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What God Has For Me

Page 11

by Pat Simmons

  “I do mind you getting in my business, but the answer is no. I was faithful when Halcyon and I were together. Brandon’s father was killed in active duty. So, I guess we’re even. You have my consent. I have my family, and you’ll have yours.”

  Lord, are You sure this disgrace to fatherhood is going to get his? Zachary wanted to be on the sidelines.

  I will judge every man, including you, according to his deeds, God reminded him of Job 34:11.

  Knocked down a notch, this man had Zachary constantly repenting. The most important thing was Zachary would be free to file the necessary paperwork to adopt Ashanti and Jonathan.

  Dabbing his mouth with a napkin, Scott pushed his plate away. “So, if we cross paths again, let’s keep walking.”

  There goes the devil using Scott to further provoke him, but he had to stay focused to accomplish what he came for. “Did you tell your wife about your children?”

  “No, there was no need. Halcyon had already gone. I wanted a clean slate. I prayed there wouldn’t be any baby mama drama with her.”

  Prayed? Zachary couldn’t take it anymore. “Scott Taylor, you’re a fool. Just stay out of my way.” Before he stormed out of the restaurant, he opened his wallet and threw a five on the table. As he pushed open the door, the only thing Zachary could think of was one hit, one hit and he could have knocked the man out.

  Chapter 18

  This was it. Tonight in less than two hours, Zachary would slip on her engagement ring. “Thank You, Jesus!” Halcyon wanted to scream her praise because it was hard to contain. Before she had left the office, Zachary had flowers delivered to her and teddy bears to the children.

  God had really come through with the perfect man for her. To help celebrate her special occasion, her sisters had treated her and them to manicures.

  “I know it’s silly to be this excited, considering Zachary already proposed and I handpicked my engagement ring and Zach got it from the jewelers yesterday. Still it’s as if I’m being surprised,” she had told her Granny Rose earlier.

  “Never lose that feeling, because every marriage needs it,” her grandmother said and engulfed her in a tight hug. “I’m proud of you, baby.” Halcyon must have given her a surprised look. “I had to tell you what was right while you were living in sin. Regardless of the sin—sin is sin. I’m just so glad you listened to His voice.” She pointed toward the sky. By the time Granny Rose left, they both were in tears.

  Now, an hour before Zachary was scheduled to arrive and take her to dinner, Halcyon was so excited she could hardly apply her makeup. She couldn’t imagine her nervousness on her wedding day.

  Between her mother and Tracey coming into her room to inspect her attire, Halcyon chuckled when they approved of her choice of a slender lilac sleeveless dress with a matching sheer duster.

  She looped the cluster of pearl earrings into her earlobes, a gift from Zachary. Her daughter also got a gift from her soon-to-be daddy, a faux pearl necklace. The first couple of nights after that, Halcyon had to fight with Ashanti to take it off for a bath. Only after Halcyon bought her a pretty box for safekeeping, Ashanti complied. Yes, Zachary was creating a diva and she had told him so too.

  “She’ll be mine to spoil as well as her mother soon.” His expression had turned serious. “Bridget, you know I love the children and I wouldn’t mind having a few with you, but if you don’t want any more children, I am okay with being just Ashanti and Jonathan’s father.”

  That had made her smile. This was the unconditional love she didn’t know existed. Of course, she wanted more children. Fifteen minutes later, Halcyon was ready. She smiled at her reflection. She liked what she saw. The glow wasn’t from her shade of makeup. The beauty she felt came from the happiness she possessed inside.

  Peeping out her bedroom window, Halcyon caught a glimpse of Zachary getting out his SUV and heard his car alarm chirp. Her chariot had arrived. From a distance, he looked devastatingly dangerous in a dark suit and she had seen him in suits before. He carried a small gift box in his hand. She continued to watch him trek up the steps to the house. Next the doorbell rang, and Ashanti and Jonathan screamed their delight. Downstairs, her prince was waiting.


