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Page 10

by Lindsay Paige

  “Breakfast with my mother,” she says, dropping the towel. I can only watch as she puts on a bra and then underwear.

  “Are you seriously going to dress in front of me?” I ask, getting out of the bed and walking over to her.

  “Um, yeah. That’s typically what people do in the morning. We get dressed.” Presley rolls her eyes as she reaches for her shirt, but I grab her waist instead. Leaning down, I pull her body flush against mine and whisper into her ear.

  “I’d rather you undress in front of me.”

  Chapter 10


  It takes me forever to pry myself off of Levi, but I finally do. I have to meet my mother for breakfast since I don’t have classes until later in the day. I meet her at a local restaurant. My mother’s red hair is a shade darker than mine. She is smart and petite, with perfect make-up, and a power suit.

  “Presley, my baby.” She hugs me carefully, as to not wrinkle her clothes.

  “Mother, how have you been?” I try to talk to her every so often, but it is never for a long time.

  “I’m well, dear, but I’m more curious about you.” She sits down and sips her coffee.

  “Me? What I have I done to pique your interest?”

  “I spoke to your brother and he explained to me that you’re having sex with his rival from high school.” I just about spit my drink out of my mouth. That little jerk face. When I get a hold of him, I’m going to kill him.

  “Mother.” I compose myself after my coughing spell. “I’m seeing someone and he did go to high school with Trevor, but I’m an adult now. I don’t need Trevor telling you my every move.” I’m so tired of Trevor being a tattle-tale to our parents. I am an adult, and I don’t need their permission for every little thing. I swear sometimes my parentsand Trevor treat me like I’m an infant.

  “Presley, you’re a McCarthy and we spend a lot of money on you to attended our alma mater. I know that you are doing okay in school, but you could be doing better. And, really, sweetheart, a hockey player?” Oh, here it comes. Her speech about how hockey players are nothing but barbarians and real men spend their time in a court room or an operating room. I have told her a thousand times that I don’t care what their profession is, just that they are a good person and they treat me well. That is what matters. Plus, I have other goals before marriage even comes into the picture,

  “Mother, Levi is a great guy. Also, I don’t need your permission on who to date. Are you forgetting that Trevor is a hockey player, so is he a bad guy too?”

  My mother straightens her jacket and sits taller. “I’ve spoken to your father about this situation, because it’s upsetting Trevor. Your father wants to meet him and then he’ll have the final say.”

  I want to roll my eyes, but my mother doesn’t like that at all and I don’t want to ruffle any more feathers with her. “I don’t need Daddy to come in and approve of Levi. Plus, why are you talking to Daddy about my love life anyway?”

  “You’re our only daughter and your wellbeing is at stake.”

  This time I did roll my eyes. “Mother, this conversation is over. I’m sorry.” I stand up, peck her cheek, and storm outside. I love my mother, but sometimes she is a control-freak. As I am driving home, all I can think of is how I don’t want my parents controlling every part of my life. I know I am the only girl, but it is getting old that Trevor can do whatever, and whoever, he wants and I have to worry about our family image.

  Getting back to my apartment, I realize that Levi must have fallen back asleep after I left. He doesn’t have practice since they have a game tonight and he only has lab work today. I go into the kitchen when I hear my door open. Oh, shit.

  “Twin, where you at?” Trevor hollers for me.

  “In the kitchen and don’t yell.” Trevor comes in and heads straight to the fridge.

  “Did you see Mom?” he asks as he grabs a bottle of water.

  “Yes and let me thank you for running your mouth toour parents.” I poke his side hard as I sit down at the kitchen table.

  “Hey, I just told Dad and he ran to Mom.” Trevor sits down next to me.

  “Stop talking about my love life to them. I don’t go running to them every time you fall under a Bunny, do I?” Trevor just looks at me, knowing that I don’t tell our parents every detail of his love life.

  “Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry. Listen, I have to run, but Dad will be at my game on Thursday okay.”

  “Whatever.” I slump down in the chair. I’m not subjecting Levi to my dad. There is no way in hell.

  “See you tonight. Maybe we can go grab some food after the game.”

