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DIRTY ROCKER: A Rock Star Romance

Page 2

by SC Daiko

  “I’ve had an idea.” He stroked his chin. “Hayley Wilson could keep an eye on you for us instead of you going into rehab.” He smiled at the others. “What do you think?”

  I got in first. “I don’t need a bloody babysitter.”

  “It’s either that or rehab,” Zach muttered. He was the quiet one out of the four of us. When he spoke, it was always to the point.

  Jake’s lips mashed into a flat line. “If you don’t go for one or the other, you’ll have to leave the band…”

  “Let’s vote on it,” Axel interjected, flipping his dark blond hair out of his eyes. “All in favor of Foxy needing to sober up or ship out say aye.”

  I heard my bandmates basically flip me the bird as they echoed their agreement to the ultimatum. Sudden shame swept through me that it had come to this. ChiMera was my life, my miserable Godforsaken life. If I didn’t have the band, I’d have nothing. How sad was that? Without them I’d have been even more fucked-up than I was already.

  “Okay.” I struggled to find the right words. “Yankee Girl can be my nanny.”

  Jake got to his feet “I’ll go and ask her. Everyone wait here.”

  The door closed and the others gave me despairing glances.

  “It’s for your own good,” Rhys said.

  “Yeah.” Axel’s dark eyes filled with sudden sadness. “We don’t want you to end up like Ella.”

  My lips curved into a smile of deliberate reassurance. “There was never any danger of that…”

  Zach shook his head. “You are not invincible. No one is.”

  And the truth of his words pierced me like the blade of a knife.

  Chapter 3


  “I’m not a babysitter,” I said to Jake.

  He’d knocked at the door of my hotel room, waking me from my nap, and had breezed in to offer me double my salary for what he’d called a ‘promotion’. Said promotion meant I’d have to stick to Pierce like glue, rooming with him when we were back in LA, then not letting him out of my sight while we were touring in New Zealand, Australia and the Far East. Jake had promised that Joe, CM’s trusted bodyguard, would move in with us to help…otherwise I wouldn’t have considered the proposition.

  “I’m a stylist,” I reminded Jake, tapping my foot on the carpeted floor. “How will Camila manage on her own?”

  “She won’t be on her own. You can still do Pierce’s hair, stage make-up and dress him. She’ll have three of the band instead of two. We’ll make it worth her while and it’s not like her current workload is that taxing.” He ran a hand through his slicked-back hair. “Megan does all four of Vanilla Sky without batting an eyelid.” Megan was a new addition to the team and had joined us at the start of the tour.

  I made a hmmm noise. Not only would I be able to more than cover Dad’s nursing home fees, but I’d have enough left over to save up for a rainy day. I chewed on my lip, weighing the pros and cons.

  Go for it, Hayley, my inner voice urged. You’d be stupid if you didn’t, and Pierce clearly needs help. But what if I can’t cope with him? Be careful, girl. You could drown in his impish dark blue eyes.

  “Can I think about it?” I asked.

  Jake leaned his full weight against the doorjamb. “Sorry. We need you to start right away. Take charge of Pierce from the outset. Starting with getting him to pour the contents of his stash of bottles down the sink.”

  “You want me to boss him?” I drew my brows together. “Don’t think he’ll like that.”

  “He has no choice.” Jake’s tone was harsh. “We’ve given him a warning. Either he sobers up or he’s out of the band.”

  Holy shit, this was freaking serious.

  “Okay. I’ll try my best.” I exhaled a long slow breath.

  “Can’t ask more than that.” A warm smile spread across Jake’s face. “I’ll get a new contract drawn up for you asap.” He paused. “In the meantime, can you come along with me to take Pierce back to his room and deal with that stash?” My eyes must have assumed a deer-caught-in-the-head lights expression. “It will be fine,” he added.

  “Give me a couple of minutes to freshen up and pack,” I said. “I’ll meet you in Pierce’s suite shortly.”

