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Sawyer (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club, #5)

Page 6

by Jayne Blue

  “They’re open.”

  “Good. I am not turning back. I want you to understand that.”

  “My eyes are wide open Sawyer. Finally.”

  I kissed her. I meant to be soft, I intended to be sensitive, but that is not what happened. I kissed her hard. I wanted to consume her. My body was greedy for hers. It took over what my logical mind had intended. It told me to go slowly, but I couldn’t.

  This kiss. Her mouth. Her warmth. Slow was not an option.

  She had leaned back on her desk, I had my hands in her hair, and she opened herself to me.

  I should keep my hands off, for her sake. The M.C. was about to go to war and I was the general. No one near me was safe.

  I was selfish. I had to have her.

  So, I kissed her. No other woman had ever come close, or ever would. I knew. Club war be damned.

  Or I would be.

  “I’m taking you home.”


  “And this time, no wine, no dinner, and no phone.”


  The ride to her place was almost impossible. Just like the other night, she held on tight. I was completely aware of her thighs on mine, her skirt, and her arms around me. I broke several speed limit laws to get to her place, but we got there.

  I wanted to see her, touch every inch of her skin, and be inside Bess Geary. First was the hair. It was always up top, always contained, I wanted to see it fall to her shoulders.

  I turned her around and started at the top. The pins came out and I ran my hands in her soft waves of dark hair. I massaged her neck and ran my hands down her shoulder blades. She swayed her ass back into me and I could have bent her over right there.

  She was going to make it very hard to go slow.

  “Your ass, though.” I whispered it into her ear and she giggled. It was a beautiful thing.

  Then I turned her around again. I wanted to see her lips, her neck, her breasts.

  I started with her mouth. I wanted it. I kissed her lips. The minute I did the spark turned into a flame and my deliberate plans were gone. Her hot tongue darted out and around mine.

  I grabbed her hard and pressed her to me never breaking contact with her mouth. She gasped and for an instant, I worried that I was too rough. She was not from my world.

  Bess wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed tight against me. It was the affirmation I needed. The permission to let me love her my way.

  My hands spanned from her shoulders down to her waist and I cupped her ass forward and brought us as close as we could get. I needed her naked, soon, now.

  Buttons, there were many buttons and I needed to get them undone. I got to work on that and each button revealed more of her silky skin. She let me slide her blouse to the floor and then I reached around and slowly worked the zipper of her trademark pencil skirt. I fucking loved those skirts and the way she looked in them. The way she looked out of that skirt was mind blowing, I discovered.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” I said. I had to put her at arm's length for a second. To see her.

  She let her hair fall in front of her face and tried to hide behind it.

  Not a fucking chance, she was too beautiful to be shy around me. I lifted the brunette lock of hair and put it behind her shoulders. I was surprised actually that her hair fell to the tips of her breasts.

  “I’m embarrassed; I don’t normally, ever...” She put crossed hands across her chest.

  “You’re a goddess.” I moved her arms out of my way and kissed the swells of those perfect breasts she was too shy to show me.

  I slid both the straps down and the cups of her bra barely covered her pink nipples. I captured one in my teeth and the other in my fingers. She moaned and held on to my arms for support.

  I slid my tongue up the cleft of her breasts all the way up to her earlobe. Then I gave her a choice.

  “Either I take you here, on your floor, or I take you to your bed.” This was happening now.

  She looked at me through lush eyelashes and a devilish smile curled her plush upper lip. God, she was wicked looking. Something in Bess had turned from sweet to spicy and I loved it.

  “Here, the floor, now.” I was like a bull and that was the red cape.

  We somehow went from standing to rolling and I shed my jacket, t-shirt and everything else in a flurry of arms and legs.

  I ripped the bra away and exposed her gorgeous tits. I could not decide if I wanted them in my mouth or my hands so I settled for both.

  I slid her panties off and then my hands found her hot and slick. She cried out as my palm pressed down on her soft curls. She was not bald down there and I was happy as hell. She was natural, the way a woman was supposed to be.

  I had palmed a condom and situated it. I did not want to interrupt the moment with a birth control discussion and I am not sure if I could have formed words anyway.

  She reached down and grabbed the length of me and I am sure my eyes rolled back in their sockets. I was going to have her, no more waiting.

  “I fucking love this, Bess.”

  She wrapped her legs around mine, and her arms at my shoulders. I hovered at her entrance and tested and teased while she writhed underneath me.

  Then I could not stand it any longer. I drove into her hot center. She fit me like a glove. And there was something else. Something chemical about us that I knew from the moment I saw her the first time. We were right. Her body was made to be exactly where it was.

  “Sawyer, oh God.” She moved under me and we found a rhythm together. I buried myself deep inside her and I felt her rake her hands across the skin of my back.

  I grabbed her hips and dug in hard. I pulled almost all the way out and then drove back in, over and over. She screamed and I knew I had her. She was over the top.

  Then I let loose.

  The force of my hips lifted her off the floor and back down. I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed. I wanted her eyes.

