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04 - Shock and Awesome

Page 17

by Camilla Chafer

  Taking the time it took for them to get more distracted by their argument, I slipped past to use the toilet. By the time I returned to wash my hands, the three were still bickering.

  "Great ball, huh?" I chipped in. "Did you bid on anything?"

  "The Chopard ring," said Candice.

  "The Barbados villa," said Brunette.

  "I don't remember," said the tall blonde, "Daddy will let me know."

  "Hey, did you meet the English guy yet?" I asked. "Totally cute. I knew I saw him somewhere before. I was just driving the Ferrari past the sexual health clinic on Rosemount Avenue a couple days ago, and he was standing there with a piece of paper, looking really miserable."

  The tall blonde's face fell. "He was what?" she asked, looking stricken.

  I flapped a towel in the air, then dried my hands. "Oh, it was probably nothing. Those English guys have such a healthy complexions don't they? Have a great night!" I tossed the towel in the basket and made a quick exit as the tall blonde started to wail. Her two no-longer bickering friends crowded her, looking both thrilled and aghast at the same time.

  Okay, it was mean, but I probably just saved them, or their daddies, a ton of insurance paperwork, and they'd probably thank me later. Not.


  I was just texting "No, not really" in reply to Solomon's "?" when I returned to the ballroom, pausing to look for Ben.

  "On your right," hissed Delgado behind me. I wiggled my fingers at him in a quiet thanks before striding towards my date.

  Ben looked up from the man he was speaking to as I approached, and took hold of my hand. The man greeted me politely and scooted off, leaving us alone, which was just fine by me, although not so thrilling for Claudia, who glared at me. We ignored her, Ben smiling happily at me, while behind him, Helen Callery, clad in a floor-skimming, red gown, climbed onto the stage and stood behind the lectern. To her rear, the auction boxes were assembled, their lids now unlocked and lying open. In her hands were several envelopes, the final bids. I didn't need to worry. I already knew I wouldn't win because I only bid a dollar on a couple of items, but I wondered if Ben would win his bid. He gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my fingers.

  Helen tapped the microphone. "Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining us this evening to aid local schools. We're delighted to..." Her voice faded away as the room plunged into darkness, every single light snapping off.

  Blinking hard, I still couldn't see a thing through the darkness. Ben's fingers slipped from mine. "Ben?" I whispered.

  "Right here," he replied.

  "What happened?"

  "I think there was some kind of blackout."

  "Great." Last time I was in a blackout, wearing an altogether different kind of get-up, a man got stabbed. So whatever happened now could only be better than that.

  "Took the word right out of my mouth," said Ben. "Shoot. I think someone just fainted. Lemme check."

  "Okay." I stood still. Not so much because I didn't want to help, but because I didn’t want to fall over someone and make matters worse, if someone really had fainted. As I waited for Ben to take my hand, I listened to whispers rippling through the crowd. Annoyance, sighing, a couple squabbling, someone near me mentioning a fainting woman and then I was bumped. I dropped my clutch bag in surprise. "Oh no," I murmured.

  "You dropped your bag," said Ben, his voice suddenly next to my ear. He pressed the little clutch into my hand and I wrapped my fingers around it. He stood so close to my back, my whole rear was pressed against him. Well, not, you know, my rear end, but the rear side of me; though come to think of it, was that his hand on my rear? Was it wrong to have a little wiggle?

  "Someone bumped me," I murmured. "How is the woman who fainted?"

  "False alarm."

  "Good of you to offer help. Medical training?"

  Ben chuckled. "First aid only. I do, however, have a fantastic bedside manner."

  The flush that heated my cheeks had only just disappeared by the time the lights flickered back on. I had to shield my eyes with my hand, turning to press my face against Ben's strong, manly, yummy chest. Sometimes, my work life was really hard. Today, it was just Ben's chest that was hard, oh… and my struggle to keep my thoughts from going truly blue.

  As I became accustomed to the light, blinking into focus like everyone else, I pressed both hands against his chest. Trying not to dribble or breathe too hard, I pushed myself away. Ben caught me before I put any space between us. Staring down at me, his eyes gleamed with anticipation. His head lowered, and his lips parted. I rose onto tiptoes, licked my lips and...

  "My emeralds!" came a shriek from across the room. "They're gone! I've been robbed! Stop! Thief!"

  Cries went up and my heels went down. The moment was lost. "Thief?" I said, my forehead wrinkling due to my lack of Botox.

  Ben looked around. "I don't see any thief."

  "But I do see Claudia raising a stink. We should find out if she's okay." Claudia moved a little further away, her hands clasping her throat.

  "If we must," said Ben. "I'd rather hide."

  We exchanged smiles. Personally, I agreed with him. I really wasn't too interested in Claudia, but I was interested in her suddenly missing jewels. And if what she shrieked were true, the thief was in this room, right now, and I was closer to cracking the case, and getting my miniscule bonus, than I'd ever been.

