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Rogues in Texas 03 - Never Marry a Cowboy

Page 25

by Lorraine Heath

“The other end of town.”

  “We need to get your wound taken care of before infection sets in.”

  The determination in her voice made him want to smile. He looked past her to Christopher. “I have some business to finish up, and then I’ll return so we can settle our affairs.”

  Christopher nodded and walked into the boardinghouse.

  “You’re shaking,” Ashton said as she strolled beside him, clinging to his arm.

  “I always do after I’ve killed someone.”

  She jerked her gaze to his. “You enjoy reminding me that you kill.”

  “Not particularly, but it is a fact of my life, and it’s suddenly become imperative that you not forget it.”

  “Do you ever count how many lives you might have saved?”

  “No, because the count is inconsequential. I could not save the lives that mattered most.”


  Ashton walked around the jail, taking note of its stark, drab appearance. Kit had told her that he’d needed to tend to some paperwork so they’d come here after the doctor had stitched up his shoulder.

  She had so much to tell him and didn’t know where to begin.

  She stopped inside a doorway and peered into a desolate room that she was certain had once been used for storage. It held a cot and a carton of books. Clothes hung on the wall beside a shaving stand. It wasn’t a place of solitude, but of loneliness. “Is this where you live?” she asked.

  Kit glanced up from the papers strewn across his desk and met her gaze. “Yes.”

  “It’s not very fancy.”

  “I don’t need fancy. I only need useful.”

  The front door opened and a tall, thin man walked in carrying a small box. “I was able to get some identification off a couple of ‘em.” He set the box on the desk. “I don’t think these here things originally belonged to any of them.”

  Kit pulled a watch out the box.

  “The initials on that there watch is CS. I don’t think any of them had a name that matched the initials,” the man said.

  She watched Kit nod and place the watch carefully back into the box.

  “I think I’ve managed to identify them from the wanted posters.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “A shame I didn’t check the posters the night they were shooting up Harry’s saloon. Three innocent men might still be alive.”

  “Can’t see the death of these outlaws as any great loss.”

  Kit opened his eyes. “The ending of any life is a loss, Mr. Dawson. Even when that life was not put to good use.”

  “Iffen you say so. Me, I say good riddance.”

  Mr. Dawson turned and tipped his hat at Ashton. “We are surely proud to have your husband as our marshal, Mrs. Montgomery.”

  “So proud that you all stood beside him.”

  “We was there, we just wasn’t visible on account of him telling us—”

  “Thank you, Mr. Dawson,” Kit cut in.

  “It wasn’t our fight and we was to stay out of the way.”

  “I think you’ve adequately taken care of the business at hand, Mr. Dawson,” Kit said. “Once I’ve finished completing the forms, I’ll see that you’re reimbursed for expenses.”

  “‘Preciate it, Marshal.”

  Mr. Dawson walked out of the office, leaving a deafening silence in his wake. Kit cast Ashton a quick glance before he returned to scribbling on his papers.

  “You told the townspeople to stay out of sight?”

  Kit continued to write. “Wounded pride brought Jasper back to Fortune. His quarrel was with me.”

  She studied the room where he lived. “It looks like a prison.”

  “Of course it looks like a prison. It’s a jail.”

  “I meant the place where you live. There’s not an ounce of comfort anywhere here.”

  “I have my books.”

  “You’re punishing yourself.”

  She heard the scratching of his pen fall into silence.

  “Other than irritating the devil out of me, what are you doing here, Ashton?”

  She crossed the room and planted her hands on his desk. “Trying to figure you out. You couldn’t save Clarisse, so you try to save everyone else. You feel guilty for taking her life, so you place yourself in situations where you might lose yours.”

  “Asinine assumptions.”

  “But true.”

  He tossed his pen aside, leaned back in his chair, and pinned her with his hardened gaze. “Your point being?”

  “I love you.”

  “You can’t possibly, after knowing all that you know.” He picked up his pen and began to write fervently. “I have details to which I must attend. So many details. Sometimes I can get lost in them … incredibly lost … that for a second or two I can forget the feel of her final breath whispering across my flesh. I can forget … I need you to leave. I have to fill out reports on the deaths that occurred today. Detailed reports. I can’t concentrate on the details with you standing there.”

  Slowly, quietly, she walked around the desk and knelt beside him. She saw the tears welling in his eyes, and her own eyes began to burn.

  “I must concentrate on the details. Will you please leave?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied softly.

  He jerked his head around and within the depths of his eyes, she saw the agony with which he’d lived for so long. Tears rolled along his cheeks. Reaching up, she cradled his face. “Oh, Christian.”

  “A completely inappropriate name for me. One of life’s sick jokes.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  His fingers came incredibly close to touching her face before he curled them into a fisted ball.

  “Giving Clarisse an abundance of pain medication seemed the right thing to do at the moment. She was in so much agony.” He released a wretched sob. She rose and slipped her arms around him, pressing his face to her bosom. “Then she was dead and the doubts and regrets slammed into me. And they have plagued me since. It was my suffering that I wanted to end. I could not bear to watch her valiant struggle when I knew the outcome. I wanted her to face death with a measure of dignity before her disease stripped it all away.” She felt the shudder rack his body. “Selfish, so incredibly selfish of me. She was not mine to love. Her life was not mine to end.”

