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The Winding Road Home

Page 14

by Sally John

  “Tanner, if we’re finished I’m outa here. I’m going to go kiss the pharmacist, and then I’m picking up my little girl at her friend’s. I promised her ice cream, but don’t tell Lia if you see her.”

  Tanner shook Cal’s hand. “I appreciate all your help.”

  “No problem. Glad to have you in town. Bye.”


  Cal disappeared through the doorway leading to the staircase.

  Kate draped her jacket over a table chair. “He’s sweet.”

  “Sweet doesn’t come to mind when I think of an ox.” He chuckled as he tied the balloons to another chair. “He did pick up the couch by himself.”

  “Jesus is like that. Sweet and strong as an ox. He can carry any load. No complaints. He just says give Him some more.”

  Tanner gave her a quizzical look, his eyebrows almost touching. “I’ll have to think about that one.”

  Thank You, Lord. He’s thinking. She leaned over, putting her face between his and the knot he was still tying. “Sooo?” she prompted in a singsong voice. “Tell me?”

  His grin said he inferred what she was talking about. “I signed the papers.”

  She clapped her hands, whooped, danced around in a circle, and then she flung her arms around his neck. “Yay! Congratulations!”

  He laughed, hugging her back. “Keep it down. Lia requested I not throw wild parties while the store’s open right beneath us.”

  She punched his arm and whooped quietly.

  He tapped her nose once. “Thank you.”

  “Okay, put me to work.” She spotted boxes on the counter. “I bet those are dishes, and I bet the cupboards are clean.”

  “Have at it. I’m putting the computer together in the spare bedroom. Which has a border of stenciled cat silhouettes on all four walls.”

  She laughed, ripping the tape off a box. “Where do you want things to go?”

  “In the cupboards.”

  “Any preference? Right, left, up, down?”

  “Nope. I’ll find them.”

  “You are so easygoing. I don’t know why some pretty young thing hasn’t snapped you right up.”

  “It’s a mystery.”

  “Do you like spaghetti?”

  “Love it.”

  “I’ll walk over to Swensen’s soon and get some things. Then I’ll cook for you.” She glanced over her shoulder. “And don’t go stuffing money in my jacket again.”

  “I promise I won’t if you’re cooking for two.”

  “Am I invited?”

  He grinned. “Since when did you need an invitation?”

  She threw a wad of packing paper at him. “Since your bachelor pad suddenly opened up two blocks from my place!”

  Adele heard his footsteps echoing in the hall coming toward her office. It was late at Fox Meadow, almost eight o’clock, and things were winding down. Most of the residents were in their rooms.

  She felt that funny misbeat in her throat as she anticipated the moment he would stop in front of her open door. That feeling couldn’t keep up, could it? Maybe she had a heart condition…which flared up only when Graham Logan was in the vicinity. That was a heart condition, all right.

  “Adele.” He stood in her doorway.

  “Hi. How’s he doing?”

  “Resting quietly now.” He came in and sat in the chair across from her desk.

  “I peeked in once. You were both asleep.”

  “Is Chelsea all right? I hope he didn’t frighten her.”

  “She’s fine. It’s part of working here. She knows now what she doesn’t want to do with the rest of her life.”

  “That makes two of us. You, on the other hand, are a saint.”

  “No, just different. Have you eaten?”

  “I ate some of Rand’s dinner.”

  She walked around the desk, picked up her coat folded atop it, and reached for his hand. “Come on. How about some leftovers?”

  He smiled softly as he stood, his fingers closing around hers. “Sounds perfect.”

  She flipped off the light switch as they passed it. “I sent Chelsea home awhile ago.” They walked down the hall. “There may even be some oatmeal cookies, considering the fact she was grounded from about everything except baking.”

  “Mmm…oatmeal cookies. With raisins and walnuts I hope?”

  “Naturally.” She squeezed his hand.

  “Why didn’t you go home with her?”

  “I’m still catching up from that unscheduled day off. And you were still here. I knew I could get a ride.”

