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The Return of Jake Slater

Page 15

by Zavo

  My attention was drawn from this vista by the sounds of splashing water and laughter coming from below me. I looked down directly into the bathhouse. It was a walled-in patio. The walls were high enough so the bathers could not be seen from the ground. There were two rows of tubs sunken into the ground, three to a row, with smooth stones surrounding them. Two fires stood to the right, with large pots for boiling water hanging on large hooks over each one. Two wooden benches stood against the wall that paralleled the river. One of the tubs was occupied by a black-haired man who was thoughtfully and determinedly smoking a cigar. Two other tubs were occupied by two of the men I had seen on the front porch and their customers.

  As I watched him, Melchor and another man appeared. They grabbed one of the black pots and poured its contents into the tub to the right of the cigar smoker. They then disappeared from my view. Moments later, the redheaded man who had been on the veranda when I arrived came into my line of sight. He was wearing a dark blue robe. He removed it and laid it on one of the benches. He was quite good-looking, and as I studied him, I again thought how much he looked like me. He had the same pale skin the sun loved to torment and a thick mop of unruly red hair. His torso was also liberally covered in red hair, and he had a thick red bush at his crotch. His cock was long and thick and flopped from side to side as he stepped into a vacant tub and slowly sank beneath the water till only his head was revealed. Donato placed his hand on my arm.

  “The baths are for both the staff and customers. There’s not much else to see except the barn and the horses. We can go for a ride tomorrow if you’d like. It might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the area. Right now, you look like you could use a good bath and then a good night’s rest.”

  “If you don’t mind, Donato, I think I’ll just wash up in my room tonight. Sorry for any extra work I caused. Tomorrow is soon enough for a full-fledged bath. Thanks for everything. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “No trouble at all, Benjamin. I’ll wake you in the morning for breakfast.”

  He left the room and closed the door behind him. I undressed slowly, still trying to take everything in. I washed my face, armpits, crotch, and ass using the water in the basin. After drying off, I crawled beneath the sheets. They smelled outdoor fresh and were amazingly soft. I thought of Jake, and I wondered where he was. I had the feeling that we were going to be together again, and soon. To know that we had both crossed the border to Mexico to start new lives convinced me everything would eventually come full circle. That was my last thought before sleep overtook me.

  I woke the next morning not knowing where the hell I was. The room was completely unfamiliar to me. I could smell coffee and frying bacon. As I lay staring at the ceiling, I heard noises coming from both above and below my room. Slowly, recognition came back to me: I was at La Casa de Los Hombres. The House of Men. How appropriate. As usual, I woke with a morning stiffer. Not one to waste a good erection, I pushed the thin bedspread down to my feet and kicked it onto the floor. With no ointment of any kind handy, I simply spit into my hand several times and coated my prick. With my left hand, I began long, slow strokes, beginning at the thick base and going up the shaft and over the blood-engorged head.

  My thoughts turned to Jake, as they always did at times like this. I missed him more than I’d ever thought I could miss a person. I began to imagine his strong arms encircling me, relishing the feel of his muscles, and his skin, covered in its forest of black hair. My hand began to move faster on my pole, as in my reverie his lips sought mine. He kissed me deeply as he pushed me back on the bed. We were both naked, and as I spread my legs, he crawled between them. He entered me slowly, making me feel every inch of him. As he penetrated me, my hand became a blur on my cock, and I knew my explosion was imminent.

  Suddenly, the door opened and a man entered my room. When he saw what I was doing he quickly closed the door behind him. He was tall, well over six feet. He was thick in the chest and slender in the waist. He had dark brown hair and a thick mustache. His eyes were hazel, and his lips were full and sensual. I could see the muscles in his arms, and his pants fully complemented his crotch. I took all of this in as the first blob of spunk flew from my dick and landed on my right leg. As I kept pumping, more and more of my seed shot out, landing on my stomach, in my crotch hair, and on the bed between my legs. When I was spent, I lay back and looked the man in the eye.

  “You must be Benjamin.”

