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Whispers From the Past

Page 17

by L. S. O'Dea

  “What are you talking about?” She was more confused than before.

  “That isn’t for me to disclose.” Verly waved her hand in the air. “Perhaps, I’m wrong.”

  “Please, tell me. It’s my life.” She hated begging and she hated talking to this woman. She always ended up with more questions than answers.

  “I’m sorry, dear. Nature often insists her old tales be played again and she doesn’t like any interference. I won’t mess with her. She’s been good to me, but she can be cruel and spiteful.”

  “Then, what am I doing here?” She’d had enough of these secrets. “If you can’t even tell me your visions then what good are they?”

  “Enough of that talk for now.” Verly patted her cheek. “Come. I’ll show you some secrets for healing.”

  Trinity tried the rest of the day, but Verly wouldn’t say more about her visions. By the time dusk arrived, she’d had enough. She’d speak with Mirra tonight and convince the Tracker that it was time to leave.


  TRINITY SAT AT the table inside Verly’s hut, exposing and retracting her claws. They should’ve left this morning but she hadn’t been able to locate the Forest Witch until an hour ago and now it was too late. Dusk was approaching and she didn’t want to be on the water at night, but this delay wouldn’t happen again.

  “We’re leaving tomorrow. Mirra’s ready. She needs to find Nirankan and tell him...” He’d be devastated at the loss of his offspring, but it was past time for Mirra and her mate to mourn together.

  “Ah, my dear, I don’t think that’s a wise idea. Not yet, but soon.” Verly placed two cups on the table and returned to the fire.

  “My friends will worry. They might think the worst and do something drastic.” She’d die if Hugh turned himself over because of her.

  “I’m sorry, but you need to stay. The others will do what they do and your fight will go on, but for now, your place is here.” Verly moved the teapot away from the flame.

  “How can you say that?” She didn’t want tea and she wasn’t going to stay here. “You don’t know anything about us. You fled instead of helping with this war.”

  “I’ve been fleeing or hiding most of my life, not unlike you. However, fate always finds us.” Verly poured tea into both cups. “Just because I’ve fled doesn’t mean I don’t keep abreast of situations.”

  “Then send a message, however you do it, and let them know I’m here. Safe.”

  “They’ll know soon enough. Do you think the Handler won’t find his Tracker? That he’s not already searching? Their bond is like that of few others. He will find her.”

  “What others? Are there other bonded pairs?” She’d seen the Tracker on the other side of Harbor Point. What else was over there?

  “Those tales are not for your ears.” Verly paused. “At least not from my lips. What you hear from your mate is a different story.”

  “I don’t have a mate.” She stared at her cup. “Probably, never will.” Hugh would never forgive her for what she’s done with Jethro.

  “Oh, you sweet, innocent thing.” Verly’s laughter tinkled. “It’s not the lack of a mate that’s your burden but the choice.”

  Choice? Besides Hugh, she supposed she could’ve had Travis or Curtis or maybe even Rocco. A small voice whispered Jethro, but he’d never truly cared for her. He couldn’t have, not when he’d been going to use her to hurt the ones she loved.

  Rocco stepped inside. “A boat arrives.”

  “See my dear, your wait is almost over.” Verly turned to Rocco. “Bring them here.”

  Rocco nodded and she stood to follow him.

  “You shall wait here.” Verly’s tone was sweet but there was no mistaking that it was a command.

  She glared at the witch, but sat back down. There was no guarantee it was Gaar or anyone she knew. She sipped her tea and waited while Verly began preparing food. She moved from the table and began helping. There was no sense sitting and doing nothing.

  “How many do you think have come?” she asked. Verly was putting out a lot of food.

  “You shall see soon enough.” Verly smiled and patted her hand. “Your hiding is done. Fate has found you and comes to put you back on your path.”


  “WITCH! WHERE’S MIRRA?” bellowed Gaar.

