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Buffalo Heat

Page 3

by N Kuhn

  Chapter 3

  I can’t believe this shit. Paulie had the nerve to call and inform me I had to clean up my place. Which means he did something bad, as if the blood on my kitchen floor wasn’t a dead giveaway. Hopefully no one is dead. This is getting really messy, and now, I’m worried even more than I have been lately. Dominic, that gorgeous Geek Boy has been on my mind all night. I’m concerned about Hanson and now I have to worry about Dominic. What if Paulie is the one that has Hanson? Please, oh please, don’t let this be his blood! Who the hell am I to contact? Hanson was my only contact. If Paulie senses Dominic knows me outside the club or connects him with Hanson, then sees him at the club, it will be bad. These are some really scary guys I’m mixed up with. According to Hanson, there’s no one else in the Unit I can trust.

  I hate that Paulie’s been in my apartment when I’m not home. There’s no security in this life. I have to make sure I hide everything here that is work related very well before I leave each day. Good thing I was able to carve out a hiding hole in my closet that he hasn’t found yet. I hope Dominic called me like I told him to. As I near my closet, I notice the doors are open. I had them shut when I left. Pausing near the doorway to my bedroom I try to quietly open the top drawer. I have a small Lasermax .380 Ruger hidden in there. It’s definitely not a service piece; I had to hand that over to my boss when I went UC. Wrapping my fingers around the cold metal, I pull it up, aiming at the closet. My heart races, my body begins to sweat. Please, Oh God, please, I hope Paulie hasn’t found my hiding spot. If he did, I’m dead already.

  I have my real ID, an untraceable phone and some cash hidden in there along with my badge. I know it’s stupid to keep those things here, but sometimes, when I’m lonely at night, I pull them out, and just hold them. It helps me make it through the days and weeks, remembering who I really am. It’s hard on one’s psyche to pretend for so long that they are someone else. Stepping silently towards my closet, I keep my hands wrapped around the gun, ready to shoot. What if Paulie left someone behind to do me in? Maybe he didn’t want to have to dirty his hands taking care of me himself. Or, the mess from my kitchen may be waiting in there. Maybe I just was really tired this morning and didn’t close it myself. Not likely though. I’m always careful about that. My heart is pounding in my ears, my throat tightening.

  As I get in front of the closet, my hand shakes while it reaches out, pushing the clothes aside. A strong grip wraps around my wrist, yanking me into the closet. I try to scream, but nothing comes out. I feel like my lungs are in my throat, my heart pounding so hard, it may escape my chest. Gasping, I feel large arms wrap around me and my fighting instincts and training kick in. A hand covers my mouth, so even if I could, no one will hear me scream. I try biting at the hand, but it’s holding so tightly, I can’t get my lips to part. Struggling, I attempt to twist my body. Stomping down on a foot, I know it won’t do much damage, because I’m bare foot. At this point, I’ll try anything to stay alive.

  “Shhh, Candy, it’s me Dominic, okay?” he whispers in my ear. His warm breath against my cheek has a calming effect. Relaxing me immediately, I let my body melt against his. The hardness against my back is somehow comforting. I’m alive. Paulie didn’t find out about me yet. My heart is racing, I can’t catch my breath. What the hell is Dominic doing in my closet?

  “You okay? You’re not going to scream are you?” His voice is still low, as if trying to not scare me. I Nod my head, as he slowly lowers his hand. Licking my lips, panting, I try to slow my heart rate.

  Shoving myself away from his rock hard body, I storm out into the middle of my room. Clothes fall from their hangers, piling onto the floor.

  “What the hell are you doing here? In my closet? Are you kidding me? You stalking me now?” My voice sounds screechy and loud, but I’m pissed. This guy is going to get killed and it’s on my conscience.

  “Chill out Candy. It’s okay. I’m just worried about you. Hanson was an important friend to me and he said you’re like a daughter to him. I felt like I needed to help you. It’s not like I can help him. Ironically, my new apartment happens to be next door. I found that out today when Hanson and I met.” His eyes glaze over and he looks down. Damn, he’s upset. He steps from the closet and I can’t contain my gasp. He is half naked and sweat glistens on his hard body.

