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Escape to Earth-Fighting for Space

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew

Sergy’s eyes narrowed and he said, “So the first thing the round detects is a ship between the legs of the V it was fired from?”

  “Exactly. And it appears once the Dark Matter senses a magnetic field, it heads toward it.”

  “It doesn’t work every time but in a firefight, ships will be so close that the round stays on the target it initially senses.”

  “How many are you firing in each burst?”

  “I’ve had each gun calibrated to only fire one round at a time.” Sergy’s expression showed his concern. “Sergy, if the equations are right, one round should do the job. If we find it doesn’t, we’ll change it to two, or three, or whatever is needed to take them out. If things get out of hand, we’ll fire a long burst and skip out to regroup. We’ll just have to let the rounds decide what they’ll hit.”

  “This is new ground for us, Chad.”

  “Indeed it is. The missiles are easier.”

  “What have you done?”

  “We set the thrusters to fire at maximum for the first third of the flight. They overcome the DM warhead’s attraction long enough to get them close to the designated target.”

  “I haven’t heard about that.”

  “All of the new missiles are being changed. I’m reasonably certain your fleet has the new ones.”

  Sergy nodded absently and looked at Chad, “What do you think about the new battleships?”

  Chad saw something was bothering Sergy. He started to respond but stopped. “You’re worried about where the Pods are going to fit in the future.”

  Sergy nodded, “I guess I see the writing on the wall. They’re far more powerful than our Pods.”

  “But they are only good for taking on high numbers. They can’t be used for surgical strikes or cleanup operations. They can’t respond as quickly to individual threats as our Pods are capable. We need the Pods more than the battleships.”

  “Are you sure of that?”

  “I am. We need more Pods than battleships.”

  “How can you say that? I’ve seen them go through their fleet trials. They’re monsters.”

  “But how many of them will we need to hold off the coming numbers?” Sergy’s eyes narrowed. “Serge, there are several galaxies of ships that will be coming to exterminate us. How long does it take to build a battleship compared to the Pods? You know how crazy a space battle can get. It’s the Pods that will have to keep the enemy off our heavy hitters. Without us, they’d be taken out quickly. You need not worry about our fleets being replaced. Besides, if they ever managed to get a battleship to perform like a Pod, your command would simply move into them and continue as usual.”

  Sergy smiled and said, “Thanks Chad. I feel better now.”

  “You need to get your fleet out and running through the magnetic field training space. Focus on getting your Pods to hit what they’re targeting.”

  “We’ll be going as soon as the last ships are ready.”

  “Give ’em hell, Sergy.”

  “You know I will. You keep the music coming.”

  “Loud and clear, my friend.”

  • • •


  “Yes, Love.”

  “How did the trials go?”

  “I have a great crew. They’ve really got the systems nailed.”

  “A good crew comes from hard work. A great crew comes from a great commander.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  “I just made it up but all of my experiences support it. Are you going to be able to fight your ships and command forty nine others?”

  “Tim will command the ship and he needs to be promoted soon. He’s really great at strategic thinking. The Command Chair makes seeing what’s happening around my squadron easy and that’s what’s needed to direct combat operations. I have to say working in fleet operations has also given me an understanding of what space warfare is all about.”

  “Is there any resentment?”

  “Because you placed me in command?”


  “There was initially. I don’t think my ships actually resented me in particular. They worried that I wasn’t experienced or qualified to make the right decisions with their lives on the line. I think the last maneuvers removed their doubt. We’ll be fine, Jinks.”

  “I’ve assigned John’s Fleet to support you. They should keep any enemy ships away from your flanks.”

  “He’s one of our best. How much longer do you think we have before hostilities open?”

  “I’m genuinely surprised they haven’t already. I’ll take what I can get.”

  “Is Chad and Julie’s Fleets on station?”

  “They are. We’ll be relieving them in another week when the two Invader Ships are replaced. Just make sure your ships are ready to skip at a moment’s notice.”

  “Will do. When can I see you?”

  “I’ll come to your ship tonight.”

  “See you then, love.”

  • • •



  “Is there anything you can do to buy us more time?”

  “I don’t know of anything.”

  “It’s my senior staff’s opinion that the reason they’ve not invaded is because the ones in charge in that galaxy are fearful.”

  “You want to know if I can do anything to make them more so.”

  “I think it would help.”

  “The only thing I can think of would be to take out the two ships being sent here.”

  “That would make them come faster!”

  “Yes and no.”

  “Tell me what you mean?”

  “You know they are coming no matter what.”

  “I do.”

  “Taking out those two ships will make them start major preparations to invade. That takes time…a lot of time.”

  “What do you think will happen if you do nothing?”

  “I suspect the first thing will be to send large numbers of vessels to scout our galaxy. It’s only a matter of time until an event happens and they’ll just start pouring ships in. They won’t stop to organize or prepare. That’s only going to happen if they’re fearful.”

  “Do you think you can take out those two ships?”

  “Does a cow have two stomachs?”