  Trinity raced out the door. The emotions on Gaar’s face shifted from rage to relief. He held out his arms and she rushed toward him, hurling herself into his embrace. He squeezed her tight, but it was okay. She was safe now.

  “Little One, we were so worried about you. The blood and...” He loosened his hold, his black eyes boring into hers. “Mirra?”

  “She’s okay but her babies....” She shook her head.

  “Take me to her.” Gaar’s arms dropped to his side, his entire body deflating with sorrow.

  She took his hand and froze. Hugh stood off to the side. He’d been in a fight, there were bruises on his face, but his eyes were hungry as they roamed over her. She flushed, remembering his hands on her. She wanted to run to him and fling herself into his arms, but her feet wouldn’t move—too much had happened since their night of kisses.

  “I need to take Gaar to Mirra.” She tugged and Gaar followed. The hurt in Hugh’s eyes twisted her heart, but she didn’t know how to act around him after what she’d done.

  “Hugh Truent, you can come with me,” said Verly.

  Rocco followed her and Gaar to the barn. As soon as the door was opened, Gaar dropped her hand and rushed to the cage, shoving his arms through the bars. “Open the door.”

  Rocco unlocked the cage and Mirra jumped out, rubbing all over her Handler.

  “My sweet Mirra. I’m so sorry.” Gaar stroked her fur.

  “Mirra sad. Gaar-Mine come.” Mirra’s eyes watered and she wiped them on Gaar’s chest.

  “Let’s give them some time.” She touched Rocco’s arm and nodded toward the door.

  Rocco hesitated.

  “They aren’t going to go on a murderous rampage. They’ll be fine. They’re only going to talk.” She tugged on his sleeve and he frowned, but followed her out the door.

  Hugh stood several yards away. He’d obviously ignored Verly’s command. His eyes were narrowed and his lips were thin, angry slashes as he stared at where her hand rested on Rocco’s arm. She dropped her hold, her face heating as Hugh turned and walked toward Verly’s cabin. She started after him. She had to explain.

  “Trinity, wait,” yelled Travis as he jogged toward her.

  Rocco nodded at Travis as the Guard continued to the cabin.

  “Gaar and Hugh are here?” Travis stopped by her side, dirty and sweaty from working the fields.

  “Yeah. They just arrived.” Word traveled faster here than at their camp.

  “So, we’ll be leaving soon.” He sounded sad.

  “Unless you want to stay. I’m sure Verly would let you.” She didn’t want to leave him, but he’d be safer here.

  “I’d like to, but not alone.”

  “I can’t stay.”

  “I know.” He looked down at his feet.

  “Oh. You meant Mirabelle.” She’d forgotten about that. It still made her sick to her stomach.

  “I mean, it’d be great if you stayed too, but this time away from her has made me realize how much I like her.” He glanced away and then back at Trinity. “I’m going to ask her to be my mate.”

  She swallowed a lump in her throat. “I’m happy for you.” She was or she would be if it were someone else, anyone but Mirabelle.

  “No, you’re not.” He grinned at her. “I’ve known you a long time and you’re a horrible liar. It’s okay if you’re not happy because I am and you will be once you get to know her better.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure I will.” She smiled, knowing he still knew she was lying.

  They were both quiet for several minutes. It was getting awkward.

  “I should probably go and see Hugh.”

  He touched her a
rm. “Don’t tell him.”

  “Don’t tell him about what?”

  “About you and Jethro.” His face was beet red. “You only did it to free us and you said nothing happened.”

  Sure, she’d said that but things had happened. “If Mirabelle had...kissed another male would you want to know?”

  He stared at her long and hard, thinking. “Only if she wanted to do it again, or if I’d find out from someone else. I won’t say anything and Hugh isn’t going to talk to Jethro, so...”

  Did she want to do it again? Absolutely not.

  “I mean, if he asks you to be his mate, then maybe you should tell him, but not yet.”

  “You’re right. Thanks.” There was no reason to say anything right now.

