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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Faith (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 4)

Page 7

by Lynne St. James

  “I will.” Faith was thrilled to have an excuse to get out of the house. She loved Matthew and Caroline and appreciated that they were letting her hide out in their home. But being told not to go out was too much like when she was in one of the group homes growing up, and it drove her crazy.

  “What are you going to tell them?” Wolf asked.

  “Not sure yet, probably just that I was visiting Faith and when I went out to get in my car I found the tires like that.”

  “That should work.”

  “Yeah. I know we don’t want to involve the police yet. This will go a lot smoother without them.”

  “Exactly. Although we’re going to have to brief the CO on Monday. He doesn’t like it when he’s left out of the loop.”

  “I remember.”

  “I’m sure you do. He used to say you were one of the worst at it,” Wolf said with a grin.

  “I always wanted to be famous.” Now that was funny, and Faith couldn’t hold back her giggle. At least today there weren’t any hiccups.


  The whole team would be at Wolf’s for a barbeque later, so they needed to be back around five, that gave the two of them most of the day together. The only thing that could have made Chase happier was if it had been an actual date. But those would come later.

  Whenever they touched the electricity arced between them, and he knew she felt it as much as he did. He’d already been contemplating setting up an office on the west coast, so maybe this was the shove he’d needed. It might be just enough to get Steele to leave the Willow Haven PD and join ESP. Then he could run the Florida office, and Chase could stay out here, close to Faith.

  Their first stop was the Police Station. Luckily it was a quiet day for crime, and they were out of there within an hour. Rather than pick up his new car right away, he suggested that they grab some lunch.

  “Any preferences?”

  “Something light since I know what Matthew and Caroline’s barbeques are like. There will be enough food to feed an army or maybe I should say three SEAL teams. If it’s red meat, it will be there, and the women always bring lots of side dishes.”

  “Sounds excellent. I know a little place downtown. Hopefully, it’s still there. They used to have great artisan sandwiches.”


  The café was right where he’d remembered, and they sat on the patio since the weather was absolutely perfect. But then again, it usually was in San Diego. It was one of the things he’d missed. Florida had great weather, but the humidity reminded him too much of the missions in the jungles of South America.

  Chatting until their food arrived, he asked about the burlesque dancing.

  “I shouldn’t tell you, but I was looking for something to distract me from you.”

  “You were?”

  “Yeah. And I saw an ad in the paper for dance classes, I didn’t realize until I showed up the first time that the classes were for burlesque. I obviously missed the fine print. Since I was there, I gave it a chance, and I really enjoyed it. It helped me find a release from you, my patients, everything really. Hence the name Riven Heart.”

  “I wondered what the reasoning was for that. I’m sorry I caused you so much pain. It was never my intention. I know I was really messed up back then, and I had no business trying to pull you down with me.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. I’m the professional. I should have seen what was happening, but my own feelings got in the way too. It wasn’t something I expected, but you were—are—irresistible. You have nothing to apologize for.”

  “I’m sure Caroline would disagree, hell. I disagree. I have everything to apologize for. You could have lost everything.”

  “But I didn’t. And I learned a new skill because of it.” Faith grinned. She really was remarkable, he’d made a mess of things and here she was trying to reassure him and make him feel better.

  “Okay, how about we agree to disagree.” When she nodded, he continued. “And how did lessons turn into a burlesque troupe with, umm what were their names, Honey Pot and Syn something?”

  “Honey Potter and Syn LaRue. We met in class and hit it off. They’ve been friends forever and are so funny. It’s not the same kind of friendship I have with Caroline and the others, but they are fun. I needed fun in my life.”

  It was his turn to nodd. Everyone needed fun in their life. Too many people ignored that fact, and it was how they got into trouble. There’s a reason they say ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ Except it turned into depression or worse, and he knew that first hand.

  Their food arrived. It looked as wonderful as he’d remembered. “This is really good. I need to come back again.”

  “I’m surprised you’ve never been here.”

  “I’m usually so busy, I don’t get out much except for rehearsals and shows. Between my patients and the volunteer stuff, I’m lucky I remember to throw in a microwave dinner when I get home.”

  “You need some downtime, doc.”

  “Oh yeah? And I suppose you’re going to tell me that you take tons of time off?” She had him there, but it was different for him, wasn’t it?

  “No, I’m not, and you’re right. I need to have more fun in my life too. I’m glad you have the dancing.”

  “Me too.”

  “I’ve been to a few burlesque shows, but yours blew me out of the water. I’ve never seen anything sexier.”

  Color suffused her cheeks, and she looked down at her plate. It hadn’t been his intention to embarrass her, but that’s exactly what he’d done. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You didn’t, okay you did. But it shouldn’t. How can I do this and get embarrassed when people compliment me? We haven’t been performing all that long, I’m sure I’ll get used to it. But then, most of the time I’m still in costume and anonymous when people say something.”

  “Is that why you wear the mask?”

