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Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4

Page 30

by Sean Benjamin

  “It does sound better,” agreed Tactical and all three laughed.

  Sky went immediately to the three intel officers standing near the bulkhead where she had directed them. “What the hell was that?” Sky demanded of Bichlen. She knew he was leader of this little pack so she ignored the other two officers.

  Bichlen looked at the deck and then at Sky. “They insulted me and then Home Fleet.”

  Sky was buying none of it. “You want me to believe you three just happened to be passing by, and those three women insulted you for no good reason? If I pull the imagery of the quarterdeck will I see that?” All three officers looking down told her she wouldn’t see it play out quite that way. Sky slowly shook her head. She spoke with a subzero temperature in her voice. “You had no real business here. You just showed up looking for trouble. You’re lucky the Admiral arrived when he did because you were about to get more trouble than you could possible handle. Those daggers are not for show. Those three women would have carved their initials in each of you a dozen times over.”

  “They wouldn’t dare!” Bichlen exclaimed as he brought his gaze up to hers.

  Sky gave him a “you-poor-bastard” smile. “Everyone always says that about the people of Pirate Flotilla One despite the fact they continually prove that they will dare. Trust me when I tell you they would not have hesitated one second in taking you on right here on the quarterdeck. They do as they please, and it would have pleased them to slice and dice you. I’ve seen them in action and you have no clue how close you just came to becoming a whittling stick. Now get your asses out of here and return to your duties.”

  The three men came to attention and then departed. Sky watched them go and turned to the open shuttle bay hatch. She passed through and boarded the Predator shuttle. She was looking forward to lunch with Raferty Hawkins.

  The shuttle launched and aimed toward the Home Fleet repair bays where Predator would be settling in. Blondie looked through a porthole and watched Sirocco as the flagship receded into a bright light in dark space.

  “Give us a quote, Blondie,” ordered Tactical from the pilot’s seat.

  Blondie considered it for a moment and then said, “‘We leave behind a bit of ourselves wherever we have been.’ Edmund Haraucourt. It’s from the same work as ‘To leave is to die a little.’ I used that quote in my first departure.”

  “I remember,” replied Tactical.

  Baby Doll jumped in. “I prefer ‘Leave them while you’re looking good.’ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos.”

  Blondie gave her a critical side-glance. “When have you ever been blonde?”

  “I am on some days. My blondeness comes and goes,” she responded with a laugh. The three other women joined in.

  Admiral Barrett returned to his office. He took his seat behind his desk and immediately dialed up Captain Rodney of the Intelligence section. The Captain answered immediately. Barrett was distinct. “Please come and see me. I wish to discuss the conduct of some of your officers.” He abruptly cut the connection without waiting for a reply.

  Chapter 52

  Raferty looked at each of the flotilla captains on floating screens above the briefing table. Baby Doll, Mason Reed, Tactical, and Blondie sat in chairs at the table in his day cabin.

  Rafe got right to it. “We have two major challenges right now. Repairing and upgrading our ships, and then manning those ships until we can get home. The Home Fleet repair crews will be working around the clock with us. Not only doing battle damage repair, but also putting in the new engines. For our newer ships, engine replacement is easier as those ships were designed for a quick swap out. Pull the engine nacelle and put on the new one. The hookups will have to be jury rigged due to the different classes of ship, but that should be fairly easy. Our older ships will have a more difficult time as the engines are more integrated into the ship’s hull. Regardless, we will get it done. Brand new, technically advanced engines are something we simply can’t turn down. Solves a lot of our maintenance worries on trying to keep old engines working, and it streamlines our maintenance and supply efforts by having only one type of engine to maintain. Also all our ships can run at the same speeds so it will help in tactical situations. All those advantages are worth the extra work and time to put those engines in our ships. Before anyone asks, Admiral Barrett has already committed to giving us a full loadout of repair parts and technical libraries for easy reference. He is making it as easy as he possibly can, but we have to do our share by hurrying the battle damage repairs and the engines installations to be followed by a quick testing period on Home Fleet’s calibrated engine course. The crews from our three freighters have engine and repair expertise and they will be assisting in all repairs and upgrades. The engines will be installed as quickly as possible on all ships, but the first run through the calibration course will be done by Predator. Our new chief engineer has experience with Royal Navy engines, and she will be using Royal Navy engineers to help in the installation of Predator’s engines. She will put out a daily summary of work and challenges so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel for each ship. If any of you wish to send a worker to help and gain first hand expertise, do so. We will make room to bed them down here in Predator for the duration. After Predator has her engines, our ship’s maintenance crew will be available for all of you. Please use them.

