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Mechanic with Benefits

Page 10

by Mickey Miller

  A half-finished fifth of vodka sits on the desk in Jack’s hotel room, and I lift it up. “Jack, what the hell?! How drunk did you get tonight?”

  “Drunk enough to realize what a mistake I made with you.”

  I exhale.

  Even a week ago, I was still pining over Jack. Checking my texts. Wondering if maybe, just maybe, we had a glimmer of hope.

  “Where’s your date, anyway? Isn’t she supposed to be here?”

  “She had a family emergency tonight,” Jack says. “Had to go home. Have a seat, Haley. There are some things I need to tell you.”

  A little reluctantly, I sit. He’s clearly drunk. I’m a little flustered myself now too, with the way Liam got all defensive over me.

  Look, I’ve only known you for three days. Sorry I’m not sorry, I’m a big city girl and I can handle myself.

  “Look, Haley. I’m sorry about the way I acted. And I decided, I want you back now.”

  I blink. “Excuse me?”

  “I said ‘I want you back now.’ I was stupid to break up with you. So let’s get back together.”

  He smiles, a little awkwardly, and walks toward me. A chill runs through me and I wonder if it’s just the booze, or if Jack has actually turned delusional.

  I actually laugh a little out loud. “Jack. No. This, you and me, are not happening. This is not a thing anymore!”

  “Oh what, and you and Mr. Big Cock is a thing? After what, three months? The way you lied to your family, saying that you weren’t doing it yet, and you clearly are…something’s fishy to me about you and him, Haley, and I think I know what it is.”

  “You know what’s wrong with my relationship?” I scoff. “Alright, Dr. Drew! Hit me! Bestow thy infinite wisdom upon me.”

  He puts his hands on his hips and rolls his head to the side a little, takes a big breath. “You’re still in love with me, Haley. I can tell. You haven’t gotten over me, and you still want to be with me. It’s totally understandable. I get it.”

  My eyes bulge, and I jump to my feet. “That is the creepiest thing I have heard in awhile,” I say. “And I live in New York. I’ve heard some creepy shit.”

  Jack steps toward me and stands uncomfortably close, not even a foot from me.

  “Stop.” I snort. “You’re getting really weird. I think I should go.”

  He licks his lips, and grabs the fifth of vodka. “Stay Haley. I even have a chaser to make it go down easy.”

  He takes a pull of the drink and follows it with a swig from a liter bottle of orange juice. “Have some. I insist.”

  “I don’t want any, Jack.” I say firmly.

  This is one of those times in life where I don’t know why the hell I can’t move. But I’m frozen for a moment, like I’m bearing witness to my own life. Rooting for myself to just leave. But powerless to move for a moment or two.

  In the next split second, I heavily regret my own hesitation. In a move too quick for a man as drunk as Jack, he sets the booze down on the desk, pushes me against the wall, and kisses my neck, holding me against the wall.

  “Stop it!” I yell, and try to knee him in the balls, but he turns his hips so my attempts to harm him are in vain.

  That’s when I hear a pounding on the door. “Haley. That you in there?” Liam’s voice booms through the room.

  I go to scream, but Jack puts a hand over my mouth. “Don’t you fucking dare say a word!” He growls.

  “I can fucking hear your drunk ass, Jack!” Liam drawls.

  “Haley,” Jack grumbles, looking at me with a sort of innocence all of the sudden. “I know you love me. Why don’t you admit it? Why don’t you come back to me?”

  Pinning my arms against the wall, he licks the side of my mouth and I recoil. The door pounds, Liam’s fists reaching a dangerous volume. I wonder what it’ll take to have him bust through the door.

  “Hey Jack,” I mewl, defenselessly, giving him the best puppy dog eyes I can muster.

  “What?” He says, suddenly letting my arms down and sliding them to my sides.

  “Don’t ever fucking touch me again.” I hit him with an open palm to the face, and he screams as blood drips from his nose.

  “You bitch!”

  He takes a swing at me, and I scream as I duck.

  “Haley!” Liam screams, and he breaks. The. Fucking. Door. Down.