  She pressed a kiss to his neck. “I love you.”

  “How can you now that you know what I am capable of doing?”

  Leaning back, she trailed her fingers along the tears staining his face and held his gaze. “I love you more. You must have known the guilt you would suffer if you granted her wish.”

  “My suffering is nothing compared to what hers had become.”

  “But yours is eternal, and you knew it would be when you made your decision.”

  He slammed his eyes closed. “Yes.”

  “Will you take my life?”

  He opened his eyes and captured her gaze. “If you ask it of me.”

  She brushed her lips lightly over his. “I won’t.”

  “That is easy enough to say before every second is measured by the depth of your pain.”

  Standing, she took his hand. “Come with me.”

  “I have things to which I must attend.”

  “So do I.” She tugged on his hand. “Lie on your cot with me.”

  He shook his head. “Ashton, bringing you pleasure will not solve our problems.”

  “I only want you to hold me.”

  “It is a very narrow cot.”

  “Then hold me close.”

  He stood and followed her as she led the way to a room she’d already come to despise. How could he have lived here all these years?

  He stretched out on his side on the cot with his back against the wall. Gingerly, she lay down, pressing her body closely against his and wrapping her arm around his waist so she wouldn’t fall onto the floor.

  “You see? I told you it was narrow,” he said.

  She lifted her gaze to his. “How do you sleep here?”

corner of his mouth lifted. “On my side.”

  “It has to be the most uncomfortable thing I’ve been on.” She unbuttoned the first button on his shirt. “You don’t wear a hair shirt, do you?”

  “No, but I do give myself mental floggings every morning.”


  He sighed deeply. “I took an innocent life, Ashton.”

  “Christopher knows.”

  His eyes darkened with fury. “You told him?”

  “He told me.”

  He raised up on an elbow. “What do you mean, he told you? He doesn’t know I killed Clarisse.”

  “You told me that you know each other’s thoughts.”

  “Not this one. This one I buried deeply inside myself. He couldn’t have found it with a shovel.”

  She placed her hand over his heart. “He knows you, Kit, as well as you know yourself. Why do you think he sent for you?”

  She watched the fury recede to allow in the doubts.

  “He wanted me to kill her?”

  She nodded. “Because he couldn’t bring himself to do it.”

  He cradled her face. “He told you this?”

  “Last night. I couldn’t sleep and I went to the kitchen. We shared some cocoa.”

  Kit gazed at the far wall and nodded. “He has a passion for cocoa.”

  He lay back down, and she could see within his eyes all the battles he waged. Disbelief, acceptance, understanding. But no anger. She had expected anger.

  “He used you,” she pointed out, “because he was too weak—”

  “Because he loved her too much.”

  If Kit wasn’t going to get mad, she was. “Shouldn’t he have loved you enough not to ask or expect of you what he did?”

  “You have to understand the bond between Christopher and me.”

  “So if I asked you to end my life you’d send in Christopher to do it?” she snapped.

  “No.” He shifted his gaze to her and trailed his fingers along her face. The depth of love reflected in his eyes was enough to make her want to weep. “No, I want to be the one to grant all your desires. Taking a life is not an easy task. I cannot fault Christopher for shying away from it. He did not hold a gun to my head. He simply gave me the opportunity to give to Clarisse what I could.”

  “But at what cost to you?”

  “At a price I was willing to pay.”

  She felt deflated as she studied his face. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand.”

  “You don’t have to. You only have to know that my love for Christopher is such that I would do anything for him.” He trailed his thumb over her lower lip. “Just as I would do anything for you.”

  He eased his face nearer to hers. “Earlier, you said that you loved me.”

  She nodded.

  “And here we lie with our bodies pressed close.”

  Again she nodded.

  “When it was only last night that you asked me not to touch you.”

  “Last night I didn’t understand,” she whispered.

  “Why I killed Clarisse?”

  She shook her head. “What it would feel like to lose you.” Tears welled in her eyes. “When Mrs. Gurney said you were going to face the outlaws—” A sob broke free and a shudder ran through her body. “Oh, Kit, I was so frightened! I didn’t want you to die!”

  “So the tears you wept earlier were for me?”

  “Of course they were,” she said.

  “And if I were to press my lips to yours, you would welcome my kiss?”

  “With all my heart.”

  His mouth covered hers with a desperation that spoke volumes. She combed her fingers up into his hair, holding him in place, wondering how she had ever managed to doubt his motives, to distrust his actions. He had risked his soul for Clarisse, risked his life for the people of this town, and risked his heart for her.



  « ^ »

  “By God, I cannot … believe how … wrong I was!”

  Standing in his father’s room with Christopher beside him, Kit listened to his father’s slurred words, watched his face contort as he forced himself to speak. Kit felt the unbearable ache in his chest at the sight of his father trying to maintain his dignity.