  “I started wearing it because Coronado is small, and there aren’t a lot of places to perform. When Jess agreed to let us try it out, I decided it would be best to hide my identity. I’m sure my patients wouldn’t be distracted at all if they saw their doctor performing half-naked on stage and then had an appointment for therapy.” She laughed, and it was like the tinkling of a bell. Pure, sweet, happy. And he was head over heels for her. It got more intense with every moment they spent together.

  He’d originally planned to take her to the beach, but they sat and talked all afternoon, drinking iced tea and laughing. He told her about his new company and some of his crew. She told him funny stories about her dancing, and some really embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions during her first few performances.

  Soon it was time to pick up his new car and head back to Wolf’s house. He hated for the afternoon to end. She’d been relaxed and happy, but the tension would be back soon. He hoped they could get this wrapped up on Monday. After they took care of her stalker, he intended to do what he could to convince her that they were meant to be together and he wouldn’t leave until she agreed.

  The barbeque was everything and more that she said it would be. It was great hanging out with a team again, and for the first time, it didn’t hurt. Coming back to Coronado had been a good thing for him in more ways than one. They’d even surprised him by inviting Riot.

  It was awkward at first, but after talking to him, he realized that Riot didn’t blame him for anything. They were SEALs, it was the job, and they all knew their lives were at risk. He’d made the best decision he could with the intel he’d had at the time. It wasn’t his fault it went FUBAR. A long overdue hug sealed the deal. It had been a great day overall. Too bad, they still had to deal with Dr. Melvin Iverson the next day.

  Chapter Nine

  Even waking up in Chase’s arms didn’t stop the feeling of doom weighing down on Faith as soon as she opened her eyes. It had been more than wonderful sleeping with him even though they hadn’t done more than kiss and cuddle. Hadn’t even gotten naked together. It w
as too soon, and there was too much going on. The time would come, she hoped. The sexual tension was almost overwhelming, but even that couldn’t overcome the fear over what today would bring.

  It was her first day back at work since the squirrel incident as she’d begun thinking of it. Then later she had her group session, and she was bound to run into Melvin. At least since she’d been at Caroline’s, there hadn’t been any more incidents. It would have been hard to pull off while she was staying with a Navy SEAL.

  Chase checked out of his hotel room and brought his one small suitcase over. Seeing it sitting next to hers made her giggle. He’d been on travel for two weeks, and all his stuff fit into one little carryon. She obviously needed some lessons in traveling light. But to be fair, she hadn’t been sure how long she was going to be gone, and now she wasn’t sure she’d ever want to go back there. She’d even talked to Caroline about putting the house up for sale and finding an apartment.

  The only one who didn’t have to be at work was Chase, but he set up his laptop on the kitchen table and connected with ESP. They each had their “assignments.” If everything went according to plan, her stalker issue should be resolved by the end of the day. She tried not to think about what that would mean for her and Chase. One thing at a time, right?

  Her calendar was full, as most Mondays were. She was lucky she could take the time to eat the PB&J Chase had packed for her. He’d listened to her schedule when they were out on Saturday and figured eating wasn’t usually part of her day. That’s what she got for sharing. But the sandwich was good, and he’d even drawn a little heart in the foil wrapping. When she saw it, she couldn’t hold back her smile. He was certainly trying hard.

  “Dr. Murdock?” She’d just finished her lunch when there was a knock at her door. It was too early for her next patient though.


  Petty Officer Shannon O’Brien opened her office door. “I have a message for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Oh, and your next appointment cancelled. Andrews was admitted this morning for complications from last month’s surgery.”

  “Oh no. See if you can find out what room he’s in and I’ll visit him tonight after my group.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She’d never get used to being called ma’am. Sometimes she wished she’d joined the Navy. She often felt like an imposter on base. The petty officer stepped back out and closed the door after handing Faith the message.

  It was from Chase. That’s odd. Why hadn’t he called her cell? She’d even remembered to put it on her desk in case something came up, instead of leaving it in her purse as usual. Checking the phone, there weren’t any messages or missed calls, but then she realized she had no signal. That would be why he’d called the main number then.

  Meet me at your house. Something unexpected came up. I’ll explain when you get here.

  Checking her phone again, she still had no signal. The opening in her schedule would work out for the best. She grabbed her bag, tossed her phone in and told Shannon she had to run home but would be back for her next appointment.

  Arriving first, she debated on whether to wait inside. It was daytime, and Chase would know she was there, what could happen? She should have known better than to even think those words.

  Trying to avoid looking at the nail holes in her front door, she unlocked it and went inside. The vision of the squirrels dripping blood on her front stoop was still too new to ignore. With a shudder, she shut the door behind her.

  “I’m so glad you could make it.”

  At first, she didn’t recognize the voice. Then realization dawned on her. But as she turned to confront him, he hit her over the head and knocked her out.

  Ouch. Her head hurt. She tried to touch it, but she couldn’t. Slowly opening her eyes, she recognized her bedroom. Why was she there? It started to come back. Melvin. He’d tricked her into leaving her office, and then knocked her out. How had he gotten in? Not that it mattered, she’d played right into his hands. He must have figured out they were on to him.

  “Welcome back, beloved. I’m sorry about that, but I couldn’t risk you trying to get away. I’ve waited for such a long time for you. Longer than anyone else.”

