, you start slow. As you get stronger, you participate in events lower than those you’ll see later. Once you succeed in the easier events, you move on to a stronger opponent. You keep this up until you’re ready to really take on the toughest opponents.”

  “I’ve wondered about that.”

  “We’ll discuss it in the future but I think our training is done. Now, everything is up to us.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “I’m not really sure, Jinks. There’s something I’m not seeing and that could be the butt-kicker. We need to get the team together and talk about this.”

  “It’s about time.”

  “Yes, we can handle anything the Fellowships throws at us. It’s these new guests that have me worried. I’ll call a meeting once the cleanup is completed.”

  Jinks nodded and was amazed at how completely the Myot Warships were outclassed. He shook his head and knew Lukas was right, there was no need to go out and attack anyone…yet.

  • • •



  “Amanda and I want to trial a new type of weapon.”

  “What kind of weapon?”

  “It would only work against the new invaders.”


  “Ok, ok, ok; we know that dark matter is attracted to a magnetic field right?”


  “Well, around the Magnetar, dark matter is compressed into a dense substance as hard as steel.”

  “I remember you saying that.”

  “Well, Amanda and I started thinking about those ships that use a dark matter cloud around them to hide. Since we know they have a strong magnetic field, if they’re in the void and a projectile made of dark matter is fired…”

  “It will move toward the magnetic field.”

  Trevor nodded, “Exactly and since it’s in the void, it will be traveling faster than light.”

  Salud’s eyes narrowed, “Won’t it need a drive field around it to stay in the void?”

  “That’s what we thought initially, but it appears dark matter can exist in both spaces.”

  “So what good is this projectile?”

  “If one of their ships is near our solar system, and we fire a dark matter shell, it will seek out its magnetic field. It would have to energize its force field to avoid being hit.”

  “Will it see it coming?”

  “We don’t know. We’ll find out if we build one.”

  Salud nodded and said, “What good would one be in normal space?”

  “I’m not sure she’s right, but Amanda seems to think that the Orange Ships’ force field stays on.”

  “What? I thought you said the only way to use the black cloud was to have the force field off.”

  “We’ve watched the recording of the two ships coming and going and it’s impossible to tell if the force field is on before the black cloud starts disappearing. Amanda says that if it’s on, then the dark matter projectiles will chase them. If it’s on, they would even go through it.”

  Salud shook her head, “Now that would be something. What kind of weapon would fire them?”

  “A Gatling type machine gun.”

  “Trevor, how could you fire a shell into the void without disrupting the space around it?”

  “We build a cannon with a void field around the business end of the barrel. The shell would be fired in normal space and the cannon’s barrel would be ported so that the gasses would escape in normal space. The shell would go through the barrel into the void field, and then off it would go, seeking any magnetic field.”

  “What’s to prevent it from hitting our ships?”

  “Our force fields do block their magnetic fields.”

  “So what are you asking, Trevor?”

  “Lukas is busy with the battle and we were wondering if we should move forward on building them?”

  Salud smiled, “Go ahead. I’ll tell him I approved it.”

  “GREAT! Thanks, Salud.”

  “No problem.”

  Trevor ran off and Lukas contacted Salud and told her to plan on meeting and discussing how coincidence has played a role in everything that had happened.


  “We need to do it.”

  “You’re probably being heard now.”

  “I probably am; however, we’re going to bring things out in the open. Plan to meet the day after tomorrow.”

  “Ok.” Salud was shocked about Lukas’ turnaround and she completely forgot to tell him about telling Trevor to build his weapon. Her mind was on more important matters.

  • • •

  The Myot Ruler watched the survivors of his fleet limp home. He had outright lost more than fifty percent of his warships and more than thirty five percent of those that returned were heavily damaged. He had the Fleet Drang executed for his failure but that didn’t bring back his ships. He realized that he didn’t have enough ships to protect all his planets much less his own.

  • • •

  He looked at the Welken Royal on his monitor, “How did you know?”

  “I happen to do something very few important people learn, I listen.”

  “It appears you were right; my fleets stood no chance against the ships that attacked us. Did you really think the Sentinel was saying that taking possession was not certain?”