  His voice was deep and commanding. My erection stayed as hard as a rock.

  “I am. Who might you be?”

  “I’m Luke Mathers. I own this establishment. When you’ve cleaned up, I’ll be downstairs. I’d like to hear tell what brings you to my hacienda. And just so’s you know, nothing that is said here will be held against you. Most of the men that come here are seeking refuge from the outside world for one reason or another. Whatever trouble brought them here is over and done with once they discuss it with me and agree to the house rules. After that, everyone is on equal footing here.”

  Without waiting for a reply, he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. I wiped my mess on the sheet and got out of bed. Sometime while I slept, a fresh set of clothes had been placed on the chair. I dressed, washed my face in the basin, and went downstairs. The cantina was half full, with again what looked like a mixture of customers and house workers. Most of the customers were at the tables, eating a mountainous breakfast or playing poker. Luke was sitting at the table nearest the front door. He waved me over when he saw me. I recognized the three men sitting with him: Donato, Ignacio, and the redhead I had seen at the baths last night.

  “Men, this is Benjamin. He will be staying with us for a few days. Benjamin, the man who bears your same hair color is Zebulon. You met Donato yesterday when you arrived. He is my right-hand man, and I wouldn’t know what to do without him. You met Ignacio yesterday as well. He manages the kitchen with the help of Melchor.”

  All the men said hello and greeted me with big smiles.

  “The dark-haired man sitting on the couch by the front window is Joshua. He’s our newest recruit. Emiliano is upstairs with an important client. My other boys include Ernesto, Manuel, and Carmelo. We’re a few boys short due to the departure of two of my best workers last week. In addition to helping to run the place, Donato, Ignacio, and Melchor also service special customers. No customers are serviced anywhere but in the upstairs rooms. Now, that doesn’t pertain to the boys. You’re apt to see them naked and going at it almost anytime or anywhere. That’s fine with me. They’re young and have plenty of juice. Just as long as the customers are getting what they need, and the customers don’t see. Unless, that is, they have requested more than one of my boys.

  “The boys here are clean, intelligent, and good at the services they provide. We have a set clientele here. We do not take in any drunken, horny cowboy that rides up to the place. Also, I have my pick of them whenever I want. Anytime, that is, when they’re not with a client. Now, boys, will you please excuse yourselves so Benjamin and I can get better acquainted.”

  When they were gone, Luke got Melchor’s attention, and almost immediately he was at our table with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. When he had filled them, he returned to the bar.

  “Now, Benjamin, tell me what brings you to La Casa de Los Hombres. What’s the name of this ranch your friend owns? Don’t forget, I know the owner of every ranch within a hundred-mile radius. I also know the brigadier general at Fort Loreto.”

  I realized I could not bluff my way out of this.

  “I’m going to be perfectly honest with you, Luke. I’m wanted in the States for a killing I didn’t commit. I was hell-bent on clearing my name and was darn close to doing it. But the two men who can prove my innocence are dead. That is, I thought they both were. I just learned one of them, my lover, is still alive. He is somewhere in Mexico close to the border. Neither one of us can go back to the States because we’re both wanted for various crimes.”

  I paus
ed a moment to toss back my whiskey. Luke drank his as well. He refilled both glasses.

  “Perhaps you better start at the beginning, Ben.”

  So, for the second time within a few days, I began the tale of Jake and Ben. I could tell I had Luke’s complete attention. When I had finished, I drank my second whiskey. Luke did also, and poured us each a third.

  “I was hoping I could stay here for a few days, Luke. At least till I get my bearings and form a plan on the best way to find Jake.”

  “You can stay as long as you like, Ben. For good, if you don’t find Jake and that’s what suits you. Who knows, he might eventually show up here. If anyone has seen Jake, or heard tell of him, it’s pretty likely that it’ll be passed on in this house. New faces are always cause for conversation in these parts. Also, this is a large area. You could look for weeks, or months, and never find him.”