  “I guess soooooo.”

  “Sorry, I like the metaphors used by humans. The answer is yes, I can destroy them.”

  “Could you destroy every ship they send?”

  “No, they do have a weapon that could harm me if I’m detected.”

  “Are you going to participate in the defense of Earth if we’re attacked?”

  “Only after I’m detected.”

  “That’s fair.”

  Pat paused, “Do you want me to take them out?”

  “Is there any way you can see how many are coming through the conduit?”

  “Not without them detecting me.”

  “Would your looking cause them to back off and start war preparations?”

  “You are just full of questions.”

  “This coming from a being who says he knows everything.”


  Lukas looked at Salud, “What do you think we should do?”

  “We still have more than eleven thousand battleships to modify. Anything we can do to buy enough time to get them done is a good thing.”

  “It will cause an invasion!”

  “It’s like Pat said, they are coming no matter what we do. I suspect they’re running out of patience and will start operations before too much longer.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I’m losing mine waiting on them to make a move. This way we can go ahead and set up our defenses around the conduit and stop playing this cat and mouse game.”

  Lukas stared at her and then looked up, “Pat, take out all four ships when they rendezvous at the conduit.”

  “You need to move your ships away.”

  “Done. They’ll be gone in thirty m

  • • •

  The four Orange ships arrived at the Conduit opening and the two leaving sent their reports to their relief. The two leaving were glad the monotonous mission was over. Suddenly, a white cloud surrounded all four ships and a moment later they were all gone. The Legends began screaming. Pat heard them all the way back to Earth.

  • • •

  Lukas looked at the huge wall monitor in Fleet Operations and saw the Conduit hanging in the void. More than seven months had passed and he had a small doubt running around his brain that the Invaders may have been scared off.

  The Battleships were powered down near the conduit and the Attack Fleets surround space around the exit all the way out to half a light year. The current fleets would be replaced in a week and they would take a break. The time had been used wisely. The Welken Crews were trained on how to fight their ships and were amazed at what they were being given. The Royal had immediately sent another twenty thousand battleships and they were almost completed. The volunteers from Earth had doubled and there was a long waiting list of people waiting for a position to open. The last ships would remain around Earth and be used for the planet’s defense. The remainder of the fleets would have the task of stopping or slowing down the coming invasion. Lukas watched and worried. Would the Conduit expand and millions of ships come pouring out to overwhelm his fleets?

  Salud watched him worry as she walked into Fleet Operations, took his hand, and pulled him out of the room. She yelled that they should call if something happened. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you out of here.”

  “I can see that; why?”

  “You’re about to crack with the stress you’re putting on yourself.” Salud stopped and looked him in the eye. “Is there something else you can do that hasn’t been done?” Lukas stared at her and, after a moment, shook his head. “Then we’re going to Boston and have a meal.”


  “Among friends.”

  Salud pulled him to the Silo and climbed on board Willow with him. The Pod blasted off the moon and rocketed down to Earth. It landed on the sidewalk and Lukas looked at Jack standing outside the door waiting for him to arrive. Tara, Julie, and all the others were clapping and he smiled as he exited Willow and walked toward them. Salud followed and Lukas told her later that it was the best meal he had in more than a year. He even took a tub and bussed tables for an hour to the applause of the staff and patrons. They left late that night and Lukas was refreshed.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  ““No, I’m really serious; I needed this. So many memories from the time I worked there have come back. This is where I met you.”

  Salud put her arm around his neck, “I know. I also needed this.”

  Lukas looked at her, “I needed to see them again to remember why I’m doing this. They’re like my family.”

  “And they love you as well, Lukas.”

  Lukas nodded and pulled her close. That night was something he held in his mind during the difficult times that were coming.

  • • •

  Chad looked at Jinks on his monitor and frowned, “We could have flown to their galaxy and just looked around to see what was going on while we’ve been waiting around here. This constant anticipation takes the edge off a good warrior.”

  Jinks sighed, “I know Chad, but the trip would take longer than a year.”

  “Who said that?”

  “Willow computed that when Lukas and Salud found the conduit.”

  “Admiral, Willow computed that based on our old Attack Pod’s maximum speed. I wonder how long it would take now.”

  Jinks’ eyes narrowed and he said, “Jester, how long would it take our newest Pod to fly fifty million light years?”

  “If the ship’s force field is shaped into a point at the bow and three thrusters were used, it would take about eight weeks.” Jinks sat shaking his head. “Did you hear me?”

  “Can it be done any faster?”

  “If you drop the missile tub and install an additional fuel tank so the ship could accelerate the entire trip, it could be reduced to four weeks.”

  “How do we match up with the skip speed of the invader ships we’ve seen?”

  “We are now much faster than the speed they used. However, we don’t know if they were traveling at their maximum speed.”

  Chad listened to the exchange and said, “Jester, could a battleship get there faster?”


  Jinks shook his head, “I thought the Attack Pods are faster than a battleship?”