  Claudia was sobbing, or, more precisely, hyperventilating and shrieking while wiping her tearless eyes as we approached. "Oh, Ben, darling!" She threw herself at him, giving me a fraction of a second to leap out of the way before catching me with a bony elbow and doing who knows what kind of damage? "I could have been killed! Murdered! He could have slit my throat!"

  Ben gave me a look that I could only interpret as hopeful, but patted Claudia on the back. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Maybe your necklace snapped?"

  "No, I felt a hand on my neck. It was so cold! Like a ghost! And then my necklace slipped away. He would have strangled me, I'm sure!"

  "He?" I asked, wondering what method of murder she'd pick next.

  Claudia wrinkled her nose. "Bigger hands than a woman. Shorter nails."

  "So probably human and not a ghost," I told her, watching her eyes narrow. "And you seem okay."

  "Physically. I might faint. Ben, catch me!" Claudia's eyes rolled back and she slumped into Ben's arms. Damn it. I should have tried that the moment the lights went out. I might have gotten that kiss then. As it was, it didn't look like Ben had any plans to lock lips with Claudia anytime soon. He looked rather bemused, although increasingly uncomfortable as he maneuvered her to a chaise by the wood-paneled wall, where he lay her down. I saw her fingers tightening their grip on his jacket. Pah. So much for fainting.

  I leaned in closer. "She's in a dead faint," I said loudly. "Hold still, Ben, while I throw this pitcher of water over her. It may be the only thing to rouse her."

  Claudia's eyes flashed open, her hand went to her forehead and she groaned loudly, probably at the realization she wouldn't be getting any mouth-to-mouth action from my date. "What happened?" she murmured. "Did I faint? Oh, Ben, you darling, you rescued me."

  "Anytime, Claudia." Ben extracted himself, not without difficulty as she clung to his cuff, and stood upright. We were at the front of a small crowd that assembled to watch Claudia's performance, I mean, to check up on her and find out if the theft was true. I might have some reservations about her acting skills, but I could definitely confirm her throat was stripped of the showy jewels.

  "Are you okay?" Ben asked me as I took a deep breath.

  "Fine," I assured him. "Not shaken, not stirred." That wasn't strictly true; the theft happened on my watch. This was on my head... and I didn't see a thing. Not that I could blame myself for the blackout.

  Ben smiled.

  "Will you excuse me for a moment? I want to check in with Helen. She looks a little pale," I told him. Helen was being helped down from the small platform, all the color gone from her face.

>   "Of course."

  I took another look at Claudia. She was trying to catch the hem of Ben's jacket, but only succeeded in looking like she had pincers instead of hands. "Try not to get eaten by Claudia while I'm gone."

  "Hurry back." Ben glanced over his shoulder to where Claudia was reclining while she retold the story of the theft. He moved another step backwards. One thing she seemed to have forgotten was that the thief was still in the room, but I didn't forget and I was fairly certain Solomon was jumping to attention somewhere closeby. Not that kind of attention. My heart raced all the same. I grabbed a fan from the vase on a console and fanned myself as I crossed over to Helen.

  "Excuse me, Helen," I interrupted when I found Helen standing in the corner with her assistant, Madeleine. Both women looked pale, but Helen's game face was rapidly coming into play. Madeleine was starting to look bored. "Can we speak a moment?"

  "Yes, of course. Lexi, isn't it? Madeleine, check on Claudia, would you, dear?"

  "Of course, Helen." Madeleine flashed me a smile as she walked past me. I wondered if Claudia would treat her to a performance too. Probably. Soon everyone in Montgomery would be hearing the heavily dramatized version. Unfortunately, the version everyone would hear about me would probably be that the one, non-serving Graves in MPD let a thief get away. Not if I had anything to do with it! He might have outsmarted me temporarily, but I would catch him anyway I could.

  It would be better if my resolve were matched up with a brilliant action plan, but I was pretty much all out of them.

  "Solomon should be here any moment," I told her quietly. "Until then, we need to secure the area. I don't want any of the guests to leave. I hate to say it, but they'll need to be searched. The thief can't have taken the necklace out of the building. Not yet."

  Helen nodded and made a sweeping motion towards the two doormen who stood by the double doors. They nodded and I saw one tap his ear and speak. As I glanced across the room, I saw the opposite doors close, leaving only one exit. The doormen took up positions in the middle, their hands crossed in front of their groins. They were either ready to leap to action or really excited. I was too far away to tell. So far, I seemed to be the only one who noticed that the exits were blocked. I just hoped Solomon and the team arrived before the crowd tired of Claudia and got antsy. Also, where was Delgado when you needed him?

  "Did you see who did it?" Helen asked me. "It was pitch-black. I couldn't see a thing. I only knew something happened when Claudia started to scream. He could have picked someone quieter." She trailed off and sighed.

  "I'm sorry, I was as blind as everyone else. Has Claudia dated anyone in our suspect pool?" I asked.

  Helen unexpectedly laughed. "Claudia's dated everyone. Does it matter?" Helen gestured around the room with a sweep of her hand and I caught her point. No, it didn't matter one bit. This was hardly a complexly organized break-and-enter. This theft had more of a smash-and-grab feel to it.

