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Army Of The Winter Court (Skeleton Key)

Page 9

by Ali Winters

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  She inched back until she could look him in the eyes again.

  “For saving me,” she replied.

  Aurelian leaned his forehead against hers and sighed. Evvie closed her eyes. His closeness was intoxicating, casting a thick fog over her mind that blocked out the rest of the world. She felt his lips brush against hers, like a ghost of a whisper. Once. Twice.

  Slowly, she melted against him as he wrapped an arm around her back and one hand cradled her head. She wanted to pull away but her body ignored her and followed his lead. Before she could convince herself of the stupidity of her actions, she pressed her lips against his.

  If he was crazy… what did that make her?

  He was a magnet pulling her toward him by forces she couldn’t identify. Evvie tried to deny her attraction to him even as he moved in further, reaching the recesses of her heart. She wanted the Auri she knew from before. The one without the agenda, the one who was kind and the one that made her heart beat furiously against her chest like the thundering of a million drums—the Auri he seemed to be as he kissed her in this moment.

  Pulling back, he broke the embrace, gently lifting her hands from the back of his neck and set them down in her lap. One hand reached out and stroked her hair.

  Abruptly, he stood and took several steps back.

  “You should get some rest. I will see you when you wake.”

  She sat curled up on her bed and watched wordlessly as he closed the door behind him.



  Aurelian closed the door softly behind him. The warmth in his chest grew in intensity with every second he was near her.

  “I want my time with her too.”

  Sneering in disgust, Aurelian turned to face his brother.

  “You will get your time.”

  Nolan narrowed his eyes, “When? You still haven’t told her anything about what she needs to do. I want my chance. The Solstice is fast approaching.

  “Tsk, tsk, Auri. You haven’t explained her duty to spend an equal amount of time with both of you?” Lilith chimed in.

  “It is hardly my fault she always comes running to me,” Aurelian said through gritted teeth, though it didn’t bother him in the least that he was the one that Evvie’s ran to… it was better than her going to Nolan.

  “You wouldn’t be trying to persuade her to avoid me now, would you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then you wouldn’t mind giving me some space,” Nolan said, his tone dangerous.

  “You’ve had space. I can’t be blamed if you don’t take your chances.”

  “I will wait here until she wakes up. You can disappear.”

  “Not on your life,” Aurelian growled, clenching his fists.

  “Now Auri,” Lilith said, placing a hand on his arm. “You’ve had the advantage of bringing her here…”

  He looked from Lilith to Nolan. There was no way he would win this argument.

  “Very well.”

  Nolan’s lips twisted into a self-satisfied smirk.

  “I will wait here until she wakes. Don’t worry, Brother, I will make sure she is taken care of.”

  Spinning on his heel, Aurelian stormed down the hall before he did something he would regret, like making them think he felt more for this halfling than he did. She was just a way to get what he wanted—the throne.

  “Oh, brother!” Lilith’s voice sang as she caught up to him.

  “What do you want, Lil?”

  She fell into step next to him, her hands clasped behind her back. “You know the rules—”

  “Whose side are you on? I thought you didn’t want him to get the crown.”

  “You know I don’t, but the rules were agreed upon.”

  “And I never should have agreed to them.”

  “Don’t sulk, Auri. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had feelings for her.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I? Or is the claim finally starting to affect you?”

  It wouldn’t affect him—ever—not if he had anything to say about it.

  “Make no mistake, I will get that crown and I will get my army. Now, leave me alone, Lilith.” Turning on his heel, he walked swiftly away.

  “Keep your distance until Nolan gets his time with her,” she called after him.



  Steady pounding dragged her from her dreamless sleep. Evvie groaned and then rolled to her side, pulling a pillow over her head. A knock on the door sounded again, louder this time. Propping herself up, she scanned the room. It wasn’t her tiny room in her apartment. Sleep clung to her, as she tried to remember how she had gotten there.

  Aurelian… something about an army and fae…

  The knocking persisted, growing impatient. She slid off the bed and shuffled her way to the door opening it just enough to look out with one eye.

  “Yeah?” she asked, groggily as she stared into warm, amber eyes.

  “May I come in?” Nolan asked, bowing.

  Blinking rapidly Evvie stared at him through the narrow opening until he raised an eyebrow.

  “Uh, I… right now isn’t a good time.”

  “Are you all right in there? Is something wrong?” he asked. It was hard for her to tell if he was concerned or angry.

  “No, nothing is wrong. I was sleeping and I would like to take a bath before I see anyone.” She paused, watching him stand there. Without moving or speaking, he portrayed a sense of determination and insistence. “Maybe later?” she asked, hoping it would be enough to get him to leave.

  With a heavy sigh, he agreed.

  “That will do. I will meet you in the gardens below. If you have trouble finding them, I will come for you.”

  “Ah, I think I’ll be able to find it just fine. I’ll catch up to you later.”

  Weird… He doesn't really understand boundaries, Evvie thought as she closed the door.

