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Buffalo Heat

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by N Kuhn

  Buffalo Heat

  By N Kuhn

  I’d like to dedicate this book to Milly Taiden. Without your help and endless nagging to sprint, I would have never finished this damn thing. Sometimes real life problems get in the way of things. It blinds us to what really matters in our life. Thank you for always being there to let me cry, listen to me bitch and to make me smile when I need it most. I consider you one of my best friends, no matter how far apart we are.

  Text Copyright © 2014 Nicole Kuhn

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  The End

  Chapter 1

  How ironic, or appropriate, whichever way you want to think of it. I find it funny how they have me dressed to dance in a police uniform. You would think they knew I was an undercover cop and this is their way of poking fun at me. For the last six months I have worked as a stripper at Dandy’s. My job is to get info on the Sirocco family and I’ve finally made my way to their inner circle. I am the mainstream dancer here at the club and even started a relationship with Sal Sirocco’s son, Paulie. Sal heads up the Sirocco family. They are suspected of drug running, firearm sales, murder, and that’s just a start. A three year investigation finally got us to the point of being able to get an undercover placed here. The report from my commander was that I am a perfect choice for this job. Other than a sister I haven’t talked to in ten years, I have no family and few friends. No one would miss the old Candy. Except me.

  It was easy for the men in charge to assign me this case. I am a loner and I have a decent body, it was most likely a requirement since the Sirocco organization owns a strip club. Dandy’s is their one legal source of money. I can only imagine my Commanding Officers parked around a desk, checking out the female recruits. It must have been a hard day’s work to figure out who would look best in nothing but a pair of heels. I’m not sure if I should feel lucky I got the job or be pissed off about being objectified. Being a woman on the force doesn’t make having friends easy. The guys, all think you’re a lesbian or just want to fuck you. The girls are all too competitive. I haven’t time to get to know a lot of people outside my unit either as I went straight into undercover work from the Academy. The only reason I was chosen is because of my body. That’s why my boss Detective Hanson is constantly watching over me. My cover should be safe. There are a lot of cops that frequent Dandy’s. This is why we have to keep things quiet and only Hanson knows I’m here. There are some dirty cops on the force and we just can’t figure out who. Thankfully I haven’t run into anyone I know yet. Safety is never a certainty for anyone in any undercover situation. This is my chance to shine, to prove to those guys I am a cop and that I belong here. I’ll get this asshole Paulie off of the streets. Not only for my career, but for woman all over. His last four girlfriends, who were also dancers here at Dandy’s, have disappeared. No one has seen or heard from them since they ‘left’. We suspect Paulie of their murders, but can’t prove it yet. The charges against these guys just keep adding up.

  In the academy, I took the Under Cover Program or as they call it the UC Program. The first thing you learn as an undercover is to not make it personal. Don’t let yourself forget who you really are and what you’re doing. That meant no sex… have these teachers ever been undercover? How the hell are you supposed to get the son of a big name drug lord to trust you, want to be with you, let you be around business talks if you don’t give it up? It was hard, but after I gave in, I ended up right where I needed to be. I tried every seductive trick I could find to avoid it, but the man thinks with his cock and nothing else. So I put out for him and try to go to my happy place. Though Paulie is attractive, he’s a criminal and I’m just an actress, playing a part. It helps that Paulie is the furthest thing from God’s gift to women. The next day, every day, I keep in mind that this is just a job, a role I’m playing. At times, I do struggle. It’s hard to remember you’re only doing a job, hard to keep that last part of who you really are, alive. I’ll be happy when this case is over. For now, I’m just doing my best and trying to survive.

