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The Return of Jake Slater

Page 9

by Zavo

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Harry.”

  He leaned over and kissed me deeply, then stood up.

  “Now let’s head back and get something to eat.”

  I had to say what was on my mind.

  “What happens when Samuel gets back, Harry?”

  He stopped and turned to me, an inscrutable expression on his face.

  “I won’t lie to you, Jake. He ain’t gonna like you. Because you’re handsome as hell, and I like you. It’s as simple as that!”

  “I’m not looking for any trouble, Harry.”

  “No one ever wants trouble, Jake. But don’t worry. Samuel pretty much listens to me. I’m the only man that can truly satisfy him.”

  “Okay, Harry.”

  We put our socks and boots back on and headed back to the cabin.

  When we reached the cabin, Caleb, Christian, and Cole were sitting on the front porch. Once again, they were passing the jug. We climbed the steps and went inside, with Cole close on my heels. A large black pot was now hanging inside the fireplace. A robust fire had been built and the smell of beef filled the cabin. An open door revealed a small room with a large bed in its center.

  “I reheated some stew, Harry. It’s hot if you’re ready to eat.”

  “That sounds good, Cole.”

  Cole went to the sideboard and returned with two wooden bowls and large metal spoons. The spoons had seen better days. On his second trip he produced a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He filled the bowls with the stew and placed them on the table. Then he filled the glasses.

  “Enjoy, gents.”

  “Thanks, Cole. We’re going to rest after we eat. We don’t want to be disturbed for several hours. Use your best judgment if an issue arises. We’ll be needing the three of you as soon as we wake up.”

  A smile lit up Cole’s face as he went out the door.

  “Do I need to ask what we’ll be needing them for, Harry?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” he replied.

  The smile on his face was from ear to ear.

  While we ate, Harry brought me up to date on how he had come into this existence. It was a hard tale. When he had finished, I shared with him my growing up in Texas, and my introduction to and tenure with the rangers. After several more whiskeys, I was starting to feel sleepy. I was looking forward to our siesta. When we had finished eating, we went into the bedroom and closed the door behind us. Harry undressed and slid underneath the covers. I did the same and placed my head on his chest. It was soon rising and falling with his breathing.

  I lay awake for a bit longer, thinking about the chain of events that had brought me here. I, a former ranger, was a wanted fugitive. I was running with a band of outlaws. If I had not escaped from jail, I would most likely now be a dead fugitive. I realized this thing with Harry had to be temporary. I could no longer, under any circumstances, live in the United States. I knew many of the rangers well, and one or several of them would be after me for the rest of my life. My ultimate destination had to be Mexico, maybe even South America. I would ride with Harry and Samuel to Mexico and, once there, say my good-byes.

  I was lying in a pile of hay, in a barn I didn’t recognize. I was naked, and spread-eagle in the hay. Ben was kneeling between my outstretched legs, lovingly and tantalizingly sucking my cock. I clasped my arms behind my head, intent on enjoying his ministrations. When an unseen tongue was unexpectedly in my ear, I came to with a start.

  “Good afternoon, sleepyhead.”

  I turned to see Harry’s smiling face inches from mine. When I looked down, Cole was bobbing on my stiffer. He was naked, as were Caleb and Christian. They were lying across the end of the bed. Caleb was on his back, and Christian was inverted above him. Both young men were busy slurping on the other’s dick. On his next saw up, Cole ran his tongue over the head of my cock, then moved over and began giving Harry’s pole the same treatment. Harry sighed contently and placed his hand on the young man’s head, guiding it. When it was my turn again, Harry leaned over and began licking my left nipple. When it hardened, he began biting it playfully with his teeth. He released it and ran his tongue into my armpit. I raised my arm over my head to grant him full access. He dove in, licking the swath of hair growing there, and nipping it with his teeth.

