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Born with a Silver Moon_Galaxa Warriors

Page 13

by Milly Taiden

  “Why?” she replied. “You of all people know the reason we shouldn’t. You were there.”

  Riley nodded. “It’s totally selfish, I know. But the longer you wait, the longer Jag and I have to wait.”

  “But I thought you two were already married?” Henley asked, confused.

  With a wince, Riley’s hand went to her throat and the bandage covering the pierce wound courtesy of Sharan’s knife. “Technically, yes, but the Bedouin version of a pole dance and having my wrist carved with a brand isn’t the wedding I dreamed about as a child.”

  “True dat.” Henley laughed.

  “I want the fairytale with the big dress and the romance,” Riley continued. “Besides, Vander needs this for diplomatic reasons. Sharan wasn’t lying about Tar Navam and his abuse. All the money and help Vander sent for the people was stolen by Maddox and funneled into his own personal agenda. Navam made it worse by lining his own pockets and then stealing from the people directly as well. Now is the perfect time to usher in a new era. New queen, new compassion and equality.”

  Henley grinned. “Gee, Ri. When did you get so political?” She crooked her fingers. “I’m Riley Parks, and I approve this ad.”

  “Funny,” she replied, sitting up. “I have to do something productive. Something to help. I can’t just lay around here because Jag thinks I need to rest.”

  Ivy looked at her. “What do you expect? You spent the first week in his arms shaking and screaming, Ri. You’re strong, honey, but you have PTSD.” She shrugged. “I had it, too. It fades with the right help, but not if you don’t acknowledge it.”

  Riley swung her legs over the edge of the lounge chair. “I need to stay busy. I can work with the help, but I can’t sit idle.”

  “Well, if we are going forward with the festivities, we still have a lot of planning to do.” Henley nodded, but at the sad shadow on Riley’s face, she scooted closer, slipping an arm around her shoulders. “Damen will find Kes and his father, Ri. One way or the other.”

  That sad shadow turned to a frown and she exhaled. “In other words, dead or alive.” She glanced out at the garden below, and Lettie playing with some of the palace children. “At least Lettie has us.”

  Ivy reached for Riley’s hand. “What you mean is Lettie has you and Jag. Whatever happens, you’ll be there for her. And you’ll be terrific parents to that little girl if push comes to shove.” She squeezed her friend’s fingers. “Jag and Vander spoke. They left the wedding and coronation thing up to me. It’s my choice to go forward or not. They think the best way to go about it, if I decide yes, is to have entertainment from every region in Galaxa. Every culture represented. He’s also sending ambassadors to every region, but he’s sending them in disguise.”

  Riley laughed. “You mean like in Undercover Boss?”

  “Exactly,” Ivy nodded. “We’ve been watching the show on satellite and he thinks it’s brilliant.”

  With a smirk, Hen nodded as well. “It’ll certainly shut down the ass kissers and corruption.” She squeezed Riley’s shoulder and then pushed herself to standing. “Okay, babe. We’re going to let you rest.”

  Ivy got up and pressed a kiss to Riley’s cheek. “Karis will be up later. In the meantime, I have yet another fitting.” She glanced at her belly. “At the rate I’m growing, I’d be better off with a tent.”

  The two left, and Riley lay back, throwing one arm over her eyes. Sharan’s face invaded her thoughts, but there was no fear, no rush of panic. Not anymore, and that was all Jag.

  “Hey, how’re you feeling?”

  A smile spread on her lips beneath her forearm. “I was just thinking about you.” She sat up but kept her arm up to shield the sun from her eyes. Jag looked amazing. “I’m okay,” she replied, patting the lounge chair for him to sit. “No more nightmares for now, so far, so good.”

  He slid in beside her and kissed her cheek. “Maybe you need a happy memory to use to chase them away for good.”

  “You mean like a massive, bloodthirsty lion, ready to attack and protect?” She chuckled. “I think we’ve got that covered.”

  Pulling her in for a deeper kiss, he ended with a peck on her nose. “You were pretty feisty, too, little mouse.”

  “My fist to the balls was nothing compared to you,” she replied with a soft hitch. “You literally shredded the man who would have used and abused me and then sold me for cheap. As long as you’re around, my nightmares don’t stand a chance.”

  “Then I guess I’d better stick around.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful ring, holding it up with a smile. “For good.”

  She looked at the gorgeous Galaxan sapphire set in a ring of diamonds. “Jag—”

  “Well, it’s no skin-carved brand, but I thought you’d like it,” he said with a chuckle. “I need an answer, little mouse. Marry me?”

  Riley grinned, tears pricking her eyes. “You mean, again?” She held out her left hand and nodded. “It matches the mark on my wrist so well, how could I say no?”

  “This time, formally and forever, for the world to see.” He slipped the ring on her finger and then leaned in, claiming her mouth.

  “Forever,” she murmured, losing herself in his kiss.


  Ivy looks beautiful,” Riley said, watching the couple on the dance floor. “Even with her bump.”

