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Riding The Edge

Page 12

by Janine Infante Bosco

“Lady,” I growl.

  “Sorry,” she laughs. “It’s just, well, I figured the most exciting thing to get between my legs tonight was going to be your motorcycle,” she admits, pulling the sheet over her mouth to hide the smile.

  I was right when I said the mystery of Maria was appealing. However, I didn’t take into consideration how fascinating I would find her when I peeled away all her layers. She wasn’t just easy on the eyes and a fantastic lay. She was a strong woman with a big heart. Someone who liked the finer things in life but wasn’t opposed to slumming it with the likes of me. To sweeten the deal, the woman had a sense of humor too.

  Smirking, I tear the sheet away from her body and roll over, positioning myself between her legs.

  “The ride I’m going to take you on is better than one you’ll take on any fucking Harley,” I say, touching my lips to hers.

  “Is that a promise?”

  “That’s a fucking fact,” I growl. “Hold on, Lady, it’s going to be a long ride.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Stretching my aching body against the cool satin sheets, my eyes flutter open. Flashes of the night before come rushing over me causing my body to heat as I turn to my side and find Al naked in my bed. Indulgently, I let my eyes rake over him, taking in every inch of his masculine body—a body I worshiped last night. Bringing my hand to my mouth, I cover the gasp as I recall the blowjob I gave him after we had sex twice and he went down on me again. If I try hard enough, I bet I can recall the coarse hairs of his beard brushing against my thighs as his tongue dove deep inside me, enticing the most profound orgasm I’ve ever experienced. It’s no wonder I got down on my knees after that.

  “You always wake up like this?”

  Startled by his voice, I lift my eyes to his face and watch as he lazily rubs his hands over his beard.

  “Like what?”

  “Looking so fucking pretty.”

  If I wasn’t sure Al was a smooth talker that would confirm any suspicion. I never washed the makeup from my face last night which means my mascara is probably smeared across my face and I’m going to need an entire bottle of conditioner to get all the knots out of my hair.

  “C’mere,” he orders huskily.

  Tucking the sheet around my still naked body, I inch closer.

  “Lose the sheet, Lady,” he demands.

  “I never go to sleep naked,” I explain, feebly loosening my hold on the sheet. It drops to my waist, exposing my swollen breasts and the morning chill awakens my nipples. Reaching out, he rolls my erect nipple between his fingers and meets my gaze with an explicit hunger radiating from his eyes.

  “You ever have a man fuck you all night?”

  “Good to know you’re just as crass in the morning as you are at night.”

  “Why don’t you come sit on my face and we’ll test your theory?”

  Contemplating his offer, I throw my leg over his body and straddle him.

  “A little higher,” he murmurs.

  “Maybe I don’t want your mouth.”

  “Oh, no?”

  “Maybe I want—”

  My words trail at the sound of my alarm clock. Glancing at the end table, I stare at the red flashing numbers and the temporary high I was feeling a moment ago comes crashing down as the reason for the alarm dawns on me. Climbing off Al, I hit the alarm clock with a bit more force than necessary and swing my legs over the bed.

  “Whoa, where’s the fire?” he questions as I pull open the top drawer of my nightstand and grab a pair of panties.

  “I told you I had an appointment today,” I answer, pulling the cotton over my hips. Padding around my room topless, I search for my robe when I hear the doorbell.

  “You expecting someone to take you to this so-called appointment?”

  Abruptly, I snap my attention towards him.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I don’t know, Lady, one minute you’re ready to ride my cock, the next you’re scrambling around the room like you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar,” he says roughly, tossing the sheets from his body.

  “If you’re insinuating—”

  The bell sounds again and this time it’s accompanied by a loud knock. Bending down to retrieve his jeans, he pulls them up his legs in a hurry.

  “Where are you going?” I call out as he starts to walk out of the bedroom, buttoning his jeans.

  “To see who the fuck is knocking on your door at eight in the morning,” he replies, disappearing into the hallway.

