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The Wedding Trap (Second Service)

Page 8

by Adrienne Bell

  Ryman shook his head. "There are diplomatic issues."

  "Diplomatic issues? Coming here to buy government secrets doesn't qualify as a diplomatic issue?"

  “I can’t do anything without proof," Agent Ryman said.

  “Sending a hit man after a witness doesn’t qualify as proof?”

  Agent Ryman sat back in his seat. He rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and drew in a long breath. Beth had the distinct feeling that he was a man who wasn’t used to anyone talking back to him. He looked over at Alex.

  “We need to talk,” he said. “Alone.”


  “We can’t take her out of this hotel."

  "It's not negotiable, John. I’m not putting her in any more danger," Alex said.

  "We don’t have a choice," John said. “It’s sounds like your guy has already made the drop. The damage is done. And your asset there isn’t going to fix it by looking through some personnel files.”

  "You can't be serious," Alex said. His tone was low, his stare lethal. John didn't blink.

  "You're not thinking straight. We’ve been handed a perfect situation.”

  “Now I know you’re joking. Beth’s life is on the line.”

  “Exactly. We know your guy will come back to finish the job, and you have the perfect cover to be right next to her when he does.”

  "It’s too risky. I promised her I wouldn’t put her in harm’s way," Alex said.

  "I think that you’re letting your emotions get the better of you," John said.

  "There's no emotion here."

  "Really? Because you just snapped a man’s neck without getting any useful information out of him.”

  Alex barked out a bitter laugh. "I got plenty of information. Munoz is after Beth. He wants her dead. Staal didn't stop, not even once he knew he was outmatched. He kept going for her. They won't stop until they get her."

  "Exactly. They won't. Ever,” John said. His tone was cold and practical. “So, I only see two choices here. Your girl goes into hiding for the rest of her life, or we end this now. The way I see it, we're better off dealing with it here."

  "With Beth as bait? It's too risky."

  "You've only known this asset for a little over twenty-four hours, Alex. Who is this woman, and what the hell does she mean to you?" John asked. There was concern in his friend's eyes, and more than a little confusion.

  Alex didn’t have an answer for him. Not a good one, at any rate. He wasn't the kind to let his heart rule his head. He wasn't soft. What was he supposed to say? That she had brought him a muffin? That her laugh made him smile? That her talent for finding trouble pulled at him in a way that he didn't fully understand?

  "She doesn't deserve any of this," he said, knowing full well that it wasn't the answer John wanted. "She's innocent."

  "Innocent? You reported that she was blackmailing you."

  "It wasn’t like that,” Alex protested.

  "Listen, Alex. Beth is an asset. A good one. She's the only person that can make a positive ID on our traitor. We need her here, and you know it."

  Alex shook his head even though John was right

  "He’ll come for her again,” Alex said. “He doesn’t have a choice.”

  "And we'll be waiting for him," John said. "You both just have to go on like nothing has happened. Keep up with the wedding. It'll confuse him. It will make him bold."

  Alex looked down. He ground his back teeth. "I don't like it," he said.

  "You don't have to," John said. "But be careful, Alex. We're counting on this man's emotions making him sloppy. I can’t afford to have the same thing happen to you.”


  “I’m staying,” Beth said as the men came out of the bedroom. She'd heard the low murmur of their whispers, but she hadn't been able to decipher the actual words. Not that it took much imagination to figure it out.

  Someone wanted her dead. She could either run, or stand and fight. Neither option thrilled her. Still, she'd made her decision.

  She waited for them to say something, to start with the rationalizations, the manipulation, the bargaining, but it didn't come. Both men stared at her, implacable.

  Maybe she needed to go further. "These people are bad, aren't they?"

  "Yeah," Alex said.

  "They're not above going after the people that I care about to get to me, are they?"

  "No," Agent Ryman said. His voice was even, but she heard a slight hint of admiration. Not that she cared. She wasn't doing this so anyone would think highly of her.