  Even drunk ass Jack’s eyes go wide when he sees Liam barge in, having just taken a steel hinge reinforced door down like it was a damn member of the Chicago Bears offensive line.

  “I didn’t do anything!” Jack pleads, his hands up.

  Liam rushes to my side. “You hurt?” He asks me, breathing hard, his voice full of a tenderness I had no idea the outwardly harsh man even possessed.

  “Ahhh!” Jack screams, charging at Liam with the vodka fifth. Before Liam sees him, he breaks the bottle over his shoulder.

  Liam brushes his shoulder like a gnat just nipped him, not like a bottle just got freaking broken on his body. He touches the wound and sees that Jack has drawn blood.

  Liam turns, and his profile is positively handsome. His expression is positively menacing. He squints and snarls like the devil himself has just leapt into his body for a moment.

  “Please,” I plead. “Don’t hurt him.”

  “Ha! You ogre. You can’t hurt me. You can’t even touch me.”

  “I ain’t gonna hurt you.” Liam drawls. “I’m just gonna fucking kill you!!”

  “My dad’s a lawyer!” Is the last thing Jack yells before Liam knocks him out cold with one punch to the nose.

  My eyes glaze over and my thoughts scramble as I try to process what the hell just happened.

  “Liam, go on! Get out of here.” I urge.

  He looks at Jack, still angered, and walks out.

  I dial zero for the help desk.

  “Yeah hi.” I say. “My friend is really drunk and he just fell. Can you send a nurse up here or something?”

  “Uh, a nurse?” The guy answers on the other side of the phone. He sounds like a teenager.

  A bead of sweat rolls down my forehead. “How about can you just bring an ice pack to room 723?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  He comes up, and I tell him a white lie that Jack suffered a fall.

  Eventually he comes to. Satisfied that he’s alive, I head back to my room.

  I look at Liam, say nothing, then dive under the sheets to get some much needed sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My knuckles aren’t even sore the next day.

  Sad to say for Mr. City slicker Harvard boy, I can’t say the same.

  Sitting in the local church, I lock eyes with him on the groom’s side of the church.

  “Hey.” Haley presses a finger into my shoulder. “Don’t look at him. Stop trying to start shit.”

  I clench my jaw and look over at her. “Fine.” I fume. “But Haley. I swear to God, if he even lays a fucking finger on you, I swear. I’ll hit him so hard this time he won’t just be knocked out. He’ll be paying a visit to you-know-who.”

  I feel her body literally shake when I say the words, her hand pressing against my chest. It’s so cute the way she lightly touches me. And inappropriate as hell. I mean shit, a marriage is about to happen. And we’re in a church.

  “Please.” She swallows. “Don’t swear like that. You really need to keep it locked up here.”

  “Oh really?” I whisper, leaning in. I brush her hair behind her ear. “I’ll lock you up and make you my pretty little nun. How’d you like that?”

  Her mom files in next to us and grins, and Haley shoots me a look of death. Slowly, she shakes her head.

  Okay. I can keep it locked up for the moment.

  The wedding music plays, and Jade’s mom’s gaze locks on us. I take Haley’s hand in mine then wink at her, and she looks away a little uncomfortably.

  I should have been an actor. I am selling the shit out of this fake engagement.

  The organist starts t
he rendition of Here Comes the Bride and we all stand up. Jade smiles as she slowly walks down the aisle in a beautiful white dress. Haley’s grip on my hand tightens.

  While Jade walks slowly, I stare at Haley. She looks drop dead gorgeous in her bright blue dress, showcasing an ass that makes me want to, well, do exactly what I did last night, over and over again.

  I snap back to reality and I notice Jade is staring right at us as she passes us. She’s mostly smiling, but I swear I see a hint of a glare showing through her expression.

  I smile back as big as I can. I hope she’s happy. I really do.

  Haley’s father drops Jade at the altar, and she steps to the top. She’s only got one bridesmaid, and there’s just the one best man--and Jack has a hell of a fucking bruise on his nose.