  “What if I hadn’t stopped by your office?”

  She leaned against his arm. “Not even a chance of that.”

  “You shouldn’t know me so well already.”

  “Graham, I don’t know you at all. I only know…” She closed her mouth, cutting off the words.

  He squeezed her hand now as they reached the deserted lobby. He took her coat and held it open for her. “You only know what?”

  She slipped her arms into the coat and buttoned it.

  He put a finger under her chin and tipped it. “Only know what?”

  She searched his eyes for permission to make a fool of herself. Up until that moment he had been distracted, preoccupied. But now…now she sensed all of his energies were directed at her. It was an unnerving sensation that threw her heart rate into double time.

  “I only know,” she whispered, “that I can’t breathe quite right when I’m with you.”

  “Adele!” Gracie’s voice startled her.

  Graham dropped his hand, and they turned as one to the weekend supervisor approaching from across the lobby.

  A few minutes later, Gracie’s questions answered, they hurried through the parking lot. Adele smiled to herself. The moment had passed.

  Thank You, Lord. I really did not want our first kiss to be in the lobby of Fox Meadow Care Center!

  Graham sat in Adele’s living room smelling delectable scents of warm cookies and curry emanating from the kitchen. He held the newspaper and turned its pages, his eyes seeing words, his mind not comprehending a one.

  It was a battle of the voices.

  He had almost kissed her. He had almost kissed her! Exactly what he had vowed—just a few hours earlier—not to do.

  But you want to. And she wants you to.

  It’s too soon. The charade isn’t finished yet.

  She’s a strong woman. She will understand.

  And then what? Love her like I loved Sammi? So that when she dies I can be a total zombie for a few years?

  Who says she’s dying?

  Daily possibility with everybody. I’m not signing up for it again.

  Where’s your trust?

  Let’s just get through Rand first.


  He jumped and snapped the newspaper away from his face. “Chelsea!”

  “Sorry, you must have been really engrossed in the sports page.” She sat in a chair opposite him. “Dinner’s almost ready. Did I do something to disturb Mr. Jennings today?”

  You showed up. He wasn’t prepared. “Uh, no, no. Don’t take it personally. His pain… I can’t imagine what he’s going through. He just wasn’t feeling well enough for company.”

  “I felt really bad. I thought maybe he didn’t like me teasing about you and Mom. Like maybe it reminded him of your wife.”

  “Uh, no. Actually, he’s happy I have a new, um, friend.”

  She laughed, an echo of her mother’s lilt. “Actually, I am too. She would have been mad at me for a much longer time if you hadn’t shown up.”

  He folded the newspaper. “Really?”

  “She said so and I know so. She can be a tough old broad when she needs to be. And she has needed to be, what with raising me all by herself.”

  “Do you ever wonder about your father?”

  “Oh, yeah. She never says much about him or her family. I know just a little more than zilch. My dad’s last name is something in unpronounceable German. His first
name is Gregor. Not much to go on, huh?”

  “You’d be surprised. With the Internet these days, there are ways. You know he was in Europe eighteen years ago. She could tell you where they were.”

  “She hasn’t gotten to the point of when I was conceived. She keeps saying I’m not old enough yet.”

  “How about your grandparents?”

  “My grandmother is dead. She did volunteer work. My grandfather was involved in arbitrage and made tons of money. R.J. Chandler doesn’t sound like someone I’d care to meet. She was an only child, but she could have had aunts and uncles and cousins.”

  “Your grandfather could have changed by now. Not many people can stay angry forever.”

  She shrugged. “Then he probably would have found us. We’re in the phone book. Let’s go eat.”

  He followed her through the house. They found Adele at the stove.

  “Hi, you two. It’s almost ready. Chels, why don’t you take those things to the dining room?”

  She picked up some dishes and disappeared.

  Graham went up behind Adele, placed his hands on her shoulders, and whispered in her ear, “She’s delightful. You should un-ground her.”

  She laughed. “In your dreams.”

