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A Trust Betrayed

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by Candace Robb

  A Trust Betrayed

  The Margaret Kerr Series: Book One

  Candace Robb


  Diversion Books

  A Division of Diversion Publishing Corp.

  443 Park Avenue South, Suite 1008

  New York, NY 10016

  Copyright © 2000 by Candace Robb

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For more information, email

  First Diversion Books edition August 2015

  ISBN: 978-1-68230-005-3

  Also by Candace Robb

  The Owen Archer Series

  The Apothecary Rose

  The Lady Chapel

  The Nun’s Tale

  The King’s Bishop

  The Riddle of St. Leonard’s

  A Gift of Sanctuary

  A Spy for the Redeemer

  The Guilt of Innocents

  A Vigil of Spies

  The Margaret Kerr Series

  The Fire in the Flint

  A Cruel Courtship

  In memory of Nigel Tranter, who invited me to tea and inspired me to walk with my muse.


  Elizabeth Ewan has been so generous with her expertise and time, enthusiastically helping me create and recreate the world of Margaret Kerr. No question regarding Scottish history and culture was too quibbling. Her suggestions have made it all the richer. My friend Joyce Gibb has been a patient, calming and encouraging sounding board and reader, working miracles with tight deadlines. Kate Elton did a wonderfully provocative final emotive edit.

  Claudia Noyes advised me on vertical looms and card weaving, even giving me hands-on experience with the latter—it is much more difficult than it looks. Alan Young provided me with a balanced bibliography for the Wars of Independence. Brian Moffat spent a cold, blustery Easter Monday atop Soutra Hill sharing his knowledge of the great medieval hospital with my husband and me. And Charles Robb has made good use of our explorations to provide the maps. As ever, I’m grateful to my colleagues and friends on Chaucernet and Medfem and all who participate in the annual International Congress of Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo.

  And my especial thanks to Lynne Drew, Sara Ann Freed, Evan Marshall and Patrick Walsh for their wisdom and encouragement, and for believing in Margaret when she was just an idea.

  Historical Note

  Scotland and the Scots have been the subjects of so many popular tales that readers often come to works about them with set ideas—which may be contrary to the people and the country depicted in A Trust Betrayed. I mention plaids, but no clan tartans—they had not been formalised at this time. Also, although I pepper the speech of my characters with some Scots words, I do it with a light touch. Scots lowland speech was much closer to that of northern England in the late 13th century than some might expect, and the majority of the lowland Scots could not understand the Gaelic of the highlanders.

  Nor were the Wars of Independence a simple two way battle, Scots vs. English, at this point. To explain the complication I must go back to the death of the Maid of Norway, the last member in the direct line of kings of Scotland from Malcolm Canmore. After her death, two major claimants arose—John Balliol and Robert Bruce, but eventually ten additional claimants stepped forward. In an effort to prevent civil war, the Scots asked King Edward of England to act as judge. In hindsight, they were tragically unwise to trust Edward, who had already proved his ruthlessness in Wales. Edward chose John Balliol as king, and then proceeded to make a puppet of him, which is somewhat puzzling considering the powerful Comyn family to which Balliol was connected by his sister’s marriage.

  Robert Bruce, known as ‘the Competitor’ to distinguish him from his son Robert and his grandson Robert, still seething under the lost opportunity, handed over his earldom to his son, who was more an Englishman at heart than a Scotsman. He in turn handed over the earldom to his son, who would eventually become King Robert I. Through the 1290s this younger Bruce, Earl of Carrick—the Robert Bruce who appears in this novel—vacillated between supporting and opposing Edward. When he at last resolved to stand against Edward, he was not doing so in support of John Balliol, but was pursuing his own interests.

  As for William Wallace, he was in 1297 and thereafter fighting for the return of John Balliol to the throne. He was never a supporter of Robert Bruce.

  The reader might at first be puzzled by the small size of Edinburgh in 1297. Until the siege of the town of Berwick, it had been the jewel in the Scots crown. Edinburgh did not come into its own until the 14th century, and largely because of the fate of Berwick. At the time of this tale what is now call the Old Town was all that existed of Edinburgh, and truly just the bare bones of that.

  The Bishop of St Andrews was essentially the head of the Church in Scotland: there were no archbishoprics in Scotland.

  The treachery of Adam, Abbot of Holyrood, is fact, though the particulars in this tale are speculation.