  “No, I won’t be there.”

  Trevor looks at me like I lost my mind. “Why won’t you be at my game?”

  “Because she’ll be at mine.” Levi is standing in the doorway. His arms are crossed against his bare chest and his jeans are hanging dangerously low. I’m about to drool on myself when Trevor begins to yell.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Carr?” Trevor’s brown eyes are filled with anger.

  “I spent the night withmy girlfriend.” Levi smirks at Trevor. I almost fall off my chair when Levi calls me his girlfriend.

  “Your what?” Trevor looks at me. I just sit there with my mouth hanging open. I’m still trying to process Levi’s statement and there is no way I can explain it to Trevor.

  “Do I need to repeat myself, McCarthy? I know you have taken a few blows to the head lately,” Levi chirps in.

  “I'll fucking end you, Carr, if you say one more thing.” Trevor gets right in front of Levi’s face. Levi looks amused more than angry or worried about being hit by my brother. It’s enough to bring me out of my trance.

  “Enough!” I yell at both of them. I stand up and get between them. “I’m tired of this and it’s going to end, right now.”

  “That’s right it is, because you aren’t seeing him anymore, Presley.”

  “Stop telling me what to do, Trevor!” I’m so mad right now. I can’t think straight as my blood is pumping so fast it’s pounding in my ear. Between Trevor, Mom, and I’m sure I will hear it from Dad soon; I can’t take everyone telling me what to do. I’m not a child anymore. I am an adult. “Get out Trevor. I will talk you tomorrow.”

  “Get out? You can’t be serious. You’re picking this ass over your own brother. Yourtwin brother.” Trevor looks hurt, upset, and seems ready to kill Levi.

  “I’m not picking anyone over anyone. I’m asking you to leave my apartment because you’re acting like a jerk.” I am at my breaking point with Trevor. He is being so immature.

  “This is our father’s apartment. His money pays for it. But, don’t worrySis, I’m leaving and I won’t be returning.” He walks past Levi and me, but stops and turns around. “You know what, Presley? You just became a Puck Bunny because you seemed to drop your pants pretty fast to be fucked by a wanna-be hockey player.” I gasp and Levi grabs him and throws him against the wall. Trevor slams into the wall so hard my pictures fall down.

  “Say one more word, McCarthy. Say another fucking thing about Presley and I’ll drop you right here.” Levi’s voice is menacing, and I really think he would hurt my brother. Trevor’s face goes red because Levi has him by the throat.

  “Levi.” I grab his rock hard arm that is around my brother’s throat. “Levi, don’t hurt my brother. Please, Levi, he didn’t mean it.” Levi lets him go and he drops to the ground, gasping for air. Instantly, I’m by his side. “Trevor, are you okay?” He nods trying to gather his bearings. I look up at Levi, but he isn’t there.

  “I need to get out of here.” Trevor stands slowly and heads for the door.

  “Trevor-” I try to stop him, but he just shuts the door. I’m in shock of the events that just transpired. I’m still sitting on the floor as the tears are close to falling. Am I choosing Levi over my brother? Why can’t my brother be happy for me? All my thoughts are crashing down on me as I stand up to find Levi.

  Levi is in my bedroom. He
is staring out my window that looks out into the courtyard. The muscles in his back are tight with the anger still pulsing through him. I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to upset Levi, but I can’t have him hurting my brother. I won’t stand for that either.

  “Levi.” I approach him slowly. He doesn’t move nor does he look at me. “Levi, are you okay?” I know he won’t hurt me as I get closer to him. I place my hand on his back gently. He jumps slightly.

  “Smarty, I’m sorry. I know I went too far, but when he called you a Bunny…I don’t know what happened.” Levi looks sad, staring out the window. His jaw is tight and I can tell he is grinding his teeth.

  “Levi, I understand, but that’s my brother. You can’t do things like that, especially to him, if you want to remain in this relationship.” Are we in a relationship? I still can’t get over the fact that he called me his girlfriend. I know I should be more focused on other things, but it is a lingering statement.

  “I just don’t like him calling you names. He shouldn’t treat you like that.” Levi finally looks at me.