  We sit back down, I put my hand on Haley’s thigh, and I get to thinking while the priest starts the ceremony.

  Just what are we doing?

  Last night, I knocked a fucking guy out to defend her. Harvard boy. The little piece of shit woman-abuser. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. What a thrill to feel his cartilage bend under my fist. He’s lucky I didn’t hit him hard.

  I squeeze Haley’s thigh a bit harder, and she purrs, ever so slightly. I don’t know if her own mother, right next to us in the aisle, can hear it. But I can. I’m so finely tuned to everything that comes out of her mouth. And everything that goes in it. Heh.

  I know I shouldn’t be making dirty jokes in a church. But I like to think that God does have a sense of humor, and that he’s not just sitting up there shaming all of us for all of our dirty thoughts. I mean, He created us after all. So why would He create us, then shame us for our own instincts?

  Shit, I need to get out of my own head, but it’s been so long since I’ve been in a church. Come to think of it, it was right around me and Jade’s breakup that I stopped going.

  And now, first time back in several years, I’ve got a dime piece at my side who is giving me a straight up boner while I try to smile and nod at whatever the priest is saying.

  Fuck it, if God’s going to judge me, I might as well let it happen. Past images of Haley are all that flash through my mind, cluttering it. An image of Haley holding that baby from yesterday. Her body face down on top of the covers as I bring her to multiple orgasms. Me bending Haley’s tight ass over the altar and fucking her so hard she calls out the big man’s name…

  Oh wait. That last one didn’t happen.


  Heh. I smirk, glance over at Haley, and wink.

  “What?” She whispers.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I say.

  I could not have picked a hotter girl to have for my sex-on-command, ridiculous week of wedding crashing.

  She snuggles her head into me a little, and something makes me wonder, just for an instant:

  What if this relationship wasn’t just for the week?

  I literally shake my head, brushing the thought off.

  Fuck that. City girls don’t settle down with blue collar boys like me. They want a goddamn banker, a white collar man with an office job, like Goldman fucking Sachs over there. They don’t give a shit if I can drive a tractor sure as I can build a house with my own two hands.

  Jade taught me that lesson. Never get attached, especially to the beautiful ones.

  The better they fuck you, the harder they leave you.

  I squeeze her leg a little harder. She’s like one of those dolls who groans a little when you push a button.

  As good a vibe as I’m getting from Haley, I have to keep in mind this is just for the week.

  Either way, I’ve got a plan for her later today to make sure she’ll be feeling the ghost of me for some time to come.

  The ceremony ends quite anticlimactically. Or maybe it did end with a climax, when Jade didn’t run away from the altar. I know a girl who has cold feet when I see one, and the way she looks at her husband--shit. I shouldn’t be ringing in on other people’s marriages. But I know the way a woman looks when she wants you.

  And sorry, Zack. That ain’t it.

  I could be wrong, but I ain’t wrong a lot anymore.

  After the ceremony, we mill around the lobby of the church. It’s a small town church in the resort town, and Haley and I smile and shake hands with people as they file and congratulate us.

  She swallows and looks over at me. She’s feeling a little fake at the whole arrangement we have, I’m sure. Everyone and their mother is asking about her ring and our ‘shotgun’ marriage. Where is it going to be? They want to know.

  Short dating period with a long engagement, I joke, and that gets the hounds off the trail.

  Jade walks by with Zack. He’s got a big smile on his face. Jade smiles, but it’s not as broad as his. Maybe she’s not so happy with the city boy after all.

  “We’re going to take some ‘newly wed’ photos,” Jade says. “Just the two of us. See you all over at the dinner reception in a little bit.”

  “Course,” I say. “Nice smile.” I add with a wink. “Lucky man, Zack. Lucky man.”

  “Don’t I know it!” He barks, happy as a clam. “Come on babe. Let’s hit the limo.”

  We wave as they get in the limo and drive off. When we turn, Jack stands next to us.

  The skin around his nose is red and rashy.

  “Hey.” He says to Haley. “What the fuck happened last night? Did you come by?”