  He looks lickable, tasty. Yummy. How in the hell does the geeky IT guy end up looking this amazing? It’s almost a sin. I really do wish I had been nicer to the nerds in school.

  “Why is there a hole in my closet?”

  “I just thought it would be a quick getaway for you, if you ever needed it. Better safe than sorry, right? I saw it in a video game,” he smirks, his face lighting up, proud of himself. “You’re not mad are you?” Barely listening to him, I nod my head. I allow my eyes roam over his hard packed body, taking in all of the tattoos that cover his glistening skin. His shoulders, chest, stomach, covered in some really good ink. Tribal, words, amazing line work. The ones that were hidden by his sleeve look like dragons, but with more of a tribal taste to them. I have a weak spot for good ink on a man. The muscles help too.

  “What does ‘Year of the Dragon’ mean?” I ask, still staring at his chest. He clears his throat and I look up into his soft chocolate eyes. Now that he’s in the light, I can see the worry creases around his eyes, aging him a little more than he looked back at the club.

  “My eyes are up here darling,” he says, laughing at his joke. His voice is husky, filled with lust. I can’t help but smile at him. He sounds a lot more confident than he did earlier tonight.

  “Oh yeah?” I whisper to him. I’ve never felt so turned on by a man before. My body is betraying me. All I can think of is how this man would feel inside of me. I can’t help but notice the large bulge in his pants. “Well you got a good look at mine earlier, so deal with it,” I smirk, lowering my gaze back down to his stomach. Each ridged line of his abs is calling to be licked, touched, and teased. That wonderful V shape on his hips beckons me.

  “It’s nothing, just my Chinese year.”

  “Huh?” I ask, my eyes darting back up to his face. Feeling confused, I stare at him.

  “My tattoo,” he says slowly, making me feel stupid. Duh, right. But he’s lying. I feel like that was a lie. His breathing quickened when he answered. Why would he lie about a tattoo?

  “Where are your glasses?” I notice his face is bare, hard jaw lines contour his manly face.

  “I couldn’t have on safety goggles and my glasses while sawing. Are you always this suspicious of people?” he counters. There are no goggles lying about, another lie.

  “Only when I find a half-naked man I don’t know hiding in my closet looking severely different than he did hours ago when I first met him. Besides, my suspicions have kept me alive so far. Why change?” Shrugging, I turn towards my dresser, putting the gun back in the drawer.

  “That’s a real nice piece. Where’d you get that?” He stares at it with envy. I know it’s a rocking piece. What shooter wouldn’t want a nifty little laser on their hand gun?

  “What do you know about guns Geek Boy? That was my first month anniversary present from Paulie. It’s small enough to fit in my purse and matches everything I wear,” I grin.

  “I play a lot of video games, so I know a thing or two. I mean come on, I’m still a guy. I met Paulie earlier. He seemed, protective.” We laugh, and my body hums at the deep throaty sound coming from his mouth.

  “Paulie’s my boyfriend.”

  “Oh, is that the guy you’re investigating? So, I have to ask. Is there a dead body in your kitchen?” he says, crossing his arms and leaning against the closet door.

  “Shit, okay, yes, he is, but you really need to stay out of this. You have to act like you don’t know anything. Hanson shouldn’t have told you anyways. I can’t do my job and worry about your safety too. No more playing hero. This isn’t a game, okay? And no, there is body but a lot of blood. How do you know?” My raised voice seems to startle him, he
takes a step back for a moment, looking at me wide eyed.

  “Front door was open when I got home, walked by and caught sight, sound, you know. Seemed like a good fight going on. Your boyfriend Paulie confronted me in the hallway and I introduced myself. I must have passed his inspection, but I figured something was up when I saw them carrying a man outside.”

  “Shit, was the guy alive?” I yell, running my hand through my hair. What I really want to do is pull it out.

  “Looked drunk to me, but I only saw a bit through my peephole.” Slowly, I walk to the kitchen, careful not to step in the blood. Grabbing a paper towel and plastic bag, I sop up some of the blood. Sealing the bag, I hand it to a wide eyed Dom who followed me.

  “Better get this cleaned up.”

