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Flirting With Magick

Page 6

by Bennett, Leigh

  “Fine, thanks,” I replied, casually stretching my legs out over Scott’s lap, and he rested his hand on my stockinged knee.

  “Abby just started a new job this week,” he informed Jennifer, who responded with a polite nod.

  “How long have you two been together?” she asked me.

  Stunned, I look at Scott, not quite knowing how to answer. “Oh, um, we… aren’t really…” I stammered.

  “Couple of weeks now, isn’t it, guys?” Luke responded for me. I felt somewhat relieved, but couldn’t quite look Scott in the eye, knowing Luke’s answer had given a false impression of our relationship.

  “What did you do tonight?” Scott smoothly changed the subject on to Luke and Jennifer. They began telling us about a restaurant, a bar, a nightclub, and then another restaurant with Daniel, Stacy, Silas, and his current date, a make-up artist named Dee.

  When the story was over, I got up. “I’d better go.”

  Scott stood as well. “Me, too.” He looked at me meaningfully. I was intending to go home, but he apparently had other plans. He picked up my handbag from between us on the floor and walked me to his bedroom. “Can you believe him?” he said when the door had closed behind us.

  “I didn’t realise he was such a stirrer,” I replied, not quite sure if Scott was annoyed about being interrupted or if it was Luke’s answer about our relationship.

  “Yep, that’s Luke.” He took an old Pearl Jam t-shirt from his wardrobe and handed it to me. “You can sleep in this if you like, unless you prefer to sleep naked.” He grinned mischievously, all irritation out of his system. Maybe it was the interruption he was annoyed about; that thought lifted my spirits slightly. “I promise to keep you warm.” It was past midnight, and he was still obviously not yet sleepy. "We don't have to do this now if you're tired." He placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled me to him, undoing the top two buttons of my work shirt. "But you can still stay here tonight." He ran his lips from my shoulder up my neck, and I smiled, defeated. Taking my cue, he kissed me frantically, pulling off my clothes in the process, then lay me gently down on the bed, knelt down next to it, and pulled me to him by my legs, his breath warm against the inside of my thighs. Soon I was in heaven, my sleepiness and the fact that Luke and Jennifer were only metres away in the other room forgotten, lost in the moment. I orgasmed seconds later, barely managing to stifle a squeal. He reached for a condom and kissed me gently.

  “I could keep doing this with you all day, everyday.” Scott later rolled off me and lay back, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

  “Thanks.” I was exhausted and could hardly keep my eyes open. There were only a few hours before I had to be back at work. “Could you please set your alarm for six?” I murmured, “so I can go home before work in the morning.”

  “Sure,” I heard him say before I drifted off into a satisfied, restful sleep.


  “Someone had a good night!” Rachel was wide eyed as I strode into Avalon IT, miraculously on time. I knew I looked like shit. It was a very late night and an unusually early morning. The alarm clock buzzer had gone off as planned, and Scott, still asleep, thumped it off in an automatic move. I had immediately jumped out of bed, knowing that if I didn’t I would have easily gone back to sleep, cuddled up to Scott with my head on his chest. I watched him sleep as I quickly dressed, careful not to wake him, then lightly kissed his forehead before turning to leave.

  He suddenly grabbed me around my waist as he had done before and pulled me back on to the bed. “What time do you start work?” His voice was husky first thing in the morning.

  “Eight-thirty.” I got up to go again.

  “We’ve got time,” he insisted while brushing his thumb over my nipple.

  “What is it with guys and morning sex?” I retorted, pushing his hand away. “I need time to do my make-up properly.”

  “You don’t need it; you’re gorgeous without it.” His tongue flicked at my neck, compelling me to give in.

  Half an hour later, I was finally in my car and on my way home. I got back at a quarter past seven, fifteen minutes later than my normal wake up time, so I showered, dressed, and only had time for a basic make-up, hence my tiredness being so plain to see when I walked into the office.