  “You instill loyalty in men … understand the true measure of responsibility … are willing to make the greatest of all sacrifices to protect those who have entrusted you with their care. Who would have thought it?”

  He pointed a trembling finger at Kit. “You were born first for a reason, but I thought I was wiser.” His father shook his head. “I was a fool. You are the heir of Ravenleigh, and soon you shall bear its title.”

  Kit crouched before him. “You have prepared Christopher for the role, and he has always expected to hold the title. It is not fair now to deprive him of it.”

  “Fair?” his father croaked. “You talk of fair when you have been cheated since birth?” His father wrinkled his grizzled face and poked his finger, with no strength, into Kit’s shoulder. “You see? Again you prove my point.”

  Kit resisted the urge to scoff. “I was also sent here for a reason. I am not a worthy heir, regardless of what you think. My reputation is scandalous.”

  His father moved his finger in a circle as though he were stirring tea within a cup. “No one will know. You need only switch names.”

  Kit glanced up at Christopher. With usual British aplomb, Christopher had shuttered his emotions so his face revealed none of the inner turmoil with which Kit knew he was struggling. Emotions Kit baffled as well.

  Taking the black book that held his father’s sins, Kit stood. “Is this the only evidence we have that mentions what happened the night we were born?”

  “Yes,” Christopher said succinctly. “The physician has since passed away.”

  Kit tore a page from the book before placing the journal in the hearth.

  “What are you doing?” Christopher asked.

  Kit rolled the paper and inserted one end into the lamp until the flame reached up and set the paper alight. He removed it from the lamp, knelt, and placed it against one corner of the book. With fascination, he watched the flames lick greedily at his offering.

  “That does not change the truth!” his father spat.

  “No, but it removes the evidence.”

  His father pounded his fist on the arm of the chair. “I want you to be the heir!”

  Kit stood and faced his father squarely. Never had words been so difficult to speak.

  “When you arranged for Christopher to marry Clarisse, knowing what I felt for her, you asked me to put Ravenleigh first. And I did. I held my silence and I put what I valued most—the heritage of Ravenleigh—above what I treasured most.

  “When you feared I did not have the strength of character to keep my hands off my brother’s wife, you asked me to put Ravenleigh first and to leave the home that I loved, and I did as you bade.

  “Now, you’re asking me again to put what I value above what I treasure.” He held his father’s gaze. “This time, Father, I cannot. I have always loved Ravenleigh. I thought no greater love existed, but I was wrong, for I love Ashton more. I will not leave her—not for all the earldoms in England .”

  He watched his father’s jaws tighten. “Then bring her.”

  “And condemn her to death? The English winters are harsh, wet, and cold. She might survive one, but I doubt she would survive two. Regardless, this time, I am placing what I treasure most above what I value.”

  “You can’t!”

  “I can and I will.”

  “I am not going to claim what is not mine by right,” Christopher said adamantly.

  “I will not leave my wife to die alone,” Kit insisted.

  Christopher met his gaze. “You are overlooking the obvious solution, brother. You shall take my place and return to England with Father, and I shall stand in your stead and hold your wife as you held mine.”

  “If only it were that simple, Christopher. Unfortunately, i
t is not.”

  “You are doing this to spite me,” his father grumbled.

  “No, Father. My heart is no longer at Ravenleigh. Christopher cannot say the same. Can you, brother?”

  “My feelings on this matter are of no consequence.”

  Kit smiled. “You offered to stand in my stead. Do it at Ravenleigh and not here.” He bowed slightly. “Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, my wife awaits.”

  Christopher shook his head slightly. “You know you can go out the front door instead of the window.”

  Kit winked at his brother. “Not tonight.”


  With the flame burning low within the lamp on the table while she lay in the bed, Ashton stared at the ceiling, Kit’s words resounding in her head.

  If only it were that simple…

  Kit had told her that he wanted to speak with his father and brother alone. She’d gone downstairs for some warm milk. She had not intended to eavesdrop, but the door stood slightly ajar and their deep voices carried into the hallway.

  If only it were that simple…

  Again, Kit was sacrificing everything for her. He would not leave her to die alone, regardless of the cost to himself.

  The door opened, and she watched her husband stroll in, a lazy smile enhancing his features.

  “Still awake?” he asked as though he’d expected nothing different.

  She thought she would never love him more than she did at this moment. She nodded slightly, etching into her memory the manner in which he removed his clothes, slowly, seductively, as though he knew how much she enjoyed the sensual performance.

  “How did the talk go with your father and brother?”

  “It went well. I destroyed Father’s journal so there is no evidence to indicate anyone other than Christopher is the rightful heir to Ravenleigh. I think Christopher is much relieved. He can take up the reins now with no guilt.”

  He sat on the bed and tugged off his boots. “Besides, he’s in love.”

  “How do you know?”

  He shrugged. “I sensed it tonight. I suppose it’s the woman Father arranged for him to marry. If I accepted Ravenleigh. I would take from him not only the title, but the woman he wants.”

  She reached over and placed her palm against his warm, bare back.

  “What about you?”

  He leaned back and threaded his fingers through her hair. “I have what I want.”


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