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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Faith (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 4)

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by Lynne St. James

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Stoker Aces Production, LLC. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Special Forces: Operation Alpha remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Stoker Aces Production, LLC, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Protecting Faith

  Beyond Valor 4

  A Special Forces: Operation Delta Kindle Worlds/

  Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novella

  Lynne St. James

  Other Books by Lynne St. James

  Beyond Valor

  A Soldier’s Gift

  A Soldier’s Surprise – A Barefoot Bay Kindle World Novella

  A Soldier’s Triumph

  Protecting Faith – A Special Forces: Operation Delta Kindle World Novella

  House Arrest – Cuffed & Claimed Anthology/A Beyond Valor Novella

  A Soldier’s Redemption (Coming Soon)


  Embracing Her Desires

  Embracing Her Surrender

  Embracing Her Love

  Raining Chaos

  Taming Chaos

  Seducing Wrath

  Music under the Mistletoe – A Raining Chaos Christmas (Novella)

  Tempting Flame

  The Vampires of Eternity

  Twice Bitten Not Shy

  Twice Bitten to Paradise

  Twice Bitten and Bewitched

  Want to be one of the first to learn about Lynne St. James’s new releases? Sign up for her VIP newsletter filled with exclusive news and contests but never spam!

  Protecting Faith

  Will he be able to keep her safe?

  After he had finished a job in San Diego, Ex-SEAL Chase “Frost” Brennan stopped by to see old friends. Meeting up with Wolf and the rest of his team at their old hangout, the last person he expected to see was the only woman he’d ever loved and the only one he couldn’t have. But maybe this was his second chance.

  Faith Murdock was a civilian psychologist for the Navy by day and burlesque dancer by night. Dancing was her release. It kept her sane and helped her forget the one patient she couldn’t help—a Navy SEAL who’d stolen her heart.

  When she started receiving anonymous notes, she thought it was nothing. Then they became threatening, and she knew she had to ask for help. There were only a few people she trusted, and Wolf and Caroline were two of them. The other was Frost, but that was a long time ago. Seeing him at her show was like a dream come true. But she still wondered if it was a coincidence or was he her stalker?

  Faith wasn’t the same woman he’d lost three years ago, and Frost had his work cut out for him. But with the help of Wolf’s team, he’d do what it took to catch the stalker and save his woman. Because whether she knew it or not, she was his and this time she wasn’t getting away.


  I can’t thank Susan Stoker enough for allowing me to “play” in her world and with her characters. I love her books and this opportunity has been more fun than I could have imagined.

  A shout out to the #coffeecrew and #wordwarriors, y’all keep me honest daily and make sure my words show up on pages.

  To Jinx Lovecraft, my daughter and talented burlesque dancer, she is the inspiration for this book and I can’t thank her enough for all the help making sure I got it right.

  To Jackie, my daughter, for the daily encouragement and “I believe in you,” that motivates me not to give up even when it’s the hardest to continue.

  Of course, none of these books would be possible without our military. To all the men and women who serve and the families who remain behind as their biggest cheerleaders, thank you. We can never appreciate your enough.

  Lastly, to my husband Tom and all the millions of cups of coffee he brings me without asking, the spontaneous shoulder massages and love and support that keeps me going.

  I really hope you enjoy this story. Remember the best way to thank an author is to leave a review.



  Table of Contents

  Other Books by Lynne St. James

  Protecting Faith


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  About the Author

  Chapter One


  After three years, and countless miles, the feeling of coming home was unexpected.

  Turning off the ignition of his rental car, he gazed at the front door of the club that had been his ‘hangout’ for years. Memories flooded back like someone opened the floodgates to the dam he’d erected to keep them hidden.

  None of it mattered now, at least that’s what he told himself. And his old life was over. He hadn’t bothered to keep in touch with most of his friends. Although, knowing Tex, another ex-SEAL, he probably knew exactly what Chase had been up to and where. The man could track a flea to a dog’s butt if he wanted to.

  After leaving the SEALs, he’d founded the Eagle Security & Protection Agency—ESP for short, and he liked short. It was his baby, and he was damn proud of what they’d accomplished so far. Soon medically retired ex-Ranger, Alex Barrett would be part of the team, and then they’d be able to expand the scope of their capabilities. The man had crazy computer skills almost rivaling Tex’s, but he wouldn’t be the one to let that cat out of the bag.

  His life was good now if a little boring. Ferreting out industrial espionage or hiring on as a security guard for a wealthy client was not as “sexy” as saving the lives of innocents, but it was a whole lot safer—usually. He never wanted to bury another friend or team mate. His last mission still haunted him and would until the day he died, and he didn’t need any more ghosts following him around.