  Jake left and I quickly changed out of my pajamas into a pair of jeans and a tee. In the bathroom, I re-braided my waist-length hair then put on mascara and lip gloss. My face stared back at me in the mirror. Jesus, what had I gotten myself into? Have I lost my mind? No going back now, though. I was in it for the duration.

  I hadn’t bothered unpacking, living out of my suitcase was easier when touring. I gathered up my toiletries and put them in my luggage, then straightened my shoulders, exited the room, and rolled my case down the corridor. The door to Pierce’s suite was open and the sound of cussing greeted me as I stepped across the threshold.

  He stood with his back to me. “Bloody hell,” he swore, pouring the contents of a bottle of scotch into the bathroom basin. “This is such a fucking waste.”

  “Better waste than wasted,” I quipped. “Need a hand?”

  “I can manage,” he gritted out.

  Jake passed him a bottle of vodka and he took it with a grunt.

  I went back into Pierce’s room and checked his luggage and the wardrobe. Empty. “Looks like we’ve cleaned you out, buddy,” I said, smiling. Something told me to adopt the light-hearted approach. I knew the bad boy well enough to know his male pride wouldn’t take kindly to being nannied.

  “Remind me not to invite you guys over for a drink ever again,” he laughed and I laughed with him.

  Jake glanced at his Rolex. “We leave for the airport in half an hour. I’ll see you both down in the lobby.”

  After he’d sauntered out of the door, I helped Pierce pack his suitcase. We chatted about the success of the tour, avoiding all mention of what was to come. Pierce had been a serious drinker since before I’d known him. Going cold turkey would give him withdrawal symptoms when we got home. It would be tough. And I’d omitted to tell Jake about my father. I wasn’t going to renounce visiting with him, which meant the bad boy would have to join me.

  Sticking to the rock god like glue would not be easy. Keeping him off the booze would not be easy. Even if I managed to get him to give up drinking didn’t mean he’d give up screwing around. How would I feel when he brought fangirls home? I sighed to myself. I’d cross that bridge when I came to it, I decided, snapping Pierce’s suitcase shut.

  “Come on,” I tugged on the sleeve of his leather jacket. “Let’s head downstairs.”

  “Yes, Miss,” he smirked.

  That freaking smirk did it for me every time.

  Chapter 4


  Carolyn, the middle-aged nurse CM had employed to move in with us and provide medical supervision to ensure Pierce’s safety, came out onto the decking where I was sitting enjoying the panoramic view. She eased her ample frame into the chair next to mine.

  “He’s a lot better,” she announced without preamble. “Gone down to the basement gym with his bodyguard.”

  This was a first. Pierce had been too weak to work out before today.

  Carolyn beamed a wide smile. “You’ll be able to manage without me now, I think.”

  I thought back to the flight home from Buenos Aires when Pierce had rolled around in agony from severe abdominal pain. As soon as we’d landed Jake had called CM’s doctor, who’d checked him over and recommended getting medical backup. Even though Pierce took meds to ease his symptoms, he’d been through hell and back the past ten days, suffering from nausea, dehydration and the shakes. But now most of the side effects from withdrawal had all but disappeared, thank God. His body still shook from time to time, but every day less, and we made sure he kept hydrated and ate a healthy diet.

  “You’ll cope fine.” Carolyn spoke the words slow and reassuringly.

  I linked my fingers together. “I don’t know what we’d have done without you.”

  Her smile wavered. “I wish he’
d agree to participate in group therapy…although I do get why he’s refused.”

  “Yeah. He’d have attracted way too much attention.” I shuddered. My life on the road with the band had shown me how much attention they received and how much they valued their privacy.

  Carolyn tilted her head toward me. “Remind me when he’ll start touring again.”

  “We’re leaving for Auckland, New Zealand, in two weeks.”

  “That should be enough time for him to stabilize.”

  “I hope so.” I tugged at the strand of hair that had come loose from my braid. Although nervous about dealing with the bad boy, I was looking forward to a change of routine. Since returning from Latin America, apart from a couple of visits to Dad—who’d deteriorated so much he was confusing me more and more with Mom—there hadn’t been much I could do yet. I’d kept busy by reading up on how to help a recovering alcoholic in between hanging out with Phoenix, Axel’s wife. They lived in the same gated Hollywood Hills community, as did everyone else in the band.