  “Now the second challenge. Manning. We have to man two new ships. Two Royal Navy destroyers are quite a gift. These are not obsolete mission magnets, but good ships only superseded by their new Spinnaker class. Fortunately, the two ships already have the Spinnaker engines so less work needed there. But we have to man these ships, learn their systems, and get them home. Once back home we have to get new crewmembers, integrate them into our crews, scope out the new landscape in the Badlands, and then come up with a plan of action for our Goth friends. Lots to do.

  “I think everyone knows the two new destroyer captains will be Ace in Alpha squadron and Adam Rutledge for Charlie squadron. We have always strongly supported people moving to the new ships if they would be assuming higher billets or need a change of scenery. If you have people who want to go but you really can’t spare them, that’s your call. If I find out you dumped some problem children to the new ships, I will be very unhappy with you. Your problem crewmembers are exactly that - your problem. Don’t make them my problem by making me referee an argument between two captains. If they become my problem, I will take two steps. First, I will shove those problems back on the original captain, and then I will come to your ship to pick their replacements to go to the new ships. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want me helping you sort out your personnel decisions because you won’t like my solutions. Take steps to ensure I don’t have to become involved.”

  Hawkins paused for a second and then continued. “Everyone is eligible for ship swapping except for crewmembers of Cottonmouth. Those crewmembers will remain-.”

  Predictably, Terrant cut him off. “Why aren’t members of my ship allowed to transfer? It could be mutually beneficial to all involved crews. Many of my crew would move up in billet responsibilities and bring great experience to their new ships. We could teach you some of our methods while learning from you. We would be more integrated into the Flotilla. Everyone benefits.”

  Hawkins shook his head. “Surely it has been obvious to you we have limited your contact with our supporting structure, our hideouts, and our allies. We don’t want you knowing our methods or our secrets. With all of you on one ship, that is fairly easy to accomplish. If members of your crew were dispersed among several ships that would make that isolation impossible.”

  Terrant assumed the same tone as Hawkins in her reply. “Surely our actions in the recent combat have gained some measure of trust from you.”

  Rafe shook his head again. “Not really. In fact, I suspect I will never trust you. You could personally save my life five times over and that will never change.”

  Terrant’s expression could kill. She not only resented th
e words, but also the matter of fact way in which they were spoken. An insult delivered in the most offhand fashion makes it more of an insult. She meant to speak, but Raferty beat her to it. “Captain Terrant, I acknowledge that you and your ship have performed well. But I expected that. I expect you to perform in an outstanding fashion right up to the point you turn on us. You had a high status position in your nation’s government. You were an admiral who commanded a fleet. There is no way you are satisfied with the status quo here. You are a captain of a lone ship being bossed around by people who you undoubtedly consider your inferiors. You will go along with our program until an opportunity arises to get the bigger, better deal. Then you will turn on us in a heartbeat. I’ve known people like you all my life. Hell, I’ve killed several people like you. That’s just who you are. I’m not that concerned about it, but don’t insult me by pretending it is anything but what it is.”

  Silence followed. Several pirate captains had shifted during Raferty’s remarks. His words had crystalized their ambivalent view of Terrant. They knew he was right about her. They would tolerate her ship but never trust her. They would always guard their backs when it came to Llewellyn Terrant and the crew of Cottonmouth.