  “Open,” I ordered her and she did. I thrust in again with her fully present, fully with me. She gasped and I don’t know what the hell to call the noises I made as I came hard into her.

  “This. Yes.” She said as her inner walls throbbed around my cock. I was coming down but it wasn’t going to be long. I would have her again. And again.

  That was it, what she said was right.

  This, yes.

  Chapter Eight


  “Sawyer, my God. What was that?” We lay on the floor, wrapped around each other. I had been properly fucked. Though I was no virgin, it was clear to me, crystal, that I had never been fucked hard. Well. And like that.

  It was incredible, and it was absolutely with the wrong man. A biker who ran a bar? Really Bess Geary?

  I squeezed my legs around his and answered my own question. Yes. Really. He was all sinew and muscle under the leather and denim.

  Sawyer McCall’s body was built for sin. I marveled at his powerful forearms, the hands that were rough, long, and tender at the same time.

  He nuzzled my neck as he came down from his own high.

  “That Bess Geary was the best sex I have ever had.”

  “Good. I didn’t want to be the only one who got to feel that good.”

  Sawyer rolled me on top of him. The shyness I felt at first with him seeing me naked was gone.

  I just wanted my skin on his. I wanted to enjoy every point of contact. I wanted him again.

  Sawyer stroked my back. He kissed my head. The intensity between us, that was almost frightening, cooled into a tenderness that could be far more dangerous.

  My natural instinct was to analyze the hell out of this situation. My logical brain was itching to explain away what had just happened as chemical, physical, and some sort of biological clock thing. It was all those things.

  It was also something more.

  “You feel so good,” He said to me.

  “Stay the night,” was my answer. It felt so right being in his arms.

awyer put my face in his hands and kissed me. It was slow and deep and the answer to my question.

  We made our way to my bed. It was so strange to have someone in it with me. I had been alone for over five years. I thought I did not need a man. I had been doing just fine.

  I slept a little but woke up and marveled at my recent totally out of character headlong plunge into hot sex with this man. I looked at his strong jaw in the moonlight. He was all man, all rough edges; I noticed tattoos, scars, signs of a rugged life. I took it all in and wondered at the stories behind the ink and the scars. I also wondered if I would hear the stories or if this would be my one opportunity to look and to wonder.

  My lips found their way to his broad shoulder, to his neck, and the sound sleep he had been enjoying gave way to the pleasure I wanted to give him.

  I wanted to drink in everything. If I came to my senses tomorrow, if my life continued on its responsible, hardworking, and solitary path, I would end up some sort of civil service nun. I was headed that way. Tonight, I had a scorching hot man in my bed that I planned to enjoy. Tomorrow would come soon enough. I wanted to make him come again.

  Once my lips touched his skin I could not stop. I kissed a path across his muscular chest and I felt him wake up in all the right places.

  I moved on top of him. It was ridiculous, but I had condoms, I may have been a civil service nun but I was still an optimist. I reveled in putting one on him. My experience in the size and shape of the male anatomy was not extensive but even I could tell he was large. It gave me a quiver of excitement to have him inside me again.

  I slid over him as he opened his eyes and pulled me tighter on top of him. I wanted to set the pace. I angled myself in a way where he was stroking just the right place.

  I sat up on top of Sawyer and he lay back. He reached up and palmed both of my breasts in his hands. I have never been a woman overly concerned about sex. It just was not that great with Chris. Fine, but not great. I had had other lovers, too few to mention, and they were all pleasant to okay.

  This was different. Through Sawyer’s eyes, I felt beautiful, desired, watching me turned him on and that feeling was mutual.

  I found myself moving faster on him, riding on top of a wave I had never experienced before. I needed our lips to be together. I rubbed my chin on his jaw, I pressed my lips to his, and the sensations I felt took over. I was no longer in control but rather wanting him to.

  He knew what I wanted without me asking. He increased his intensity and shifted our positions. We were both sitting and connected. I gasped at how much this increased his penetration; it was too deep for me to hold back.

  “Harder,” I begged him. He did. I could not maintain meeting him half way, he was too strong, too hard, and I fell back on the bed. Sawyer’s powerful thrusts laid me bare, helpless, and breathless. My climax started where we were connected and rolled through my body in hot waves. I grasped at the headboard, I writhed, and he touched a part of me that no one had before. A part of me that I had only seen in forgotten dreams. I could not stand it and wanted more at the same time.

  I held on as Sawyer growled in my ear, “Jesus Bess, I can’t get enough of you. You feel so good.”

  We did not let go or separate as we both tried to calm down. I could not, did not want to. I wanted to be wrapped up in him as long as possible. He traced the skin on my arm with his fingers. His hands lightly caressed my spine and I felt the downy hairs on my skin rise up as the cool air hit the sheen of sweat he caused. He wrapped me tighter his arms.

  I was not going to think about the morning. Just the now. I felt every part of me quiver in release but also in anticipation. I wanted him again. But I knew I had to stop. Soon. Very soon.

  We drifted off again and this time, I fell into a deep sleep. No feverish dreams were needed after the fevered reality I had just blissfully experienced.

  Somewhere in the night, a crash woke us up.

