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Witness Protection: Hide and Seek

Page 12

by Dukes, Ursula

  As Cole backed out of the driveway, Madison spied a small cabin on the other side of the lake. From this distance, it looked like a tiny dot of a place. But quaint just the same.

  "That must be one of the rentals that Mr. Tanner was talking about."

  "Let's hope that whoever is staying there stays over there. Wouldn’t want any vacationers running into old man Tanner and Bessie." Cole grinned.


  Madison received a text from Zoe. A smile spread across her face when she read that they were all having a great time and that they had some exciting news to tell her. When she asked what it was, Zoe told her that all would be revealed later on in the day when it was there time to Skype.

  "It really is gorgeous here," she said and sighed pleasantly. "I can see why you chose this place."

  "More like this place chose me. To be honest, I was looking to start a career someplace else. Someplace far away from Tennessee."

  "Oh really? Where did you have in mind?"

  Cole slowed the truck and met her gaze.

  "Somewhere further north," he said and returned his attention towards the road.

  Madison's cheeks flushed at the comment and all of a sudden, she felt anxious.

  She needed to change the subject, and fast.

  "That Mr. Tanner seems like quite the character."

  "Yes, he does. But I wouldn't be worried about him. He seems harmless enough."

  "I'm not worried." Madison spat out the words. She didn’t want Cole thinking that she was worried about everything and everybody.

  "I'm not completely helpless you know? I can take care of myself."

  "That's not what I meant Madison and you know it," Cole said. His voice tight.

  "I know and I'm sorry. I'm just tired. So… how does it feel knowing that you will have such sway over all the townspeople?" She changed the subject, again.

  He shrugged his shoulders. "I don’t know about the sway part, but being sergeant in a small town like this? I can definitely get used to it. I imagine that there will be lots of idle time. But still, if my only problems are the occasional run away cat, bar room brawls, and illegal moonshine distilleries, then I will be a happy man." He grinned.

  Madison turned to him and placed her hand on top of his.

  "Just promise me that you'll be careful."

  "Of course I will." He smiled at her.

  "Good. Because something tells me that even in a town like Summerbridge, there is no such thing as idle time."


  As they pulled up in front of the small police department, Madison told Cole that she'd rather wait inside the truck.

  Zoe had texted her again, asking if she wouldn’t mind skyping right away. She had some good news and it just couldn’t wait.

  Madison was glad that she'd downloaded the app weeks ago so that no matter where she was, she and Zoe could stay in touch.

  "I won't be long," Cole said and headed into the Summerbridge Police Department.

  Madison eased down the window and shouted out, "good luck!"

  Ten minutes later, she was having a face-to-face video chat with Zoe, Helen, and George. After the I miss you's, and questions about the trip were taken care of, Zoe could hold her excitement no more. "I'm going to study abroad Madison!" The young woman exclaimed. "I'm going to travel the world. I want to see and learn about it all!"

  Madison stared at the small screen in wonderment. Zoe wanted to taste the cultures of different lands and travel across distant seas. Who was she to stop her?

  "That's wonderful honey. I think," she mumbled.

  "What do you guys think about it?"

  Sitting behind Zoe were Helen and George. Before Helen could get her face near the screen, Zoe answered for them. "Are you kidding? They're the ones who brought up the idea! Oh Madison, this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me! Aren't you happy for me? I'm happy for me!" Zoe jumped around in her seat with such enthusiasm, that Madison waited for her to crash onto the floor.

  "I'm very excited for you and happy too! So when does all this happen? Not too soon I hope."

  Zoe's face grew somber. "Right after our trip actually. I'll come back home with grandma and grandpa, get my things in order, then catch a flight back out to London.

  "Wow, that's fast. Where will you stay?"

  "Dad's got plenty of cousins here. Remember? I'm sure he told you."

  Madison clicked her teeth at her absentmindedness.

  "Of course, of course. I completely forgot. It sounds like you've got everything arranged. I hope you and I can spend some time together before you go."

  "Me too. But we've still got the rest of the summer to spend here…Oh I wish you were here Madison. This might be the last summer vacation that I get to spend with you guys. But hang on, grandma and grandpa want to tell you something too."

  George crept up behind Zoe and was now in view of the camera.

  After the formalities were taken care of, George got right to the point.

  "Remember that trip Helen and I took a couple years back, you know, to visit our good friends, the St. Georges?"

  Madison smiled and nodded her head. "Yes I do. You're talking about the trip to Alaska right?"

  "Right. Well, we've been thinking about moving there. Mike and Estelle have already made plans to take us house hunting as soon as we return from this trip.

  The room grew silent and Madison laid the phone down in her lap and made a helpless gesture with her hands.

  "You and Helen are moving to Alaska? That's what you're telling me, right?"

  George nodded his head before continuing. "I know this is all coming at you at once, but we've been talking about this for quite some time and well… with Zoe wanting to further her education abroad, we just figured that now was as good a time as any."