  Scotswomen did not take their husband’s family name, so a woman would be known by her own family name, the exception being when she was widowed. Then her status was marked by her late husband’s surname, as in ‘Widow Sinclair’.


  arles: when two people strike a bargain in goods or services, the purchaser gives arles, a money payment to show that she is in good faith

  backland: the part of a burgh plot that stretches behind the main house

  bowyer: one who makes bows for archers

  brewster: a woman who brews ale

  canon: in some religious orders, including the Augustinian order, the priests were called canons; Holyrood and Soutra were Augustinian houses

  card weaving: also called tablet weaving, an ancient technique for weaving bands that predates loom weaving. A set of cards with four holes are threaded for the warp, each hole in each card carrying a single warp thread; the space between these holes creates the shed. As the cards are turned one-quarter, individually or in clusters, new threads are brought to the surface making the pattern. The warps twist, or twine around the weft, completely covering it. The cards are often made of bone or wood.

  close: a pathway between burgh properties larger than an alley but not public (see ‘wynd’)

  cruisie: an oil lamp with a rush wick

  Edward Longshanks: King Edward I was long-legged, hence the nickname

  factor: one who buys and sells for another person; a mercantile agent; a commission merchant

  flyting: scolding

  gate: street

  gey: very

  gooddaughter: daughter-in-law

  goodmother: mother-in-law

  kirtle: a gown laced at the bodice that served as an undergarment

  lugs: ears

  lyke: corpse

  lykewake: the watch over the corpse

  merrills: a popular board game with a board containing holes and pegs that the players moved in the manner of tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses

  Pater Noster beads: rosary beads

  pattens: wooden platforms attached to shoes for walking in mud

  plaid: vari-coloured wool cloth, precursor to the tartan but linked to an area only by the dyes available to weavers

  port: gate

  queyn: girl

  Ragman Rolls: an oath of fealty to Edward I signed by Scots, dated 28 September 1296, Berwick

  scarlett: the finest cloth, not necessarily red in colour
/>   scrip: a small bag, wallet, or satchel

  siller: money (from ‘silver’)

  smiddie: smithy

  trencher: a thick slice of brown bread a few days old with a slight hollow in the centre, used as a platter

  tron: the marketplace weigh beam for weighing goods

  wean: baby

  wynd: a more public alley between burgh properties than a close


  A Wake and a Burial

  Dunfermline, 26 April 1297

  Sleet drummed against the parchment window beside the door. Logs sizzled and popped in the fire circle. A water jug stood ready for dousing embers that might fly outside the ring of stones. After devoting so many hours to the altar cloth neither woman wished to chance any damage. The firelight picked out the colours on the long linen draped across the women’s laps, a paschal lamb sitting at the foot of a crucifix, a crown of thorns in the grass beside him. Margaret leaned away from the fire, towards the oil lamp on a small table at her side, preferring its steady light for the fine needlework. Now and again she glanced up at Katherine, smiled unsteadily if she caught her goodmother’s eye, then bent back over her work. Katherine did likewise. Each forced a brave face for the other. Each saw the questions, the sorrow, the fear in the other’s eyes.

  Roger Sinclair—Margaret’s husband, Katherine’s son—had been gone more than five months. And now his cousin Jack, who had departed in search of Roger three weeks past, had been brought home in a shroud.

  Margaret pricked her finger for the third time and judged it best to put her work aside before she stained it with her blood. She cut her thread and tucked her needle into a cloth in the basket at her side. Rising, she sucked at the puncture as she opened the street door, stepped out into the chill, wet evening, lifting her face and spreading her arms to the icy drizzle.

  ‘The draught, gooddaughter,’ Katherine said.

  Margaret stepped back over the threshold, shut the door. ‘It is so warm by the fire I cannot breathe.’

  The unhealthy flush of her goodmother’s face made Margaret feel even hotter. Nor could Katherine mask her sweaty odour despite all the lavender water she wore.

  ‘My old bones enjoy heat.’

  Old bones. Katherine would not have said that before Roger disappeared. She had aged in his absence. And today she had received another blow with the news of Jack’s death. It was more than the loss of a nephew—Katherine had raised him as a second son.

  Margaret resumed her seat, taking care not to wrinkle the cloth as she lifted it. She considered Katherine’s fleshy body—her goodmother indulged excessively in food as well as heat—and judged her shoulders more rounded than they had been the past summer, the joints on her hands more knobbly. Perhaps there was more grey in her brows.

  ‘You are not old.’

  ‘I ken my own body, lass.’ Katherine did not look up.

  Margaret picked up her basket as if to take up her needle again, but she could not sit still. ‘I’ll sit the lykewake this evening.’

  ‘It is over cold in that hut,’ Katherine protested. ‘I lasted but a few short prayers—me, with all this flesh protecting my bones from the cold. And you are so much thinner.’ She shook her head at Margaret. ‘I cannot allow it. What would Roger say if you lost fingers or toes keeping vigil over his cousin?’

  What would Roger think? Margaret could not guess. Out of their two years of marriage she could count on one hand how many months he had been home. She hardly knew him any better than she had at their betrothal. Before her marriage she had dreamed of their life together—she would share in the concerns of his shipping business, entertain the prominent burgesses of Perth, bear children, run an efficient household, comfort Roger and the young ones through their illnesses. Instead, she was commonly alone, the burgesses gossiped about her husband’s long absences, and as for children, there were none—they had little chance of being conceived. She did not know which possibility was more frightening—that Roger was caught up in the fighting against the English king, perhaps lying injured somewhere, or that he was away from her this long while by choice.

  And since learning of Jack’s violent death an even greater fear gripped her—that Jack had been killed because he was searching for Roger, which meant her husband was in danger.