  As I sat at my desk, staring at my monitor, I thought of the previous night's events; Scott said he could have sex with me all day every day, and well, I felt the same way about him. And yet I was forced to keep an invisible barrier around myself whenever I was with him, lest my feelings became more than a mere sexual attraction. If he had wanted a girlfriend, it would just make everything so much easier. I knew I would be up to the job. He was sweet and funny, and I felt so comfortable with him. In another life, another situation, he would be perfect. We had even decided to make Wednesday night a regular event. I promised to keep it free, and he said he would be sure to keep it as a night off. I just needed to promise myself that I was going to keep my head on the job, so to speak.


  “ABBY! ARE YOU HOME?” It was Saturday morning, and Kate was desperately banging on my door, interrupting a rare attempt at guided meditation. I had been hoping to get into a habit, but it seemed I was not to begin today.

  ”What’s wrong?” I asked anxiously.

  “I’ve got the best news. I just couldn’t wait to tell you because I want you and Scott to come with us.”

  “Huh? Come in. I’ll make some coffee.”

  “I won a trip away for a weekend. For four. At the snowfields. In a cabin. I won it yesterday at work. “

  “Congratulations,” I said, not as excitedly as I meant. She followed me into the kitchen, and I switched on the kettle. "How come it's for four and not two?"

  "My work is very family-oriented," she explained. "Except I don't know how it works when most of them at work have three kids, not two. A few were pretty pissed off that I won."

  "I can imagine," I replied, "but why me... and Scott?"

  “Well, Nathan’s coming, and I wanted another couple. Or at least a sort-of couple.”

  “I don’t know, Kate. It’s a little too… coupley, is that a word? I don’t think Scott would go for it. Why don't you ask Dianne and Simon?”

  “Nathan and I aren’t exactly exclusive ourselves, so it will be more fun this way. Besides, he said he’ll ask Scott... but then again, knowing his memory, it might be better if you ask him.”

  I shook my head and backed away from her. “No. Way. I’m not asking Scott to go away with me for a weekend. It’s too much. He’ll think I’m trying to turn our relationship into more than what it is. You and Nathan are way more of a couple than we are. We don’t even kiss in public.”

  “I’ll do it then.” Kate settled herself down on the couch and picked up my phone. “What’s his number?”

  I looked at the clock. It was just after ten-thirty. “It’s too early; he’ll still be in bed.” I hid my excitement. I honestly did want to spend a weekend away, and it would be nice to have Scott with me; I certainly didn’t want to be the third wheel. I just didn’t want to be the one to ask him. I was actually thrilled Kate was taking it out of my hands.

  “So we’ll leave him a message.” She looked at me expectantly. I gave her the number and sat down next to her, pretending to study my nails. “Oh hello, is this Scott? Hi, it’s Kate. Kate Manning. Abby’s friend... Nathan’s... yeah. Did I get you up? No? Oh good.” She gave me a thumbs up. “Um, has Nathan mentioned to you that I won a trip away for a weekend? He has?” She was getting excited. “What do you think?” She glanced at me and grinned. “I think she’d like to go, but she’s too chicken-shit to ah- OW!” I had punched her on the arm. “Hang on, she’s right here.” She handed me the phone and rubbed her arm. “That hurt, you bitch.”

  “Sorry,” I whispered, bringing the phone to my ear. “Scott.”

  “How are you?”

  I melted at the sound of his voice. “Fine. What do you think about the weekend thing?”

bsp; “Sounds fun actually. And I could do with a trip away from the city—might get rid of some of my writer’s block. It’s in a couple of weeks, isn’t it?”

  “Um, I think so.” He knew more about it than I did.

  “Great. Well, see you Wednesday I guess.”

  “How easy was that?” Kate remarked after I hung up the phone. I was still taken aback. I'd obviously been overreacting. It wasn’t as if we were going on a romantic getaway; it was just a weekend away with friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

  “You’re not really used to this, are you?” Kate went to the kitchen and finished making the coffee. “You’re obviously doing something right because, as you can see, he’s not exactly threatened with the idea of you being some psycho chick.” She handed me a steaming hot cup. “Don’t be so uptight, and just enjoy it for what it is. Honestly, it’s easy, as long as you keep your feelings in check. If you start to feel more strongly towards him, then you either tell him or you finish it.”

