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Driving Layne

Page 7

by Renea Porter

  “Is this your sister?” he asks as he picks one of them up and shows it to me.

  “Yeah, she’s two years older than me,” I answer.

  “You guys look alike,” he states, placing it back in its place.

  Once I think I look presentable enough and not like the living dead I exit the bathroom. I let my hair hang down. “You ready?” I ask, standing in the doorway.

  Chase follows me through the kitchen and outside. I take him to my favorite place, the horse stables. I can hear the horses making noises as we approach. “Here is my favorite place,” I say, walking up to Mustang Sally, a black horse with a black mane, petting her nose. “This one is my girl.” Chase raises his hand and pets her. “She is beautiful,” he says, looking at me.

  “We rescued her,” I tell him. “And this guy is Billy,” I say about the horse across from Mustang Sally. I smooth my hand over Billy’s mane, and Chase follows suit. I point out the stable. “Out there, is the cow pasture.” I motion for him to follow me. “Come on, I’ll show you my second favorite place.”

  We walk through some brush, and I lead Chase through a little wooded area until we are in the clear, leading us to a small lake. “Wow,” Chase says at the view.

  “You should see the sun rise and set here. It is gorgeous,” I tell him.

  “This is some amazing property your family has. And you, you astound me.” I turn and see that his face is merely inches from mine.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. I know exactly where this is headed. Resist, Amber.

  My head does not do what I tell it, because Chase’s mouth is covering mine and his lips are as soft as his kiss. His hands cup my face as he continues to caress my lips with his, ever so softly. My arms have a mind of their own and wrap around his waist, while he pulls me closer into him. I feel his hard chest against mine as my heart beats wildly from his touch.

  I pull away, tilting my head against his. I feel high from the kiss and it’s hard to breath. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to; his eyes say it all. They are filled with lust, need, want, and I’m not sure I can give it all to him. “What are you thinking?” he finally asks.

  “How bad of an idea this is. How we shouldn’t do this. How complicated things can get,” I tell him as the words rush out.

  He lifts his head from mine. “What if Layne wasn’t in the picture?” he asks. His hand lightly grazes mine and he interlocks his fingers with mine.

  My heart breaks, because if Layne weren’t in the picture, I’m not exactly sure what this would be between us. “I don’t know. Like I’ve said before, even without Layne in the picture it’s still complicated,” I say, looking into his green eyes.

  “Can’t we just forget about school, about Layne, while we are on winter break?”

  “We could, but what happens when we go back? What if you see me with Layne? I just can’t. You deserve so much more than I can give you, which is only my friendship. How about we just have fun and see how it goes?” I ask, hoping to lighten the mood, as I walk back through the brush toward the house.

  “How am I supposed to forget those lips on mine, and that for a split second you were mine?” he asks, as he catches up with me.

  I laugh, “Seriously? You are laying it on rather thick aren’t you?”

  He shrugs. “Hey, a guy’s gotta try.”

  “Come on, I’m sure my mom is fixing lunch by now,” I say as he throws his arm around my shoulder. On the way back, the kiss replays in my head and I can’t shake it. The way his lips felt on mine; they made me feel drunk.

  “No matter what, we’re friends first,” he says while I swoon.

  We finally make it back to the house, and I find my mom in the kitchen, her favorite place. She is making sandwiches and some potato salad, my favorite. “Mom, you don’t have to go through all this trouble. I could have made something for us to eat,” I tell her.

  “You two just have a seat, and I’ll have a plate ready soon,” she tells Chase and me. “What do you think Chase?” my mom asks as she shuffles around the kitchen.

  “I think you have a beautiful home, and that property is beyond amazing. I appreciate you hosting me this winter break.”

  “You’re welcome here anytime. Just make sure you two get some studying done before you leave. I know you have finals coming up,” she instructs. “So feel free to take these up to the apartment if you want.” She shoves the plates in my hands and flashes a wink without Chase noticing. I think she is trying to play matchmaker or something. I’ve never so much as brought a boy home. I barely had time for boyfriends as it was. So I’m thinking this is a big deal to her.