  “What am I supposed to do with this?” he asks me, eyeing the bag, his lip snarling.

  “Damn, Dominic, it’s not going to bite you. You play gory video games but get squeamish about that? Bring it to me tomorrow morning. Can you meet me for breakfast? There’s a cute little diner over by the mall. We can meet there. I can’t be caught leaving with that.”

  “Oh, right, yea. Good idea,” he holds the bag up in front of his face, scowling. “Like evidence, right? Yea, is that Jack’s Diner? Ten sound good to you?”

  “Perfect. Now get out so I can clean up. Who knows when or if Paulie’s coming back? He gets disturbingly turned on after violence. Is your little project in there going to be noticeable?” He shakes his head.

  “When I go through, move the boxes I put on the floor in front of it, cover that with the clothes and you’re safe.” He turns and leaves without a glance back. I watch him move down the hallway. Damn, what I wouldn’t give for one night with that body. I can just imagine all the naughty things he would do to me. I’d even let him watch Star Wars while doing it!

  Hearing some scuffling come from my room, I smile to myself. Getting out the bleach and some sponges, I pour some into the sink as I fill it with water. This makes me sick. It goes against all of my police instincts. I’m helping cover up a crime. That sends my thoughts racing. I need to have more evidence than just the blood soaked paper towel. Quickly I rush to my room. Noticing the closet is empty, I look hard and can barely see the lines in the wall. Shoving the boxes over, I cover them with the hanging clothes. Now it’s completely invisible. Sighing, I turn to the back corner where I have my hiding spot. Digging my nails into the thin slit, I pull back the part of the wall covering my compartment. Grabbing the cell phone, I rush back to the kitchen, taking photos of every drop of blood I find. I use my shoe for measurements, and get as many angles as I can. I notice blood splatter on my chair and table, the cabinets, this was probably something very horrific. Powering the phone back down, I stash it back away and head back to clean up. Three hours later, I smell like bleach, my skin is burning, but I can see my floor again and there’s no blood to be found. I hope that Hanson doesn’t get too pissed about this. Thankfully I was smart enough to capture it and get evidence. We also have a witness, sort of. I’m just not sure I want Dominic involved in anyway.

  Dragging myself out of the kitchen, I head back down the hall. Peeling my clothes off as I go, I need a shower badly. I pause with my shirt halfway off and glance around. It’s a little creepy how this Dominic shows up in my life and suddenly he’s my neighbor and inside my apartment. Through a secret hole in my closet? Maybe Hanson got him so excited with UC details that he thinks he’s in a real life video game. Or maybe, he’s not what he seems. How many Geek Boys are there that look like he does? It’s crazy. Shaking my head, I continue into the bathroom, turning on the shower. As the hot water steams my body, I run my hand down my stomach, over my mound. My body trembles at the thought of Dominic touching me. His fingers rubbing in-between my lips. Shaking my head, I rush through my shower. Getting out, I don’t even have the energy to get dressed. I tumble into bed still wrapped in my towel and am out cold.

  Sitting straight up in bed, I look around. The room is pitch black, my alarm clock says four thirty. What the hell. My heart races at the shock of waking up so quickly. A loud bang from my kitchen and some cursing scares me. My pulse quickens. Trying to remain silent, I slowly make my way to the dresser, for my gun. Footsteps echo loudly through my hallway, heading towards me. The metal feels cold against my fingers as I slip it into my hand. The bedroom door creaks open. The smell of whiskey and cigar smoke assaults my nose and I let go of the gun. Paulie sticks his head into the room.

  “You’re awake? What are you doing up at this hour?” His voice if slurred and angry. Just great, he’s drunk.

  “I heard you coming in, I was scared. It’s not like you’re quiet.” Stepping away from the dresser, I switch on the lamp next to my bed. The dim light shows the bags under his eyes, the disheveled hair on his head.

  “Yea, I was quiet. How did you hear me?”

  “The floor squeaks and you bumped into my kitchen table,” I answer with an attitude. Who the hell is he to question me?

  “You cheating on me bitch?”

  “What the hell are you talking about Paulie? You’re drunk. No, I’m not. I’m here, alone. I don’t even offer extras to the customers at work. You know that.”