  I nodded. She was right, and she should know. I hadn’t known her to be with anyone you could call a steady boyfriend in the years we had been friends. But she was never short of male company, had good friends and family, and she was happy. What’s more, she seemed to stay friends with the men she had slept with, a bit of a foreign concept for me. “So you and Nathan are the same?” I asked.

  “Of course. We just handle it better than you do.”

  “But you seem so lovey-dovey.”

  “We’ve got nothing to hide. And neither should you. It’s not as if no one knows, anyway.”

  “True. Luke isn’t exactly subtle, and obviously Nathan knows. I guess I’m just not into public displays of affection." Of course, Josh and I had our moments at the start of our relationship, but they had tapered off towards the end. "It just feels a bit weird for me when he’s not my partner. So anyway, what’s the deal with the weekend thing?”

  “It’s a self-contained cabin with a couple of bedrooms, log fire, spa bath, kitchen facilities... made for skiers really, not that we’ll be doing any of that.”

  “Hmm, sounds nice.” I pondered the idea of a cosy cabin, snow falling outside, a burning log fire, just the two of us—oops, I mean four of us. Obviously I needed to get my shit together before then if I was to do this right.

  “When Nathan and I were talking about it, we figured we can all go in the one car. Scott’s van would be ideal, and we all just buy some food and beer and wine, take turns cooking perhaps…”

  “How about we do a Christmas in July dinner, with turkey and stuff?” The idea popped into my head and out my mouth before I had a chance think about it-– knowing with Kate’s limited kitchen repertoire I’d probably end up cooking it. Hopefully one of the boys was Masterchef material.

  “Hmm, yum.” Kate licked her lips.

  My excitement had grown enormously. The thought of the mini- break reminded me of the weekends at cosy bed and breakfasts I had taken with Josh. I hadn’t been away since we broke up. I felt a little smug knowing I would be doing it all again with someone else. What’s more, it wasn’t going to be a romantic weekend. By all accounts, it would be the ultimate definition of a dirty weekend.


  The week at work was increasingly interesting. Bronwyn stormed out of Ray’s office and into her own, slamming the door behind her while Rachel and I looked on, eyes wide. She came out only minutes later and announced she was going home and not to expect her for the rest of the day. It was only eleven-thirty on Monday morning. In the afternoon, I conscientiously spent my time in the photocopy room with a pile of reports I had put aside for slow days. As the pages slowly stacked up in their separate bundles, my mind tuned out to the thought of the forthcoming weekend away with Scott, Kate, and Nathan; my regular Wednesday night date with Scott, which I was looking forward to—it definitely gave a new meaning to ‘hump’ day—and the apparent non-effects of my love spell, when I felt someone watching me. Startled, I whirled around to see Sean standing there, leaning against the doorframe, observing me go about my business.

  “Sorry. Did I scare you?” He smiled.

  “No, I heard you,” I lied, wondering how long he had actually been there and trying to decide if I found it creepy or exciting... or neither.

  “You must have good hearing.” He swaggered towards me. “How long are you going to be?”

  “You can interrupt this if you like.” I pressed the suspend button on the photocopier and stepped aside, fanning the documents I was holding.

  “How’s everything going?”

  “Fine thanks.” From where I stood next to him, I could smell his fresh, breezy aftershave as he placed his papers in the machine.

  “You appear to have settled in well.”

  I looked up at him, noticing the gold flecks in his dark blue eyes, not as arresting as Scott's, but noticeable just the same. He gathered up his papers and gave me a wink as he turned to exit; then he leaned towards me to whisper in my ear. “Nice skirt by the way, looks good on you.”

  Creepy? Or exciting?

  “Umm, thanks.” I smiled, feeling my face burn yet slightly pleased that he had noticed. I turned back to the copier and continued my task as he walked out the door.


  I invited Scott to stay at my place on Wednesday night in an effort to avoid the weary Thursday mornings that usually resulted from staying at his house. As we ate a casual dinner on my couch, our main topic of conversation was the weekend away in the cabin.