  Last night I overheard Paulie on the phone talking about a drug drop. I signaled my handler that I had information. He called me on a bar phone out in the Suburbs this morning. We’re close to catching the Sirocco’s for the drugs; hopefully I’ll be able to find evidence to get them on the murders too. Paulie’s girlfriends seem to have disappeared. The gossip around the club and hell, half the city, is that he’s killed these girls. Surveillance used to see them, then all of a sudden, not only are they gone from Paulie’s arm, but from the club, their apartments, everything. It’s as if they vanished into thin air. Finding the bodies would help. But so far nothing has turned up. There aren’t even missing persons reports on these girls. Paulie is smart. He only picks women with no attachments, no one to miss them. In recent years, Buffalo, New York has risen in crime and drug trafficking. My contact at the precinct told me he’d be here tonight to help out. He’s bringing some surveillance equipment and some gadgets that Paulie won’t be able to find or trace. This is my chance, to get the evidence we need. The last table on the stage left, Detective Hanson had said.

  Frank Hanson has been my contact since I came undercover, but he’s been my mentor much longer. He helped teach the UC Program at the Academy. He took me under his wing. I’ve had to really play up my part here at times and I feel like I’m on my own. I suppose that’s because I really am. Hanson, that ass, has me picked up for prostitution every time he wants updates and I don’t make it to the bar quick enough for his phone call. I have to deal with those jerk offs at the precinct giving cat calls and eyeing me up when I’m marched through the offices. I hate the feeling of all eyes on me when I go in there. The leers, the fact that they think they can buy me. As if I’m really a hooker. Tonight’s different though. Hanson’s coming in to see me. He claims there are some dirty cops in our house. Someone is leaking information to Paulie. He’s supposed to help me, I only hope he’s up to it. The man has been behind a desk for a while now. I can only pray that this means we’re close to the case closing.

  I step out on the stage, grinding my hips to the music, and scan the crowd. Men sitting at tables, lonely, here to leer at the naked women. The assholes in groups, groping waitresses as they run by, trying to keep everyone’s drinks full. The lights pulsate, casting neon shadows around the room as the music pumps through the air. The stage vibrates from the bass, sending waves pulsing up my legs. ZZ Top blares through the PA system. Last table on the left. There’s a man there, but it’s not my mentor. Hanson is older, graying and a little chubby around the middle. In his place, sitting in the shadows is the nerdiest looking guy I’ve ever seen. The type of guy I’d never give a second glance to. Dark rimmed glasses, shaggy brown hair and a pocket protector. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. Since when do IT nerds have the balls to come into a strip club? I thought they passed out if they got too close to a woman. I pulled my eyes away from the stranger and scanned the room in search of my contact. Where’s Hanson?

  I checked the other tables for signs of him, hoping maybe he just had to pick somewhere else to sit. He’s not here. On one hand, I’m worried, but I know Hanson can handle himself. Maybe he just got caught up, or he’s making sure no one followed him. It’s a little scary. What if he’s in trouble?
No one knows about me. With a sigh, I swirl around; grab the pole and pull myself up. My legs wrap around the cold metal tightly. I dangle upside down, my eyes on the men that surround the stage. They all leer at me, their eyes filled with lust. I get them worked up, then send them home. I hope their wives at least get laid tonight.

  It’s not like I can blame these guys too much though. I’m 5’7”, I have long legs and curves in all the right places. Long black hair that swirls around my body as I bounce around the stage. The DJ breaks through the music.

  “Gentlemen, let me present Candy, she’s our headline for the night. But you better behave, or she may have to arrest you.” Roxanne by The Police comes on and I move through my next set. Candace Tanner. That’s my UC name. These brainless idiots can’t even come up with something original. I despise anyone calling me Candy. Growing up, no one, not my family or friends, could call me Candy. Sometimes, I have to think real hard before speaking, so I don’t flip out on the person that called me Candy. My real name is Candace Banchetti. Italian like my perps, but the good kind. My names not that far off or too much change I suppose, less confusion. Working my way through the song, I peel off pieces of my tiny outfit. The crowd cheers as I wave the cuffs over my head, and then drop them to the stage. I can’t help but smile at the innocence of the guy in my contacts’ seat as I slowly crawl along the platform towards him. I want a better look of this man. Plus, it gives me pleasure to see him squirm in his seat, his cock probably hard. His eyes widen, an eyebrow arching over the top of his glasses. The closer I get, the more details I notice about him. His white button down shirt strains to try and cover his muscular arms. His arms are massive. He must work out, or at least jack off a lot. Guess they were right, be nice to the nerds in school, they grow up to be hot! I’ve never seen a Techie with that much muscle mass on his body.