  “Levi.” I stand in front of him and place my hands on his chest. I can feel his heart still pounding under my hands. “He is my brother. We are going to argue, that is a given, but you can’t almost choke him to death when we do. Trevor’s a good person and a great brother. He’s just getting use to the idea of us being together.” I run my hands up his chest and wrap them around his neck. “Okay?”

  Levi stares at me, and I’m not sure what he is thinking about. It seems he’s confused about something, and I’m just hoping he understands that Trevor is my brother and I will not choose between them.

  Finally, Levi nods. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Listen, I need to get going.” He pulls away from me and grabs his shirt that is on the end of the bed.


  “I’ll see you tonight, Smarty.” He pecks my lips and walks out of the bedroom.

  I almost scream in frustration. I can’t believe how this day has gone and it’s not even afternoon, yet. I fall back on my bed, and I just want to crawl in it and forget about everything. Instead, I get up and grab my phone from the kitchen table. I head over to my couch and curl into a ball. I know this conversation is going to be bad, but I need my brother.

  “What do you want?” Trevor’s voice sounds lethal when he picks up his phone.

  “Trevor, please may we talk without arguing?” My voice cracks, and I don’t want Trevor mad at me. I can’t stand it.

  “Pres,” he takes a deep breath. “I don’t want to talk right now. I love you, I do, but right now isn’t good for me.” Then I hear the click of his phone.

  My twin brother just hung up on me. Trevor and I have fought, in the past, but never have we hung up on each other. The tears fall from my eyes and I don’t know what to do. I do want to be on my own and make my own decisions, but I can’t be without my brother. I get up and walk into my bedroom. I throw my phone on the nightstand, pull my blinds shut, and crawl back into bed.

  ~ ~ ~

  I wake up to hearing my phone buzzing. I roll over and see that it’s Marley.

  “Hey,” my voice is rough and my throat is dry.

  “Are you asleep?” Marley asks. She sounds like she’s at a party and with Marley I wouldn’t be surprised if she was.

  “Yeah, where are you at?” I sit up and my alarm says it’s almost five pm.

  “I’m in line at the coffee house,” she says loudly.

  “So, what’s up?”

  “Well, I saw Levi on campus this afternoon and he said that you’re going to the game tonight. So, I figured that we could sit together. I already got you a student discount ticket. What time will you be here?” Oh, I had forgotten all about the game. I don’t want to go, but I can’t stay in bed for the rest of my life. Plus, Marley is going to be there so maybe she will be able to help me figure out this whole mess.

  “What time does the game start?” Marley tells me it starts in an hour and that’s going to give me just enough time to get ready and get down to the rink. I tell her I’ll be there and crawl into the shower. I shower, change, and stand in front of the mirror trying to fix my hair. I’m not in the mood to get all girly tonight and since I am wearing a simple purple sweater and jeans, I figured a ponytail would be perfect for my hair tonight.

  It takes me forever to find a parking space, but I’m finally able to get into the Roxboro Arena. Marley texts me what section she is in and she gives me a tight hug when I get to her.

  “You look amazing.” Marley coos over me.

  I shrug. “I don’t feel it.” The game is getting ready to start and I see Levi’s number 10 jersey taking center ice. After winning the faceoff, I watch Levi. He just didn’t skate on the ice; his movements are calculated and fluent. He looks like he belongs there and nowhere else. It’s like I’m hypnotized watching him. I watch as the lines change and Levi is yelling commands to his team. He’s an outstanding leader and I know he will be great in the NHL someday. Watching the game really takes my mind off of the drama that is surrounding me. On top of that, the Roxboro Lions win, and I love seeing that smile on Levi’s face.

  Marley and I go down to wait for Levi and Jere at the player’s entrance.

  “Ok, spill it. I know you have been dying to all night.” We’re leaning against the wall, when I tell her everything that happened in the past twenty four hours. I’m on the edge of tears again, but am able to hold them back.

  “Well, you can’t say your life isn’t interesting now, can you?” Marley says with laughter in her voice.

  “This is not what I want though. I want it to be different,” I whine.

