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Avis Blackthorn and the Magical Multicolour Jumper (The Wizard Magic School Series, Book 2)

Page 27

by Jack Simmonds

  “Jess!” said Gret. “Pay attention!”

  Jess sat up, looking sleepy. “Don’t tell me what to do, who do you think you are?”

  “I am someone who want to ‘vin this match!”

  “So am I!” screamed Jess.

  “Ladies, ladies!” Partington cried. “That’s enough. Now Ellen, please tell me about this four point plan to counter the threat of their front three.”

  The past week had been no better, the closer we got to the game the more fractious the energy. Not just between us and Jasper’s form in lessons, but between ourselves. There was a clear divide between the team with Joanna, Jake and Gret clearly thinking that the rest of us were not as passionate about winning the cup as they were. I was in the middle of it — small pointless arguments over dinner, little niggly comments in form, pointing accusations in class — it was all building up to a horrible conclusion.

  In form one afternoon Dennis tutted when Joanna started to say something about tactics. “Why did you just tut? Is it not important for you?”

  “Here we go again!” said Dennis. “We’re sick of hearing about your tactics!”

  “Too right!” said Graham, slamming a fist on the table waking up Hunter.

  “Oi!” said Jake. “Don’t talk to her like that. You could do with a boost of passion that she has if we’re ever gonna win this match!”

  Florence sighed. “There are more things to life than Riptide!”

  “That is not the right attitude!” said Gret loudly. Robin buried his face in his book like a turtle every time they started arguing.

  “Look guys… GUYS!” I cried, finally snapping. I was fed up with it all. I had enough to think about without them bickering. “What is the point?” I said slowly. “What on earth does this solve? Joanna, Jake, Gret… people show passion in lots of different ways and just because they don't show it in the way you were expecting doesn't mean they aren’t… up for it. We’ve got this far by being a team. Now, the only way we can win the next match, even to have any chance against them… is by being a united team.”

  There was a big rivalry brewing between the Manticore’s and Hesserbout form. They looked as stressed out as we were, but being older I suppose they were used to the adulation and speculation. “That’s Connor McKendry,” said Dawn with wide adoring eyes looking towards a good looking blonde haired boy. “He’s the Hesserbouts top scorer…”

  We were sucked into the speculation and gossip as much as anyone else. I would often hear my name mentioned in the Chamber and glance across and see people exchanging gold. The anticipation in the school was reaching fever pitch. Not helping the fact was the rivalry that already existed between me and Jasper — “All because of a girl…” I heard one boy say, as if, were it not for her me and Jasper would have been best mates.

  Even lining up outside Yearlove’s classroom, we stood in our separate forms not looking at each other, and in absolute silence, until Yearlove called us in. I could feel a tight knot in my chest. I desperately wanted to beat Jasper, I mean so very, very much. Partington also said this was the first time in a century that two second year teams had met in the semi-finals of the cup.

  That last week before the match was the most tension I’ve ever experienced. I kept needing to go to the toilet. Whenever I did Robin would either already be in there, or follow me and go again. I was still receiving small hisses and boos around the Chamber when I entered for lunch, the majority still uncomfortable with being conned into liking me. This led to a kind of majority likability for the Swillows, which Jasper was lapping up every second of. He had taken to announcing to the entire Chamber that he’d just received the support of another seventh year, or another sixth year form.

  On the wall in the Hall, someone had graffitied over our Condor icon with: ‘black-magic blackthorn’ — in our world to be accused of black-magic is pretty horrible. What’s worse is that the idiot cursed it to the wall, so that it couldn’t be removed.

  Next to it, on the wall was an unofficial support wall where people could place a mark showing their support for that team (so they knew how many scarves and flags to change colour before the match). Large markings in different bright colours littered the wall under Swillow’s with messages of support and things like: beat those black-magic Condor cheats, and even we’ll pay 10 gold for taking Avis out… and things along those lines. Under our form there was nothing.

  It was like a giant boulder of support had careered into the Swillows and suddenly they had the support of the entire school — it became against the grain to say you were supporting the Condors. In fact, everywhere we now went, white Swillow scarves flashed in our faces. They had all changed their ever-changing scarves early, so they could figuratively and literally rub it in our face. I would be lying if I didn't say these things effected me. They did.