  “They’re faster if course changes are called for. The battleships can’t match a pod’s maneuverability but in a straight line race, the battleship would win.”

  Chad shook his head, “I find that hard to believe, Jester.”

  “Think about it this way, Chad. The Pod would be using three reactors to push the three rear thrusters. A battleship would be using nineteen reactors pushing eight larger thrusters. Mass is not an issue in the void and the battleship can shape its force field into a point as well to reduce resistance. The battleship also has thirty-two fuel tanks. It’s the perfect ship for long range voyages.”

  “How long, Jester?”

  “A little over two weeks.”

  Chad sighed, “Our ships are faster than the invader’s fastest ships.”

  Jinks looked at him on his display, “How do you know that?”

  “They wouldn’t need the conduit if they could fly that fast.”

  Jinks head went back and nodded, “You’re right. I’m going to discuss this with Lukas. I’ll let you know what’s going on Chad.”

  “If someone is going, I want to do it.”

  “Sorry, we need you here with your fleet. If you leave you know what would happen to their morale.”


  “There is no but, Admiral.”

  “Yes Sir,” Chad said with disappointment.

  Jinks said, “Jester, send a copy of my conversation with Chad and you to Willow. Request he share it with Lukas and ask him to get back to me.”

  “Willow has it.”

  “Thanks, Jester.”

  • • •

  Recently promoted Admiral L.M. Barber looked around the bridge at her crew. She marveled that her ship, that was originally the home to more than a thousand Welken Crew members, was now flown by only ten people. Lt. Rip Handley was the Pilot/Navigator, who actually flew the ship and set all courses on his panel. Laura Edwards, the Electronics Lieutenant, handled all scanners, communications, and electronic defense systems. Lieutenant Cameron handled the reactors and how they would be apportioned between the ships thrusters, defensive force fields, and weapons systems.

  She looked over her shoulder and saw Captain Blake Clarke, her weapons officer. He could override Lt. Cameron on the reactors, if he determined it necessary to use the huge ships vast weapons array. His chair was higher than hers so he could have an unobstructed view of the three huge monitors over the top of the large viewport. His panel could switch between the three monitors on his panel’s display, but the giant monitors offered a much larger view. The most important monitor was the tactical monitor showing all objects around the ship. It had the LaGrange in the center with blips around it designating everything in space, or the void, within a light year of the ship. It showed their relative motions as well as what they were from planets and asteroids to the various types of warships used by an attacker.

  In addition to the five officers manning the bridge, there were five engineers to handle any issues or repairs to the ship. Two were in the engine room; one was responsible for the missile launchers, one that specialized in the rotary guns and disruptors, and one that handled all the bridge systems.

  The ship’s computer could be considered an eleventh member of the crew and it was what made everything work. It carried out all the decisions made by the Bridge Crew as well as offering suggestions to each of them.

  Loree looked at Jinks on the central monitor and smiled, “We’ll be skipping out as soon as the Ganges completes its system check.”

  “Admiral, you are not going to pick a fight. We really hope you don’t reveal our weapons to that civilization.”

  “That is my plan, Sir.”

  “Make sure the other ships going with you know it as well!”

  Loree smiled, “I’ve etched it on their foreheads, Sir.”

  Jinks tried not to smile because of the seriousness of what was being discussed but he failed. “You have been promoted to command our scout forces. I expect you to train those going with you so they can take command of the other squadrons we’re planning to send to the other galaxies that species has conquered. Make sure you bring them back.”

  “I understand why we’re going. However, running at the first indication of danger won’t give us much. I’ll use good judgment, Sir.”

  “That’s why you’re commanding this expedition, Admiral. Keep in touch.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  The monitor changed back to a normal view of space in front of the Lagrange. Lt. Edwards said, “Sir, the Ganges has reported ready.”

  “And the other ships?”

  “All are green on the board, Admiral.”

  “Open the general frequency, Lieutenant.” Loree saw the button illuminate on her console and she said, “You have your orders. I will consider the use of your weapons as a failure if you use them. However, losing your ship because you don’t is not acceptable. We believe, on good evidence, that we have superior speed. Use it and stay inside your force field! The Lagrange will enter the galaxy over the starting point of the conduit. The five ships on each side of my ships will spread out and enter the galaxy and take a quick look at what’s going on. The moment any of us are detected, send a warning and all ships will skip out and run for home. You all know this but don’t forget we’re going to collect information and keep the invader from learning anything about our ships.” Loree paused and said, “We will be skipping out in thirty seconds. Good luck and remember your assignments!” Loree pressed the button and the link was terminated. Loree looked at Rip, “Drop us in the void and take us out of here.”

  The LaGrange activated its stardrive and dropped out of normal space. Loree looked at the tactical monitor and saw the other ten ships entered the void with her. She smiled; this was a good group of crews going with her. They were hand chosen by Admiral Sarah Jekins and all of them were overachievers. She saw the countdown in the upper right hand corner of the tactical monitor reach zero and the eleven ships lit their thrusters and disappeared in an instant.


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