  “I truly appreciate your hospitality, Luke. I’d like to take you up on it. However, I don’t want to be one of the workers. While I certainly don’t look down on anyone who works here, that life isn’t for me. Is there anything else around here I can help out with?”

  “I wouldn’t force you into that line of work, Ben. You wouldn’t be at my command whenever I wanted to have my way with you either. There’s always plenty to do around here. It’s a large hacienda, and when we have a full house, we need all the help we can get. I’ll let the rest of the crew know that you’re off limits till you give the word. Now, for the house rules: no gambling with the clients, no taking money from the clients, no stealing from the clients, and finally, bathe regularly. I like my workers clean. Are those rules agreeable to you, Ben?”

  “They are indeed, Luke.”

  “Now that we have those matters out of the way, are you ready for your bath and then a nice ride?”

  “I am, Luke!”

  “Let me find Melchor and have breakfast sent to you. I’ll also check on a bath.”

  As he got up from the table and walked toward the kitchen, I took a good long look at Luke. He was definitely a strong and handsome man. I liked the masculine way he carried himself. He had many traits that reminded me of Jake. I thought about my present situation. Luke was right that I could wander for weeks or months and not find Jake. I’d only been in Mexico a few days, and I’d been lost the entire time. Things didn’t seem so bad here. It wasn’t your average run-of-the-mill whorehouse. It was clean, well maintained, and everyone seemed to enjoy working here. Perhaps I’d stick around for a bit, waiting for news on Jake. After a while, if it didn’t appear any information would be forthcoming, I would make alternate plans.

  When Luke returned, Melchor was trailing him with a plate heaped with food. He set it on the table and returned to the kitchen.

  “Your bath is ready. Once you’ve eaten, Ignacio will be waiting for you in the bathhouse. Once you have bathed, come find me, and I’ll take you for a ride to familiarize you with the surrounding area.”

  “Thanks, Luke.”

  While Luke went to handle some business matters I made short work of breakfast. Melchor appeared as if by magic when I had finished, with Ignacio at his side. Ignacio escorted me to my bath. I was the only one there. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and sank beneath the hot, soapy water. I sat there till Ignacio roused me.

  “Mr. Mathers has some time now to take you for a ride, Ben. He is waiting at the stables.”

  “Thank you, Ignacio. Please tell him I’m on my way.”

  When I arrived at the stables, Luke had a horse saddled and waiting for me. As we rode, he shared his knowledge of the area with me. But to me it all looked the same. I could see how a person could easily get lost. When we returned to the hacienda, we sat in the cantina and discussed all the chores I could help with. When we were done, Luke excused himself, and I went to the kitchen to help Ignacio and Melchor. Thus began my stay at La Casa de Los Hombres.


  During the next two weeks, I got to know Luke better, in addition to the rest of the workers. My days became a quiet routine. After breakfast in the cantina, I did chores till it was time for the siesta. My chores including cleaning, helping in the kitchen, washing the bar glasses, doing laundry, serving drinks, delivering meals, cleaning the bathtubs, feeding the livestock, exercising the horses, and hunting. Hunting happened after the siesta, and it was my favorite, because it was always just Luke and me. Thus, the days passed, with no word of Jake reaching the hacienda. I ate most of my meals with the rest of the men, but after returning from a hunting trip one afternoon, Luke asked me to have dinner with him in his room on the third floor.

  I was growing content with my stay. The food was always good, and the whiskey and tequila flowed freely. I realized I was growing quite fond of Luke. I could tell he was becoming quite enamored of me as well. It was evident in the way he attended to me and the numerous little ways he made my stay more pleasant. A strong sexual attraction was definitely developing. This was the first time he had asked me to dine with him in his private quarters.

  When I reached his room, I knocked on the door and opened it when I heard a “come in” from the other side. When I entered, I was amazed at the size and opulence of the room. It was twice the size of two of the regular rooms. The table was covered in a white tablecloth. Arranged on it were silverware, white cloth napkins, a bottle of tequila, and two glasses. When I reached the table, Luke stepped in off the balcony. He was dressed in a black shirt, pants, and boots. He smiled when he saw me.