  "Then I'm staying."

  A muscle in Alex's jaw twitched, but he didn't move any closer. He stayed just outside the doorway. His arms were crossed in front of his chest. Whatever conclusion he and Agent Ryman had reached in the other room, it was pretty obvious that he didn't like it. Her declaration wasn't doing much to brighten his mood either.

  "I'm glad that you feel way, because we can use you," John Ryman said. He took the seat across from the bed.

  Alex grunted with irritation. This was the first time that she had seen him this way, the first chink that she’d glimpsed in his heavy armor. It dawned on her that it was the first time that she was seeing him as his true self. He’d never quite fit into the mold that she had tried to cast for him, neither as Charlie or the nameless car thief.

  But Agent Tanner fit him perfectly. She was still uneasy with the skill and lack of hesitation with which he had dispatched the man who tried to kill her. But at least he was on her side. That counted for something. Who was she kidding? Right now it counted for a whole hell of a lot.

  Beth switched her attention to Agent Ryman as he explained the plan to have her continue her role of bridesmaid, luring the traitor out into the open. It was a decent plan, even if the idea of being human bait made her stomach churn.

  "Alex will stay by your side every moment," John said.

  Beth turned toward him.

  "I promised to keep you safe, and I'm going to do that," he said. He didn't seem too happy about it. Beth knew a guilty face when she saw one.

  "Thanks," she said. His jaw twitched again. Apparently, he wasn't much interested in having that guilt assuaged.

  "We'll also be putting a full team into the hotel for the rest of the weekend,” John said. “You may not see us, but rest assured, we’ll be there.”

  Beth’s life had turned upside down. Now she had a bodyguard instead of pretend boyfriend. It was a covert operation instead of her best friend's wedding.

  "You just let us know if you need anything," Agent Ryman said, standing up.

  "A cheeseburger," Beth said.

  "Excuse me?" John Ryman said.

  "You just said to tell you if I need anything. I need a cheeseburger. And fries."

  John gave her a slow nod.

  "With bacon," she added.

  Alex raised his eyebrows.

  "What? I was just nearly murdered in the street. On top of being scared and mentally exhausted, I'm starving. I think I deserve a little bacon."

  For the first time since he'd stepped into the room, Agent Ryman smiled. "I couldn't agree more, Miss Bradley. I'll see what I can do for you."

  The men nodded at each other. Beth had no trouble hearing Agent Ryman’s whisper this time. “I’ve changed my mind. When all this is over, you should marry her."

  Chapter 7

  Beth practically dove into the burger, which was dripping with melted cheese and bacon grease and beef juice. If she hadn’t seen Alex Tanner in towel just that morning, she would have sworn that this burger was the sexiest thing she'd ever laid eyes on.

  After a month of fruit for breakfast and salads for everything else, it was ambrosia. The gods themselves couldn't have made a more perfect hamburger.

  Beth wiped a dribble of cheddar off her chin. She lifted her head and found Alex staring at her. She tried for a smile, but her cheeks were still stuffed.

  "It's good to see you eating," he said.

  Beth swallowed. "I'm not going to lie, this migh
t be the best thing that I've ever tasted."

  Alex smiled back, but he stayed on the other side of the room. He'd been there ever since Agent Ryman had left. She was still sitting cross-legged on the bed. Something had changed.

  She'd say that he'd become distant, but it was a physical distance only. She could still feel the weight of his gaze on her.

  His guilt hadn’t faded. And Beth doubted Alex was a man who spent much time feeling guilty. She could help him with that. If there was one thing she knew, it was how to carry that particular weight around.

  "Aren't you going to eat?" she asked. Agent Ryman had sent up two trays, but Alex hadn't touched his yet.

  Alex shook his head.

  "You're missing out," she said.

  "We should talk about your schedule for the next couple of days," he said after another few minutes had passed. “You’ll probably have to cancel a few things.