  That wasn’t exactly what he had in mind for his dreams.


  “You’re sure you don’t mind?” Adele’s eyes sparkled and a smile tugged at her mouth, threatening to reveal those dimples in their entirety.

  Graham wondered if there could ever be anything he minded this woman asking him. He seriously doubted it. “I don’t mind in the least.”

  Her smile came then, and he knew he shouldn’t be there.

  They climbed from his car. It was Saturday afternoon, and they were parked near the video store Tanner Carlucci had recently purchased. As a welcoming gesture, Adele was delivering cookies.

  After that they were driving 30 miles to a Swedish historical museum for him to do research. That was also Adele’s idea. It had taken him a moment to get the connection. Research?

  He shouldn’t be there. Between the allure of her dimples, the stress of Rand’s decline, the dread of the approaching anniversary of Sammi’s death, and the guilt of his deception—compounded now by a trip to a museum—he was walking a tightrope. One misstep and he’d be taking a nose dive into emotional overload. Undisciplined territory. What had happened to his discipline?

  “Graham?” She smiled, standing in front of the store. “Coming?”

  His discipline? Undermined by pair of dimples.

  Inside they were greeted by Kate and Tanner, who both wore jeans and sweatshirts splattered with paint. Two teenage boys stood at the counter, filling out what looked like application forms. A big bearded guy and a little girl with black hair were reading video cases. The girl appeared about eight or nine.

  “Cookies!” Kate exclaimed.

  “Thanks.” Tanner accepted the plastic container and set them on the counter next to a plate of plastic-covered lemon bars.

  “Mr. Carlucci,” one of the boys said, “you shouldn’t tempt us like that.”

  “Help yourself, guys.”

  They eagerly dug in.

  “If you don’t want a job.” Tanner laughed at their dumbfounded expressions. “Just kidding.”

  Adele asked, “Kate, did you bake in the middle of the night?”

  “Oh, I didn’t make the lemon bars. Lia made those. Graham, have you met Lia’s husband, Cal?”

  The bearded guy came over, greeted Adele, and shook his hand. “Cal Huntington. That’s my daughter, Chloe.”

  “Graham Logan. Nice to meet you.”

  “Do you live in Valley Oaks?”

  The guy was a cop. It showed in his clear focused eyes and no-nonsense demeanor.

  “Temporarily. A close friend of mine moved into Fox Meadow.”

  Adele added, “He’s a history professor on sabbatical. We’re going over to the Swedish museum so he can do some research. Tanner, show me where you’re painting.”

  Adele followed Tanner and Kate toward a back room. Graham knew he wasn’t dismissed yet.

  Cal said, “Have you got an apartment in town?”

  “Yeah. There was a furnished one available on a month by month basis. I don’t know how long Rand will be around.”

  A flicker of compassion in the green eyes. “Sorry to hear that. So where do you teach?”


  “Been there awhile?”

  “Awhile. And what do you do?”

  “Deputy sheriff.”

  Bingo. “Now that sounds like an interesting job.”

  “Oh, lots of digging for facts, just like you. Hey, my father-in-law teaches history at Northwestern. You probably know him.”

  “It’s a huge department.”

  The other three were reentering the main room.

  “He’s in American history too. Older guy. Thin. Long hair. You know, how most of you professors look. His name’s Lawrence Neuman.”

  “Oh, yeah. I know who he is.” Graham smiled. “Seems like a nice guy. I’ve seen your mother-in-law in the library.” He remembered Adele telling him about her. “How are they as in-laws?” Let’s move it, Adele.

  “They’re good ones.”

  At last Adele said, “We better go. The museum doesn’t stay open very late. See you.”

  Goodbyes were said all around, and then they left the store.

  Deputy sheriff. Graham shouldn’t have been there.

  Tanner closed the door on his young applicants and said to Chloe, “You can borrow any videos or DVDs you want.”

  Kate smiled to herself. The guy might be short on business savvy, but he was thoughtful. The little girl had been hinting for 20 minutes.