  The night was perfect. From the ring, the food, the candlelight, the music, and to the man, until Zachary dropped the bomb. Oh yeah it would be a night to remember all right. “You what? You met with Scott?” Halcyon’s mouth dropped open and Zachary purposely fed her a strawberry as if he was putting a plug in her response. She chewed carefully—her fruit and her words.

  She didn’t know how she felt about Zachary going behind her back to meet with Scott. Once Halcyon had taken control of her life by leaving Scott and finally getting over the heartache, she felt she had exorcised him out of her life.

  Taking a deep breath, Halcyon glanced down at her 2 carat diamond rings with two hearts intertwined. It sparkled at every angle, but she refused to let that distract her. “Zach, I love you like crazy, but you and Scott seem to forget that those are my babies. I had them and have been taking care of them and I should have been brought into the meeting.”

  “You’re right, babe.” Zachary reached for her hand and massaged her fingers. “I just didn’t want you to have a setback or anything.”

  “Mr. Bishop, I overcame my setbacks when I agreed to marry you. Scott no longer dangles hurt over me. I have to consent to whatever you two were masterminding.”

  “There wasn’t any strategic planning, babe. I wanted him to know where I stood when it came to my princess, prince and wife. I’m sorry, babe. I just always want to be your and the children’s protector.” His eyes pleaded for her understanding.

  Zachary’s eyes were also filled with love, so how could she be mad at the man for loving her? “I forgive you, but don’t ever make a decision like that again without me.” She took a deep breath to calm down. Halcyon had waited so long for this perfect night and refused to let Scott ruin it.

  “So he’s agreed to give up his parental rights to Jonathan and Ashanti, huh?” Although his rejection of his own flesh and blood stung, Halcyon knew it would be in the best interest of the children. She wouldn’t have to deal with custody or visitation issues, and once Ashanti turned eighteen, she could seek a relationship with her father on her own.

  “Did Scott say anything else?”

  Zachary was slow to answer. “Nothing worth repeating.” Reaching for his wine glass filled with sparkling grape juice, he took a gulp and sat back in his chair, watching her.

  For some crazy reason, a small part of Halcyon wanted Zachary to repeat Scott’s conversation word for word. She wasn’t looking forward to seeing Scott in court, but in a sense, this would free her of all ties with Scott Taylor Jr.

  Chapter 19

  The evidence was stacked against Scott with no record of child support payments, visitations, or contact with his children; the judge was swift to terminate his rights.

  “Not because you were a bad parent, Mr. Taylor. You weren’t a parent at all,” Judge Mann said. “I will honor Mr. Bishop’s request for adoption and wish him and Miss Holland all the best once they are married in a few weeks.” Hitting her gavel, her decision was final.

  Halcyon watched as Scott exchanged a nod with Zachary, then quickly glanced her way. Without a word, he strolled out the courtroom as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

  “It’s done.” She rubbed the goose bumps on her arms.

  “Yes!” Zachary lifted her off her feet in a hug. When he planted her on the ground, Zachary squeezed her hand. “C’mon, we have less than ten days before we’re married and I’m a proud papa.”

  Her fiancé’s excitement was so contagious, Halcyon couldn’t help but feed off him. “Let’s go celebrate.” Now, she had closure and she could proceed on the path to her happiness.

  Eight days before the wedding, Halcyon had opted to work from home. It was a good thing, because she was getting a steady flow of gifts from out of town friends and family who wouldn�
��t be able to make the wedding. Plus, Ashanti had started pre-school, so it was easier for her. She would drop Ashanti off at school and Zachary would pick her up and bring her home, then go back to the store.

  The doorbell rang minutes after Halcyon had just laid Jonathan down for his nap. She hurried down the stairs before the bell rang again. Opening the door, expecting the UPS or FedEx driver, Halcyon blinked. “Scott? Wh… what are you doing here?”

  The proud man she once lived with looked flustered as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you mind if I come in. I would like to speak to you.”

