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Judgement (The Twelve)

Page 9

by Jeff Ashcroft

  Patch was looking oddly at Chris’s face, “What?”

  Chris had felt them down there. Somehow he had touched them as they slumbered, “I’m not sure but I think there might be….what do you call it…..a nest down there.”

  Patch nodded slowly,”You want to know something?” A look of amazement on her face, even Rage was looking stunned. “You dropped out of the In Between all on your own and I swear, for a second, you did the weirdest thing. Your hand looked for a moment as if fire was dancing under your skin!”

  Rage nodded, “Think Anvil needs to know that Judgement has found a nest.”

  Chapter 4

  Three hours later, the plan was simple. Rage lifted the grid then dropped straight down, followed a second later by Priest. The ground shuddered as they landed, concrete cracked and the walls shook.

  “Subtle! Chris said sarcastically.

  One by one the others followed but used the iron ladder set into the wall. At the bottom, they found themselves standing on a wide stone pavement with a muddy half silted canal filling the rest of the tunnel, running in both directions. To the left, Chris could see an iron grill set into the entrance about thirty feet away and the river Thames beyond. Turning he peered down the tunnel into the dark.

  Huntress studied the ground, “That way.”

  Chris gave a slight start when he saw that the whites of her eyes actually glowed faintly in the darkness. He quickly got over the initial shock and realised she was only confirming what Chris was thinking. Somewhere along that dark stinking tunnel was a Shade nest. Conscious of his hat, Chris carefully straightened in, before following the others down the tunnel. They reached a gentle bend that went to the right. It wasn’t as badly silted here but the water was stagnant.

  “What’s down that way?” He asked.

  Anvil pointed upwards, “Old cotton warehouse directly above us. The loading and unloading dock must be just ahead.”

  Huntress whispered for quiet and carefully edged her way along the tunnel wall until she was out of sight. After thirty seconds or so, she reappeared.

  Whispering, she told them that it opened up onto an underground dockside. “I can see three doors set into the end wall and an old disused wooden trap door above in the roof space. There’s a huge winch set high up on the wall, no chain or rope now. I could see a concrete staircase going upwards over on the left side on the dock.”

  Anvil nodded, “Anything else?”

  Huntress paused and glanced towards Chris, “Judgement was right. It must be a nest. There’s a pile of human bones and body parts outside the central door.”

  Anvil started to move forward, when for some reason Chris gently reached out and held him back with a hand upon his shoulder. And before Anvil could ask what was wrong, Chris moved to the front. Without saying a word, he turned towards them and again carefully set his wide brimmed hat.

  His eyes locked with Anvils for a second, who arched his eyebrows in surprise.

  “What’s going on …….?” Slash started to ask but Anvil held up his free hand calling for silence. He met Chris’s look and gave a quick nod of his head.

  Chris took a deep breath, turned and slowly walked around the dockside, stopping not before the middle door but the first. He leaned forward trying to hear, nothing. He placed the flat of his hand against the wood. He wasn’t aware but the others could just catch glimpses of fire dancing under the skin. Slowly he lowered his hand to the worn dented brass door handle. Pushing down, it creaked and squealed slightly as he slowly pressed downwards. Chris took another deep breath and again slowly pulled the door wide. Standing in front of him there must have been at least thirty Shades all bunched up in the tiny furniture less room.

  Stepping back, Chris ran the same hand around the front brim of his hat before drawing himself up to his full height.

  A deeper voice echoed from his lips, “Are there any amongst you who are willing to be Judged?”

  ‘Were the heck did that come from?’ Chris wondered.

  Behind him, the others moved forward and spread out behind him, waiting with baited breath for what was to follow.

  As one, the Shades awoke at the sound of his voice. At first none of the Shades moved and then one pushed itself to the front and approached Chris with its head held low. One of the Shades standing near the front snarled and took a bite out of the others shoulder.

  The Shade ignored the wound, stepping forward it stopped just in front of Chris.

  “Jesus, get out of the way kid!” Heartless shouted.

  Chris ignored him and turned his gaze fully upon the ugly creatures featureless melted slime grey face.

  “Do you wish to be judged?” He asked quietly.

  The Shade moaned and tried to nod (it had no neck to speak of) Chris slowly reached out and gently laid his hand upon its right shoulder. Closing his eyes, Chris saw visions of what it had once been. A kaleidoscope of pictures captured in time. Chris opened his eyes and offered a sad smile,

  In a deep strange voice Chris responded, “Judged!”

  With that the creature slowly turned to fiery ash, dissolving with an almost contented sigh. The other Shades snarled and started forwards but Chris cast his gaze upon them.

  “Be Judged!” He shouted.

  The Shades faltered, then before the eyes of his amazed friends, they actually shuffled back a step, cowering in fear.

  A voice boomed out of the shadows, “Kill him. Eat him. Now!”

