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Black Magic Man

Page 5

by Ju Ephraime

  She also had good news. She had done a telephone interview for one of the positions she had sent her resume to. She was waiting for a call back for an in-person interview. She was stoked. She had just put the cake in the oven and was about to step into the shower when she heard a whistling. It sounded as if it was coming from her bedroom, so she turned off the water and went into the bedroom to investigate. Maybe it came from the television. But the television in the bedroom was off and so was the one downstairs. She was not going crazy; she had distinctly heard the whistling. It was a song she knew, but she couldn’t place it at the moment.

  Her mind went to the strange man she’d thought was following her, but it had been over two months, and she had not seen him around again. Why she had to think of him, she didn’t know, but somehow he had come to her mind.

  She went back to taking her shower and did not hear the whistling again. But while she was applying lotion on her body, she found herself humming the tune that she’d heard in the whistle. She had to tell herself to stop, but it was no use. She could not stop humming the tune. She hummed the tune all day. She was humming it while she walked to meet her husband and even while she sat waiting for him sitting on the bench in the park. It was the craziest thing. She didn’t know the song, but somehow it would not get out of her head.

  Every day, as soon as she got out of bed, she would begin humming the tune. It was as if the tune was imprinted on her brain. She was doing it so much Rupert noticed and asked, “What’s that catchy tune you are always humming, darling? I’ve been trying to place it, but it escapes me. I know I’ve heard it before, but I can’t place it.”

  “I heard it somewhere, and somehow, I can’t seem to get it out of my head.”

  “Where do you think you may have heard it?”

  “I can’t put my finger on it now, but I’ll keep working on it.”

  “You look especially scrumptious today. What’s the occasion?”

  “Why should there be an occasion to make myself beautiful for my husband?”

  “Don’t talk that way to me in public, Lange, because I won’t be responsible for my actions. I’ll have my way with you here, and we are likely to both get arrested.”

  “You silly man. You’re not going to embarrass yourself and your wife in the middle of the city, are you? But, I have to admit, the thought of you doing things to me in public is exciting. We could be… hmm, nudists.”

  “I always knew you were a freak, darling, but I love my freak. Trust you to go along with my hair-raising idea.”

  “Speak for yourself. A bigger freak I’ve yet to meet, but I’m not complaining.”

  “Come here,” he said. Bringing her into the fold of his body, he covered her mouth with a deep, passionate kiss. “This is just a taste of what I have in store for you.”

  “Thank you, darling.”

  “For what?”

  “For always saying the right thing, and for always noticing. I can always count on you to give me a boost if I need one, and I need you today. Can we stop for a cocktail at The Lime?”

  “Sure, this is getting more and more exciting.” Keeping his arms around her waist, they set off to the neighborhood hot spot.

  It was still early, so the night crowd had not yet put in an appearance, but the place was always dark with individual lighting on the tables, giving it an intimate atmosphere. The server came up to them as soon as they were seated.

  “What can I get for you, sir, ma'am?” They both ordered brandy. She liked Christian Brothers VS Smooth, and he liked Korbel Smooth Classic.

  “Wow, I’m being referred to as ma'am now. I feel positively old.”

  “You’re not old, darling. That’s a boy. He has to show my wife respect. He’d hear from me otherwise.”

  Just then, the young man returned with their drinks.

  “Now you want to tell me the important news?”

  “Remember I’d told you I was waiting for a call back from Simmons to set up an in-person interview? Well, I heard back today, and they want to meet me.”

  “That’s great, sweetheart.” Who was he kidding? He hated the thought of her going back to work, but he’d play his role. “I think that’s excellent. Now I know why you are looking extra special today. Let’s drink to that.” Raising their glasses, they toasted. “To your success,” he said. I’m lying through my teeth, God forgive me. The only reason he was even considering it was because he wanted her to be happy, and if she was happy, he was too.

  “Now here comes the final good news. I have something special for you at home.”

  “You do. Is it what I think it is?”

  “Stop it; you’ll have to wait till we get home.”

  “What are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  “Not yet, I’m enjoying my drink and would like to finish it.”

  “Okay, we’ll finish this one, and then we’ll leave. So, when are you going to your interview?”

  “Tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. I chose that time so I can come to your office and pick you up because I’m driving in.”

  “That’s an excellent idea, darling. You’ve got it all figured out. Do you know which position they are considering you for?”

  “No, and I’ve told them I’ll take anything in marketing, so long as it’s part-time. Also, I believe some of the work can be done from home. But I don’t want to get too excited until I know more.”

  I have to double my efforts to get her barefoot and pregnant, so she remains at home. He did not want his wife working, but he wanted her to be happy, so he guessed he had to suck it up. He was careful not to let any of this show. Plastering a huge grin on his face, he gave her a wink and pretended that all was well with his world, when, in fact, it was not.

  They had a second drink and finally left the club after a couple hours. They arrived home just as the sun was setting. Lange loved this time of the day; it was her main purpose in meeting Rupert whenever she could. It somehow strengthened their bond and brought them closer together.