  She hadn’t noticed before but there wasn’t a lock, not that it would matter. She supposed that they’d be able to unlock it with their magic.

  Evvie walked over to the edge of the bed and picked up the folded shirt and shorts she’d worn the previous night. She’d completely ruined the red dress by falling asleep in it. Slipping the dress off, she moved to change back into the silky pajamas, stopping when she spotted another dress draped over the back of the couch. It hadn’t been there a moment ago… or had it?

  Picking up the new dress she slipped it on. The crimson material slid over her body, clinging in much the same way the other dress had. This new dress was sleeveless and the material bunched into a cowl neck over her cleavage before dipping down low with an open back.

  Now wide awake, she stood in front of the window, looking up at the moon high in the sky and shining into her room. It had been night ever since she arrived in this place.

  Does the sun exist here? Evvie wondered.

  There were too many questions she wanted answers to… but where should she start? Plopping down in an oversized chair near the window, she curled up, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

  “I don’t understand anything,” she whispered to the moon as a dark lonely cloud floated past.

  Was Aurelian jealous? Had that been the reason why he had acted so differently from the man she thought he was? Her lips burned with the memory of his kiss. He’d been the person she remembered.

  That’s crazy…

  Groaning, Evvie dropped her forehead onto her knees. “I didn’t even know him that well. What am I thinking?”

  Do I like him, or do I like the idea of him?

  She’d kissed him after he had acted like a complete jerk. If that wasn’t stupid enough, if they forced her to choose now she was seriously considering him. Where were the self-preservation instincts she was supposed to have been born with? Choosing Aurelian would be a death sen
tence. Nolan wanted her heart… a lifetime of being…

  What? His lover? Evvie gulped.

  It was better than death, but the fact she was even debating anything else just proved that she wasn’t as sane as she’d thought.

  A knock on the door pulled her out of her trance. Evvie wrapped her arms tighter around her legs as she sat curled up in the chair and ignoring the tapping. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of this, Nolan could wait for… whatever it was that he wanted.

  The knocking persisted.

  He’s clingy, why wont he just stop?

  Blowing out a puff of air in annoyance, Evvie stood up from her chair and crossed the large room to the door. With excuses asking to be left alone already on her lips, she took one, deep, calming breath and then turned the handle, pulling the door open.

  Evvie opened her mouth and the door at the same time, “Sorry I—”

  The words died on her lips as she saw bright blue eyes staring down at her.

  “Oh, it’s you.” She cringed at the rude tone in her voice. “I just want to be alone right now.”

  “I would not have bothered you, but I would like to talk to you.”

  “Can it wait? I’m not in the mood for whatever you and your brother want from me.”

  Aurelian’s expression darkened.

  “It isn’t about why you’re here, not directly.”

  “What do you mean, not directly?”

  “May I come in?” he asked, pleading her with darkened eyes. “When I finish, I will leave if you still want me to.”

  She contemplated his words for a moment before giving in and swinging the door open to allow him through as she stepped back.

  He walked to the center of the room and waited. When he didn’t move or speak, she closed the door and walked back to the window, facing away from him.

  “Evvie, may I speak with you?”

  “Yeah, sure… What’s up?” she said coolly, trying to hide the effects that his deep baritone voice had on her.

  He crossed the room and stopped a few feet away from her. Watching from the corner of her eye she could see him waiting for her to look at him, but she still fumed over what had happened earlier. She wasn’t about to let him act as if he wasn’t a maniac who wanted her blood.

  After several long moments Evvie sighed and said, “What do you want, Auri?” She could hear the weariness and defeat in her voice.

  “How did you get free of the swamp?”

  That hadn’t been what she expected.

  Why would he ask me that? It's such a strange question…

  Facing him with a raised eyebrow, she spoke slowly, “I turned and ran.”

  “Evvie… that isn’t possible. Once the swamp has you, there is no escape.” He studied her face as if he was certain there was more she wasn’t saying.

  “Obviously there is a way… I did it.” She shrugged, taking a step away from him. The intensity of his demeanor was intimidating.

  He sighed and shook his head.

  “Unless you are an Unseelie Queen, there’s only one way you could have escaped,” Auri paused and looked into her eyes. “Do you know what that is?”

  “No, you just said there’s no way and now you’re saying there’s actually two ways. I have no idea what you’re talking about!” She rambled as she backed up to the window, the frosty glass pressed against her back.

  Aurelian reached out and clasped her hand.

  “I’m not being clear. I just need to know if you understand what happened in the swamp. You have a right to know.”

  She swallowed hard. “No, I have no idea… Auri, you’re scaring me. Please tell me what’s going on.”

  He pulled her closer to him and led her to the chair she had been sitting in before he came to her. Smoothing a hand down over the back of her head, his fingers combed gently though her hair in comforting strokes.

  “Seelie magic is the only thing that could have saved you.”

  “Why would another fairy save me?”