  That last night in bed I lay, feeling very small. Jasper had won the popularity contest, now I had to make sure he didn’t win the match.


  Semi-Final Foes

  I woke with a start, as if prodded awake. At the end of the bed were the yellow and black shirts — with the small addition of a small golden outline around the Condor icon on the breast (for cup matches). I took a deep breath and steadied my nerves. Today was the semi-final, it was actually here at last.

  I lay back in bed, the alarm hadn't even gone off yet. Some part of me wished that we hadn't done so well in Riptide, then we wouldn't have to play these highly pressured matches. Moans and groans echoed around the room as the clock jingled.

  “Come on guys, let’s go get washed. Today is the day!” Jake called. In all respects, the fact that everyone wanted us to lose seemed to pull us closer together as a team. After washing together, we went back and put on our shirts, looking around at each other. Hunter was the first to put a jumper over the top of his — not because it was cold, but because we didn’t want to draw attention to ourselves. We all did the same, before traipsing down to breakfast in silence. I don’t know why we went to breakfast, we weren't going to eat anything. We met the girls at the table, who looked equally un-hungry. All wearing jumpers and jackets over their Riptide shirts.

  “We had a lovely entrance to the tune of ‘You’re going to get thrashed this afternoon…’” said Jess eyeing up the Swillow form who were surrounded by supporters waving white scarves. The Swillows were proudly wearing their all white tops, while we Condors hid, alone on our table with no support, and with jumpers over our shirts.

  “Can’t believe we have to go to lessons first!” said Hunter, pushing his bowl of cereals away. I caught sight of Harold on the Magisteers tables watching the melee below with distaste, he hated sports, but I felt like maybe he would be curious to see what a Blackthorn could do. Bah, who was I kidding.


  “Come on! One of you can answer surely?” said Yearlove who was parading around the circle. “Ellen, can you tell me what the two spells to quell a Happerbat are?” said Yearlove expecting Ellen to come out with the right answer.

  But she didn't, she froze and shook her head. “Sorry.”

  “What is wrong with you guys today?”

  “Sir, it’s the match today…” said Jasper, voice dripping with intent. “Swillows vs Condors.”

  “I am quite aware of the match between the two forms but thats no reason not to know the answer to these questions!” he said. “Okay, an easy one… what is the form of charm that the Happerbat uses to travel and stalk prey?” he looked around expectantly, but no one said anything. I kept my head down, my mind on the match that we would be playing in about an hour. Nerves like never before were coursing through my very being. Robin put his hand up again next to me.

  “Sir,” he said.

  “Robin, yes! At last, someone with the answer!”

  “No Sir, sorry, it’s just I was wondering if I can go to the toilet?”

  “Again?” Yearlove said blinking perplexed. “Go on then!” he said as Robin jumped up and left. My insides
were doing funny things too. The Riptide shirt underneath my jumper was feeling hot and sticky already.

  “Jarrold, can you stop shaking your leg!” said Yearlove. “It’s annoying.”

  “Sorry Sir, it’s just I’m nervous about the game—” but then Jarrold stopped talking as Jasper hit him in the side, shooting him a fierce look.

  “Why would you be nervous Jarrold? It’s clear who the winner is already!” said Jasper sneering along with the rest of the Swillows.

  “Yeah, they might as well give up now!” said Jarrold.

  “Oh shut your gob!” cried Hunter, throwing his book across the room.

  Yearlove spelled it into the air. “Oi! I’ll have none of that in this classroom.”

  “Avis!” called Jasper. “Can you tell that great lump that he better improve the accuracy of his throwing or your all done for!”

  “Jasper!” said Tina next to him, giving him a glare of disapproval. I stood up, along with Hunter, Jake and Graham. So too did the Swillow boys.

  “You’ll get what’s coming to you,” I said pointing into his shiny blue eyes. “You might have got the whole school on your side with your little PR campaign…”

  “PR campaign?” he laughed. “You did that all on your own when you used dark magic to—”

  “— Enough!” cried Yearlove, before silence fell again. Tina sat back shaking her head and mouthed: pathetic.