  You couldn’t see who the voice belonged to in the darkness, but the Shades obeyed and as one rushed Chris.

  Twang! Without thinking and almost in slow motion, Chris twisted first to the right as an arrow flashed over his shoulder. It took a Shade fully in the chest, which exploded in a flash of falling hot ash. Then Chris twisted to the left as a gun boomed twice behind and to Chris’s left, two more Shades disappeared in ash.

  “Chris get out of the way!” Patch yelled out, her voice echoing around the chamber.

  Chris ducked down to one knee as a knife flashed over his head, destroying yet another Shade but there where far too many. Chris held his ground and slowly brought up his head. Only the Shades could see the expression on his face but it was enough to stop them dead in there tracks no more than three feet away from him. Standing he raised his right hand, palm towards them. Fire flared up under his skin.

  “Judged!” A deep voice echoed from his lips.

  An arc of living flame sprang forth from his hand, linking each Shade to the next. One by one they started to dissolve in a red hot cloud of black ash. The room was full of the stuff, it choked the air do much that Chris pulled his coat up and across his lower face with his free hand in order to breath. Finally as the ash settled nothing remained but a thick heap of black ash on the concrete floor. Before the others could say a word, the other two doors burst open, two dozen more Shades rushed from the middle room but two of The Dark charged out of the far left room with another ten Shades. The Dark were Shadow and Leach.

  Of course Chris had no idea of there names at that point, all he saw at first was the Shades rushing towards his companions. Then as a fight engaged between them, he saw the Dark. The first was A middle aged male, strongly built, wearing a grey morning suit from the fashion of the 19th Century. But then Chris realised the suit wasn’t grey; it wasn’t really any colour, because he could see through it!

  Was it a ghost of some sort? The man snarled revealing huge pointed fangs.

  Chris’s attention however snapped to the other figure, a dripping wet male teenager, with short muddy hair and slime running down its white washed face. The creature was moving towards Patch and as Chris watched, it raised a hand and behind Patch a wall of water rose up from the canal.

  “Patch behind you!” Chris shouted but she didn’t her him in the confusion.

  Running forward, Chris leapt through the air and delivered a kick to the teenager’s chest. Sparks burst from its body were his foot had impacted. This was followed by a hissing cloud of steam which
extinguished the smouldering flesh but it was obvious the blow had hurt it. Screaming in pain, the teenager staggered back in sudden fear, which quickly turned to anger directed at Chris.

  The other creature was shouting instructions to the Shades but only a handful remained. It risked a quick glance towards Chris, “Ah I see it is Judgement.”

  It spoke with a hollow educated voice. “May I introduce myself, I am Shadow and it would be best if thee was to stand back. I don’t want to kill you. That’s reserved for the Chosen one.” Its voice seemed to drift on the air.

  Chris however was fighting mad and without thinking raised a hand, pointing a finger at the creature he shouted, “Funny but I could have sworn you just ordered those slime balls to kill me.”

  To his amazement a puff of flame sped from his index finger to strike Shadow in the chest. The flame went right through him and struck the far wall, but none the less the Darks chest burst into flame. Water gushed from Leaches mouth extinguishing the fire in Shadows chest. Turning, Shadow sped up the staircase screaming more in rage than pain and was gone.

  The soaking wet teenager shouted to Patch, “Join with me Patch?” It was more a heart rendering plea. The teenager held out one dripping wet hand towards her, imploring Patch to take his hand. The other held tight to his injured chest, which still steamed.

  Patch snapped, “Bugger off Leach. I’ve told you thousands of times, the answer is no.”

  Chris noticed that although he had hurt it, the towering water still remained, with the roar it crashed down onto Patch, Priest and Anvil, washing them all off there feet.

  Chris found himself up to his knees in a receding tide of stagnant stinking cold water, “Leave her alone!” He yelled.

  Leach was actually standing on top of the water, “You can’t have her. She’s mine!” His voice sounded like a spoilt child.

  A massive slab of water rose up directly in front of Chris and dropped down towards his head in the shape of a huge fist. Thrusting out a hand, he parted the fist of falling water right down the middle, turning the centre into a cloud of hot steam. The rest of the water fell away on either side of him, smashing into the rooms behind. Coughing and waving a hand in front of his face he tried to clear the air. Finally when he could see, the Dark called Leach had vanished, probably up those same steps, judging by the wet footprints on each step.

  Anvil and Priest struggled to their feet, both were dripping wet. Patch however had been thrust across the dockside to smash head first against the wall. She lay half submerged in the receding water and didn’t move. Chris was first at her side, lifting her face clear of the water.

  “Patch?” his voice implored.

  She coughed and spluttered several times, before opening her eyes. Spotting Chris’s face so close, she lifted her head and planted a quick kiss on his lips, “Hi.”

  Chris was struck stupid by the kiss, “Eh, are you, I mean can you, do you.”