  When Cole switched back to Harry, I shifted my attention to Christian and Caleb. Caleb was slowly sawing on Christian’s pole, using his lips to cling to the shaft and glide over the large crown before sinking back down. At the same time, he was stuffing his substantial cock down Caleb’s throat. Caleb had his hands on Christian’s hips to keep from being choked on the large slab of flesh. He was also probing between the cheeks of Christian’s ass with his fingers, and from the way Christian was moving his ass, it was a safe bet that one or two of those fingers were deep in his hole.

  With Harry working my nipples, and the eager Cole slobbering on my pole, I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was shooting my seed. When Cole stuck a finger in my asshole without warning, it began. Cole sensed it and slid back to the fat crown and held it in his mouth. He swallowed everything I gave him. When he was done, he smacked his lips before resuming sucking Harry’s cock in earnest. I leaned over and began nibbling on Harry’s left nipple. Within minutes, he was spewing into Cole’s mouth. Cole licked his cock clean before glancing up expectantly.

  “Get up here, boy,” Harry said huskily.

  Cole knelt next to Harry, his cock above his face. He spit into his right hand, coated his cock, and began stroking it furiously. When Harry stuck out his tongue, I was quite certain this scenario had played out many times before. Cole cried out on his next stroke and aimed the head of his cock at Harry’s tongue. His seed flew onto it, and when Cole was spent, Harry drew his tongue back into his mouth.

  “That’s mighty tasty, Cole.”

  Cole smiled back at Harry with a devotion that was hard to miss. He lay beside Harry and kissed him several times on the mouth. As Harry put his arm around him, Christian and Caleb began moaning loudly and thrashing on the bed, deep in the throes of their powerful eruptions. The three of us watched, mesmerized, as not a drop of spunk was wasted. When they both were spent, they kissed passionately before crawling between Harry and me.

  “Yes, Harry. I can see how these three can take real good care of a man.”

  We all laughed, and then dozed off.


  The next few weeks became routine for me. The three young outlaws were now going out on robberies, leaving me alone to oversee the place. The first day I was left to my own devices, I opened the bottom doors of the sideboard to find dozens of bottles of whiskey. That and my cheroots were my only company while Harry was gone. I pleasured myself just about everywhere possible: sitting in one of the chairs on the front porch, by the pool, on the bed, on the table, and even standing up once outside the trail entrance. With the men away for days at a time, I didn’t feel the need for clothes most of the time, either.

  With the canyon’s limited size, there wasn’t much to tend to when the gang was gone. I only left the canyon twice, in fact, and that was to hunt. These trips had been approved by Harry. I had six horses and three mules to tend to while he was gone. I alternated riding the horses and mules, swam in the pool every day, cooked, smoked cheroots, and drank whiskey. Cleon stayed at his post day and night. Harry told me he made trips into the canyon for food and water, but I had yet to see him. Harry also told me Cleon had a nice comfortable cave he lived in.

  However, I began to notice that Harry was not staying away for as many days as he had initially. I wondered if it was because he wanted to spend time with me. I was also guessing that Samuel played a large role as well. Upon each return, it was evident Harry was hoping to find Samuel in residence. But while he was here, Samuel was quickly forgotten. The three young outlaws kept us very busy, and as the rest of the gang warmed up to me, the sex flowed all around. The gang had been gone again for only a day when I heard the unmistakable clink of a hoof on stone. I got up
from my chair on the porch and went inside the cabin. I opened one of the rear windows, as Harry had instructed me to in case of unwanted company. I went back to the front of the cabin and peered cautiously out the window. As I watched, a rider appeared, and he was a big man. I realized this must be Samuel, or else a stranger had somehow gotten past Cleon. But I hadn’t heard any shots.

  Without hesitation, the man rode up to the cabin and sat there, studying the place. His horse was a magnificent black, reminding me of my own beloved horse. He was a large man, resembling an old mountain man I had once encountered and bedded. But I didn’t think he was that far on in years. He did have a white mustache, and flowing white hair that weaved its way to his shirt collar. He was dressed in black, from the hat that sat atop his mass of white hair, to his dusty black boots. I opened the door to greet him and, without warning, he drew his pistol and fired at me.