  "No, it doesn't. Does Solomon have a list of all the guests?"

  "Yes, I emailed it earlier."

  "And do you see anyone here not on the list?"

  Claudia shook her head. "No, but there's around five people who haven't turned up."

  "I'll need those names so we can discount them." I made a note on my cell phone as Helen reeled off the names from memory. Three men, two women: all with something better to do than become suspects, or mingle with the local rich list.

  "What should we do now?" Helen asked as I finished making my notes.

  I was saved from answering when Solomon appeared between the doormen. They didn't seem to notice him. I kind of wanted Solomon to karate chop them both in the neck just to see what happened, and also to see if he was a secret ninja. On reflection, that probably wasn't a great idea. As I watched Solomon, his eyes sliding from the man on the right to the one on the left, I had to wonder if he was thinking the same thing. He scanned the room until he found me, nodded, and put his fingers to his luscious... lips.


  Just lips.

  Not luscious anythings.

  I flushed, nodded, and Solomon slipped away.

  "Solomon's here. Just act normal," I told Helen.

  "What will he do?"

  "He's going to take care of things," I said, sounding far more assured than I felt. As I spoke, my phone vibrated and I raised it, checking the screen.

  “Searching guests on natural exit," it read. “Nobody left yet.”

  Well, that was succinct. And not very exciting... but a good plan, especially as I quietly had the same one. Damn it. I should have sent a text and gotten in there first! I got the idea though. Searching guests on exit would allow them to leave at their own pace, instead of being shepherded out en masse into the waiting arms of MPD. It was quiet, discreet, and not likely to cause huge embarrassment to the guests or the agency. Plus, I had to hope the chances of the thief ditching the jewels already would be pretty low. In evening dress, there weren't that many places to hide such a chunky piece, but I couldn't see the thief leaving the necklace to retrieve later.

  According to Solomon, if nobody left the room yet — and I had to assume the doormen confirmed that — and if the necklace wasn't on someone's person, then it had to be hidden in this room. I looked around. There were vases of flowers, tables, chairs, chaises, sweeping curtains and wood paneling covering every wall of the vast room. There were plenty of hiding places, but every single one was a risky option. Staff would clear away all the fancy decor hired for the evening, and cleaners would follow them. Somewhere along the way, Solomon's team would sweep the room, leaving no corner unchecked, no vase unturned.

  No, I decided, it had to be on someone's person, but whose?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Helen Callery was a consummate professional. It probably had a lot to do with the sinking ship her dating agency would become if her clients realized they were all suspects. Even worse, if they all realized they were actually targets. So, as soon as Claudia was placated and escorted from the room by a couple of handsome waiters, the hubbub died down, and the auction resumed.

  I noticed Helen's assistant, Madeleine, moving around, ensuring drinks were flowing freely, and prompting the applause every time a winner was announced. She was a one-woman cheer team: making small talk, laughing, showing everyone what a wonderful time everyone else was having, and allowing her infectiously pretty smile to turn worried faces into happy, forgetful ones. Most of all, I think the guests were relieved they weren’t robbed, which certainly encouraged them to be a little more forgiving. Plus, each and every one had an exciting story to tell about the time a dramatic jewel theft occurred. From what I gathered, everyone was no more than a few feet away from Claudia.

  "I guess I didn't win," said Ben with a disappointed shrug as the last lot winner was called.

  "Me neither."

  "Let's commiserate together?" Ben raised his eyebrows and if I didn't know better, I might have thought he was being suggestive. Oh wait, he totally was. Awesome!

  "Do you have something in mind?" I replied, flirtatiously swirling a lock of hair with my forefinger.

  "A nightcap? Somewhere quiet... somewhere sexy..."

  "Well, I, uh..." I wanted to say yes. I wanted to say, “Hello, okay, right now? Yippee yay. Let's go.” But I had a job to do, which involved tracking down a thief, not enjoying a sexy nightcap with one of the top suspects. On the other hand, what better way to get a frisk search completed? Uh, on him. Not me. I hadn't stolen anything.

  My phone vibrated and I opened my purse just enough to glance down. Somehow, I forgot the phone was there. “Go,” was the single word on the screen.

  Oh, well, fine, if my boss insisted, I guess I would just have to take one for the team.

  "Sure," I said, "Let's get our coats."

  There was no queue at the cloakroom, but before we got there, the two of us were pulled to one side.

  "If you'll just come with us one moment, sir," said my colleague, Fletcher, nodding to me
politely as if we were strangers.

  "What's going on?" asked Ben.

  "Just a routine search in light of this evening's events," Fletcher explained.

  Ben held his hands up. "Search away."

  "If you'll just come into this room, sir. We'd like to be discreet."

  "Ma'am, if you'll follow me." Delgado stepped in front of me. I hoped he didn't have plans to search me. After all, I was pretty certain he recently played strip search with my sister... and some other games I wanted absolutely no knowledge of. Ever.

  "Yes, of course," I agreed. "See you in a moment, Ben."


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