  “That’s the way I heard it. I contacted the Johan Royal and he said something that solidified it for me.”

  “What was that?”

  “He asked when a Sentinel had ever said anything that wasn’t clear. That made me realize there was great danger at that planet.”

  “Are you going to come and defend my planets?”

  “I will if you’re attacked.”

  “If you wait until that happens, it will prob…”

  The Welken Royal was stunned by the monitor that suddenly glowed brilliant green and then went dark. He shook his head and pressed his panel, “Send enough fleets to the Myot Home World to retake possession. Notify all Fellowship Members that I will not tolerate them attacking my new possession.”

  The Myot Ruler was gone. Some ambitious member had attacked and nuked the capital city. He shook his
head at how close he had come to the same fate. He decided that he needed to speak to the ones in charge at the Primitive Planet. If rumors were right, one of his subjects was responsible for what had transformed it into an advanced civilization. Perhaps he would listen to his Royal.

  • • •

  Lukas finished with the reports on the last battle and was lifting is wrist unit to order a meeting when Fleet Operations contacted him, “Sir, we have a single ship approaching in the void.”

  “Who is it?”


  Lukas heard the Sentinel and shook his head. His wrist unit immediately activated, “Lukas, what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, Salud.”

  Jinks appeared on his desk monitor, “LUKAS?”

  “Just hold on, everyone.” Lukas thought for a moment and said, “Jinks, you need to take Jester out and meet with him.”

  “Why not you?”

  “I’m one of his subjects. He could accuse me of treason and take me with him.”

  “He’d never get out of here alive.”

  “Let’s not allow it to get to that point, shall we. Go out and see what he wants, Jinks. Pick up Salud and take her with you.”

  • • •

  Salud shook her head, “Why do you want me to go!?”

  Jinks smiled, “That’s easy; you don’t miss much. Come down to my silo and we’ll head out.”

  Salud said, “Are you sure about this?”

  Jinks said, “Just tell him how you see the world around him.”


  Lukas smiled, “Just follow your heart, Love.”

  Salud’s connection to Lukas was broken and she began shaking her head. Her wrist unit beeped, “Will you come on!?”

  Salud blew out a breath and sprinted across the giant cave under the Moon’s surface toward the silos. She felt her heart beating fast and she wasn’t sure if it was the exertion of running or fear.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Welken Royal’s giant flagship entered normal space a thousand miles out from the gravity limit surrounding the planet, which was the normal protocol for visiting Leaders. It hung in space and the Royal looked at the giant monitor on the front wall of his warship. “Your Greatness, I have a small ship approaching us.”

  “Where did it come from?”

  “I have no idea. One moment it wasn’t on our monitors and the next it was a hundred miles out. We’re still not detecting it with our scans but it has its hull lights on bright enough for us to visually see it.”

  “So they also have invisible ships?”

  “It appears they do, Greatness.”

  “Open the landing bay.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “They won’t harm me. See if you can scan their ship once it’s inside.” The Scan Royal nodded.

  • • •

  “It appears they are rolling out the red carpet.”

  “Do we dare take one of our ships on board?”

  Jinks looked at the monitor, “Jester, can you keep your force field up and allow us to exit.”

  “Just activate your personal fields. You’ll be able to walk right through it.”

  Jinks smiled, “Audacity is the mark of greatness.” Salud tilted her head and nodded. “Besides, you should want to do this.”

  “For God’s sake why?”

  “You get to see what Lukas looked like before he underwent his change.”

  “Trust me on this Jinks, I have no desire to see that.”

  “Well, I do.”

  “Knock your lights out. Let’s go see what’s going on.”

  • • •

  The Welken’s flagship was more than four thousand feet long and the landing bay was cavernous. Jester activated his force field as he entered and the small ship disappeared behind the white force field. The scanners in the landing bay were ready to scan as soon as the field dropped for the occupants of the small ship to exit but they were shocked when the two walked through the force field unharmed. A Welken Fleet Royal walked up and bowed to Jinks and Salud, “The Great One is waiting for you in his conference room. If you will follow me.”

  Jinks stared at the six foot eight Welken and shook his head, “I see where Lukas got his height.”

  Salud stared at the Royal as they followed him and she smiled, “They are really quite nice to look at, Jinks. That silver hair is beautiful.”