  Karis nodded with a tearful sniff. “Especially with her bump. I was against the pixie look for her wedding dress at first, but now I see it is the perfect choice.”

  Gerri nodded. “The delicate fabric floats away from her body yet highlights her beauty. And the simple flowers in her hair are a just enough. Regal, yet unpretentious, and with the coronation tomorrow, there’s plenty of time for pomp.”

  “Did you see the coronation dress hanging in the throne room antechamber?” Henley asked. “It’s amazeballs! Ivy and the dressers outdid themselves. It’s a modern twist on the Roman Empire. It’s got a tight, low scooped bodice that highlights Ivy’s full breasts, but gathers under her bust to fall with full length pleats that drop to her ankle. There’s a train that attaches to the back at the high waist for the coronation ceremony but can be removed afterward. It’s so cool.”

  Riley sipped her wine. “You sound more excited for the coronation tomorrow than for the wedding today. Why?”

  Henley shrugged, thoughtfully. “I’m not one for the frills and fusses, but I was surprised how much the ceremony resembled one of ours. It was a nice nod to Earth and our customs.”

  Gerri sipped her Sidaii. “So, you don’t want a big wedding, Henley?” she commented, watching Riley’s engagement ring glint in the candlelight.

  “Trying to keep your ducks in order, Gerri?” Karis joked. “One down, one in the process, and one to go.”

  Henley choked on a piece of cake, grabbing for a napkin. “Hey, don’t lump me with that lot. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the idea of a mate, but I’m having too much fun right now to even think about it. I’m keeping it casual. End of story.”

  Riley smirked. “Yeah, Hen’s idea of a romantic wedding is a white leather mini dress and go-go boots, and a Harley Davidson motorcycle with tin cans tied to a just hitched sign.”

  “Hey, at least I can jump on the back of a bike and take off in a cloud of dust. Your life isn’t your own, princess. Especially once you and Jag make your marriage official. Karis has your royal tour already planned, so why wouldn’t I do something free and different?”

  Riley blinked, the truth of it dawning. “Oh my God. You’re right. I’m going to be a princess.” She covered her mouth, laughing. “You know, I never even thought about it. All I wanted was Jag.”

  Karis patted her hand, giving her fingers a gentle squeeze. “That’s the way it should be, honey. Wanting the man, not the monarchy. It’s all I ever wanted for my boys. True love.” With a sigh, she picked up her glass of sparkling Sidaii and held it up. “Long live the king and queen.”

  Riley, Henley, and Gerri raised their glasses
as well. “May they reign happily in love and peace.”

  “Speaking of Jag, where is the man? I haven’t seen him since dinner,” Henley questioned, scanning the ballroom.

  Karis and Gerri shared a look, but it wasn’t missed on Riley. “What do you two know? Please don’t tell me you’ve turned this into some sort of double wedding.”

  “No, of course not.” Karis shook her head. “That would go against protocol. You and Jag will have your day, and you’ll get to design your wedding gown same as Ivy.”

  The doors to the ballroom opened, and Damen rushed in. He was still in his dress uniform as Chief of Security and Vander’s head groomsman, but there was desert dust on his pant legs as if he’d been riding hard.

  “What’s happening?” Riley asked, slight panic gripping her. It had been four weeks since her ordeal, and though she was okay most of the time, she wasn’t sure she could handle any more.

  Vander’s head was together with Damen’s and he spared a look for Riley at the table. Her heart jumped to her throat, and she stood from her chair on instinct, but her knees wobbled, and she fell forward.

  “Honey, sit down!” Karis warned.

  Panic rising, she swallowed hard. “It’s Jag. Why would Damen be road dusty unless something happened that dragged him out to the sands?” She twisted a cloth napkin in her hands, shaking her head. “Something’s happened. Something they don’t want me to know.” She exhaled, twisting the ring on her finger, her finger rubbing the sapphire as if it were a magic stone that could make Jag appear and make everything all right.

  Vander nodded, and Damen stepped to the side while the king stepped up on the dais and raised his hands.

  “Honored guests,” he began. “Many of you have come from far and wide, and we offer you our deepest thanks. Galaxa is home to many different cultures and races, but we are united in one thing—our love for our planet and the dream of peace and prosperity for its citizens. That peace and prosperity has been threatened, both from within these walls and without. We are working to unravel the web that has trapped us in strife and poverty, and I promise there will be a reckoning. The first fruits of that reckoning have just been brought to my attention—”

  Riley’s eyes focused on Vander and his words and her gaze flew to Henley. “Did Maddox wake from his coma? Is that what this is about?”

  “No, not since Damen last checked,” she replied. “That was this morning, before the ceremony. He didn’t want anything to interrupt the day, so he doubled the guard.”

  She turned back to Vander as he spoke.

  “Children throughout the land, from here in the Palladia to the tent villages of the sands to the Mirror Mountains and beyond, have suffered because of treachery. You will be here tomorrow to witness my wife crowned Queen of Galaxa, and with her coronation comes a new promise that no child will suffer. No parent will have to choose between their love for their family and their dignity as a person. The first fruits of this change have happened, and that which was taken has now been found.”