  "Okay. Beth picked up her phone between bites and opened the calendar. She listed off the events—a cocktail reception tonight, a trip to the Museum of Modern Art, the wedding rehearsal and the dinner that followed. Then the ceremony on Sunday at noon. She'd have to spend the whole morning getting ready with Isobel.

  "You'll have to cancel tomorrow’s trip,” he said.

  Her smile fell. She understood, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t disappointed. She had been looking forward to spending a little more time with Isobel before she became Mrs. Masterson.

  “Should I cancel tonight as well?” she asked.

  He thought for a moment. "No. We'd better go to that one," he said. "We’re going to need to have you out in the open at some point."

  Beth swallowed a little harder. Out in the open. She knew she was bait, but she didn’t much like the image that sprung up in her mind: a worm wriggling on a hook.

  Alex didn’t seem any happier. His scowl deepened.

  "It's not your fault, you know," Beth said before taking another bite.

  Alex turned away from the window. “Excuse me?"

  "This whole situation. None of it is your fault," she said.

  The intensity in his eyes increased, and he stared at her for a few seconds. Beth did her best not to squirm under his scrutiny.

  Well, she was the one who opened the door. She might as well go through it. "I'm just saying that I probably would have gotten into trouble whether you were around or not.”

  "That doesn't make any sense, Beth."

  "Sure it does," she said, "I have a way of finding trouble. I’m always stumbling into it.”

  She polished off the last of the fries on the plate. They were perfect too. Crisp on the outside, but inside they were so buttery they practically dissolved on her tongue. Maybe it wasn't sex that she was hard up for; it was food.

  She risked another glance at Alex. Yeah, no such luck. Her belly was full to bursting now, and he still looked every bit as smoking' hot as he had this morning.

  She finished chewing and swallowed. This wasn’t working. He wanted a solution. She wanted a conversation.

  He took a step toward her. His expression hardened. It wasn't guilt that was darkening his eyes now, but something else. "This isn't pretend, Beth. This isn't trying to save face in front of your mother and ex-boyfriend. There are men out there who are trying to kill you. And they're not going to stop until they do."

  He stopped in the archway that separated the bedroom from the sitting room. Something that prevented him from coming closer.

  He was afraid of something. She couldn't believe it. She hadn't known him all that long, granted, but she'd never seen a flicker of anything close to fear pass through him. But she did now.

  "I know," she said, trying to calm him.

  "No, you don't, Beth."

  She put her plate on the bedside, and swiveled around to step down on the floor. Alex took a step back.

  Dear God, he was afraid of her. But that didn't make any sense. Not even a little bit.

  “I’m just saying that even if I hadn't met you, even if I had stayed in my own room last night, there is still a very good chance that I wouldn't have slept through the night,” she said, sitting back down on the bed. “Sure, it wouldn’t have been the thought of you sleeping just a few feet away that would have woken me up at. But it would have been something else. It's always something."

  "You were thinking about me?"

  Beth rolled her eyes. Of course she was. Any woman with a pulse would be. Surely he was aware of the effect he had on women—her in particular.

  "I'm trying to tell you, that's not important. I could have just as easily been worrying about how Spencer was going to make my life miserable the next day. Or how I was going to get through another morning with my mother on my back. It doesn't matter. Either way, it would have been my body that John fished out of that dumpster today."

  His expression turned hard. She couldn't blame him. A cold shiver went through her.

  "The only reason that didn't happen is because you were there with me," she said.

  His back was up against the archway. Deep lines were etched around the corners of his eyes. None of his tension faded. Couldn't he see that she was just trying to let him off the hook?

  "I guess, I'm just trying to say thank you," she said. "And I'm sorry that I've put you in the position of having to look out for me."

  He shook his head. "You don't know what you're saying."

  Beth laughed. "No, I think I do. I know I've been a pain in the ass since the moment that you met me."