  Before I can move, his hand sweeps through the air, cracking my face. Flames of pain shoot through my cheek, my eyes water. Raising my hand, I hold it against the heated flesh.

  “What the hell was that for?” I cry out to him.

  “To remind you who you belong to. I’m tired, let’s go,” he holds his arms up, waiting for me to undress him, as if he were a damn child. Dropping my hand, I move towards him. Grabbing the jacket of his suit, I tug at it, trying to yank it from his body. In his drunken state, he doesn’t even care. The material falls to my floor. Closing my eyes, I try to picture something happier. Dominic’s face floats to the front of my mind. What would Geek Boy look like undressed? That massive chest of his, the beautiful V pointing down his happy trail, I want to lick it.

  “Have you met your new neighbor yet?” His eyes full of hatred and anger. I try to ignore it and unbutton his shirt. One thing I’ve learned is that Paulie doesn’t share well, or at all.

  “I didn’t even realize I had a new neighbor. I’m never home.” I try to keep my voice steady though my hands shake. Where is this going?

  “He seems useful. Knows about computers and shit. I want you to go do the neighborly thing and introduce yourself tomorrow, maybe we’ll have him over for drinks.”

  I’m thankful that my bed light is dim, he can’t see how wide my eyes got. Things just got worse. Paulie is looking to use Dom for something shady. If Dom doesn’t do it, he dies. If he does, he dies. What the hell am I going to do now? How will I protect him? I really need to find Hanson.

  “Sure babe. So, how was your day? Pretty busy, huh? Considering the mess in my kitchen.” His laughter bursting from his mouth is deep and sends chills up my spine. I shove the shirt down his arms, wishing I could just tie them behind his back with the silky material. Shivering, he mistakes it for excitement and begins to run his hands up my legs. My stomach turns, but I have to allow it. It’s not only my job at stake, but my life as well. If I’m gone, who’s going to protect Dominic and find Hanson? It’s all on me now. I have no other connections at the PD anymore. Paulie’s hands are pretty smooth for a man. But then again, he can keep them that way by doing no work. He never gets his hands dirty. His fingers slip up the bottom of my shirt, causing goose bumps to form on my skin. Not from excitement. More from the cold air caressing my warm flesh.

  Taking a step back, Paulie reaches out, tugging me closer to him. Pressing my body against his, I feel the erection as it hardens beneath his dress pants. It’s not much. What I felt from Geek Boy when I sat on his lap at the club earlier had my mouth drooling. Paulie is more average size and he certainly doesn’t know how to use it. I make him play with my toys, in hopes that I get off before he does. He thinks I’m just kinky. Really, I’m being selfish. He practically rips the shirt
from my body. Leaning down, he licks my breast. The man couldn’t figure out how to make a woman cum if his life depended on it. Pretending to be playful, I push on his chest, hard, sending him sprawling onto my bed. Lit only by the moonlight, I see the anger return to his face, so I giggle. I pull the drawer out of the night stand and produce my Lisa. It’s the greatest invention ever. This baby has so many different settings, there’s no way you can use it and not get off. Rubbing it across my lips, teasing Paulie, I slowly guide it down between my breasts. I use my free hand to squeeze and caress my own nipple.

  I crawl onto the bed, straddling him. Taking my time, I make sure he watches as I turn it on, gliding it around my body. The vibrating sensations pulsate throughout my body, my clit throbs. I can feel myself get wet. Within thirty seconds, I can hear the soft snores coming from Paulie. Slowly, I climb off of him. Preferring to leave him passed out drunk than let him screw me, I take my Lisa and head to the bathroom. I silently shut the door behind me and turn the toy to the pulsating vibe. I let my fingers roam my chest, squeezing at my nipples as they pucker and harden beneath my touch. I imagine Dom’s big hands cupping my breasts, licking at my nipples. My fingers squeeze harder. Gliding the toy down my stomach again, I move slowly, to allow the pulsations to move throughout my body. My fingers move, as if of their own power. My brain no longer runs my body. I slide them through my slickened lips, twirling around my nub. Feeling how ready I am, I push the toy inside of my cleft.


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