  Huntress lay a hand on his shoulder, “Here lover boy, let me help her up.”

  Chris moved back with a confused look on his face as Huntress lifted Patch to her feet. Priest steadied her and checked out a small lump on her forehead, “You’ll live.”

  Speed, steaming from head to toe, was doing a little jig in the water, “One nest down, many more to follow. Two Dark battered by Chris which will be hard to swallow!” He sang.

  Hot Cross wasn’t as happy, Bulls Eye who was supporting him said, “He bloody nearly short circuited in all that sodden water and I’ve dropped a gun in that damn canal.”

  A huge shape suddenly rose up from the canal water. It was Rage, in his hand he held Bulls Eyes missing weapon, “Itty bitty water not hurt Rage, though it does stinks a bit.”

  Bulls Eye took the offered weapon gratefully. He spun the weapon so fast it actually hummed! Any water on the gun flew off the metal parts. Finally he spun it back into its holster.

  The water had receded back into the canal and Priest visited each room in turn, blessing and sanctifying each one, “There, they won’t be able to use these again in a hurry.”

  “Okay let’s get back to base and dry out. I need to have a little chat with Judgement.” Anvil ordered.

  Chapter five

  Anvil was sitting on a high stool at the kitchen counter whilst the others where either showering or drying off. Chris stood before him hat in hand, a puddle of water around his feet. Strangely there leather outfits were bone dry by the time they got back and showed no sign of ever being wet. The water all came from his shivering wet body.

  “Okay, explain to me what happened?”

  Chris thought he was in for a telling off for some reason, but the tone in Anvils voice was more interested than angry.

  Chris looked down at his hat and thought through the events that had taken place. “The Shade that came to my call, I somehow saw what it had once been, it had led a good life and its soul was still almost pure but sort of trapped in that evil shell. So I freed it and sent it onwards.”

  Anvil leaned forward, “You made it ascend?” He sounded startled.

  Chris shook his head, “No! I …allowed it to ascend.”

  “Then what of the others?” Anvil enquired

  A sad look came over Chris’s face, “That was different. I destroyed the outer shells and gave them no choice. They were all sent down to you know where.”

  Anvil wasn’t finished, “And the way you swayed out of the way of...…”

  Chris interrupted him, “I haven’t the faintest idea. I just knew what was coming a second before it happened. Look, I’m having a lot of trouble adjusting to what it is I can actually do. So far I haven’t found my limit.”

  Anvil nodded deep in thought, “That voice you used why…?”

  Again Chris interrupted, “That wasn’t me! Something inside took over, possibly this Judgement guy.”

  Anvil looked confused, “But you are Judgement!”

  Chris shook his head, “No I’m still Chris with this Judgement guy inside me.”

  Anvil leaned back thinking hard, after a moment he swung down off the counter, “Amazing! Best you go shower, you do stink a bit. Don’t worry about the leather it stays dry and wont smell, can’t say the same for your underwear and socks.”

  An hour later after Chris had showed, the others questioned him about his attack on the Dark. He could see they wouldn’t be satisfied until he answered all their questions so Chris told them in detail, all that he could remember. Anvil and Priest sat apart, listening quietly as he spoke.

  Heartless was impressed, I saw you kid! You bloody well hurt them both. Not much, but enough to frighten them off. Bout time those bastards got what’s coming to them.”

  Priest warned him about his swearing. Heartless grunted and walked away.

  Huntress however pressed Chris, “Did I hear Shadow tell you that the Chosen One was going to deal with you?”

  Chris thought it over and nodded, “Who’s the Chosen One, sounds almost biblical.”

  Priest was impressed, “You got an education in you boy. It is biblical, taken from Isaiah 42:1, ‘Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations’ But the Chosen one in this case comes from the book of the Anti Christ, ‘He will come unto this world and be known as The Chosen One. His coming will foresee the end of days.’ Now he can just as easily be a she but it will be Hells representative to lead The Dark. He or she is supposed to be your nemesis.”

  This was momentous news for Chris but like any other teenager, his stomach chose at that moment to rumble loudly. “What’s for supper?” Priest’s eyebrows went up in surprise.

  He may be some re-born super hero but right now he realised that he was just a starving teenager. Later that night, The Twelve sat or stood around in the main living area. They had just eaten a fish and chip supper. Chris had to ask, who had gone to the chippy?

  Rage raised his hand.

  “You’re joking!” Chris exclaimed.r />
  The others laughed including Rage; finally Patch admitted it was she who had bought them their supper.

  “I enjoy walking in real time and talking to humans. It’s refreshing somehow. Since I enjoy it I get to run the errands that involves them”

  Chris thought that a strange thing to say. They may be re-born, but to him they still looked human, which was more than he could say about The Dark.

  “How come we had fish and chips? Not that I’m complaining. It’s just we have a ton of stuff in the freezer.”


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