  Terrant stared at Hawkins. She knew he had just won this round, but there would be others. She only had to win the last round to be successful. She spoke in a quiet voice. “If I and my ship offend you so much, you should kick us out of Flotilla One.”

  Hawkins gave her a weary smile. “You don’t offend me; if you did I would kill you and destroy your ship. We can work together because we have the same goals, at least in the short term. If you feel you need to leave Flot 1, do so. No harm. If and when you do turn on us, we will respond in kind. Don’t run to your escape pods. You are a member of Pirate Flotilla One. We die with our ships. If we fight with you, I will ensure all your crew dies with your ship.”

  Another silence. Most the participants expected Killian O’Hare to jump into the void, but she held her tongue. Even as the other captains glanced at O’Hare’s image on their own screens, Killian kept her eyes riveted on Terrant’s image. One did not have to have a vivid imagination to see a hunter sizing up her prey. Everyone concluded O’Hare had decided to keep her own counsel during these open forums regarding Cottonmouth, but she would strike fast and true when the circumstances dictated it. O’Hare and her Wolfpack would run Terrant and Cottonmouth to the ground, and destroy them if the need arose. They would also destroy anyone else who got in the way.

  Raferty quickly went on to a different subject. “A couple of other things. I know this next topic seems at odds with what I just said about getting the work done fast, but I want you to give the widest possible latitude in giving liberty to your crews. The Zekes will be all over the repair work and engine installation. We need to do our share of work, but get people out on liberty if all possible. We will be here at least six weeks. Maybe a couple of weeks more. Try to get everyone two or three weeks of leave. Admiral Barrett wants to assist, so he has booked transportation on his supply ships and some commercial ships for our people. That way they can travel to nearby planets for their time off. Give them a good portion of their prize money and let’s get them out on leave to the greatest extent possible. I’ll get you all a list of what transportation has been set aside and times of departure so we can all make use of it.

  “Ensure your crewmembers know this is not the Badlands. Many of our more colorful people will need to tone down their act here. If one of our folks embarrasses this flotilla, that would be bad. Make sure everyone understands the ramifications in play here. Tell your crews I will personally deal with any such incident regardless of the people or the ship involved. Also, tell them I won’t be understanding, and I won’t see it from their point of view.

  “Another change to our usual policy. It has always been acceptable for crewmembers to depart their ship whenever they want. Not here and not now. We will be severely undermanned and can’t afford to let people quit now. I don’t think too many of our people will want out while here in unfamiliar terrain, but we need everyone to man our ships to get back home. If local people here show up wanting to join any of our ships, that’s your call. There are a few rules. No criminals. No deserters for anyone’s military. Nobody running from their debt or some other legal entanglement. If you have any candidates show up, tell them you are going to run a background check on them through the Zekes. That will make them come clean. It would be nice to get some new crewmembers but not mandatory, so hold all applicants to a high standard.

  “Tomorrow night we captains will be going to Sirocco as dinner guests of Admiral Barrett. Predator’s shuttle will make the rounds to pick each of you up and we will proceed to Sirocco as a group. The shuttle will depart Predator at 1730 and we are due at the flag ship at 1800. Dress appropriately. Bring your appetites but not your daggers.

  “One last thing. I will be gone for three weeks visiting Zelenka during part of this time. In my absence, Captain O’Hare will be in command.”

  He ended the briefing before anyone could complain about O’Hare being in charge. As the floating screens vanished, Rafe turned to his ship officers seated around the table. “Tactical and Baby Doll will also be going to the Admiral’s dinner as the flotilla’s operations and intelligence officers.” He turned to Blondie. “As the liaison officer between our two forces, you would also rate a seat at the table. It is a dress uniform affair.” Hawkins eyed his chief engineer as she looked distinctly unhappy at so quick a return to Sirocco, especially in a dress uniform reminding her she was not really gone from the Royal Navy. Hawkins read the emotion. He smiled and said in a fake resigned tone. “Unfortunately, I need you to stay here to prepare for engine replacement and get your department under control, so you will have to miss this event. Sorry.”