  I notice him looking around, unsure of what to do. The nervousness clear on his face. I crawl closer and with a smile, I slowly run my hands down my chest and grab at my breasts. He sits there, like a statue entranced. This is the part of my job that I enjoy. Watching the men squirm in their seats, knowing I made them uncomfortable. My hands continue down my stomach, along my thighs, I grind my hips in a circle as if I was riding a nice fat cock. My breasts jiggle back and forth as I gyrate my body. His eyes grow wider. This poor guy is going home with blue balls. It’s his fault for sitting in the wrong seat. I couldn’t help myself, I had to mess with him. With a final smile I stand and stalk around the stage, collecting money from the horny men waiting to get a glimpse of my goods. My eyes constantly scanning the room, trying to find my contact. The bartenders are standing back, watching the show, waitresses rushing about. I watch as the new girl dumps a drink in someone’s lap. He must have tried to cop a feel. Hanson has never missed a meeting. Something must have come up. He isn’t here. As my song ends, I head to the back room. Tucking the money I made into my locker, I spin the lock shut and throw a nightie on. Making my way back to the front, it’s time to go offer some lucky dog a lap dance. The money in this job is great. I can see why so many women do it. Hell, I may even leave the force full time and get into this. Not really, but humorous thoughts like that are how I make it through the night. Stumbling a little on my tower high heels, I head towards the assigned table. Maybe I can get this guy out of there. If Hanson shows up, I’m going to need his table open. Heels, one thing I’ll never really get used to. The same guy is sitting there. I glace around, but don’t see anyone else here who looks like a cop. Damn it Hanson. Well, at least I can have some fun playing with poor Geek Boy. Part of me worries about Hanson, but he’s a smart man. If he couldn’t make it, he would get a message to me somehow.

  Pursing my lips into a pout and swaying my hips, I sidle up next to Geek Boy. His eyes bug out again and in the dim lights of the club, I can watch his face as it reddens. I plant myself on his lap, and I can feel his cock grows hard under me. He feels huge. My pussy soaks through the flimsy panties I have on. I inhale deeply, enjoying the smell of him. It’s sweat mixed with something woodsy. There’s a hint of pine in there. His scent is intoxicating, I want to wrap myself in it. My pulse quickens.

  “So sexy, got something good for me?” His eyes dart around and he leans closer to me.

  “You’re, wow, you’re talking to me?” he whispers, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. His chin has a slight five o’clock shadow going on and it makes him seem more mature. I’d guess he’s about mid-thirties. His eyes dart around, looking to see if I’m speaking to someone else as his breaths quicken. Damn it. I hate when I’m right. This poor boy just may pass out. His chest heaves as he breathes deeply.

  “Sure you can have a private dance, follow me,” I say loudly, tugging on his hand. He hesitates as I drag him along towards the back room. The music is always loud enough in there to cover any extras the guys pay for. Not that I do extras, I’d risk not only Paulie’s wrath, but the precinct too. Since prostitution is illegal, the club has a ‘What we don’t know won’t kill us’ policy. So there are no cameras and no one to overhear us. But Paulie is quite possessive with his women. Pushing Geek Boy down onto a love seat, I slide the curtain closed. I pull myself up onto the pole table in front of him, I tuck my legs under me and motion for him to lean closer. If his eyes got any wider, they’d pop out of his head cartoon style.

  “Who are you?” I ask him quietly.

  “I-I’m Dominic,” he stutters. “I work in IT.” Laughing, I place a hand on his shoulder. Holy shit, it’s all muscle under there. What the hell?

  “I can see that darling. What would you like?”

  “Um, what? Well, a dance I guess,” his eyes resume darting around, as if he’s worried about being caught. This is actually humorous. I choke back a laugh, because I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate it. Sighing, I toss my hands in the air and look at him, my long black tresses falling in my face. His lips move like he has something to say, but no words emerge from his luscious lips, and he grins at me nervously. It makes his face look younger, boyish. But something is definitely on his mind.