  She entered the house before Rupert, who had gone to check the mailbox. As soon as she stepped into the house, she heard the whistling. It was soft, but there was definitely someone whistling. She didn’t bother to check the televisions. She knew they were off because she’d turned them off before she’d left the house earlier.

  She raced back to the door. “Rupert, Rupert, come here.”

  “What is it, sweetheart? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “This is not a joke, Rupert. I believe a whistling ghost has invaded our home.”

  “What makes you say this?”

  “I just heard the same whistling again, and now I think I recognize the tune. It’s from Phantom of the Opera.”

  “Phantom of the Opera? Hum it again for me to hear.”

  “No, I’m not humming that song, but I’m telling you, I heard it the moment I entered the house.”

  “Okay, I’m in here now, but I’m not hearing anything. Is it very soft? Because I can’t hear it.”

  “Of course you won’t hear it now. It has stopped, but if I hear it again, I’ll give you a signal.”

  “What will the signal be? That sounds all very mysterious. You believe someone will see you if you call to me. Oh, I forgot, the ghost.”

  “You may think it’s funny, but I don’t, and I’m not scared of a ghost, but I wish you would take this seriously.”

  “Darling, there’s no ghost in this house. You may be hearing someone walking near the house whistling.”

  “I don’t think so, but I defer to your more intelligent explanation. Come and enjoy your surprise that I have for you.”

  “This has been one exciting day, darling. First, you heard whistling, then you got an interview, now you have a surprise for me. Be still my heart. I don’t know if I can handle all this excitement.

  “I’ll give you excitement, just you wait.”

  Walking into the kitchen, he was greeted with the smell of the baked cake.

  “Oh, I smell some
thing good, sweetheart. Is that the surprise you have for me?”

  “Yes, but you’ll only get it after dinner. Sit, let me serve you.”

  “Oh, this is getting better and better. Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Make yourself comfortable. Dinner is coming right up.”

  She prepared a meal of christophene au gratin, breadfruit balls, peppered salmon steak, and cucumber salad. She had a chilled white Burgundy Chardonnay. She didn’t want to drink too much because they had the brandy cake, which they would have with brandy and rum raisin ice cream.

  When she entered the dining room with the dishes, Rupert couldn’t contain himself. These were all his favorite dishes. He couldn’t even begin to guess what the dessert would be.

  He was reaching for seconds when she stopped him. “Leave room for dessert, darling. I know you love this meal, but I’d hate for you not to have room for the wonderful dessert I prepared for you.”

  “Okay, why don’t we retire to the family room to enjoy the dessert?”

  “Good, I believe this is an excellent idea. I’ll be right there.”

  “I’ll clear the table, sweetheart. I want you to come and relax with me.”

  “Okay, let me get the dessert.”

  Lange cut him a huge slice of cake and placed two scoops of ice cream on top and poured two servings of brandy. She had only a small slice of cake and one scoop of ice cream, but she was very generous on the brandy.

  She took her place on his lap and proceeded to feed him cake and ice cream, followed by sips of brandy, and he did the same for her. When they were done, they both had a buzz. They usually showered or shared a bath before retiring for the night. They were too buzzed to do that and fell into bed and made beautiful love to each other and fell asleep, too tired to move.


  Jean Louis was in a rage. He was tired of waiting for the opportunity to get at the woman. He had used magic to confuse her, moving about her house, implanting the tune in her subconscious mind. He’d even gone through her personal things and watched her as she went about her daily life. Some nights, he’d even watched her while she slept. But he had not been there physically; it was only from projection. She had to invite him in. Although, she would not know it at the time, he’d be waiting for that signal, waiting for that opportunity.

  He was beginning to realize he would have to double his efforts if he was to get her to let him into her home. He recognized that the bond between her and her husband was very strong, but Jean Louis would get her. She was meant for him. His soul recognized her. He believed she was his in a former life. Everything about her was familiar to him, which is why he’d thought she would have recognized him when he’d approached her at the park and then again at the beach. He was getting frantic. She had to know she belonged to him. How could she not know?

  He had not used the entire arsenal at his disposal. He was saving the best for last. If she came to him without him having to go to his Master, it would be under his control, but if he involved his Master, then it would be as the Master dictated. This route he’d go only as a last resort.

  He was able to send his spirit into the house, but he needed to be in there himself. So far he was biding his time. For tonight, he had done all he could. She was soiled anyway, and he wouldn’t go to her when she’d been with her husband.

  Jean Louis continued projecting his thoughts into Lange’s mind. He was trying to convince her to go out to dinner or for a night on the town. He couldn’t touch her physically, but he was able to convince her that a night on the town was her idea. He hoped it worked; otherwise, he would have to try and convince her to come to him. The only problem with that plan was she had to do it after midnight. That was the time he was strongest. That was the time he was strong enough to touch her. He kept up the whispering:

  Listen to me. Hear my voice. Come to me. I know you can hear me. When you hear this tune, know that I’m near. All you have to do is reach for me, and I’ll appear. I can’t come unless you invite me.