  “It wasn’t another fae.”

  Why did he always talk in circles?

  “Before you say anything else, can I ask you a question?” She stared at her hands in her lap, unseeing.

  “Anything,” he said.

  “Why me? Why not someone else?”

  “Because you are of the Summer Court,” he said simply, as if that was enough to answer the millions of questions she had.

  “Summer Court?” Evvie prompted.

  Aurelian clasped both of her hands in his.

  “What do you know of your family?”

  Why was he asking about her family now?

  She thought about it for a moment before answering.

  “My family? I have my mother but she was an only child. I never met my dad’s side of the family or my father, he left before I was born. But Auri… what does this have to do with anything?”

  Nodding, he said, “He didn’t leave, not by choice at any rate.”

  “What do you mean?” How could he know anything about her family? Was her family being stalked by these dark fairies?

  “He died.”

  “Excuse me? He died? How could you possibly know that?” she asked, a sinking feeling growing in the pit of her stomach.

  “He was a Seelie Prince. He died in the first war against the Unseelie King.”

  “What do you mean he was a Seelie Prince?”

  “You are a halfling, half-human, half-fae.”

  “And that’s why you picked me?” Evvie asked, as the pieces of scattered information started to fall into place.


  He waited for her as she sorted through the information. She wanted to say something meaningful, something profound, but all that came out of her lips was a single word.


  Aurelian’s eyebrows drew together.

  “I explained why.”

  “No, I mean, if I am a halfling like you said… then why did you need me? What do I—a half-human, half-fairy—have to offer?”

  “That would be the reason I brought you here. I will explain later—”

  “Auri, just tell me now. You can’t say all of that and then stop.”

  He had the decency to avert his eyes before explaining.

  “You are needed to create the final army that will ever walk the earth. With your blood, the army will be of three realms, able to cross at will and stay without limits. The army of the Winter Court will be of Seelie, Human, and Unseelie blood.”




  Crouched down in front of her, Aurelian held his breath as he watched Evvie. Her forehead scrunched and a frown pulled at her soft lips as she processed the information about her origins. He hadn’t planned on telling her so much, but if he were to stand a chance at gaining the crown, she needed to know that she wasn’t ordinary. Evvie was special, in more ways than he could express.

  Several minutes ticked by as he waited for her to react.

  Lifting her eyes, she met his gaze.

  “Seriously? You want me so that you can take over the world? Are you kidding me?”

  “No,” he said flatly. “My goal isn’t to take over the world, but to have the power to keep anyone out of my realm. If someone wants a fight, I will end it—immediately.”

  “Oh…” she said for the second time.

  Aurelian worried that he had given her too much information at once. She seemed to be rendered speechless sooner than he would have expected.

  “Are you some kind of freaky vampire?”

  Reaching up, he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and his knuckles caressed her cheek as he dropped his hand and placed it back over hers.

  What am I doing?

  Aurelian was horrified that such a tender gesture had come so naturally to him when he wasn’t concentrating. The warmth he’d been feeling at her presence, radiated from his chest, all the way through his body. He dismissed the thought at the back of his
mind, telling him that the claim was starting to catch up with him. It was the last thing he wanted to admit to himself, but he knew Evvie was the catalyst that created this feeling and it was about time he considered it as a possibility.

  Aurelian needed a distraction from this dangerous train of thought.

  “Why did you go into the swamp to begin with? It’s not a pleasant place. I would think you’d want to avoid it.”

  “I—” she hesitated, “This is going to sound so stupid… but I could have sworn I saw someone I knew. It’s crazy, I should have known better, but I thought I was dreaming…” Her voice trailed off as dark pink stained her cheeks.

  Aurelian’s jaw tightened.

  Will-o-the-wisp. Someone lured her to the swamp… but who? Nolan needed her alive. It couldn’t be possible that he’d used it as a tactic. His brother had been nowhere near the Marsh. Nolan was capable of deceit and unspeakable schemes, but he wouldn’t risk what he wanted from Evvie so carelessly.

  Shaking his head, he cast the thought aside, deciding that it was nothing more than the swamp looking for its next meal.

  “I know that this is a lot to take in, but there is more—”

  “Because telling me that I’m not who I thought I was isn’t enough for one day?” she asked dryly.

  “You needed to understand where you came from first.”

  “What else is there? Am I a magical unicorn that rides rainbows who just thought she was human?”

  He wrinkled his forehead and frowned.

  “No, what I came to tell you is that it was your magic that saved you from the Vermillion Marsh. I’m afraid I would have been unable to get to you in time.”

  Evvie gaped at him.

  “That’s impossible… I don’t have magic,” she breathed.

  “You are the daughter of a Seelie Prince—you were born with magic.”

  “I have magic?”


  “I’ve never had magic before.”

  “Living in the human realm, your magic had lain dormant your entire life. It’s your presence here that has awakened your powers. It is also what saved you from the chandelier, not me.”


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