  Katherine moved from fretting about Margaret to reassuring her. ‘Celia is out there, ready to affright any evil spirits with candles.’ Celia was Katherine’s maid.

  ‘A member of the family should keep the lykewake,’ Margaret said.

  She regretted her words when she saw Katherine’s small frown. Her goodmother had been kind to her, welcoming her warmly at Yuletide and again at Easter, weeks when Margaret’s house in Perth would have echoed with her loneliness.

  ‘I should keep the lykewake, not a mere servant—that is what I meant,’ Margaret appeased. ‘Not that you should do it. You must ready the house for those who will come for the burial.’

  Katherine relented when Margaret promised to wrap herself in two mantles, her coarse plaid one over the fine wool one her goodmother had given her at Christmas.

  The ground in the frosty evening yard gave Margaret pause. It was rough and slippery, sleet washing over the frozen ruts in the packed earth. The hut was not far. Light from the lantern she carried already danced on the door of the small building. But she would last no longer than Katherine if she had wet feet. She took time to strap wooden pattens over her soft, worn shoes, then she gathered her skirts in hand to cross the expanse.

  Margaret slowed as she approached the hut. When she had last seen Jack he had been bright-eyed and laughing with the prospect of a journey. Her burden of dread had lifted a little with the possibility that the months of waiting, of uncertainty, might be about to end, that she would learn what had delayed Roger. At least something was being done. But if Jack had discovered anything he had sent no word before his death. Margaret knew no more than before, and now had lost the person who had seen to Roger’s business in his absence—Jack had been his cousin’s factor, representing Roger at the port of Perth, arranging sales of the goods in the warehouses. He had also been a good friend to Margaret.

  The shed was lopsided, made of mud and twigs, roofed with old thatch. When Margaret pulled at the door it stuck and she had to yank it, rattling the flimsy structure.

  The maid jumped up with a cry. Shielding her eyes from the lantern’s bright glow, she cried, ‘Who comes here?’

  ‘It’s Margaret.’ She fumbled at the lantern shutters with frozen fingers.

  ‘I was feart you were an evil spirit,’ said Celia.

  ‘As I would have been,’ said Margaret, shutting the door. ‘That is why we are here, to keep the evil spirits from Jack’s departing soul. Though I think his soul must have passed before he came here.’ He had been found in Edinburgh three days earlier.

  Celia hugged herself as a gust of wind from the open door blew out a candle.

  ‘It is a night for spirits,’ said Margaret.

  ‘Aye, it is.’ Celia lit the candle from another. ‘And a cold one.’ The mantle she wore looked warm—Katherine treated her servants well—but as Celia turned from the candle and shook out her skirt Margaret saw that it was damp from the rivulets that criss-crossed the packed earth floor.

  Margaret held out the lantern. ‘Take yourself off to bed. I shall watch till dawn.’

  ‘You are kind, Dame Kerr, but my mistress told me to bide until sunrise.’ Celia settled back down in her chair in the corner, tucking a loose strand of dark hair into her cap and patting it primly. She was a tiny woman of an age with Margaret, not yet twenty, with a pale complexion and dark eyes under heavy brows. ‘I’ll not disturb your prayers.’

  Celia answered only to her mistress, and even then she was very stubborn—a trait tiny people often had, it seemed to Margaret. She did not bother to argue with Celia. Neither did she intend to let the woman interfere with her farewell to Jack.

  The sputtering candles burning at both ends of the s
hrouded corpse scented the air with beeswax but could not mask the other, stronger odour of decay. Dried herbs had been added to Jack’s shroud before it had been sewn shut, as was the custom, but they were no longer equal to the task.

  Sewn shut. Margaret had only her brother Andrew’s terse description of Jack’s wounds—the slashed stomach and throat, related dispassionately. Not that Andrew had reason to sorrow, no more than for any man’s death. Her brother, a canon of Holyrood in Edinburgh, had brought Jack’s body home, but she doubted the two had ever spoken more than a few cordial words of greeting. It seemed to her that someone who had cared for Jack should witness his wounds. In fact, having had so little acquaintance with him, Andrew might even have made a mistake in identifying the body as Jack.

  ‘How can I know it is him?’ Margaret whispered as she stood over the shrouded figure.

  ‘Father Andrew said as much, Dame Kerr,’ said Celia.

  Andrew had taken his vows before Margaret met Roger and his family. He had come to her wedding, where he would have met Jack, but she did not know of another time he might have seen him. A mistake was possible. Still, the prospect of opening the shroud filled her with dread.

  If she had her mother’s gift of second sight she might spare herself this added grief of seeing Jack’s handsome face transformed by hideous death. But though Margaret looked much like her mother, she did not have her gift. She must deal with the world more directly. She must see the body.

  ‘Bring my sewing basket to me, Celia. Make sure that my scissors and a good needle are in it.’

  She saw Celia’s uncertainty. ‘I pray you, go.’

  ‘Widow Sinclair will wonder why you want your sewing things.’

  ‘Tell her I must occupy my hands.’

  Celia looked doubtful, but with a nod she departed.


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