  Without giving it a second thought, Halcyon shook her head. “I do mind. Whatever you have to say, say it right here on my front porch. Make it quick. My son is sleeping upstairs.”

  Stuffing his hand in his pocket, Scott began pacing. Then stopped abruptly and faced her. “My wife found out about Ashanti.”

  Halcyon’s mouth dropped open. “You mean she didn’t know?” She thought back to the day they saw each other at the mall and remembered the woman’s comment about a pretty little girl. Halcyon just assumed Scott had told her not to make a scene.

  “No.” Scott didn’t seem to be embarrassed by his actions.

  What kind of human being was he? Halcyon pitied him. Thank You, Lord, for not allowing me to marry this man. She frowned. “I feel sorry for you; so why are you here?”

  “I need you to do me a favor.”

  The laugh came from nowhere. Halcyon stepped out onto the porch and scanned the neighborhood to see if there were hidden cameras or something. She released another round of giggles. “ I won’t.”

  Scott appeared stunned. “Don’t you want to know what it is?”

  “Nope.” She tried to contain herself.

  “You owe me, Halcyon. I terminated my rights, so you would be happy with your future husband. When Natalie found out, I had to come clean. She was very understanding, but felt that Ashanti should be part of our lives and wants you to consider joint custody.”

  Halcyon was steaming. “You have some nerve making demands. What about Jonathan? This is what your wife wants. What do you want?”

  “I want whatever will keep my wife happy. We already have a son. Plus, I don’t have a connection with the boy.”

  “My son’s name is Jonathan, and you no longer have a connection with Ashanti either. When she turns eighteen, you can try again. Otherwise, if you want a daughter, I suggest you either have one or adopt one!” she yelled. “Now, get off my porch. If I ever see you within mere feet of my family, your wife will be bailing you out of jail.” She opened the door, then pivoted back toward him on a heel. “You need Jesus.” She walked into her house and shut the door.

  Rubbing her hands as if she was shaking off dirt, she leaned against the door. Any other time, she would have called what happened sweet revenge, but it was sad. It seemed as if Scott and his wife were two peas in a pod and deserved each other. She looked up and smiled. “Thank You, Jesus, for not only giving me closure with Scott, but also putting a padlock on the door.”


  “Are you okay, babe?” Zachary was fuming because he had missed Scott by two minutes. The man had some nerve showing up where he was not welcome and only wanting a relationship with one of his children. Zachary wasn’t having any of it.

  “Bridget, I know you don’t want me to go behind your back when it concerns you and the children, so I suggest you put Ashanti down for her nap and then meet me back here in the kitchen.

  “Zach, what are you planning?” Halcyon asked when she returned.

  He didn’t answer as he whipped out his phone and punched in Scott’s work number. “Scott, this is Zachary Bishop. I understand you were here. Maybe, I didn’t make myself clear. Your ties are not only severed with my children, but also with my wife-to-be. I advise you to handle your business, because the next time you approach my property, I will have a restraining order placed on you and will have no problem helping the police to enforce it.” Disconnecting without a goodbye, Zachary pulled Halcyon closer and faced her. “Just so you know, it wasn’t a threat. I will make good on enforcement. Make sure you have Pastor Reed’s name in our list of emergency contacts and your name will be added to my bank account where there will always be bail money available.

  Halcyon laughed. Zachary didn’t. He was serious when it came to his family.


  On Halcyon’s special day, she couldn’t wait for Zachary to slip on her wedding band. She was waiting for the knock at the door, cuing her that her fairy tale had turned into a reality.

  There would be no more pretending that she belonged to anyone else but the man who loved her fiercely. She smiled just to think that Zachary Bishop had loved her all along, but Satan had put a stumbling block in her path that delayed her blessing.

  She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, taking in the pearl-covered tiara crowning her mass of curls. Her dress was layers of tulle and lace. She was the Cinderella for her prince. The tap came and Halcyon inhaled and exhaled. Her eyes misted, but she refused to cry. This was a happy day.