  I sat up and Sawyer pushed me down on the bed.

  “You stay here and call 911 if you hear anything else that’s not right.” He was catlike in the way he had moved from the bed to sliding on his jeans. I struggled to keep up and find my robe. This was my house and I had taken care of it without a man around just fine.

  “Stay here,” and he expected no argument.

  “But...” He grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face close to his.

  “Quiet. I’ll be right back.” Then he pressed his cell phone to my hand and was out the door.

  It was a torturous few seconds. I didn’t even hear his bare feet hit the wood floors. As he made his way to the front of the house.

  However, an uncomfortable breeze was blowing into the bedroom. I had this place sealed up tight to save money and if there was a cold wind, it was not some draft. It was a window that broke; I didn’t have to be Detective Murray to deduce that.

  My curiosity and patience wore out. I grabbed my robe, cinched it, and walked up my short hallway. The waft of cold air was stronger.

  I was about to step into the great room when a pair of strong arms encircled me and scooped my legs up off the floor.


  “I told you to stay put, you’ll get hurt.” Sawyer had me in his arms.

  “Put me down.”

  “Not until you find some shoes. There’s glass everywhere.”

  I looked and he was right, small shards had exploded into the room from the front bay window.

  “What the hell is this?” Sawyer put me down behind him and I peered over his shoulder at the spray of glass on my floor.

  “It’s a warning.”

  “A warning?”

  Sawyer crouched down and picked something rectangular off the floor. It was a brick. He handed it to me.

  There were red letters sprayed on the side.

  “What is Bratva?”

  “Get me a broom and I’ll explain.” I got slippers and a broom and for a time, we worked quietly together. I processed what I knew.

  I also stole glances as Sawyer. His jeans were slung low on impossibly sharp hipbones. His boots on, his shirt off, and cleaning, if this was not porn for a woman I did not know what was.

  I held the dustpan and Sawyer used the broom. We got the glass up from the floor and I finally began to quiz him.

  “The Russian Brotherhood, the Bratva. That’s what they call their version of the mob,” he said.

  “What’s this brick got to do with it?”

  “One showed up at a local business we protect too. It’s a warning.”

  “I’m not a cop. I’m not the FBI what could they possibly care about me?”

  “I feel like shit for bringing her to you.”

  “Who? What?”

  “Alexis. She was their property.”

  “Well, you damn well should have brought her to me. My agency is the only chance she has.”

  “What this nasty little message really means is that you aren’t getting rid of me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m going to be sticking close to you.”

  “Excuse me?” I had been getting my speech ready on why this was a one-night thing and he was telling me he was going to stick to me?

  “The Bratva doesn’t want you interfering with Alexis or any of their girls. They make too much on each girl.”

  “True, one girl can earn up to $200,000,” this staggering number was one I had learned from the seminar. It seemed so much more real when I saw Alexis.

  “If you’re the one who is in the way of that income you’ll be targeted. You have been, that’s what this is.”

  “The kids are the ones who are commodities. They’re in danger; they’re the ones we have to protect. I have been in this business a long time. I can handle myself.”

  “Agreed on the kids but I’m here to make sure you can do your job and don’t get hurt.”

  “I’m giving this to Detective Murray tomorrow. He’ll know what to do.”

  “Suit yourself bu
t that doesn’t change what I just said.”

  “Sawyer, though I really enjoyed. Uh, I loved,” the words were not exactly rolling off my tongue. But he was not going to hulk over me every damn minute.

  He took a powerful step toward me.

  “Fucking, that’s the word you want. And that’s what we’re going to do again. Right now. And I am not going to let you out of my sight. Work sure, go for it. But the rest of the time you’re under my protection.”

  “You’re full of shit, I can handle...” He cut me off with a hard kiss on my lips. Almost bruising. He grabbed both my wrists. I struggled against him, but it was no use. I was hot as hell. I practically bit his lip in response.

  He let go of my wrists and ripped my robe from my shoulders, then backed me up against the wall. I was lifted up against it. Somehow, his jeans were pushed down below his pelvis and we were so close again.

  “What do you want Bess?” His hot breath asked in my ear.

  “You, now, fuck me against the wall.”

  I did not argue with him again. Telling him I didn’t want him around would be a lie. One my body would betray every time he touched me or talked dirty to me.

  I was in too deep with Sawyer and apparently the Bratva.

  Between Sawyer and the wall, my body was caged in both directions. It was savage between us and nothing like the bedroom hours before. I clawed, he nipped at me, and we grabbed at our own pleasure at the others expense.

  I repeated his name over and over.

  I knew I was going to get hurt one way or another. Up against the wall with Sawyer, I did not care.

  Chapter Nine


  I added Bess to the top of my list of priorities. The brick that crashed through her window was a clear message to me.

  They had watched. They knew who I had called to care for Alexis. The thought put my nerves on edge.

  The hot night I had spent with Bess had turned into morning and she was wary of me at daybreak. I also suspected she was wary of her own passion. She was bruised, and so was I, from our night together. Maybe I had been too rough? I was the one blushing when I saw the raw skin on her neck.


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