  “Shit,” I hiss, sweeping my gaze around the room. “Where the fuck is my robe?”

  Remembering I had it on before I took my shower yesterday, I hurry into the bathroom. Taking it off the hook on the back of the door, I shove my arms through the silk robe and quickly tie the sash around my waist as I make my way towards the front of the house.

  “Fuck,” Al grunts, standing in front of the door, peering through the peephole. “It’s your son.”

  My eyes widen as I glance down at myself and pull the robe tighter around my body. For a moment I wonder why Anthony’s here at this hour, then I realize if he sees Al half naked in my living room and me looking like a three-dollar hooker, it won’t matter much.

  Turning around, Al runs his fingers through his hair.

  “He ain’t going anywhere, Lady, so, you need to decide how we’re going to play this.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” I hiss. “He can’t find you here.”

  “Ma! Open up the door.”

  Dashing towards Al I grab his hand and pull him back.

  “You need to leave,” I whisper roughly.

  “And how the fuck should I do that if the only way out is that door,” he says, jutting his thumb over his shoulder.

  “The window,” I blurt. “Grab the rest of your clothes from the kitchen and use the one in my bedroom.”

  “Are you out of your mind? I am not climbing out the window,” he growls.

  “It’s ground level,” I argue.

  “Ma, if you don’t open the fucking door, I’ll break it down.”

  Looking over my shoulder and back, I close the distance between Al and I, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “You ever walk in on your mother after she spent the entire night being fucked by one of your…” My voice trails off as I realize Anthony considers Al an acquaintance. My arms fall from his neck and I cover my mouth.

  “Oh my God, he considers you a friend.”

  “Hold the phone, Lady, Bianci and I are not friends.”

  “Then what are you?”

  “Fuck if I know what to call it but we’re nothing like fucking Fred and Ricky.”

  “Are you referencing I Love Lucy, right now?”


  “Jesus Christ, you should probably cut that fucking cord, Lady,” he growls.

  “Just a minute,” I shout over my shoulder. “You need to go, Al.”

  “I’m not climbing out the fucking window. Now, here’s how this is going to go… I’ll make myself scarce and you’ll see what the hell he wants. Then, after he leaves, you and I are going to take a shower together, you’ll get dressed and go to whatever appointment this is that has you all riled up, and I’ll go see my boy. Tonight, when we go to dinner you and I can talk about what happens from here and if we owe your son, or anyone for that matter, an explanation.”

  “Fine,” I sigh as he turns into the kitchen. A moment later he emerges with his boots in his hand and disappears into my bedroom. I give him another minute, smooth down my hair and tighten the knot on my robe before pulling open the door. “For crying out loud Anthony, where the hell is the fire?”

  Pushing past me, he barges into the house.

  “What’s going on with you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’ve been banging on your door for ten minutes.”

  “And your point is?”

  “Are you seeing that fucking idiot from the bowling alley again?”

thony that is none of your business,” I hiss.

  “What was his name… Larry… Louie—”


  “That’s the douchebag. Do I need to have a sit down with him?”

  “Oh, would you please spare me the goombah act?” I shout, rolling my eyes.

  “You need to be more careful with who you keep company with,” he growls. “I’m not going to sit back and watch that low-life take advantage of you again.”

  “First of all, who I keep company with is none of your concern, I am your mother not, your sister. I am a grown woman who can take care of herself just fine and, just so we are clear, Lenny did not take advantage of me… I lent him the money.”

  “Has he paid you back a red cent?”

  “He’s working on it,” I argue. “Now, this conversation is over. You can either tell me why you’re here or you can leave. I have somewhere I need to be.”

  Clenching his jaw, his nostrils flare as he stares at me.

  “I need the keys to the house on Long Island,” he growls.

  Anthony’s father-in-law, Victor, gifted him and Adrianna his summer house on Oyster Bay before he turned himself in to the feds and every year since they spend most of their summers there just like Adrianna did as a child. This year he wanted to surprise her by redecorating it and in my spare time, I meet the interior designer there to oversee the progress.