  A gust of wind made the hairs on the back of Chase’s neck stand at attention as he reached for the door of the bar. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to come back after all? As he pulled it open, the scent of beer and bar food reminded him of the last time he’d been at Aces. Then the loud thump of music poured over him. That was new. Another shiver slid down his spine. His Spidey sense hadn’t left him when he left the Teams, and he never ignored it. But in this case, he had no idea why it would be going off.

  The pull to turn around and get the hell out of there was strong, but Chase “Frost” Brennan never backed away from a challenge, and he wasn’t going to start now. He’d go inside, grab a beer or two, and if no one was around head back to the hotel and call it a night.

  Aces was packed to capacity. That was new too. He remembered it being more of a neighborhood bar, filled with women trying to “hook up” with a SEAL. But as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, he saw a lot more tables, the
décor had been updated, and there was even a stage. Well, that explained the music, it hadn’t sounded like the old jukebox.

  Scanning the room for anyone he knew, his eyes landed on “Wolf” Steel and his team. Their teams had worked together on a few missions. Focusing on making his way across the room to their table, he didn’t notice Jess until she tapped him on the arm. Damn, maybe his situational awareness needed some work.

  “Frost! Haven’t seen you around here in a long time.”

  “Wow. You look great, Jess. How have you been?” Chase hugged her close; she’d been a constant in Aces for a long time. He remembered hearing somewhere that she’d married Benny Sawyer, one of Wolf’s team mates. “I hear you’re and old married woman now.”

  “Hey, easy on the old! But yeah, you heard right. You know Kason, don’t you? You probably remember his as Benny. Oh, and I run this place now, too. With a little help, actually lots of help.” Jess laughed. It was then he realized what was so different about her. She looked younger, more carefree and he was happy for her.

  “Sure do. Congrats. He’s a good guy.”

  “He’s here, they all are. You picked a good night to stop by, we’re having one of our burlesque nights.”

  “Burlesque? Seriously. Things sure have changed.” She laughed again and patted him on the arm.

  “For the better, trust me. Why don’t you go over and say hello? I’ll bring you a beer.”

  “Thanks.” When she’d called him Frost he hadn’t blinked an eye. That surprised him. No one called him Frost anymore, he’d forbidden it. Hearing it was a reminder of how he’d failed his team. It was easier now since most of the guys at ESP didn’t even know his nickname. Maybe coming back here hadn’t been such a great idea after all. One hello and he was immersed in the past, a past he’d prefer remain buried.

  Obviously, his intel hadn’t been wrong. As he approached Wolf’s table, the entire team was there, and they all had women sitting with them except for Benny because Jess was working. Benny howled with laughter as he neared the happy group. Wolf glanced away from the beautiful woman he was talking to and met his eyes. Instant recognition. A second later he stood and held out his hand.

  “Frost. How the hell are you, man?”

  “Great. But it’s Chase now.” A flicker of something, maybe sympathy showed in his eyes.

  “You remember the Team right?”

  “Yeah, but I want to know how the hell you all managed to nab these lovelies. Is it something in the water or what?” That triggered another round of laughter. Maybe it really was something in the water, he didn’t remember any of them looking so relaxed. Or was he just uptight? One by one the guys grabbed his hand or pounded him on the back. He wouldn’t lie to himself, he missed this on some level.

  “Just lucky,” Wolf answered, as he put his arm around his wife Caroline’s shoulder. Chase knew their story well, even down in Florida he’d heard about the terrorist plot and how Caroline had helped them and been put through hell in the process.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Caroline. Your reputation proceeds you.”

  “Matthew must have been spreading lies again,” Caroline said, glancing at her husband, Wolf Steel.

  “No way.”

  “How about you, bro. You hitched yet?” Cookie Knox asked.

  “Nope. Too busy I guess.”

  If you’d told him three years ago that any of these hardened warriors would find women, he’d have laughed his ass off. But now, seeing the contentment on their faces reminded him of a pair of sea green eyes behind black frames, eyes that had seen into his soul and stolen his heart. He’d had a chance at this kind of happiness. Once. But he’d let her get away.

  They introduced their women, and Abe Powers pulled a chair over from another table. Chase sat down as Jess appeared with his beer. “Talk about service. Thanks, Jess.”

  She leaned into her husband’s side. “No problem. It’s always good to see old friends. But right now, I have to make sure our dancers are ready. I’ll be back as soon as I check on them.” Benny squeezed her hand and watched as she walked away. Smitten. It still was hard to believe.

  “Don’t look so surprised. We’re SEALs, not monks.”

  “It showed?”

  “Hell yeah,” Dude Cooper answered. “Maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass.”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “We heard,” Wolf answered. “A security firm? Really? Is that the go to thing for ex-team members now?”