  “You got your specs on?” I whispered to Robin.

  “Of course!” he said. “Now leave me to go toilet alone.” — he was on the toilet again.

  I ran the tap and splashed my face with water. Far away I could hear the sound of the chanting and the noise. In less than ten minutes we would be on that pitch. Nervous was an understatement, sick would do it a disservice, petrified was about right.

  The girls sat alone on the benches, staring down at the floor. I looked into the mirror at my disheveled face, I had to pull myself together. We’d be fine, we had the shoes and Robin’s spectacles and all those tactics. The feeling of something bad about to happen was pervading every pore of my being. But what? Being trashed by the Swillows? Being killed in the changing rooms by the short, stubby creature? Being murdered by the Djinn? Malakai coming back for revenge?

  “AND NOW,” came the magical announcers voice. “PLEASE WELCOME ONTO THE PITCH, THE SWILLOWS!” An almighty roar burst across the stadium, causing the wooden rafters above us to shake. I stared at them half in dream, trying to forget about the immense swelling of wind in my lower abdomen. Robin was bent forwards, doubled up with nerves. I’d never heard such a large roar from a crowd.

  “AND NOW FOR THEIR OPPONENTS…” Suddenly the announcer was drowned out by booing. Magisteer Underwood beckoned us forwards, out of the tunnel the boo’s rang across the Happendance Kingdom, seemingly to drown out all else. I wish I had thought to put a deafening spell on my ears. But then, we were moving. Joanna at the front moved first followed by Jake, then Gret, then Hunter. I was at the back, I could turn and run away? They wouldn't be too mad would they? My feet started to move following the line out towards the pitch.

  All around were faces, an ocean of eyes watching us distastefully. The Swillows stood across from us on the grass. Jasper fronting them, arms folded and a gleeful expression on his face. But, I noticed one person in the crowd who wasn't cheering for any side, one person who didn't have a white scarf, or yellow. Tina sat with her head resting on the side, watching glumly.

  Magisteer Underwood strode onto the pitch as the announcer spoke: “THIS IS THE FIRST SEMI-FINAL BETWEEN TWO SECOND YEAR TEAMS IN A CENTURY, BUT WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS? THE SWILLOWS?” An almighty tidal wave of noise erupted from all around. “OR THE CONDORS?” BOOOOOOO! Rang out the jeers.

  The Lily watched on rather distastefully at the noise as Partington stood by our team bench nervously chewing through his triangular hat. There were a few yellow specks in the crowd… I strained my eyes. Ernie was sitting near the Magisteers plinth with his yellow scarf round his neck. And one other speck of yellow… Zara, the girl with the bright white hair, had her yellow scarf waving above her head, much to her forms bemusement. My stomach did a flip at the sight of her. I shook myself and concentrated.

  We waited, the whistle hovering in mid air above Underwoods face. “LET THE HABITAT CHANGE!” she called. The white light collected on the grass pitch, then shot into the air, flashing a blinding white column of concentrated light into the sky. I slipped and skidded on my feet as the ground turned to ice. A cold biting chill spiralled in from all around as a black cloud hovered above and snow began to fall.


  Then Underwood waved her arms aloft. “TAKE YOUR POSITIONS…” I marched ahead, legs like jelly — which I had to shake off quick — and stood on the furthest right facing three Swillows. Florence guarding me someway behind.

  Joanna, Jake and Gret stood at the front centre as a three ready to try and take out Jasper. Hunter stood primed by the bolt-hole. Robin stood centre ground, guarded by Jess and Dawn.

  Jasper smiled at me — but he knew now it wasn't about popularity, it was just us against them. The silence and apprehension was paramount… the snow fell in a soft, slow rhythmic pattern. Not a sound could be heard. Until…

  Hweeeee! Went Underwoods whistle.

  A roaring wave lit up the stadium. Red and blue flounders shot out of the bolt holes high above. The three Swillows ahead of me charged, hands aloft.

  “Duck!” screamed Florence as an electric fizz crackled past my ear smashing the centre Swillow in the face.