  “Anthony the house is a mess. The contractor just finished the bathrooms. He didn’t start the kitchen yet, and he still has to put the sheetrock up in the master bedroom.”

  “Yeah, you’re going to have to call the contractor and tell him there was a family emergency and we can’t continue with the project just yet.”

  “Do you know how much money you’ll lose?”

  “I need you to do this for me and I need you to do it today.”

  “Tell me why.”

  “Rocco needs a place to hide out,” he mutters, running his fingers through his hair. The bruises that marred his face the last I saw him, have somewhat faded and I wonder what lie he told his wife when he finally made it off his sister’s couch and found the courage to show her his face. He may be my son but that doesn’t make him right all the time. He and Adrianna have been through a lot and that girl has stood by his side through the good and the bad. Their lives are finally in a good place and this idiot is going to fuck it all up because he’s still married to the mob.

  “You never learn, do you?”

  “Some might say the same about you.”

  “Take that back.”

  “Tell your pal, Leo, I’ll see him in traffic.”

  “What is that some kind of thug talk? And for fuck’s sake, his name is not Leo.”

  “Are the keys still in the kitchen drawer?” he questions, striding towards the kitchen. Crossing my arms against my chest, I glare at him.

  “Yeah,” I mumble. “But, I’m not making any phone call. You want to hide gangbangers in your family home, you’re doing it without any help from me.”

  “You’re forgetting Rocco is Adrianna’s cousin,” he calls from the kitchen. Returning, he twirls the keyring around his finger before shoving it in his pocket. “It’s a family thing.”

  “The only one who believes your lies is you, Anthony. You’re a grown man, I can’t stop you from making another mistake but, I will tell you this, you should probably think about your father-in-law. Think about his last days and how he died. The glorious life of a gangster failed him in death and he died like an animal, without his family.”

  “Are you done?”

  “Yeah, I’m done,” I murmur as he pulls open the door. With one foot, out the door he pauses, and I watch his shoulders slump. Turning back to me, he bends his head and presses a kiss to my cheek.

  “Stop seeing that dope,” he adds.

  Quietly, I watch him walk out the door and gently close it behind him. Letting out a sigh, I thread my fingers through my hair and shake my head.

  That is not how I wanted to start my day.

  Moving towards the window, I peer through the blinds and watch Anthony’s SUV pull away from the curb.

  “That was intense, Lady,” Al calls from behind me, startling me.


  How did I forget he was still here?

  Wrapping a hand around my waist, I feel his breath against my neck.

  “Can you forget you heard any of that?” I ask as he unties the sash on my robe.

  “Some parts,” he murmurs, kissing my neck. Sliding his hands inside my robe, his fingers slide inside my panties, finding my pussy and I gasp at the delightful intrusion. “How much you lend that douchebag?”



  Crooking his fingers inside me, his thumb starts to play with my clit as he slides his other hand up my body and squeezes my breast.

  “Jesus,” I hiss. I’m about to correct him when he pulls his fingers out of me and spins me around. Slamming me against the wall, Al drops to his knees and pushes my thighs apart. His mouth hovers between my legs.

  “How much, Lady?”

  “Two grand.”

  “Fuck,” he growls, spreading me apart. “Change in plans,” he adds.

  However, before I can question him on what that means, his mouth latches onto me and every coherent thought flees my mind. All I can do is focus on the pleasure he inflicts on my entire being. My argument with my son becomes a distant memory, and the dreaded appointment is forgotten.

  All that exists is me and Al and suddenly, it doesn’t feel all that crazy anymore.

  It feels good.

  Oh, so fucking good.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It’s amazing how a morning can start off like a dream and so quickly turn into a nightmare. Waking up in Maria’s bed was fucking bliss. Having her naked body straddle me was heaven. Her son interrupting the moment—that was where the descent into hell began.

