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Judgement (The Twelve)

Page 14

by Jeff Ashcroft

  She reached out a hand to stroke Edges cheek, “I went downstairs to tell one of the other girls what had happened only to find Edge already there, together with a Shade. He had killed my friend and I watched as the thing took her soul. He saw me then and looked so shocked for a moment, maybe even angry or resentful. Did you resent finding me Edge?”

  Edge bowed to her, “I was just surprised to discover you so easily oh Chosen One.

  Coffee smiled coldly, “Possibly but that matters not. I somehow knew who and what I was. Edge was telling me how he’d train me in the ways of The Dark but I slapped him across the face to shut him up. How dare he dream to think he could teach me anything! Well at this point I tested my new found powers and commanded the Shade to go upstairs and gather the soul of my fat guest and to feed on his flesh. The thing did as I ordered and at that moment Edge actually bowed to me and called me his Chosen One, just like he did just now. He introduced me to the rest of The Dark and well here we are.”

  The Chosen One giggled lightly, “What is it you call yourselves? Ah yes the Protectorate of the Human Race.”

  Again she giggled, “Really!” She scalded Anvil, “At least we call ourselves by our real name. We are simply The Dark. In what century did you give yourselves such a grandiose title?”

  She didn’t wait for an answer and turned her full attention back to Chris, “Whatever they’ve told you is a lie. Look upon me! Am I not beautiful? How can someone like me be called evil? We are eternally young and I could show you pleasure after pleasure for all eternity. You hate the In Between, so do I. We can all walk in the light. You hate my Shades? I will destroy them all for you and you alone. You care for the other humans? I will stop The Dark killing them and turning them into ghouls. However we are different from other humans Chris. We are eternal beings with amazing gifts. Chris it is our destiny to rule over them all. Think on that! We will put an end to war and famine. Get rid of all those stupid politicians that cause so much suffering and financial ruin. Think of the marvels we could bring in the world of science and medicine. All our combined knowledge from thousands of years put to good use instead of trying to kill one another. All you have to do is step over here and stand side by side with me. Do this and the others can go free or join us.”

  Chris could feel the power of her words. Was she telling the truth? All he had to do was take one simple step followed by another. He looked down and saw himself take his first step. The others held their breath and watched. Her words made sense. No more killing each other. No more Shades or ghouls. But as his foot was coming down to finish the step, he froze. They killed all the animals for fun! With the combined willpower of his human soul and that of Judgement, Chris slowly pulled his foot back.

  “You lie!” He said it so quietly no one should have heard him, but to all those that where gathered, his single word resonated loud and clear within their heads.

  The Chosen Ones face grew cold and evil. She took a step closer and Anvil raised his weapon, bracing his feet for a mighty blow. She was taken aback slightly and quickly retreated unsure yet of her powers.

  She looked perturbed, “He is stronger than I’m used to. Men normally like me and I mean, really like me, how strange to be refused by a simple boy!”

  Those words gave Anvil food for thought. She obviously had no idea what Chris was capable of, so decided to play against her vanity and that of his son.

  Anvil stayed at the ready position to strike, “So this is your Chosen One. I’m surprised with you Edge. Picking a young female to do a mans job.”

  His comment dripped with intentional sarcastic sexism, meant to antagonise more than anything else. Both Patch and Huntress realised this and suppressed a grin.

  Edge however took the bait, “I’m the Master here! They all do as I say and don’t you forget it or…”

  The Chosen One, or Coffee as she liked to be called, moved faster than the eye could follow and hit Edge with a back handed slap to the side of his upper body. The blow wasn’t very hard, but it somehow managed to lift him clear off the ground and smash him backwards a full fifteen feet to strike and rebound from the pump house wall.

  She didn’t even look as Edge landed in a heap, both swords falling from his limp hands. Her voice dripped with suppressed rage, “What’s it like Chris, being with that bunch of losers? I mean, you do know you can’t win here don’t you?”

  Chris realised deep down that her words were supposed to be captivating and enthralling him. But Judgement just told him it was an illusion and as such her words meant nothing to him, instead Chris surprised her, “I call for a truce.” Chris declared loudly.

  Coffee laughed,” A truce, how childish.”

  Priest rumbled, “It must be observed.”

  Before she could retort, Retch spat out a glob of green goo to clear his throat, “Priest is right. Once called it must be observed.”

  Coffee slowly turned to glare at him, before closing her eyes and letting out an angry sigh. Turning back she nodded, “So be it.”