  “And it wasn’t like you kissed Jethro for any reason besides to free us. So, it doesn’t count.” He paused. “I’m going to say goodbye to some of the others. I’ll see you later.”

  She stared after him as he walked toward the fields. He had no idea she’d kissed Jethro before they’d been captured. No one did, except her and Jethro.


  HUGH SAT AT the table in Verly’s cabin, his eyes darting to the door as he pretended to drink tea. He’d been so relieved when he’d first seen Trinity that his legs had almost given out. She was alive, unharmed, safe. But she’d avoided his gaze and had barely greeted him, choosing instead to leave with Gaar. He didn’t have to be good at reading people to know she was nervous or perhaps guilty. He’d followed her like the lovesick fool he was and when he’d seen her hand on that Guard’s arm, his fury had replaced his concern.

  Now, he had his temper checked but he wasn’t sure for how long. He’d offered her everything and she’d lied to him, betrayed him. His eyes went to the door again and there she was. Her long hair hanging loose, her cheeks pink from the night air and her large, golden eyes unsure. He wanted to grab her and hug her, never letting her go again, but at the same time, he wanted to shake her until he rattled some sense into her thick skull. She should’ve come to him as soon as she’d realized Travis was missing but instead, she’d run off and put herself in danger.

  “I wanted to give Gaar and Mirra some time alone.” Her eyes darted between him and Verly as she stepped into the cabin. “What happened to you?” She motioned to his face.

  “Nothing.” He wasn’t going to discuss his fight with Jethro, not with her.

  She frowned but her expressive eyes were hurt. He looked away.

  “Come, my dear, sit.” Verly carried another cup to the table.

  His eyes devoured her long, bare legs as she moved into the room. He had no idea what’d happened to her clothes but this dress was nice, really nice. It made his hands itch to touch all that warm, soft skin. He forced his eyes back to his drink but not before he caught Verly’s smug smile.

  Trinity took the chair across from him instead of next to him. He couldn’t fault her instincts. Right now, if she got too close he’d either spank her or kiss her. Either would embarrass them both and amuse Verly.

  “I was just getting reacquainted with Hugh.” Verly poured Trinity a cup of tea.

  “You know her?” Trinity asked, her eyes meeting his for the first time since she’d entered the cabin.

  “Not exactly.” He’d make his answers short and incomplete just to annoy her. It was childish, but at the moment, it was the only retaliation he had. The rest would have to wait until they were alone. He had no intention of giving the Forest Witch any more ammunition.

  “Hugh and I have never met, although I know much about him.” Verly looked at Trinity. “Almost as much as I know about you.”

  “You’ve had visions about Hugh too?” She glanced at him again, but he refused to meet her eyes.

  She’d put herself in danger after he’d told her how important her safety was to him and she’d been alone with Jethro. Yes, she’d drugged the kid and had escaped, but they’d done things before he’d passed out.

  “Yes, my dear, I’ve had visions about many.” Verly took a sip of her tea.

  He had to focus on Verly Bradley. “I don’t mean to be impolite, but—”

  Verly leaned toward Trinity and said in a stage whisper, “People say that right before they insult someone.”

  “Enough, Verly.” He glanced at Trinity, but it hurt too much so he looked away. “I’m not going to fall for your vision crap. I know who you are. You’re one of Ben Bradley’s grandchildren—”

  “Great, great granddaughter,” she corrected.

  “Fine. The point is you’re not a magical witch.”

  “Can’t I be both?”

  “Sure, if magic were real, but it isn’t and neither are your visions.”

  “But...she found us,” said Trinity.

  “Verly filled me in on how she came to assist the three of you and it was a fortunate coincidence.” He didn’t believe in coincidences any more than magic and Verly stumbling upon Trinity, Mirra and Travis at the exact moment they were desperate for help, didn’t sit well with him. There was more to Verly’s story and he’d get to the bottom of it.

  “But, she knew things about me. Things that happened when I was growing up.” Trinity glanced from one to the other.