  Just when I was starting to accept Anthony Bianci as an extension of the Satan’s Knights and no longer a thorn in my side, he comes knocking on his mother’s door, ruining my good time. I probably should’ve considered the dysfunction that is the Bianci family before I got involved with Maria. Not that it would’ve changed my mind about pursuing her, but maybe I would’ve been a little more prepared for hurricane hitman.

  For starters, I would’ve told him not to fucking intrude on his mother’s privacy. Then, I would’ve advised him to speak to her with a little more respect. It took all the self-control I could muster not to charge into the living room half naked when he started questioning her choice in men. I know the kid loves his mother and all that, but he acts like he’s the fucking parent in the relationship. At least that’s what I thought before he revealed Maria had lent that weasel from the bowling alley two grand. The shit with him and his gangster cousin-in-law was none of my business but that cunt taking money from Maria and not having the decency to pay her back—I was making that my business.

  Right after I knock my own son’s teeth down his throat.

  After I left Maria’s, I headed to return the Charger. However, I didn’t make it there because Patty called saying she needed to go into work early this morning and wanted one of us at the hospital when the doctor made his rounds. Being the great guy that I am, I headed straight for the hospital—rental late fees be damned. Upon my arrival, I found two fucking leather clad guys with the Devil’s Cross MC insignia tattooed on their arms, leaving Nico’s room.

  The Devil’s Cross is an up and coming club with charters mostly stationed near the Mexican border. Recently they’ve been looking to make a move on the eastern seaboard because of their connection with the Sinaloa cartel. While they’re not a direct threat to the Knights, they are nothing but a bunch of heroin pushing cunts and people I don’t want my kid associating with.

  “Tell me again, why I just saw two patched members of the Devil’s Cross MC leave your room,” I growl, running my fingers through my hair.

  “Jesus, Pop.
I can’t even get a hey, son, good to see you alive or a how’s the hole in your chest?” Nico mocks.

  “Cut the shit, Nico,” I sneer. “If your mother had walked in on that she would’ve nailed my balls to the cross and shot you herself.”

  “Lighten up, will you? They were just here to see how I’m doing considering I just had a fucking breathing tube taken out of my throat yesterday,” he grunts, wincing as he tries to sit up.

  Closing my fist, I try to rein in my anger and find my patience.

  “Why do they care?” I ask, clenching my teeth.

  “Shouldn’t the question be, why the Knights don’t care? By now I thought Uncle Jack and the guys would be swarming this place, yet the only brother of yours to show up is Linc.”

  “Jack and Pipe were here the day after you were brought in,” I shout, poking a finger against my chest. “I’m the one that sent them away.”

  “Yeah, and why is that, Pop?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “And what I do with the Devil’s Cross is none of yours,” he spats. “I asked Uncle Jack to let me prospect, and he turned me down. He gave me some shit about talking to you first. Do you know how many times over the last two years I tried to sit you down and tell you how I wanted to become a member of the club? But you never had time for me. You were always too busy rescuing someone that wasn’t your son.”

  It’s one thing to admit to yourself you’ve failed as a father, it’s a completely different ballgame hearing your son say it. It trumps any and every heartbreak.


  “Don’t fucking try to deny it, Dad. You don’t even know who you are if you’re not someone’s savior. If it’s not one of your brother’s, it’s Aunt Joanne or Kelly but, when is it ever me? When is it ever Enzo or Frankie? I thought if I started hanging around the clubhouse more… if I took an interest in your world then maybe, just maybe you’d take an interest in me.”

  “My world?” I question hoarsely, stepping closer to his bed. “My fucking world is shit,” I holler. “It’s fucking hollow and filled with blood. It’s everything I never wanted for you. It’s the very fucking reason your mother, and I kept you as far away from the club as we could. Now, you listen here, kid, those fucking jalapeno loving bastards are not the kind of people you need in your life. They’re amateur thugs looking to get their dicks wet, by pushing H and making a name for themselves with the cartel.”


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