  “Avis!” Hunter called, pointing frantically at the red flounder soaring through the air ahead of me. But Jasper, who was being pursued by Jake and Gret was after it too. I kicked off the ground and double tapped the shoes with a flurry.

  “Florence, you take the left one!” I screamed. But it was too late, the two Swillows had orchestrated a combined Pasanthedine spell directly at Florence with the force of charging hubris. Florence soared through the air and back to the bench, as they fixed their attention to me.

  “Pasanthedine!” I called aiming my hand not at them, but at the snowy ground just before them — the wind shot out and kicked up an avalanche of snow over their heads. I turned to see Jasper soaring through the air at the red flounder. In a golden flash I burst forwards, running as hard as I could. Snow and wind hit my face as all sound vanished.

  Jake and Gret’s spells shot at Jasper with the timing of a machine gun, but kept missing! “Goaternut,” I said, feeling the inky chameleon spell wash over me. I aimed both arms as I ran. “Sevhurton!” I called as the icy blast soared through the air, hidden by the already icy surroundings. It hit him! Catching Jasper on his outstretched arm as he sailed through the sky, causing him to recoil.

  But then, the worst happened! As I ran, I must have not been looking — I ran straight into a stray Pasanthedine — wind suddenly engulfed my vision. The next moment I was launched into the air. I hung useless upside down, as spells suddenly rained upon me.

  “Kadriepop!” I screamed, falling to the floor, narrowly avoiding a fire spell from Jarrold who glared at me from his bolt-hole. But now, Jasper was half way up the pitch with the red flounder — jumping and slamming the ball past the frozen solid Hunter. Red light shot into the sky. A roar erupted across the kingdom.

  NO! I looked around at our sparse team: Simon, Dawn, Graham, Dennis, Ellen and Joanna all gone!

  The blue flounder was being worked forwards by a group of Swillow girls and now Jasper spotted it. I slipped across a patch of ice. To my left were two Swillows boys trying to free Freddie from a frozen spell. I double tapped the shoes and shot at them.

  “Pasathedine! Severhurton!” I cried at the top of my voice. The wind and ice froze them solid and launched them into the air.

  Jasper aimed his arms at them and shot a Kadriepop spell.

  “Returious-Severhurton-Flund,” I cried as a burst of
white web engulfed Jasper’s white spell in mid air and catching in the fibrous webs. It tried to wriggle away but, a second later, the three Swillows shot back to their bench in a blaze of light.

  Then an almighty BOOM cracked the ice floor. Robin stood looking victorious, a burnt out ornament in his hands. Jasper clapped his hands to his head as the ice beneath us split, a huge watery black cavern opened out.

  The rumble made me slip. Without warning, I fell with a splash into excruciating pain! From all over, everything was on fire! Robin’s ornament had back fired. I clambered out onto the ice shivering uncontrollably — the most painful experience of my life!

  I struggled for breath, shivering like a dying fish. Robin scrambled to shore too, as Jasper stood on a shard of free ice and aimed two hands at us, spelling us into the air and out of the game. A second later I met Robin shivering on our team bench. “S-S-Sorry,” he shivered.

  Partington gave us a magical blanket and we shuddered back to normal. I put the blow-dryer spell on myself, then Robin until we felt back to normal.

  “We need to get in quick and take them out,” said Joanna. “Especially Jasper!” she said as he paraded himself in front of the adoring crowd as they won 4-0.

  — “We love you Jasper!” came the cry of the crowd.

  “Agreed,” I said. “I need someone else with me,” I said. “Florence can’t do it all on her own.”

  Jake nodded. “Yes, I think Simon should go over to the right, as Avis iz’ a target for ‘dem.” Simon nodded, shivering as white light lit the Habitat from all around. A Happendance folk tent field replaced ice — tall white tee-pees poked up from the long bushy grass, amongst a set of small trees.

  Fully dried out, we walked back to the pitch to cries of “you’re gonna get thrashed” — charming. Jasper looked charged and victorious. I took my place on the right of the pitch again as three different characters now faced me — Jarrold, Kelly and Harry.


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