  "We aren’t getting any younger!" Helen smiled and took a seat next to her husband.

  When she saw the look of astonishment on Madison's face, Helen stopped smiling.

  "Oh honey, you know that we're not the, retire to a warm climate type of people. Mike and Estelle are our best friends, and moving to Norbury has always been a dream of ours. I hope that you can understand that."

  "Of course I understand." Without thinking, she blurted out the words and then quickly snapped her mouth shut.

  She took in a deep breath before apologizing. "I'm sorry Helen. All this has taken me by surprise. But I do understand and I am very happy for you. I'm happy for all of you."

  And she was, but she couldn’t help but wonder where that left her. Tristan's family was all that she had and with Zoe moving overseas and Helen and George making a permanent move to Alaska, she would have no one. Maybe Cole's suggestion of making a permanent move to West Virginia didn’t sound like such a bad idea after all.

  "What the hell am I going to do?" She mumbled the words. But Helen heard them.

  "Sweetheart, I know we've had this conversation before, but maybe it's time that you try moving on. You're stuck in limbo and that's not a good place to be. Especially for someone your age. You have to get out of this rut that you're stuck in, get out there, and live your life. You of all people know that life is short and tomorrow is never promised, not for any of us.

  Now, we've been communicating with a realtor back in Maine, via e-mail. We plan to put the house up for sale the moment we return. We know that this is all new to you and quite a surprise. But George and I have talked about it and well… we're going to look for a place large enough for the entire family. That includes you Madison. Just because he's gone, doesn’t mean that we're no longer your family."

  Just as the tears were about to flow, the battery on her cell began to flash red.

  "Guys, my battery is dying. I love you and we'll talk again soon. I am so very happy for you all. Take care," she murmured into the dead cell.


  Castillo needed his rest. He wanted to take advantage of the quiet lakeside rental. When Manny and Reggie started making too much nois
e playing cards, he sent them into town.

  "Since you seem to be so good with the locals, go and see what you can find out about Miss West."

  "Okay boss," Manny replied and instructed the others to get up as well.

  "No, leave Carlos here. I need someone here in case there's trouble. Come on culo don’t start acting stupid. You've been doing so well." He leered at Manny.

  "You're right boss, sorry. Come on Reggie, let's go into town."

  "And don’t forget, if you see that bitch, do not touch one hair on her pretty little head. Ever since we got here, I can't get a signal on that goddamn personal locator, so I need for you to get all the details about where she's staying and who she's staying with and then report directly back to me. Don’t touch her and I mean that!"

  Castillo took a long drag of his cigarette before exhaling it.

  "When and if you find her, I've got something very special planned for her. Do you understand me culo?"

  "Yes boss."

  "Good, now go and don’t come back until you find Madison fucking West."


  Cole was still inside the police station. Probably filling out lots of paperwork. Madison rubbed her hands along her face and turned down the A/C in the truck. A cold chill ran down her spine and all of a sudden, she felt stifled, constricted. Panic settled inside her chest and desperation began to bubble in her stomach as she turned her head and looked up and down the street. Except for a large SUV, there were no other cars coming down Main Street.

  There were a couple of shops that had just opened up for the day and she needed to stretch her legs. She took the keys out of the ignition and grabbed her purse. She was cautious as she got out of the truck, but soon relaxed when she realized that Cole was only seconds away. I won't be long. She looked around one more time before ducking into a small antique shop.

  As calmly as he could, Manny told Reggie to slow down. At first, he paid no mind to the woman getting out of the pick-up truck. But after being forced to study a photograph of her, he knew that this was more than just another woman. This particular woman was Madison West. Manny's thoughts flashed back to when Castillo had given him the photograph of Madison.

  He told him that someone he had working for him was able to produce a recent photograph of her. And ever since that day, Manny was forced to study the photograph.

  "Pull over," he said to Reggie and pointed towards a side street.

  "Right here," he said and pulled out his cell phone.

  "Well what the hell are you waiting for culo?" Go inside the store and see what you can find out. She's never laid eyes on you, so she'll be none the wiser. Just take it real slow and easy. Make like you're looking for a gift for your dear old mother or some such shit. Look, I don’t care what you do, just get in there, make yourself as inconspicuous as you can and find out everything you can about her whereabouts, you got that?"

  "I'm on it boss. I'll get back to you."

  "You do that." Castillo hung up the phone.

  "I've got you now puta." A satisfied grin appeared on his face.

  Manny rounded the corner, and was making his way towards the shop just as Madison was being led out by the owner. He had placed some tables outside and it looked as if he was setting up for a sidewalk sale.

  As the two engaged in conversation, Manny kept his head down and casually moved closer to the storefront. Just a few feet more and he'd be able to hear every word.