  “You’re not so bad.”

  “You’re sweet, but I know how I am,” she said.

  He was quiet for a long moment. Beth didn’t push. Instead, she just sat in silence and waited. Waited for him to say something. Anything.

  “You have dark circles under your eyes,” he finally said.

  It wasn’t exactly the sentimental declaration she’d been hoping for.

  “I’m a little tired,” she said. It was a lie. She was exhausted.

  He nodded. His gaze was inscrutable. “You should take a nap before we have to go downstairs.”

  Beth suppressed a laugh. “After everything that’s happened, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to feel safe enough to sleep again.”

  “It’s all right,” he said. “Rest. I’ll stand guard.”

  Beth nodded. Her eyes were drooping before she’d pulled a pillow out from under the bedspread. She didn’t think that she’d fall asleep, not with all the residual adrenaline pumping through her veins. But there wouldn’t be any harm in closing her eyes. Just for a few minutes.


  Beth snapped her head up. Her eyes flew open as a terrible buzzing filled the room.

  She twisted around in the sheets looking for the source. She found it on the bedside table. Her phone.

  She snatched it up and looked down at the screen.

  Her mother.

  Beth hit the decline button. There was no way that she was awake enough to take that call right now.

  Soft laughter came from the next room. Beth put down the phone and squinted, trying to get her tired eyes to focus on the form sitting several feet away.

  “That thing has been going off practically non-stop since you fell asleep,” Alex said. She might not be able to see him clearly, but she’d recognize that voice anywhere. “I’m amazed it took this long to wake you up.”

  Beth rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

  “How long have I been out?” she asked.

  “A while.”

  She checked her phone: it was six thirty-two.

  Crap. No wonder the phone had been ringing off the hook. They were over a half hour late for Isobel’s cocktail reception. She had four missed calls—three from her mother—and six unread text messages.

  Beth flew from the bed, clutching her phone. “Why did you let me sleep so long?” she shouted as she ran into the bathroom.

  “You needed the rest,” came the answer, without a hint of apology. “Besides, you’re kind of cute when you�
��re asleep.”

  Beth took stock of herself in the mirror. Now she knew he was making fun of her. Her clothes were terribly wrinkled. Her hair was matted on one side. And was that a line of dried drool on her cheek?

  Of course it was. Heaven help her, she’d probably been snoring too.

  Beth fired off a quick text to Isobel.

  Sorry. Time got away from me. Be down in ten minutes.

  She glanced at the smeared mascara under her eyes, and changed the ten to fifteen. She briefly considered sending the same text to her mother, but put the phone down on the counter.

  Nineteen minutes later they were in the elevator. Beth checked her hair one last time in the polished steel wall panel. It wasn’t great. It wasn’t hideous either. As usual, a tight ponytail hid a multitude of sins.

  Maybe not dumping a body in the garbage sin, but certainly the slept through the alarm kind. What did it say about her that right now she was more concerned with the latter than the former? She decided not to judge herself too harshly. If she stopped too long to think about the situation her stomach started doing backflips.

  Alex slipped his hand into hers. Her nerves must have been showing. "Everything is going to be okay," he said.

  She wanted to believe him. She really did. But she couldn't. Nothing was okay. Everything had changed, and there was no way she could go back to the person she had been. The one who bumbled through life, uncertain of where she was going or what she was doing.

  Now people were depending on her, not only for their safety, but for their very lives.

  She realized with some sadness that she had never taken a close look at her life until it was in danger. Maybe not being able to go back wasn't such a bad thing—if she lived through this.

  She clenched Alex’s hand as the lobby bell sounded and the doors slid open. There was no machine gun welcome committee. She sighed in relief.

  Beth looked around the lobby. She didn’t see anyone she recognized. Of course not. Everyone she knew was already at the party. There were a few people on the couches, some with drinks in their hands, some with magazines and computers. No one looked their way.


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