  The sound of male voices approaching alerted me to Pierce and Joe’s arrival. Joe parked his broad butt in the chair next to Carolyn—he was rooming with us for the duration—but Pierce was dressed in swim shorts and stayed standing.

  My eyes feasted on him. God, he was beautiful. All abs, and muscles and hotness. My tongue was in danger of falling out of my mouth, and I swallowed hard.

  “Wanna take a dip with me, Yankee Girl?” He indicated toward the infinity pool with a shaky hand.

  “I’d love to,” I said, and I would. It was a hot August afternoon and a swim would cool me down…in more ways than one. “I’ll go and change.”

  My bedroom was one of five on the upper floor, overlooking the front yard. Pierce had mentioned once that he’d gotten the décor done by an interior designer, and it showed. The entire house was tastefully modeled in whites and creamy colors, the furnishings modern but comfortable, the marble tiled floors elegant and cool underfoot. It was exactly the kind of house I’d buy if I won the lottery… not that I ever bought a ticket, ha. I dragged my footsteps, wondering how many groupies Pierce had brought home to this gorgeous place, and I gave an involuntary wince.

  In my room, I unzipped my boyfriend jeans, shrugged off my tee and bra then pulled on a tankini. After smearing my face with sunscreen, I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around myself, and raced back downstairs.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Carolyn heaved herself to her feet as I approached. “I’ll call Jake and let him know you’re taking over from tonight.”

  “So soon?” My chest squeezed.

  Her gaze swiveled to where Pierce was ploughing up and down the pool. “I checked him over before he jumped into the water. He’s physically strong. His body is managing to fight off alcohol addiction, but the psychological effects will be more long term.”

  “Yeah, I know.” My research had told me as much, and I hugged my arms. “Can I call you if I need advice?”

  “Of course, you can, sweetie. I’ll give you my number before I leave.”

  She gave me a hug and I watched her as she strolled toward the glass floor to ceiling door. With a flick of the switch she opened it and disappeared into the house.

  Joe had also gotten to his feet. “I’ll take a break, if that’s okay,” he said, rolling his massive shoulders.

  “Of course.” I high fived him. “We’ll see you at dinner. I ordered in earlier and we’ll eat at seven.”

  I unwrapped my towel and placed it on a chair. Suddenly anxious about being alone with Pierce, I sucked in a quick breath.

  Jesus, girl. Get a grip on yourself.

  Chapter 5


  I trod water in the deep end of the pool, enjoying the sight of Hayley as she made her way across the decking, her tits almost bouncing out of the top of her tankini.

  I’d give anything to cup them and suck them and fucking bite them.

  Whoa, mate. Not gonna happen. She’s not the kinda girl who’d be up for a one-night stand and you’re not the kinda bloke who’d offer more than that…

  My dick had stiffened and I dove down into the depths, where I quickly adjusted myself. A ripple in the water, and I opened my eyes. A pint-sized body was swimming toward me, but the chlorine had started stinging, so I shot upward to resurface and shake the droplets from my long hair. Usually tied back except when I was on stage, it hung annoyingly heavy and wet down the sides of my face.

  Yankee Girl popped up like a cork from a bottle. She swam to the shallow end and I joined her. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Like I’ve been run over by a steamroller, to be honest. And the fucking meds have turned me into a zombie.”

  I made a face at her like I was one of the walking dead, and she laughed. “You gotta let things take their course. Carolyn explained that we need to reduce the pills slowly until you can manage without.”

  “Thought I was gonna die on the plane home.” I grimaced. “I’ve never experienced pain like that. I hope I never have to again.”

  She shot me a concerned look. “You’re doing great. Let’s just take this one day at a time.”

  “Can’t wait to get back to normal,” I huffed.

  Except, what would my new normal be? Sober and clean would be a whole new ball game and I didn’t know if I could hack it.

  “Axel and Phoenix are looking forward to hanging out with you, now you’re so much better.” Hayley’s mouth curved into a warm smile.