  He raised his hand to the ballroom door, and there stood Jag with Kes. The little boy held the prince’s hand. He was thin, but his face seemed happy and relieved.

  Riley’s hand flew to her mouth, and she stood, sending her chair crashing to the floor. She rushed around the table and hurried to the center of the empty dance floor.

  Ivy walked Lettie over, and handed the little girl to her. “Here you go, Mom,” she said with a wink.

  Riley knelt, not caring about her dress or that she was in public. She clutched Lettie’s hand and threw the other one out, reaching for Kes. The boy rushed into her arms and she hugged both children to her chest, tears streaming down her face.

  The ballroom erupted in cheers as Jag joined them, hugging her and the kids as if no one else in the world mattered. He kissed the side of her hair, his arms holding the three of them tightly. “Their father’s gone, Ri,” he whispered.

  Her heart clenched, and she closed her eyes, hugging them harder.

  “Look at me, love,” Jag said softly, moving his hand to her chin, lifting her face. “Are you good with ready-made families?”

  Tearstained, she nodded as happiness bubbled up her chest in a contented laugh. “Oh, baby. I am more than good.”

  “You promise?”

  Another watery laugh and her heart filled with joy. “Pinky promise.”

  The End

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author

  Hi! I’m Milly Taiden. I love to write sexy stories featuring fun, sassy heroines with curves and growly alpha males with fur. My books are a great way to satisfy your craving for paranormal romance with action, humor, suspense and happily ever afters.

  I live in Florida with my hubby, our boys, and our fur children “Needy Speedy” and “Stormy.” Yes, I am aware I’m bossy, and I am seriously addicted to iced caramel lattes.

  I love to meet new readers, so come sign up for my newsletter and check out my Facebook page. We always have lots of fun stuff going on there.


  Find out more about Milly here:

  Also by Milly Taiden

  If you liked this story, you might also enjoy the following by Milly Taiden:

  Sassy Mates / Sassy Ever After Series

  Scent of a Mate Book One

  A Mate’s Bite Book Two

  Unexpectedly Mated Book Three

  A Sassy Wedding Short 3.7

  The Mate Challenge Book Four

  Sassy in Diapers Short 4.3

  Fighting for Her Mate Book Five

  A Fang in the Sass Book 6

  Also, check out the Sassy Ever After Kindle World on Amazon

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Drachen Mates

  Bound in Flames Book One

  Bound in Darkness Book Two

  Bound in Eternity Book Three

  Bound in Ashes Book Four


  Elemental Mating Book One

  Mating Needs Book Two

  Dangerous Mating Book Three

  Fearless Mating Book Four (coming soon)

  Savage Shifters

  Savage Bite Book One

  Savage Kiss Book Two

  Savage Hunger Book Three (coming soon)

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Federal Paranormal Unit

  Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One

  Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two

  Unwanted Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Three

  Shifters Undercover

  Bearly in Control Book One

  Fur Fox’s Sake Book Two

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Black Meadow Pack

  Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One

  Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two

  Paranormal Dating Agency

  Twice the Growl Book One

  Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two

  The Purrfect Match Book Three

  Curves ‘Em Right Book Four

  Tall, Dark and Panther Book Five

  The Alion King Book Six

  There’s Snow Escape Book Seven

  Scaling Her Dragon Book Eight

  In the Roar Book Nine

  Scrooge Me Hard Short One

  Bearfoot and Pregnant Book Ten

  All Kitten Aside Book Eleven

  Oh My Roared Book Twelve

  Piece of Tail Book Thirteen

  Kiss My Asteroid Book Fourteen

  Born with a Silver Moon Book Fifteen (Coming Soon)

  Be sure to check out the Paranormal Dating Agency Kindle World. Available on Amazon

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Raging Falls

  Miss Taken Book One

  Miss Matched Book Two

  Miss Behaved Book Three

  Miss Behaved Bo
ok Three

  Miss Mated Book Four (Coming Soon)

  Miss Conceived Book Five (Coming Soon)

  HOWLS Romance

  The Wolf’s Royal Baby

  Her Fairytale Wolf Co-Written

  The Wolf’s Dream Mate Co-Written

  Her Winter Wolves Co-Written

  The Alpha’s Captive Bride

  Also by Milly Taiden

  FUR-ocious Lust - Tigers

  Fur-Bidden Book One

  Fur-Gotten Book Two

  Fur-Given Book Three

  FUR-ocious Lust - Tigers

  Stripe-Tease Book Four

  Stripe-Search Book Five

  Stripe-Club Book Six

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Night and Day Ink

  Bitten By Night Book One

  Seduced by Days Book Two

  Mated by Night Book Three

  Taken by Night Book Four

  Dragon Baby Book Five

  Dragon’s Prize Book Six (Coming Soon)

  Other Works

  Wolf Fever

  Fate’s Wish

  Wynter’s Captive

  Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

  Don’t Drink and Hex

  Hex Gone Wild

  Hex and Kisses

  Alpha Owned

  Match Made in Hell

  Alpha Geek

  Alpha Bet


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