  “None of them appear to be smiling.”

  “With their life, why would they?”

  “What do you know about their life?”

  “Lukas has spent hours on end telling me about what his life was like as a Welken child and Warrior. They don’t have anything to smile about, Jinks. Trust me on that.”

  They exited the huge landing bay and stepped through a huge door. A sled was next to the wall on the right and the Welken Fleet Royal motioned them into the back seat. They stepped over the rail and sat down. The Welken reached forward and punched several keys on the sled’s panel. A transparent top covered the sled and it accelerated into a tunnel in the wall ahead of it. Ten seconds later, the sled slowed and came to a stop. Salud looked at Jinks, “Gravity controlled.” Jinks nodded. The Welken got out and assisted Salud out of the sled. He walked forward and they followed him to another huge door. The Welken punched a code into the door’s panel and it slid up. The room was huge. It had to be a hundred yards from the door to the far wall. Sitting against the far wall on a raised dais was another Welken. It wasn’t hard to see that this one was superior to the Fleet Royal. There was a clear air of command about him. The Fleet Royal motioned them forward and waited at the wall.

  Salud blew out a breath and said, “Here goes nothing.” Jinks smiled and they started walking toward the Welken sitting on his throne. When they arrived in front of the throne, Salud looked around and saw there weren’t any chairs. She looked at the Welken and said, “You don’t have chairs for your guests?”

  The Welken Ruler smiled, “It isn’t customary for anyone to sit in my presence.”

  Salud turned around and said over her shoulder, “Call us back when it is.” Jinks looked at the Welken, then at Salud, who continued walking away, and then he turned and followed her. The Welken said, “Forgive my discourtesy.” He looked at the Royal standing at the wall and yelled, “Bring them some chairs!”

  Salud stopped and turned around. She walked back and the Welken shook his head, “There have been many that would be executed for what you just said.”

  “That’s because they didn’t have a big enough stick to teach you manners. You need to understand before we go any further that it is you that is in the weaker role here.”

  The Welken stared at Salud and they could tell he was fighting his emotions. The chairs arrived and Salud and Jinks sat down. Jinks knew he was cowed by the Royal initially but Salud ended that. He realized who the real power in the room was. He looked at the Welken, “Why have you come here?”

  “I understand that one of my subjects is on your planet and I’ve come here to claim him and take him home.”

  “Then you should leave now. He is no longer one of your subjects and if we need to come visit your Home World to make that clear, we will be glad to make the trip.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “We will take possession of your planet and you will then be one of our subjects.”

  The Royal stared at Salud, “You are not a member of the Fellowship. You can’t take possession of a member.”

  “Then we’ll blast your planet to ashes and that will still solve the issue.”

  The Welken looked up, “Does the Welken on their planet still belong to me?”


  “I was unaware of this covenant.”


  The Royal nodded and then looked at Salud, “It appears my trip is wasted. Will you allow me to meet with my former subject?”

  “No, we will not.”

  “I will promise not to harm him in any way.”

  “The answer is still no.”

  The Royal stared at Salud and said, “You must love him very much.”

  Salud’s face turned red and her eyes narrowed, “What does a Welken know about love?”

  The Royal was shocked by the intensity of Salud’s comment. “What do you mean?”

  “You kill hundreds of thousands of your young children because they don’t measure up to fight in your war machine. Families don’t exist; you take a couple’s children from them before any love can exist. Your people are little more than cannon fodder.”

  “Hard things must be done to survive.”

  “Get real. You call that survival. You’re nothing more than a conqueror that goes out to extend your domain and you always fail to do it.”

  “Just what do you mean by that?”

  “How many planets do you now possess that weren’t originally populated by your people?”


  “And how many of them are teetering on being lost back to the civilization that originally settled them. Which planets in your kingdom cause you the most problems and the highest expense of maintaining order? How many times have you taken possession of the Grmuth?” The Royal stared at her in silence. “In the last twenty years you’ve taken and lost it ten times. You sit on your throne and don’t see that what you’re doing in the Fellowship is a zero sum game. You gain nothing. And in continuing this stupidity, you force your people into a life that is little better than death.”


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