  Blondie hid her disappointment behind a radiant smile. “Duty comes first, Captain. I understand completely.”

  “Glad you’re taking it like a trooper, Blondie.”

  Smiles were shared all around. Just as everyone rose to depart, Blondie spoke. “I have one more item, Captain.”

  Everyone sat. Blondie was hesitant to discuss the topic in front of Mason Reed, but Baby Doll had told her about that situation, and if he was good enough for Tactical then he was alright by her. She stared at Hawkins. “I owe you money.”

  Hawkins looked at her with an innocent expression. “How so?”

  “You know what I mean. You paid off my school debts and then some. I know each pirate got a bonus for the Murmansk raid, but it couldn’t have been enough money to cover my debts so I owe you.”

  Hawkins smiled at her. He had no intention of insulting her intelligence by denying she got more money than others. “You got more because you did more than anyone else in making that raid a success. We literally could not have done it without you. Also, quite frankly, over the next six weeks, you are going to work harder than anyone else in getting the new engines on line throughout the flotilla. By the time this flotilla gets out of here, you will have earned the extra money.”

  Blondie frowned. She clearly did not agree, but couldn’t come up with another plan of attack. Rafe smiled at her. “I’ll make this easy for all of us. I hereby order you to accept the money and never bring it up again. You will earn it so let’s call it even.”

  Blondie tried one more time. “You know I still get my Royal Navy pay.”

  Rafe countered quickly. “In that case, you buy the drinks at Destiny’s next time. It will be a hefty bill.” He looked around briefly with a smile. “Meeting adjourned.” Everyone stood up and departed.

  Baby Doll ensured she walked out with Blondie. As they moved down the corridor, Baby Doll leaned toward her and whispered. “Blondie, we can afford it. Trust me on that.”

  “I feel I got special treatment. I don’t even know who did what so I don’t know who to thank.”

  Baby Doll stopped at her stateroom hatch and rested her hand on the handle. “Tactical, the Captain, and I were a
ll in on it.” She smiled at the young chief engineer as she made one parting comment. “Blondie, it is nice you are concerned about it but don’t be. You helped keep us alive on a very dangerous mission. Best money we ever spent.” Baby Doll stepped into her stateroom.

  Chapter 53

  Predator’s shuttle landed and Sirocco’s shuttle entry hatches slid shut behind it. As soon as the safety lights turned green, the large entrance hatch to the quarterdeck opened and two lines of Royal Marines in ceremonial dress with rifles at port arms entered in two lines; they took up positions on either side of the shuttle entry hatch, and stretched back to the quarterdeck entry hatch they had just passed through.

  Captain Skyler Mallory came on the shuttle and took control. “I know this is a surprise, but please bear with me. We will be going off in a certain order.” She glanced at Tactical as she came back from the cockpit. “Tactical and Baby Doll first, and then the captains in order as I name them. You will pass between the two lines of Marines and receive appropriate honors. The Admiral will shake your hand and welcome you abroad Sirocco, and then you get to stand around on the quarterdeck waiting for everyone else to join you.”

  The pirate captains looked at each other. Nobody saw this coming. Eyes drifted to Raferty Hawkins as he emerged from the cockpit behind Tactical. He immediately spoke up. “We are all yours, Captain Mallory.” He looked at his commanders. “This is an honor we are receiving here. It will be quick and then we will get to the meal.”

  Everyone mentally shrugged and went with the moment. Tactical and Baby Doll passed though the hatch and went between the two rows of Marines standing at attention. The two women went to the entrance hatch and received a quick handshake and welcome from Admiral Barrett. They then moved through the hatch and to the side to watch the event through the wide quarterdeck windows along with a large crowd of Sirocco crewmembers.


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