  Chapter Five


  He appeared to be several years older than me though, as always, age was a tricky issue in these parts. He was handsome, with a big mop of dark brown hair, and matching mustache and beard. The beard hid most of his face, trailing to the middle of his breastbone. His eyes were light brown, almost appearing yellow in the late afternoon sun. He was wearing dark brown homespun pants with matching suspenders, and a white cotton shirt. Sturdy black boots adorned his feet. I was so surprised at his appearance that I didn’t answer him right away.

  “I’ll ask you once more, stranger, what are you doing here?”

  I raised my hands and stood up.

  “I mean you no harm. I’m lost. My name’s Benjamin, Benjamin Hughes. I was heading to the Rio Grande yesterday when a storm hit. I was caught in a flash flood and lost most of my things. I was only able to find my horse this afternoon. I didn’t realize I was trespassing.”

  He stared at me for a moment without speaking. He appeared to be weighing the truth of what I had said.

  “I am Josiah Smith. I hate to tell you, but it looks like you lost your horse again.”

  I looked around, astonished to discover he was correct. Rawlins’s horse had disappeared.

  Josiah came closer, not at all alarmed by what I had been doing. I couldn’t help but notice the swell at the crotch of his trousers. He couldn’t take his eyes from my slowly softening cock.

  “I’ve never seen hair the color of yours. Where are you from?”

  “I’m from the good ole state of Texas, Josiah. I was born with this color hair.”

  “I see. And it appears to cover your entire body. It’s most amusing.”

  “If you give me a minute, I can rinse off and join you. That is, if you don’t object. Do you have a horse, or are you on foot?”

  He didn’t take his eyes from my cock when he answered.

  “I have a mule over the hill behind us. I don’t mind waiting for you. Strangers are few, and always welcome in our settlement.”

  I stepped into the pool till the water was at my neck. I swam around the perimeter several times then stepped up onto the grassy bank to face Josiah. His gaze went to my crotch again.

  I dressed and followed Josiah up and over the hill to where his mule was tied.

  “My settlement is just a mile or so from here, almost within shouting distance of the Rio Grande. I am one of its leaders. You’re not as lost as you thought, young man. We don’t get many visitors, but it would please me if you’d stay with us for a few days till you are ready to head out again.”

  “I think I would like that, Josiah.”

  He mounted the mule, held his hand out to me, and pulled me up behind him.

  “It’s best you grab on to me. Betsy is sometimes temperamental about doubling up.”

  I did as he suggested, wrapping my arms around his waist and clasping my hands across his stomach. I could feel the heat of his skin through his shirt, as well as the muscles in his stomach. His back was strong and broad, and I pressed firmly against him. His sweat filled my nostrils. If he minded, he didn’t say anything. He clucked to Betsy and off we went. We crested two more hills and, on the second one, I saw a good-sized community spread out below us. A large pond was to the right of it, and a stream to its left. The settlement was nestled in one of those rare valleys tucked here and there amongst the barren landscapes along the US side of the Rio Grande.

  There were at least a dozen whitewashed clapboard houses with accompanying barns and outbuildings. A small church was beyond the buildings, and centered on the road we approached on. Beyond the church, to the right of the pond, were several large fields of crops. Several figures could be seen moving about another building that was under construction. It looked like a large meeting hall, or perhaps a new, larger church. As I studied the pastoral scene below me, I heard several shouts. Several figures had gathered at the nearest house and were waving their arms expectantly. Josiah raised his hand in return greeting, and we started down the hill. When we reached the group, it had turned into a sizable crowd. They were all studying me as keenly as I was watching them. It was at this point when I realized that all of them were men.

  At first glance they appeared to be of similar shape and size. But I realized it was their clothing that had made me think this. As with Josiah, all of the men, young and old alike, wore dark brown homespun pants with matching suspenders and white cotton shirts. For shoes, they had replicas of what Josiah was wearing. Every man that was old enough to grow facial hair had a beard; however, the younger ones didn’t extend as low. Josiah dismounted and reached up to help me down.