  Mother-fucker. The guy was so drunk, he doesn’t even remember me clocking him in the face. Or any of that bullshit his elitist Harvard ass said to me.

  “Yeah, I did.” She replies, seeming genuinely concerned. “And you were really hurting. You said you tripped and knocked your head against the wall.”

  “Shit, is that it?” He taps his nose and winces. “I feel like I got hit by a truck.”

  “No.” She shakes her head, and I want to give her the goddamn Oscar. “You really wanted to talk to me.”

  “Wait. Wait a second...” He says, pointing at me. “Didn’t I come by your room last night and see your…did I see you, I mean…”

  “Yes,” I boom. “I answered the door naked and you stared at my cock. Glad you enjoyed the show.” I wink, and the guy glances down at my crotch again.

  “Hey buddy, if you want, I can take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

  “What?” He scoffs, rubbing his brow. “No. Alright, I’m out of here. I...fuck, my nose hurts.”

  He winces again, then glares at Haley. I move closer to her and wrap my arm around her waist.

  Jack walks off with a scowl, and I feel Haley take a deep breath with the absence of his presence.

  The crowd is dispersing, people getting in their cars to head to the country club where the reception will take place.

  “That guy really fucked you up, didn’t he?” I offer, arching an eyebrow.

  “Yeah,” she swallows. “I figured he wouldn’t remember last night. Just another one of his drunken rages. He used to have them all the time, he’d break up with me, but then be so sweet the next day, you know? And silly me, I’d forgive him every time.” She sighs. “I guess I’m just too fucked up to have a normal relationship at this point.”

  I nod gravely. “I know what you mean.”

  “You do?” She squints, her gorgeous red hair reflecting the sunlight. “Who did it to you?”

  I scrape a hand through my hair, and eye the doors. The last of the crowd leaves, and it’s just us left outside the church doors now. I even see the priest speed off in a convertible.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I say. “Just follow me.”

  I take her hand and lead her back into the church. The doors are still open.

  “What are we doing?” She asks, genuinely confused.

  “That’s so cute.” I say. “Like you don’t know what I’m about to do with you.”

  “Um, is there something you want to confess?”

  “So that’s how you want to play it, is it, sex slave?” I smirk.

  Her jaw
drops. “You’re not going to make here!”

  I laugh evilly, pick her up like I’m a pirate and she’s my bounty, and march straight down the same center aisle where the lovely couple just said their vows. I can feel her heart beating hard against my shoulder.

  “Babe, what if someone catches us though?” She protests.

  I laugh. “Then I’ll do this.” I slide her skintight dress up her legs, revealing her hot creamy flesh to me. I give her ass a nice hard spank.

  She giggles, and the noise reverberates through the walls of the place.

  “Oh God. You can’t be serious!!”

  “I am dead serious. And yeah, feel free to keep calling me that.” I reach the steps of the altar and carry her to the top.

  “Call you what?” She gasps as I set her down on the elevated stone altar, in the center of the church. “Oooh. That’s cold.”

  “Call me God,” I wink.

  “Fuck you, Liam.” She mouths, but her body is saying everything she refuses to say with her words.

  She leans back on her elbows and gives me the same hazy, opiatic stare that she gave me last night when I rubbed her down. As I pull her thong off, she wiggles a bit and breathes heavily.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I grin as I toss it aside, then roll up her dress to her belly button.

  “Yes. Lots of great stained glass in this church. It must be an old classic.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the church.” I grunt. “I was talking about this.”

  She moans as I grip her legs, spread them, and kneel on the floor. Kneeling makes me the perfect height for the oral attack I’m about to launch between her legs.

  “Are you sure no one...Oh God. Oh, fuck.” she mutters as I lick between her folds, rubbing my tongue back and forth and all around her clit.

  She lies flat on the altar as I press into her harder. I love her taste. I love the way her thighs quiver and her hips gyrate as she presses into me. I add two fingers and curl them up into her g-spot, and she’s forced to cover her own mouth to keep her screams from echoing throughout the entire vast cathedral.


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