  Anyone else? There’d been others? The icy fingers of fear closed around her heart. “I didn’t know it was you.” Keep him talking seemed like the best thing. To stall until someone figured out she wasn’t where she was supposed to be, or he killed her whichever came first. Because looking at his cold, dark eyes, she was surprised she was still alive.

  “You should have. You’re not stupid. When I saw your first show, I was livid. You always acted so proper at the hospital, but then you strip for perfect strangers? It made me wonder if you were a whore in disguise.”

  There probably wasn’t much use in explaining that burlesque wasn’t the same as being a stripper. And she didn’t want to address the whore comment. It was a word meant to incite, and she needed to keep him calm if possible. “How many shows have you seen?”

  “Two. The first one a few weeks ago, and then the one on Friday. I bet you were surprised by my present.”

  “Oh, you could say that. Most men would have sent flowers or candy.”

  “I’m not most men.” That was an understatement. C’mon Faith, use your training. Maybe you can talk your way out of this mess.

  “I’ve figured that out. What I don’t understand is why all the secrecy. Why not just talk to me at the hospital instead of leaving me notes?”

  “I was trying to be romantic, to woo you.” This guy had some heavy-duty relationship issues if he thought stalking equated to wooing. “Didn’t you like the notes and gifts?”

  “I thought they were great. Thank you for thinking of me.”

  “I love you. You’re mine. But I’m very disappointed in you. What are you doing with those SEALs. Don’t you know they’re just a bunch of man-whores who don’t have any respect for women?”

  “My friends aren’t like that.”

  “Yes, they are, they’re all like that. You need to trust me.”

  If he thought she was going to trust him, he really was insane. He’d tied her to her bed and stripped her out of most of her clothing. Thank God, he’d left her in her bra and panties, and double thanks she hadn’t worn anything sexy that morning. Just plain cotton.

  “If you want me to trust you, then untie me. My wrists hurt and I’m cold.”

  “Do you really think I’m that stupid? I know you’re stalling, you think he’ll come for you. But you can give up on that. You’re mine now and for always. When they finally get here they’ll be too late.”

  She prayed he was wrong. She hadn’t had a lot of faith in her life and had always thought it was ironic it was her name, but for now, she prayed that help would come and save her from this madman.


  After trying to reach Faith for the last hour without success, Chase sent a text to Wolf. His Spidey senses were going off again and he didn’t like it.

  Can’t reach Faith, can you check on her?

  Will do. Stand by.

  He’d rather have just driven over there and seen her for himself, but he didn’t have his credentials anymore. Waiting was painful, but he knew Wolf was working and he couldn’t just drop everything to check on Faith.

  He’d done some more digging into Iverson. What was the most disturbing was he didn’t even exist before a year ago. Until then Melvin Iverson was a retired tailor in Montana. Witness protection would have given him a new identity, not someone else’s, so that could mean only one thing. Whoever Iverson is or was it wasn’t good. Without his fingerprints, it would be almost impossible to tell. They’d dusted everything he’d left for Faith and so far, nothing. The man was good, too good.

  The cell phone buzzed, and he thought it was Wolf. But when he checked it was a message from Rock, his computer dude at ESP. Before he could reply, the phone rang.


  “Yeah. What’s up?”

p; “I think I found out who Iverson was before, and it’s not good.”

  “How did I know you’d say that?”

  “Just lucky, I guess? I dunno. I’ve been working with that guy Tex, and we’ve come up with three other identities. He seems to use them for about a year and then disappears again. We were lucky. Since he thinks he won’t get caught, he always uses the doctor persona, and there were photos on file. If not for that we would never have found him.”

  “Fuck. And Faith was just lucky enough to cross paths with him.”

  “Apparently. Steele told me about her. Good luck.”

  “Steele needs to keep his mouth shut about my private life. But thank you. I appreciate the call too.” Another buzz in his ear interrupted him. “Gotta go. I’ll touch base later.”

  “Wolf. Any news?”

  “Yeah, but you’re not going to like it. She left to meet you over two hours ago.”


  “I’m sitting in your kitchen. And I’m alone.”


  “Where was she supposed to meet me?”

  “According to the petty officer here, she went home.”


  “We’re on our way, meet you there.”

  “Before you go, did you hear from Tex? My guy just called, this is not Iverson’s first rodeo. I think he’s a serial stalker and maybe a serial killer. Watch your six.”

  “See you there.”

  Chase prayed the entire drive that she was still alive. He should have found a way to go to work with her. It was stupid to let her go alone. He’d promised to keep her safe, but he hadn’t done such a great job, had he? If Iverson touched a hair on her head, he’d rip him a new one, lots of new ones. Shredding him into a million pieces was too good for him.

  Traffic was light, but he felt like he was driving ten miles an hour. When he finally pulled up in front of Faith’s he saw her car in the driveway and smoke coming from under the front door. What the hell?

  Charging up to the house, he pounded on the door, not that he expected an answer. It was locked and when he pushed against it, it didn’t budge. He had no idea if Faith was even still inside, but he ran around the house looking for any indication she was there.


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