  “That won’t happen until you make it happen. One way or the other you have to make adjustments in your life to fit both of them into it.” Sometimes Marley is the wisest person I know. She is right. I need to figure out this mess that I am in.

  “Should Levi and my dad meet?” I really don’t want that to happen, but maybe I should. I like Levi and my parents will not leave me alone until they meet him

  “Okay, did you not just say you want to make decisions on your own? Then you need to make up your own mind on this one.” She’s right. The question is: what am I going to do? The door opens and Levi, along with Jere and Andrew, come up to me. Levi’s eyes are drinking me in. It is the first time I can honestly say that he is not looking at anyone, but me.

  “Levi,” I whisper, touching his face, pulling him back to reality.

  “Sorry, Smarty, but I’ve never seen you with your hair up and such little make-up on,” he whispers back.

  “Oh, I spent the day in bed and didn’t feel like getting all done up tonight. Do I look bad?” I touch my face, worried that I look hideous to him.

  “Far from it. In fact,” he says as he grabs my hand, “see everyone later.”

  “No way, man. You said you were going to hang out with us tonight and play Xbox,” Andrew says.

  “I will later.”

  “That’s a bunch of shit, Carr. Just because you have a stand-by-,”

  “I said, later,” Levi cuts him off. “And watch what you’re saying about my girlfriend.” Levi sternly looks at Andrew. Levi just pulls me away to his vehicle.

  “Um, Levi, my car is on the other side.” I can see on his face he’s still upset by the comments from Andrew. He nods as he does a u-turn to go get my car. “What was Andrew going to say about me?”

  “He was going to call you a ‘stand-by bunny’. It’s what we call girls that are at our beck-and-call.”

  “Oh.” I don’t think he realizes he is still calling them ‘our Bunnies’. It hurt my feelings a little bit. It wasn’t five minutes ago he was calling me his ‘girlfriend’.

  He pulls up alongside my car. I lean across and give him a gentle kiss.

  “Do you have a lot of stand-bys?” I know I shouldn’t push the issue, but I want to know. He looks at for me a second and it seems he’s almost thinking about what to say. I raise an eyebrow at him, waitin
g on his answer.

  He smirks as he says, “Not since you have become my girlfriend.” I know that he is just throwing me a line, but I believe him. “Now, I will see you back at your place.” He kisses me and all I can think about is ripping his clothes off right there.

  I jump in my car, and Levi is following behind me as we get back to my place. We walk up my stairs, and I unlock my door, but it’s already unlocked. I walk in to see Trevor’s jacket on my couch and he’s sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer. He looks pissed, and I think he’s about to explode.

  “Hey, Trev. What’s going on?” He doesn’t look at me. He is picking at his beer bottle label. “Um, how was the game?” I take off my jacket, set it on the back of the chair, and sit next to him.

  He scuffs. “The game? Yeah, well the game was fucking brilliant, actually. Of course, I didn’t play in it.” He looks at me.

  “ didn’t play, how come?” I’m shocked that Trevor didn’t play in his game. He is the captain, of course he is going to play.

  “Got ejected in the first period for fighting.” I’m speechless. He never fights. I look over at Levi and he has the biggest and brightest grin on his face.

  “Hey, why don’t I go home and you hang with McCarthy? Looks like he needs a good cry,” Levi suggests, but I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

  “Fuck you, Carr,” Trevor says.

  “Stop, both of you. Trevor stay there.” I point at him, as I grab Levi’s jacket sleeve and pull him to the front door. “Stop teasing him. Go home and I’ll call you later.” Levi’s just grinning at me when he nods. “Oh, wait. I need you to come to Trevor’s game with me on Friday.” Levi looks at me like I lost my mind. “Don’t say ‘no’, either. My father is going to be there and he wants to meet you.” I give him a kiss before he can say anything.

  “Only if I get a prize afterwards.” He wags his eyebrow up and down and I laugh.


  After Levi leaves, I walk back into the kitchen and Trevor has gotten himself another beer. I sit there and just wait for him to start talking. Sometimes he just needs to stew for a moment before he can get his thoughts together.


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