  “Dad, you should let Chase and I help you out there today,” I offer.

  “Do what your mother says, or whatever it is kids your age do nowadays.” He waves me off as he heads back out to work on the ranch, and my mom doesn’t offer any sympathy.

  “Let me grab my bag quick,” I say to Chase.

  I can use a few hours of studying to take my mind off things. In my room, I grab my bag and follow Chase up to the apartment. We both sit on the couch and eat our lunch.

  “I might have to come here more often; your mom’s cooking is the best,” he says with a mouthful.

  “Didn’t your mom ever cook?” I ask

  “My mom, god no. We had a chef come in and cook up weekly meals,” he says.

  “Well you will get to have it all week,” I say with a little pep in my tone. “So should we study or blow this joint and go shopping? Your wardrobe could use some work.” I laugh.

  “What the fuck is wrong with my wardrobe?” He looks down at his clothes.

  “You are so down to earth and chill, you should dress like it. If you just mix and match some stuff, you’d be good. Like that for instance,” I say, pointing at his jeans that I ripped holes in. “It looks so much better. Plus, you should be thankful that I resisted ruffling your hair.”

  “Don’t even go there. I’m seriously questioning your sanity right now.” He shoves the last of the sandwich in his mouth. “How ‘bout we study, then maybe we can do a movie later? You do have a movie theater around here, don’t you?”

  “Yes, we have a movie theater.” I give him a light shove for being sarcastic about my small town.

  We move to the bed and spread out our books. “Okay well we better get to it. I want to see more of this small town of yours.”

  “Didn’t you say you are from Texas, too?” I ask remembering a brief conversation about it when we first met.

  “Yes, I’m from Dallas, the big city. And my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a doctor. Like I said before, I’m the big disappointment of the family,” he says with sorrow in his eyes. “Shall we talk about Layne?” he asks, annoyed with the conversation.

  “No, we shall not. We shall forget about your family and my hopelessness,” I say, pointing my pencil in the air in an exaggerated declaration.

  Chapter Eleven

  A noise startles me awake. I can’t believe we fell asleep. Looking outside, I see that it’s already dark out. I start to panic, until I see it’s only five in the evening. Looking next to me, I see Chase is out cold as well. I try to sneak out as quietly as possible so I don’t wake him. I creep down the stairs slowly. I can already smell the food my mom is cooking.

  “There you are,” Mom says, as I walk into the kitchen. “You two must be studying hard up there,” she continues.

  “Unfortunately, we fell asleep after about two hours of studying. Now I will be up all night. Chase is still up there sleeping,” I tell her.

  “Well, I can fix him a plate and take it up to him. Did you two have any other plans?” she asks curiously.

  “Yeah, I think we are going to the movies later. I might shower after dinner,” I tell her. I watch as her lips curl up in a big grin, and all I can do is shake my head at her insinuations.

  “Just go ahead and grab your plate; I’ll take this to Chase,” she insists.

  I grab a plate and sit at the table with my dad. “
Chase seems like a good kid,” my dad says, more of a statement more than anything, I doubt he’s looking for a response.

  But I give him one, anyway. “He’s a good friend. We have a class together that we are partners in and we eat lunch together most days.”

  “And he’s just a friend,” he emphasizes.

  “Yes, Dad.”

  He flashes a wink as he cuts into his steak. “It didn’t look like that earlier.”

  “Oh my god, were you spying on us?” I ask, embarrassed. “Never mind I don’t even want to know,” I say, hoping my cheeks aren’t flushed. I pop some food in my mouth praying that he drops the subject.

  “Just be glad I didn’t get my shotgun out,” he says with a laugh.

  My mom walks in the kitchen with Chase right behind her. “What about your shotgun?”

  “Nothing,” my dad and I say in unison.

  “Did you have a nice nap?” I ask Chase.

  He pulls a chair next to me. “Yep. We still on for later?”

  “Yep,” I say. “If you all will excuse me, I need to go get ready.”