  “Greetings, Ben. Our dinner will be here shortly. Would you care for a tequila?”

  “Yes, Luke.”

  He filled both glasses and motioned for me to join him on the balcony. A gentle breeze was blowing in off the river.

  “This is my favorite time of the day. When the sun sets and its last rays shine across the river. It’s quite breathtaking.”

  There was a knock on the door. When Luke opened it, Melchor entered carrying a large, covered silver tray.

  “Thank you, Melchor.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Mathers.”

  He set the tray on the table and left the room.

  “Are you hungry, Ben?”

  “I am.”

  “Then let’s eat.”

  We sat down and Luke removed the silver cover and set it on the bed. Two plates were underneath. Each held a large steak, a baked potato, fresh green beans, and a green salad. It all looked and smelled wonderful. Luke refilled our glasses with tequila and we began eating. The food was indeed delicious. Melchor was a wonder in the kitchen. When we had finished, Luke refilled our tequila glasses and we stepped out onto the balcony. The sky was filled with stars.

  He turned to me and took my hand in his.

  “I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve spent with you, Ben. This may sound bold, but if you don’t find Jake, I would like it very much if you’d stay on here at the hacienda. It just wouldn’t be the same without you here.”

  “I’ve also enjoyed being here with you. But it’s too soon to give up on Jake. After learning that he’s still alive, I need to search further. If I haven’t heard anything within a month, I’ll need to leave here and try to find him.”

  “I’d be happy to help you look, Ben. It’s easy to get lost in this country.”

  “That would be much appreciated, Luke.”

  I leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek. As I looked into his eyes, he placed his hands on my back. He pulled me to him and kissed me deeply. At the same time, he roughly kneaded my ass. I didn’t resist. I could feel his cock, hard and thick in his pants. He kissed my throat then pushed me gently away and began undressing. When we were both naked, he pulled me back to him and hugged me tight. His dick pressed against my own. I grabbed it and gave it a few strokes. He did the same to mine.

  He turned me around so I was facing the river. As the cool breeze washed over me, he pressed up against me. The head of his cock slid between the cheeks of my ass and hit my hole dead-on. He didn’t press further at the moment, but simply he
ld it there, bumping the head against the tiny opening. He wrapped his arms around me and simply held me without speaking. Before too long, he began making soft little jabs against my hole. As he did so, he kissed the back of my neck. He withdrew his cock, grabbed his pants, and pulled something from one of the pockets. He came back to me and, suddenly, he was applying a cool unguent around and on my hole. Satisfied, he slid a finger inside me and coated there as well. A not unpleasant aroma tickled my nostrils.

  When Luke was satisfied I was ready, he withdrew his finger. Once again, I felt the tip of his cock poking at my hole. He grabbed my hips and began pushing, and I pressed back against him. When the head popped through, I felt the initial pain of penetration. But as the entire length filled me up, it turned to pure pleasure. He paused for a moment and kissed me on the back of the neck. His hands traveled up my torso and found my nipples. As he began tweaking them, I moaned softly. He let go of my nipples and grabbed me by the hips once more. He slid his stiffer out of me till only the tip remained inside, then pushed into me once more. I grabbed onto the railing of the balcony as he began pumping in and out of me in long, deep, powerful strokes. I held on as he plowed into me again and again. His sweaty chest was slapping against my back.

  I let go of his neck, spit into my hand, and began stroking my cock. Luke increased the power of his thrusts, and I knew his release was building. I increased my strokes so we could shoot at the same time. As he sank into me again, Luke grabbed my ear gently between his teeth and began spewing inside me. He let go of my ear and began making long, drawn-out moans, broken by sharp cries of pleasure. When he was spent, he stayed inside me and grabbed my cock out of my hand and began stroking it for me. It only took a few and I was shooting my seed off the balcony into the night. When I was done, Luke wrapped his arms around me again and held me tight. When his stiffer slid out of me, he turned me around, kissed me deeply, and laid my head on his chest.


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