  “I was thinking about having a Christmas in July dinner.” I slurped my noodles messily then realised I was full.

  “Sounds good. I don’t get to eat food like that much anymore.” He got up and followed me into the kitchen, briefly scanning the phone bill I’d left on the bench.

  “Abigail Williams.” He mused. “Bin?”

  “That’s my name.” I pointed him towards the cupboard under the sink, stuck my chopsticks into my uneaten portion, and placed it in the fridge.

  “Isn’t that the name of the girl who accused all those people of witchcraft in Salem?”

  “Yes, it is.” I’d noticed that when I’d studied The Crucible in high school but hadn’t thought of it since. I remembered the spell and smiled. I guess my skills weren’t quite living up to her poor accusees' powers, whether they were real or not.

  Back in the living room, I sat on his knee and gave him a long kiss on his soft lips.

  ‘What was that for?” He grinned, moving a lock of hair off my face.

  “Isn’t that why you’re here?”

  “Hmm, yes I suppose it is.” He traced his finger down my cheek. “I guess we’re in for an early night.” It was only seven-thirty in the evening. “But it makes up for last week.”

  Scott was familiar to me now. I knew every freckle on his skin, every hair on his chest, and I loved tracing the outlines of his Scorpio star sign and RC (for Reckless Choice) tattoos on his arms as we lay quietly together. I could predict where his hands were going to go next and was familiar with the way his lips felt on every part of my body. I knew exactly where to place my head when lying on his chest so we were both comfortable, and the area on his back that made him shiver when I touched it.

  “Can I cook you dinner next week?” Scott stroked my hair tenderly as we lay naked under the covers.

  “Are you trying to show me up after I only got takeaway tonight?”

  He chuckled. “That wasn’t the intention, but yeah, okay then."

  “That would be great. You can sample my culinary skills when we go away. I’m saving them up.” I wasn’t a bad cook, but I couldn't present a cooking show, either.

  And no, I wasn’t going to read too much into the fact that he wanted to cook for me. I wasn’t going to think anything of it at all.


  BRONWYN WAS BACK to her normal self at work. She explained a bad cold was the reason for her absence the week before, leading me to wonder how much of it was true. She'd appeared pretty upset when she rushed
out. Sean was hardly in the office, but occasionally winked at me on the rare times he walked past my desk, causing a gasp and a giggle from Rachel every time she noticed. I'd warned her to not be too loud or obvious, mortified that should Sean hear; he may think it juvenile and that I was in on it, even though I was still not sure if I was attracted to him.


  I knocked on Scott and Luke’s front door at what we had decided would be our usual time, overnight bag in hand, and entered when I heard someone say “Come in.” To my surprise, Luke was sitting on a stool in the kitchen while a woman my mother's age combed down and cut the back of his hair. The short, golden blonde locks floated down to the laminate floor.

  “Abby!” Luke called out. “How are you?” He didn’t give me a chance to answer. “Abby, this is Julie, Scott’s mum and, as you can see, our hairdresser. This is my cousin, Abby.”

  The woman put down her scissors and extended her hand to me. “Pleased to meet you, Abby.” I noticed she had a pleasant English accent and felt a sliver of disappointment that she didn’t recognise my name. I quickly pulled myself together. Why on Earth would she? It’s not as if Scott would have confided in her about a girl he just happened to be shagging. I certainly hadn’t mentioned Scott to my mother.

  I discreetly dropped the overnight bag at my feet, hoping she would just think it a large handbag. “You, too,” I said politely, shaking her hand.

  “Scott’s gone to get some milk,” Luke answered what was to be my next question. “And some groceries for the weekend away.” He caught my eye and smirked.

  “Oh, okay.” I glared at him, sending him telepathic signals that if he was to say anything more in front of Scott’s mother about the weekend coming, I would kill him.

  “Is Scott going away this weekend?” Julie piped up, brushing the stray bits of hair from Luke’s neck and taking off the plastic gown.


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