  Really, I’ve lost my appetite after that little fiasco. My parents must think they are comedians or something. And they wonder why I’ve never brought a boy home. I take a quick shower and change into an off the shoulder sweater with boot cut jeans and boots. I grab my laptop and check what movies are playing just as Chase appears in the doorway.

  “Come on in,” I motion. He sits next to me on the bed and I show him what’s playing. “Romantic comedy, or action adventure,” I point.

  “Action adventure, if that’s okay,” he says, smiling.

  “Action adventure it is then,” I say, bounding off the bed. “We better get a move on then, because the theater is like twenty minutes away.”

  He follows me through the kitchen, stopping to wait as I kiss my mom on the cheek. “Thanks for dinner again, Joan,” Chase bellows as we exit the house.

  I throw the car keys at him, and he catches them in midair. “You can drive,” I say, sliding into the passenger seat. “Maybe tomorrow we can go clubbing,” I add on a whim as he clips the seatbelt on.

  “Is that your version of country line dancing?” he jokes.

  “Very funny. Although, we could do that. Might be more fun watching you do that.” I giggle at the thought. I punch the directions into the GPS so Chase doesn’t have trouble finding the theater. He flashes a wink my way and I just turn on the radio to avoid him. Either he is really flirting with me or just messing with my head.

  I lay back and think about the rest of my time at home. There’s only four more weeks of winter break. Christmas is a few weeks away, and I still haven’t bought any gifts. I really should take a day and go shopping. I feel really bad that Chase doesn’t get to spend the holidays with his own family but hopefully we can make it special for him, at least. I know he has to feel left out.

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?” I ask curiously.

  “I have one of each; a brother, Corbin, and my sister, Leah. Corbin followed my mother’s footsteps of being a lawyer, and Leah followed my dad’s; she’s a doctor. Or…more aptly, she’s in med school,” he says, facing me.

  “Are they home for the holiday?”

  “I honestly don’t know. More than likely not, especially if my sister’s in med school, but I’m not sure about my brother. Like I said before, I’m not close with them.” His voice trails off; it looks like he is in deep thought. I can see the pain in his eyes when he speaks about them, like he misses them. The GPS interrupts his thoughts and he snaps back to the present.

  We’re almost to the theater, so I don’t bother asking anymore personal questions. It seems like it upsets him even more.


  We’ve been on break for nearly two weeks already and Christmas is fast approaching. I help my mom pull out the Christmas decorations for our artificial tree.

  “Chase, there’s some popcorn in the cupboard if you want to throw it in the microwave for a bit,” my mom says as we lug the decorations to the living room.

  “Sure, I’m on it,” he says, disappearing into the kitchen.

  We set everything out and get started.

  “I hope this bowl is okay to use,” Chase asks, bringing in the popcorn about three minutes later.

  “Of course. Thanks. Here, grab some of these tree limbs and hook them in the center,” my mom tells Chase.

  He smiles at me. I think he’s glad to be somewhere for Christmas. I feel my phone vibrate in my front pocket and excuse myself to the restroom.

  Hey bitch, I can’t believe you left without telling me. I’ll let it slide this time, as long as you have some juicy details when you return. Oh and Layne is going crazy without you here, but don’t tell him I said that, Renee texts.

  I would have told you, but it was sort of a last minute thing. Sorry bitch. You know how I am. Only you get me. And I’m not sure I will have anything juicy enough to tell,” I text her back. “I’m sure I’m just a distant memory to him by now.

  Well I won’t keep you from your family. Just know I’m thinking about you and hope everything is okay. Come back soon! She responds.

  I love you like a sister. I won’t be able to stay away for too long, I reply.

  Love you!

  I rush back to the living room to join my Mom and Chase. They already have the tree put together, and as I enter the room Chase turns to me. “Everything okay?”

  “Yep,” I say with a smile. I can’t help it as Layne consumes my mind and every thought. I can’t help but miss his lingering gaze, his gentle yet rough touch, the way his skin burns when it touches mine, and the yearn for him.