  The storeowner smiled and pushed his glasses up over the bridge of his nose. "You must be the sergeant's wife."

  Madison casually picked up an old vase and began inspecting it.

  "No." She chuckled softly.

  "Just a friend of his."

  "I see. Well any friend of the sergeant is a friend of mine. This your first time here at Summerbridge?"


  "How do you like it so far? You two staying out on Longfellow Rd?"

  Madison was astonished at the amount of information this man already had. But that didn’t mean she should let him think that his information was correct. So she quickly changed the subject and told the man that she had to leave.

  As she fished in her bag for the keys to the truck, she felt two hands grab her from behind.

  "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

  Cole spun her around to face him.

  She swallowed hard. Out there in the middle of the sidewalk, he seemed almost larger than life. He was taller, stronger and wearing the same exact look on his face that he had three years ago, after the shootout at the safe house.

  She stiffened, her hands tightened around her purse.

  "I needed some air, that's all. Just for a second."

  He was walking and talking while pulling her along with him.

  "Are you kidding me right now? I thought I made myself clear when I told you that your life was in danger!" His voice was a deep, low growl.

  After they were back inside the truck, he became even more persistent.

  "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Because that's what's going to happen if you continue behaving so foolishly!"

  His fist slammed against the dashboard, causing her cell phone to fall onto the floor and making her jump.

  "Cole, calm down. I know what you're thinking and it's nothing like what happened before. I swear to you, I wasn’t gone long and I had every intention of heading back. Well you saw me… I was already making my way back to the truck."

  "That's just it Madison. It only takes a second. What if the hands that grabbed you, weren't mine? What if someone came up behind you like that and pointed a gun in your back? What would you have done then? You have to stop and think Madison Please! I'm begging you!"

  She moved closer and placed her hand on his arm. She could tell that he was furious and at that moment, she wanted nothing more than to disappear. She felt like an immature teenager who'd tried escaping her parent's wrath.

  "You're right. It was a stupid thing to do and I'm sorry. My mind is just so confused right now. It won't happen again, I promise. Please don’t be angry with me."

  Cole sat with his fists clenched and a muscle working in his jaw, he then leaned against the headrest and let out a heavy sigh.

  "If something happened to you, it would kill me."

  He turned to look at her just in time to see her lip tremble. She was on the verge of tears.

  "Come here," he said and pulled her into his arms.

  "Madison, in case you haven’t noticed, I am very protective of you. And just the thought of someone endangering your life is something that I cannot take. So imagine what it feels like when I see you doing things that endanger your life."

  "I know, and I'm sorry. It was a stupid thing to do. I realize that now. Can you please forgive me?" She nuzzled his neck causing a frustrated moan to escape his lips. Something was up, there was a change in her. It was subtle, but it was a change. So far, she'd never been the one to initiate any close, personal contact. But, he wasn’t about to question it.

  "I'll forgive you on one condition."

  "What's that?"

  "You never, ever do anything like that again alright? I can't protect you if you go off on your own. Now, do we have a deal?"

  "Yes, we have a deal," she said.

  "Good. Now let's go get something to eat, I'm starving. And while we're eating, you can tell me what made you want to leave the confines of this truck."

  Madison reluctantly pulled away and got out of the truck. There was a diner right across the street and as they crossed the street, she couldn’t help but wonder why her emotions were all over the board. After a moment of reflection, she was sure that the skype session that she had earlier was the cause of it.

  Tristan's family was moving on and now, so should she.

  Deep down, she knew that she should take Helen's advice. She was stuck in limbo and she was dying to get out.

  Chapter Nineteen

  "You sure that it was her?" Castillo was almost salivating at the n

  "Yes boss, I'm positive."

  "Was she with anyone?"

  "Not at first, but then some guy showed up and walked her back to the car. I can't say for sure, but he looked pretty pissed off at her. I went inside and started making small talk with the owner of the shop and he told me that she was new in town and was a friend of the town's new sergeant. A Sergeant Harding, or something like that. He said that even though she didn’t confirm it, he was pretty sure that the sergeant bought a place on Longfellow Road.

  "Oh is that what he said huh?" Castillo was pleased. He was very, very pleased.

  "If memory serves me right, and it always does, the new sergeant is the marshal that was assigned to her protection detail three years ago. He is also the man that helped Hernandez get a new identity, a lot of help that did huh?" Castillo smacked Manny upside the head and chuckled.

  "So what's the next step boss?"

  "What's the next step you ask?" Castillo rubbed his hands together in greed.

  "The first thing I want you to do is observe. I want to know when he starts his job as the new sergeant. But more importantly, I need to know what she'll be doing while he's gone. Find out if the house is armed, if so, we'll need to figure out a way to get inside without setting off the alarm."

  "I can do that with my eyes shut boss." Manny interjected. "But you said that you had something special planned for her boss. Aren't we going to bust in and blow the bitch away?"


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