  He could clear that up, but if she wanted any information, she’d have to ask him, personally, privately. Ben Bradley had spent his life collecting secrets. Some feared he’d written them down. It’s possible that Verly continued her grandfather’s work, but there was no reason to spy on a young Producer, unless she’d discovered that Trinity wasn’t pure Producer.

  “How has Jason been handling his defeats?” asked Verly.

  “Jason is an idiot being led around by Conguise and...others.” He glanced at Trinity, stopping himself from continuing.

  “An idiot with money and ambition is nothing to take lightly.” Verly refreshed her tea. “However, I’m sure he’s not happy with your successes.”

  “He’s not happy I’m alive, but it’s the overall victory that matters and that’s still undecided.”

  “What’s the news on the war?” Trinity turned to him. “Are my parents okay? Arthur? Jackson?”

  He ignored her. “The tides have changed. Jethro is a worthy opponent.” He couldn’t stop his gaze from going to her.

  She bowed her head, staring at her tea as a faint blush crept across her cheeks. His hand shook, spilling some of his drink. So, that’s how it was. She still cared for Jethro. He deserved this, he did. He’d had his chance at love with Viola; he shouldn’t get another one.

  “I need fresh water for dinner.” Verly stared hard at him. “Go and get me some.”

  He didn’t take orders from Ben Bradley’s great, great granddaughter, even if she called herself the Forest Witch. Trinity, obviously wanting to flee, jumped up and headed out the door.

  “Go with her. She’s young. Confused. Hurting. Talk to her.”

  “There’s nothing to say.” At least not now. Gaar could tell her everyone she cared about was safe. He didn’t need to do that. She’d made it very clear that she didn’t want him or his comfort.

  Verly touched his hand, her eyes slightly unfocused. “Fate has promised you betrayal, Hugh Truent, but you must learn to love without conditions or the tale will repeat itself in all its angry glory.”


  HUGH HATED HER. Trinity’s claws dug into her palm as she pumped water into the bucket. She hadn’t been able to stay in the cabin another moment. There was a rustle behind her. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Trinity.” Hugh’s voice was soft.

  “What?” Of course, it’d be him. She kept pumping the water.

  His footsteps approached, stopping a few feet away. “Your parents and Jackson are fine.”

  The bucket was full so she lifted it off the handle.

  “I should’ve told you that right away.” He paused. “I’m sorry.” The words were strained as if he’d had to force them past his lips.

  “It’s fine.�
�� She couldn’t be near him right now. She tried to walk past him.

  “Let me.” He grabbed the handle on the bucket.

  “I got it.” She tugged but he wouldn’t let go. She shoved him with her free hand, his chest warm and strong beneath her fingers.

  “For once, just do what you’re told.” He yanked, water splashing on the ground between them.

  “You’re not my master.”

  “If you’d listened to me, none of this would’ve happened.” He jerked on the handle and it slipped from her grasp, spilling down his front. “Shit. That’s ice cold.” He dropped the bucket, pulling his wet shirt away from his skin.

  “You jerk.” The bucket lay empty on the ground. All her work, her effort wasted. A sob broke from her lips. “This is your fault.”

  He pulled her to him, holding her close. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

  It felt so right to be in his arms. She trembled, fighting back the tears. If she started crying now, she’d never stop. She pushed him away. “You lied to me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Meesus and the lab. You had a deal with her. You tricked me. You were going to stay there and you weren’t even going to tell me you were leaving. You—”

  “Is that what this was all about? That’s why you took off on your own to find Travis? Why you didn’t go to base camp?” His eyes were like blue ice, ready to cut.

  “Yes. You were breaking your deal with me. There was no reason for me to honor mine with you.”

  “No reason? None at all?”

  She shook her head.

  “You didn’t think to talk to me? Ask me what I was planning on doing?”

  “No. You would’ve lied to me or distracted me.” With kisses.

  “I wouldn’t have lied to you.” His voice was defeated as he bent and picked up the bucket.


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