  “Earth to Amber,” Mom snaps me out of thought. My head jerks in her direction. “Hand me those ornaments over there, will ya?” she says impatiently.

  “Oh sorry.” I hand her the box, and Chase just gives me a quizzed look.

  Feeling embarrassed, I fill my mouth with a handful of popcorn. “Chase, how ‘bout you put the star on top of the tree.” Mom hands him the star, as we finish putting the final touches on it.

  “It would be an honor,” Chase says, taking the star nervously. He reaches, placing it on the top. My mom leans down, plugging in the lights. When she stands back up, we all cheer.

  “I don’t want to be a party pooper, but I think I’ll go get some rest; it’s late,” I say.

  “Yea, you two kids go get your rest,” Mom says as she settles next to my dad on the couch, admiring the tree.

  I walk toward my room as Chase follows me. “Are you sure everything is okay?” he asks, leaning against the doorway with his hands in his jeans pocket, ankles crossed.

  “Yes, I had fun today! I’m glad you are here. Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?” I ask, pulling down my sheets.

  “Sure, I’ll catch you then.” He steps in the room to hug me. This has been a nightly thing for the past two weeks. He squeezes me tight against him, and then he turns closing my door as he leaves. “Night.”

  I change into my night clothes and settle into bed when my phone buzzes. It’s Layne.

  Hey babe, hope you are having a nice winter break, even though I wish you were here with me, he texts.

  Having fun, spending time with my parents. We just put the tree up today, I reply.

  Are you gonna be here for New Year’s Eve? Party at my place, it won’t be crazy, only around fifty to a hundred people coming. I really want you to come, so we can start the year off right, he states.

  Sure, I’ll be there.

  Just like that?

  Just like that, I smile while hitting send.

  I’ll see you soon then, he replies and I know he is most likely smiling at his little victory.

  Goodnight Layne, I text, smiling to myself.

  He doesn’t respond, so I lay down and settle into my pillow. But then my stomach coils and I rush to my private bathroom. I flip the toilet seat up, lean in, and throw up until there is nothing left. After straightening myself, I gr
ab a washcloth and run it under some water to wipe my face. I grip the counter, hoping it has subsided as I try to catch my breath. It’s been nearly two weeks since I’ve gotten sick. I slide back in bed, thankful no one heard me, and let the darkness overtake my consciousness.


  I wake early, like I normally do when I’m home. I throw my hair in a bun and go help my mom in the kitchen.

  “Hey kiddo,” Mom says, kissing my head. “You don’t look so good.”

  “I’m okay; don’t worry about me. Chase and I are going shopping later. Do you want to come along?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “No, I’m already done Christmas shopping. Just be careful out there. We are supposed to get an ice storm,” she says. “Go get Chase for breakfast,” she says with a giggle.

  “Really, Mom? It’s a little too early for your humorous matchmaking jokes.” I laugh and shake my head. I walk up the steps, and knock before entering. Chase is sprawled across the bed, but he’s awake.

  “Morning sunshine,” I say, hitting his legs playfully.

  “Morning beautiful.” He leans forward catching me off guard and pulling me on the bed. “I wonder if you are ticklish.” A devilish grin spreads across his face.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I say as he gazes at me.

  “Oh, but it’s so tempting. I’m not sure I’ll be able to resist.” He tickles my sides, causing me to squeal as I try to wiggle out of his grip.

  “Stop, stop please,” I plead, giggling. Then it happens. He stops, and his face is inches, no centimeters, from mine and we stare into each other’s eyes for what seems like an eternity. “Breakfast,” I say before anything happens we might both regret. He loosens his grip and we both try to catch our breath before entering the house.

  “Took you two long enough,” my Dad bellows.

  “Very funny,” I say as we take a seat at the table.

  Chapter Twelve

  The mall is packed with last minute shoppers, and waiting in the checkout line is even worse. Sadly, I’m one of those last minute shoppers and Chase is MIA, said he would meet me at the food court in an hour and off he went. I bought him a pair of jeans with already made holes in them along with an MMA shirt. I love to mess with him about his wardrobe, because he gets so offended.


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