  And he began whistling the tune from Phantom of the Opera.

  He could see by her rapid eye movement that she could hear the tune, but her husband had his arms around her with his dick inside her. He didn’t even bother separating his body from hers. As she moved in her sleep, he was holding her tighter to him. This was a losing battle. Jean would have to return in the morning. He would try again for three more days and nights until the moon was in the Luminaries, and then he would have to act.

  When the moon was new, it was in its solstice. This happened once every twenty-eight days, and this year not only was the solstice going to coincide with the lunar new moon, it would also be that the Luminaries—the sun and moon—were aligned in the same zodiac sign. That made it a charged time with concentrated energies of that sign. He intended to use the portal to execute his plans to get at the woman. He was running out of patience. He had waited so long, and he was ready for new beginnings with her.


  In spite of Jean Louis’ scrupulous standards of cleanliness, he was too distraught to perform his nightly ritual of bathing in the spring beside his home. He barricaded himself in the small space and drank steadily in an effort to make the consuming need for a woman who belonged to another go away.

  He fell asleep with a bottle in his hand and did not rise until the sun was at its zenith. He was immediately upset that he’d missed watching her while she took her morning walk. The only good thing about this state of events was the fact that he’d missed seeing her being lovey-dovey with her husband. Now he had her all to himself. It was time to get busy—time to begin setting things in place.

  He was not happy about this because he wanted this woman to want him of her own free will, but he was beginning to accept the fact that this might never happen. He’d never been in love, if this was love; neither had he ever wanted a woman as much as he wanted this one. It was as if he’d been bitten by a bug, and no amount of talking to himself had been successful in making him forget her.

  He hoped this wouldn’t cause her any harm. He didn’t want to hurt her, although he knew it was inevitable because he’d be taking her away from her husband. That was his biggest fear. Would he be strong enough to take her away from him? If he was not successful in moving her, he’d have to take her while she lay beside her husband, and he didn’t want to do that. But so be it. If this was all he could get, then that was what he’d take.

  Just as he’d thought, she was just stepping out of the shower when he projected to her home. He could see her, but that was all. He couldn’t touch her, and neither could he enter the house without her permission or the help of his Master. Given the inherent cruelty of his Master, he would like to keep him far away from her. He wanted no harm to come to her.

  She walked about the house in the nude. She had a beautiful body, just as he remembered… sheer perfection. He’d seen a lot of female bodies in his lifetime, but none had been able to equal her, then and now. He wanted her with sudden, terrible desperation until his groin and his nerves and his very soul ached with it. Somehow, he was able to rip his gaze from her. His blood was pumping hard, his fingers flexing as he thought of all the things he wanted to do with her. He was consumed with lust. He could appreciate her husband not getting enough of her. He wouldn’t, had the situation been reversed.

  Shifting his gaze from the room, he projected his voice, whistling the tune into the home. He was getting ready to sit back and enjoy watching her run all over the house to find the source of the whistle. But he was in for a shock; she didn’t even move to acknowledge the sound. She calmly kept drying her hair, as if nothing had happened. Was she not hearing the whistle? he wondered as he was, once again, stumped by her.

  For the hundredth time, he asked himself why her, why now? It was not as if he hadn’t had plenty of sex in his life; he had. He took what he wanted when he wanted. No locked door could keep him from his goal. Ten years ago, he came very close to bein
g captured. Before this incident, if she saw a woman he wanted, he waited until after midnight, shed his skin, and entered her home, taking her repeatedly while her husband lay next to her sound asleep, unable to move because of the spell he had cast over him. He would visit three or four homes doing this before stepping back into his skin and returning to his home before daybreak.

  Ten years ago, he was so bent on taking this young girl, who had turned her nose up at him when he’d smiled at her, that he had been careless. He’d unknowingly walked into a trap. The house was fixed. This was the home of a strong obeah woman, and she had set a trap for the likes of him. Without his skin he was very vulnerable, and she had a concoction of salt over the door with a trap that he triggered. The next thing he knew, he was doused in the salt water that had him howling in agony.

  He was almost unconscious when he called out to his Master with his last breath, and when he regained consciousness, his Master was standing over him. Had it not been for the help of his Master, he could have been dead. His Master was furious with him because of having to enter the house to rescue him; he had also put himself in danger. His Master had drastically limited his ability. He had to wait until he was invited in, but he found it did not have the same thrill. It was at that time he’d vowed never to enter another dwelling. He had then retreated from society, and he had not entered a house since. Neither had he had any desire to do so, until now.

  So, he had been off sex since then. He found he had no desire for it, and then out of the blue, along came this woman, and the need to have her was more than anything he’d experienced. Could it be, by abstaining, he’d heightened his desires? How could that be possible? He was older, so his sexual drive should diminish, but if the pain in his groin was any indication, then he was just as randy as he’d always been. Nothing had changed.


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