  Moments later, Halcyon was stepping into position. The sanctuary doors opened and she was front and center. The altar was decorated lavishly with tulle and flowers and strings of clear lights. Everything was beautiful—her bridesmaid, the groomsmen, her children and her man. She slowly glided toward him.

  What was Zachary thinking? she wondered as his eyes followed her every movement.

  Jonathan had successfully carried their pillow holding their wedding bands and was now at Zachary’s side. The evidence of Ashanti’s part in the nuptials was clumps of rose petals scattered here and there. Her daughter made a pretty flower girl, wearing a smaller version of Halcyon’s tiara.

  Halcyon was almost at the altar when she recalled Ashanti’s chatter before exiting the dressing room. “I now have my own Daddy, Mommy and he’s going to love me forever.” Ashanti’s eyes had been bright with excitement.

  Yes, forever was a long time, and Halcyon was ready for a forever happily ever after.

  As rehearsed, Halcyon stopped at the first pew to wait for Zachary to take her the last steps of the way. As his long strides brought him face-to-face, nothing else mattered.

  “Exquisite,” he whispered for her ears only.

  “Stunning,” she whispered back.

  Looping her arm through his, Zachary led her in front of Pastor Reed. After her mother answered for giving the bride away, Pastor Reed turned to Zachary to recite the vows that he penned. What was in his heart to say to her? she wondered as he took both her hands in his and brought them to his lips.

  “Halcyon, my Bridget, I wouldn’t change anything about you—nothing. You are exactly what God ordered for me. I promise to love you and our children deeply, protect your heart, mind, body and soul. I promise to be faithful and caring. I promise to be patient when I don’t understand your actions, I promise to be there…” The words seemed to pour from his soul and not a script he had memorized.

  Zachary’s promises were lengthy and seemed never ending, but Halcyon didn’t care. The audience would have to be patient because this was the only time she planned to marry.

  When his heart seemed to have emptied every promise known to man, Pastor Reed turned to Halcyon. She would never forget the look of love on his face as he waited expectantly for her promises and she would not disappoint.

  “Thank you, Zachary Bishop, for loving me when I forgot to love myself. I promise never to take you and your love for granted. I promise to submit to you, pray for you, and be there for you in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer…” Halcyon’s voice cracked through the tears.

  Reaching into his inside breast pocket, Zachary pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed her cheeks under her veil. “Still beautiful.”

  Pastor Reed broke into their reverie. “Seeing that these two young people have consented to be joined together in holy matrimony, I indeed pronounce them lawfully husband and wife in the mighty nam
e of our Lord Jesus Christ. What God has ordained and put together, let no man, or woman come between you two and tear it apart.”

  She and Zachary smiled when they overheard Michael and Desi murmur, “Amen to that.”

  “You may now salute your wife,” Pastor Reed said.

  Zachary pulled her closer, whipped back her veil, and kissed her deeply to the delight of a cheering crowd.

  As they strolled down the aisle amidst well wishes and applause, Zachary turned to her. “What God had for me, I got it.” He pumped his fist in the air and shouted, “Hallelujah!”

  Book Club Discussion Questions

  1. Do you think Halcyon was too hasty in leaving the children’s father? Why?

  2. How do you view Halcyon’s decision on not filing for child support?

  3. What is your opinion of Zachary stepping in to meet Halcyon’s and the children’s needs?

  4. Discuss Halcyon’s reaction when she saw Scott with his new family.

  5. When did she get closure?

  6. What is your opinion of Scott? Do you know any situations where the man didn’t marry his in-live girlfriend, but another woman?

  7. Did Paisley offer genuine friendship? What did you base your answer on?

  About the Author

  Pat Simmons is a self-proclaimed genealogy sleuth. She is passionate about researching her ancestors, then casting them in starring roles in her novels. She hopes her off-beat method will track down distant relatives who happen to pick up her books. She has been a genealogy enthusiast since her great-grandmother died at the young age of ninety-seven years old in 1988.


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