  I stuck out my bottom lip. “Yeah. Whatever.”

  Having mates ’round without enjoying booze was about as appealing as an audience with the Pope.

  Golden sparks flashed in Yankee Girl’s amber irises. “They care about you.”

  “I know,” I said, but still I wallowed in self-pity. “It will be like partying during prohibition.”

  “You don’t need alcohol to have a good time,” she responded.

  “Wine, women and song, the adage goes,” I shrugged. “At least I can still fuck and make music.”

  Her heart-shaped face flushed. “Don’t you have any hobbies or play any sports?”

  “I’m a musician. Playing music and rehearsing is my life. I exercise in the gym. Never had time for anything else.” I paused, shot her a look. “How about you?”

  “Mountain biking. I love it.” She lifted her gaze. “I was thinking of collecting my bike from Dad’s place and exploring the trails around here while you were detoxing, but I didn’t think it appropriate…”

  “Why not?”

  She released a sigh. “I already took enough time off to visit with my father.”

  Before I’d gone batshit crazy on the plane, she’d sat with me and told me about her dad’s condition. “How is he?”

  “Worse.” Her brows drew together. “He’s forgotten I ever existed. Thinks I’m my mom.”

  “Must be hard for you. Are you an only child?”

  “I am. How about you? Any siblings?”

  “Just a sister,” I said, and left it at that. No need to go into my family background. Not now. Not ever. It was something I avoided discussing at all cost. I paid my dad thousands a month so he wouldn’t sell my story to the gutter press. “Come on, Yankee Girl. We’re supposed to be swimming. Keeping active prevents me from shaking so much.”

  “I’ll race you,” she suggested.

  “You’re on.”

  And, fuck me, she took off like a bat out of hell and beat me to the other end of the pool.

  Later, after we’d gone up to our rooms to change, we met in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of soda and a couple of glasses, and returned to the decking.

  This was my favorite place in the house and my favorite part of the day. It was a world away from the tower block where I’d grown up in the East End of London. The totally sick view of LA spread below never failed to give me a buzz. I breathed in a long, slow breath and inhaled the sweet lavender incense of the pine trees to my left for what seemed like the first time ever. I had
n’t realized my sense of smell had been taken from me by booze. Maybe there were other advantages to being sober than keeping my place in the band. And I could still anaesthetize myself with sex.

  I pulled the drumsticks from my back pocket and twirled them in my hands. “So, Yankee Girl.” I held her with my eyes. “There’s one thing I wanna get clear with you.”

  “Oh?” she countered.

  “I like to fuck. I like women and they like me. Even when I was wasted, I was good at it. Can’t wait to find out if laying off the booze has improved my performance.”

  “I’m not gonna let you fuck me,” she said after a beat.

  “I was kinda expecting you to say that.” I tapped the drumsticks against my thigh. “So, here’s the deal. If I can’t drink and take drugs, I can at least score some ass. Maybe not straight away. I mean, I only just got sober. But, when we go back on tour and hit the clubs after our concerts, I’ll be wanting to bring chicks back to my room.”

  Her eyes widened, but her gaze held firm. “You don’t need my permission, buddy. My job is to make sure you stay away from alcohol, not women.” She appeared on the verge of saying something else but bit her lip instead.

  We lapsed into silence as darkness fell. Rivers of lights twinkled in the city below us. I shot her a look, but she was staring into the distance, her arms folded across her enticing rack.

  Chapter 6


  I was dancing to ChiMera’s “Up the Beat,” earbuds plugged in while I made breakfast in Pierce’s amazing kitchen. Filled with expensive appliances, pristine white cabinets and a large island in the center, it wasn’t a sterile environment—spice racks and colorful pottery brought color to the otherwise functional look—and I enjoyed being in here.

  I’d gotten into a routine since Carolyn had left two days ago, coming down from my room first thing in the morning to set out an array of fruit and cereals, switch on the coffee maker and make freshly squeezed orange juice. It was fine by me, Pierce and Joe always cleared up, and I loved the looks of appreciation on their faces when I made pancakes or French toast.


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