  Chloe turned to Cal, her big blue eyes growing larger. “Daddy! Can I?”

  “Sure. Go pick one out.”

  “He said videos. Maybe I can have two? I know what Mommy likes.”

  “All right, two.” He grinned as she skipped down the aisle, and then he turned to them. “Kate, what’s with the new guy and Adele?”

  Even if she hadn’t been inclined to answer, she would have. There was something about the man, even out of uniform. “I guess you could say they’re dating. They both spend most of their time at the nursing home.”

  “Is his friend really dying?”

  Kate exchanged a look with Tanner. “Well, he lives out there and Adele says he has cancer.”

  “And she thinks he teaches at Northwestern.”

  “Doesn’t he?”

  “You heard him say he knows Lawrence Neuman?”

  They nodded.

  “My father-in-law is Jack Neuman and he teaches economics. My mother-in-law spends 99 percent of her time in a library office at a computer. People don’t see her.”

  “You think he’s a fraud?” Kate asked.

  “I think he’s a cop. Chloe,” he called, pulling his wallet from a back pocket, “you ready? Tanner, how much do we owe you?”

  “Nothing. I’m not in business yet.”

  Cal laughed. “Thanks. Hey, don’t say anything to Adele, all right? I’ll give my father-in-law a call. Maybe there is a Lawrence Neuman who teaches history. If not, there’s no law against cops having friends at Fox Meadow. See you later.”

  After they’d gone, Kate and Tanner stared at each other with wide eyes.

  Kate asked, “Where’d he come up with cop?”

  “Maybe they have a special radar between them or something that sends out cop signals only other cops can pick up.”

  She laughed but quickly sobered. “Do you think Adele’s in danger? I thought Graham seemed like a really great guy.”

  “Well, we know he’s got a friend out at the home, so I doubt he’s an ax murderer looking for a victim. Cal has to be suspicious about strangers in this small town. It’s his job. I remember him sniffing around me when I first started coaching. Kate, you’re getting that snoop look in your eye.”

  “I am n

  “You are.” He wagged a finger in front of her face. “You think there’s a story about Graham Logan.”

  “You never know! Is it cookie-break time yet?”

  Tanner beat her to the counter and grabbed two. “I think there’s still coffee in the thermos. Want some?”

  “Please.” She helped herself to a lemon bar and an oatmeal cookie, and sat on the floor. “I still can’t understand why Graham would yank his friend out of Maryland in the dead of Midwest winter when he could have just as easily moved there to be with him. With the Internet, you don’t need a Swedish museum located down the road.”

  “I’m telling you, there’s no story.” Tanner poured coffee into their mugs and joined her. “May I change the subject?”

  She nodded and took a bite of lemon bar.

  “I noticed another Jesus thing about Cal today. His beard.”

  Kate stopped chewing.

  “You know, even if all those paintings aren’t true depictions, Jesus had to have a beard. I doubt men shaved back then. For certain, itinerant preachers wouldn’t have shaved. Walking through desert and sleeping outdoors? No way.”

  She chewed, nodding.

  “But then there’s that suspicious streak. Does that fit? Was Jesus suspicious?”

  She shook head and swallowed. “He didn’t need to be. He knew everything. No secrets from Him.”

  “Hmm. Then if Graham turns out to be a cop, Cal knew the truth. I’d say Cal’s got an inside track on the character of Jesus. A sweet bearded ox of a man who knows everything.”

  Kate laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Adele sat at the old upright piano in the corner of her living room, leafing through sheet music and surreptitiously studying Graham. His professor’s image was in place: He wore a sweater and cords, and his attention was riveted on a local history book. He sat in the overstuffed armchair, his stocking feet propped on the ottoman. The subtle agitation that had plagued him all day seemed gone at last.

  That afternoon, after leaving the video store, they had visited the museum. While examining displays of nineteenthcentury farm equipment and historical documents, he had excused himself three times. He went outdoors and made cell phone calls, each lasting quite awhile. In way of explanation he said dying was a legal quagmire.


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