  “I don’t know if it’s the go to, but it worked for me. I set up down in Florida. My brother is a detective in Willow Haven, and he’s all the family I have left. Figured it was as good a place as any. But how the hell did…” His voice trailed off. Yup he knew, Tex. Of course. “Tex is still keeping tabs on everyone, I see.”

  Every last person at the table burst into laughter. “You have no idea, bro,” Mozart Reed answered this time. “If it weren’t for him, well. We’ll just leave it at that.” The women nodded. There were apparently some interesting stories here.

  Lifting his frosty mug in a cheer, he took a swallow of the icy cold brew. Another chill tickled his spine, and he tried to shake it off. Before he had to worry about what he’d say next, a spotlight came to life and focused everyone’s eyes on the stage. A bodiless voice introduced the Kitty Kats. The thumping of the pre-show sound track faded to the doleful sound of Royals by Lorde, and the first dancer sashayed onto the stage.

  A moment later, Jess appeared next to Caroline and whispered in her ear. Her brow wrinkled, and she leaned over to say something to Wolf. Chase’s interest was piqued but not enough to pull his interest from the mesmerizing woman on stage.

  Covered head to shin in black sequins and lace, she reminded him of the Flamenco dancers he’d seen while in Spain on a mission. This wasn’t like any burlesque he’d ever seen, that was for sure. As the tempo of the music increased so did her movements, and all thought stopped. Seductive. Alluring. He wasn’t the only one ensnared in her web, instead of the usual cat calls the room was almost silent except for the music.

  A domino mask covered most of her face, but her ruby red lips were parted in invitation. His focus followed the sway of her hips as she ran her gloved hands over her body. As the rhythm of the song changed, layers of her outfit slid to the ground or were tossed to the side. It wasn’t stripping, there was nothing crass about her performance, more like a peek into her boudoir.

  She owned the stage, gyrating and shimmying to the music. Every eye in the room followed each movement. The woman had him in her grip and wasn’t letting go. He had to remind himself it was all part of her act. A damn good one too.

  He didn’t know how many layers or pieces she removed, but when she slid the corset from her body, the silence broke. Hooting from the audience, both men and women overpowered the music, but she didn’t miss a beat. With another twirl of her body, her lace and sequin skirt slid down her legs and was kicked to the side.

  Magnificant. Her volumptuous breasts were barely contained within her black sequined bra, and the matching boy shorts covered her hips like they’d been painted on. Every curve was accentuated, and with every shimmy, his mouth watered for a taste. This wasn’t just burlesque this was a seduction of the audience, and he’d never experienced anything like it.

  Chase wasn’t sure how much more he could sit through without popping his zipper. It had been way too long since he’d been with anyone, but ever since Faith the appeal wasn’t there—until tonight. His thoughts stalled when she melted onto a chaise that had appeared on stage. Lifting her left leg high in the air, she slowly ran her hands from her ankle to her thigh, then repeated it with the other leg, then swung them up onto the cushions and leaned back, so her upper body hung off the edge until she was upside down and faced the audience. As the spotlight dimmed and the music faded, her tongue slid across her lips, and he’d bet good money that there wasn’t a man in the room who didn’t groan.

  The spotlight flicked off, the c
rowd went wild. The expression was way overused, but it’s exactly what happened. Hell, half the men were on their feet, and without realizing it, Chase had stood up too. She hadn’t revealed any more than anyone would at the beach, yet, it was so erotic, he’d swear she’d touched him.

  “Holy crap. That was amazing.”

  Wolf grinned. “She always is.”

  “What’s her name, I know they announced it but for the life of me I can’t remember.”

  “Riven Heart,” Caroline answered. She had a strange expression on her face and seemed to be watching for his reaction. It was odd.

  “That just blew me away. When did they start doing these shows in here?”

  “A few months ago. Jess has been experimenting with different things, and she knew one of the dancers, and they decided to see how it would go.” As soon as Wolf finished speaking, Caroline leaned over and whispered to him again. Then she got up from the table and disappeared into the crowd. When had it gotten so crowded?

  “She’ll be right back,” Wolf explained. “So how long are you going to be in town?”

  “Just a few days. I got through my last job faster than expected and I was going to head home, but I couldn’t resist seeing the old hangouts. In some ways, it feels like I never left.”

  “I get that. It was home for a long while, wasn’t it?”

  “Ten years. Longer than I’ve been anywhere else although it’s not like we were always here either.”

  “That’s for sure. Hey, I saw Riot the other day. He hasn’t changed a bit,” Wolf said with a smile. He and Riot were the only two to make it back alive from their last mission. He didn’t know if Riot blamed him or not, but it didn’t matter, Chase still blamed himself. They hadn’t seen each other in three years. Chase wasn’t sure if he was ready to see him yet, either.


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