  “Ok, Dominic, speak.”

  “Well ma’am, I, um. I need to speak to you, actually. It’s about Hanson.” I narrow my eyes at him, how does this guy know Hanson, better than that, how does he know who I am?

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lean in close, whispering in his ear. It’s better to speak closely instead of shouting over the music. Then you run the risk of being heard. I stand to begin my dance. He gets to his feet, his body close to mine. Even though I’m on the table, he’s still almost eye level with me. He has to be as tall as a tree and man does he smell amazing. His scent surrounds me again. Geek Boy flexes his arm in anger, ripping the sleeve of his shirt. His boyish grin I was just admiring, quickly turns to a frown.

  “Damn I can’t believe I just did that. Idiot. You’re not listening to me. I’m telling you, something is wrong, they have Hanson.” his voice rises louder. My heart stops for a moment. Holding my hand to my chest, I try to not panic. I back up, running into the pole. My knees give out and I slide down to the table. Part of me wonders if he’s someone Paulie has sent in to weed me out, he has a suspicion someone’s undercover. But I think deep down, I realize he actually knows Hanson. If Hanson told someone about me, then things aren’t going well. If Paulie’s guys picked him up, then how long do I have until I’m safe? How long until I’m caught? For now, I have no choice but to continue on as normal. I can’t afford to ruin this investigation by giving myself up. Maybe they won’t get anything from Hanson, or maybe it’s another case he’s involved in. His disappearance could have nothing to do with this at all. What if it was a family emergency? My head is spinning with ideas, my nerves rattled.

  “You’re such a nerd, you know that right?” His grin returns, that nervous smile and suddenly I feel myself getting wet. This man is so far the complete opposite of what I’m normally attracted to, I’m turned on by his nervousness. My pussy betrays me, wan
ting this man who could be here just to set me up. If so, I'm dead, but what a death it would be. His white teeth flash at me and for a moment I find myself forgetting that this man is a new pain in my ass. How am I turned on so much by Geek Boy? Sure, he’s cute, in a nerd type of way, with Superman muscles. His arms have what looks like tribal tattoos poking out from under his right sleeve. He has the whole Clark Kent thing going on. It’s sort of hot. His shaggy hair falling into his eyes, he looks over the rim of his glasses at me. I wish I could see what color his eyes are, but it’s too dark in here.

  “I’m um, his friend. We usually have coffee together every morning at this diner near where we lived. Since I moved over the weekend, we still decided to meet, except today, instead of our usual day, which was yesterday. So this morning, he says to me that if anything ever happens to him, to find you, here.” Nodding, I stare into his eyes as I try to decide if he’s lying or not. He sits back down.

  “Ok, so something happened to him I’m guessing?” His head shakes up and down so fast, it makes me dizzy. I squeeze his rock hard shoulder with my hand, lowering myself to his face. I’m really worried now.

  “Speak, Geek Boy. What happened?”

  “Well then, he left and I was paying, see it was my turn to pay, and well he had said he had a meeting with you tonight, where to find you and what to do, and-“

  “Spit it out Geek Boy, now,” I scream at him.

  The look of shock on his face says it all. He’s scared, nervous, something.

  “When he walked out the door, I happened to turn and watch these three guys drag him into the back of a black van. I didn’t know how to reach you earlier than now and Hanson had said not to go to the cops, just you. He knows some of his fellow officers are dirty.” He frowns, his long hair falling into his eyes. He wipes at the offending lock, pushing the glasses back up his nose. Shit, this isn’t good. Paulie must know about me, or at least that we have someone here. I know he has cops in his pocket, but how many? They tell all the girls here to be super nice to the men flashing their badges wanting free lap dances. Some of them are here a lot and Hanson has IA investigating them. This could get messy, really quick. Hanson must have known something was going to happen to him. There’s no reason why he would tell a civilian what’s going on otherwise.


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