  “Greetings, brothers. I found this stranger near one of our far ponds. He is lost. Please welcome him to our settlement. His name is Benjamin Hughes. He is on his way to Mexico, but has agreed to stay with us for a few days.”

  A tall man stepped forward and stuck out his hand.

  “Welcome, Brother Benjamin. My name is Brother Michael.”

  His hand was large and calloused, his handshake firm. One by one, the men greeted me and shook hands. All of them referred to themselves as brother something. It was evident I was in the midst of some type of religious community. After I had met all those assembled, a young man stepped forward and asked if he could touch my hair. For a moment, I didn’t know what to say. Thankfully, Josiah came to my rescue.

  “Please forgive him, Benjamin. As with I, they have never seen hair your color. Most of them have not been beyond the boundaries of our settlement since we came here more than twenty years ago. Do you mind satisfying their curiosity?”

  I laughed heartily.

  “No, Josiah, I don’t mind at all.”

  When each of the men had touched my hair, Josiah excused us and led me to the nearest house.

  “This is my home, Benjamin. Welcome.”

  He opened the door and gestured for me to enter. As my eyes adjusted themselves to the dim interior, I welcomed the coolness it offered. At the same time my senses were assailed by the smells of numerous baked goods, and herbs of various kinds. This room housed a large pine table, with a bench along each side; several rocking chairs; a large cupboard; and a fireplace that took up one entire wall. The door-less cupboards contained dishes of all shapes and sizes, some of them very fine looking. Several dark rugs covered most of the floor, which was of rough-hewn planks. Through an oval entryway in the middle of the far wall, I saw a second room. I took it to be the kitchen. In it I saw one woman, who I guessed to be about Josiah’s age. Several young girls near her were cutting vegetables. To the left of the cupboard a ladder disappeared through a hole in the ceiling. The hole was large enough to accommodate a person. It obviously lead to a second floor. Probably the sleeping quarters.

  “Please, have a seat,” Josiah said, indicating the large pine table.

  When I sat down he disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a pewter pitcher and two pewter cups.

  “That is my wife, Sarah, and my daughters, Rachel, Elizabeth, and Ruth. My two sons are on a spiritual journey and will most likely be gone for several weeks. One never kno
ws with these quests.”

  I waved to the women, but they ignored me and kept on with their chores. Josiah filled the cup and handed it to me. He eyed me intently, a smile on his face.

  It was water, and it was cold and delicious. When I drained the contents in one gulp, he quietly refilled it. He set the pitcher on the table and returned with a loaf of bread and a wedge of cheese.

  “We do not condone strong drink here, Benjamin.”

  “Water is fine, Josiah.”

  “Our evening meal won’t be served for another few hours. This will hold you over till then. Once you have eaten, perhaps you’d like to rest.”

  “I would appreciate that, Josiah.”

  I broke off a hunk of the bread and chewed it slowly. It was coarse, but good. The cheese was delicious. When I had assuaged the ache in my belly, I finished the water and looked up at Josiah expectantly.

  “Did you get enough to eat, Benjamin?”

  “I did indeed, Josiah. Thank you very much for taking me in.”

  “You’re most welcome, Benjamin. Now, please follow me.”

  He got up and went to the wooden ladder in the corner. He looked back to see if I was behind him, then began climbing. We emerged into a small alcove that housed two beds, a well-worn rocking chair, and a dresser. A small table stood between the beds. A large white candle rested on it. Except for the chair, the rest of the furniture was made of sturdy pine. Its sweet scent filled the air of the tiny space.

  “Pick whichever bed you prefer, Benjamin. As I said, my sons won’t be back for a few days. If you’d like, I can bring you fresh clothing. You appear to be about my size. I can take those for you and have them washed and returned.”

  “Thanks, Josiah.”

  I took off my boots and then shed my pants, standing in only my drawers. Again, I felt his eyes roving over my body. I hesitated and looked at him, and he seemed to read my mind.


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