  Anvil risked a quick word with Priest, “Now what?”

  Priest looked to Chris, “It’s up to him.”

  Chris had taken a step closer to Coffee but ignored her, “Edge can you hear me?”

  Edge shook his head, eyes trying to focus, he twitched before slowly climbed to his feet, swaying slightly he retrieved both swords. Glaring at Coffees back he staggered over to stand besides her, “Hello brother.”

  Judgement spoke, “I ask that you reconsider your position and …….”

  Chris struggled with Judgment, ‘No let me speak!’

  Chris regained control of his voice, “Edge, our father spoke of both our mothers to me. They both sound like they were wonderful people.”

  Edge spat out, “You know nothing of my mother!”

  Chris shook his head, “I know she loved you and so would have Anvil had he had known of your existence. He still loves you, told me he could never kill you. If you would only come over to our side this would end. It’s what your mother would have wanted. Look at the way Coffee treated you , come brother, stand by my side. We can end this today.”

  Before Edge could answer, Coffees voice echoed around the park with genuine sounding humour.

  “End, I don’t want to end things Chris.” Then she addressed Anvil, “I want us to join forces. Together we can rule and shape this entire planet and its people to do whatever we want, whenever we want. Think on it, all that power? Let the world look upon me and tremble with fear.”

  With a casual wave of her hand a ray of sunlight illuminated her body, “Let the world see me and tremble with fear!”

  Coffee had made a mistake, by revealing herself. She had allowed them to see her in full high definition colour. She was, to use a term Wally used to say,’ as ugly as a witch’s tit’

  Coffees sexual aura had vanished. In its place he saw the fake that she was. The blond wig, heavy makeup hiding a pock marked face and skinny legs and a body boarding on anorexia. Her teeth were rotten in places as she continued to smile at him, unaware of what she had done.

  Chris laughed, “The world would indeed tremble if they saw you as you really are. A harmless old man once said to me on occasions a phrase which I find suitable. You’re as ugly as a witch’s tit!”

  For a second the smile remained frozen on Coffee’s face then with a scream of rage she rushed towards him, fingers reaching for his throat.

  “No.” Judgement said quietly.

  Head down, with his left hand touching the rim of his hat, he held out his right hand. Her chest impacted against a wall of solid air between them both and rebounded backwards! The air where she had impacted became visible as it sent out ripples similar to those you get when you throw a small stone into a still pond. The Chosen One screamed again and threw herself forward once more but again she rebounded back from Judgements invisible barrier

  Two patches of latex melted away from her outfit covering her chest, smoke rose from the double impact points on her
chest. Judgement had felt each impact even though they never actually made physical contact. Balling his right hand, first smoke then flames burst from the skin. Choking back a cry of pain he willed the injury to heal instantly.

  The Chosen ones wounds were also willed to heal quickly and she took that moment whilst Judgements guard was down to launch a savage kick that sent a ball of compressed air to lift him clear off his feet, hurling him a full forty feet through the air, he landed with a splash in the lake.

  That was the opening play for an unbelievable attack. The Dark went into full attack mode, rushing to kill The Twelve. The Chosen One swept her hand out sending a dart of black light towards Patch who spun away, blood pouring from a wound in her neck. Even as she fell, Patch hurled a thin bladed knife that grazed Coffees cheek.

  Coffee tried a similar blow against Anvil but his weapon met her invisible blow in mid air. There was a crack like thunder followed by a flash. The Chosen One staggered back in a dazed state. Anvil dropped his weapon as the head glowing red hot for a moment.

  Huntress let fly and riddled Retch with three arrows that suddenly sprouted from his massive body. Before she could fire again Huntresses bow was knocked from her grasp by a steel ball hurled by Sling. Clutching her wrist, she fell back and toppled over the bandstand railings, narrowly missing another steel ball bearing that whistled past her head.

  The Dark twins, Panther and cougar sprang like cats into the fight. From afar, Bulls Eyes long gun boomed twice in rapid succession hitting both Panther and Cougar in mid air. They fell back, rolling across the grass, hissing and screaming like wounded cats. The huge rounds had caused massive injuries to both that would have instantly killed normal people but not these monsters, who writhed across the ground, spitting and cursing loudly.

  Edge, visibly injured from The Chosen Ones blow, moved slower but still fast enough to appear like a blur as he rushed Slash. But he was still slower and as a result Slash managed to get off one short bladed throwing knife before Edge struck. The knife hit Edge in the stomach. Crying out in pain and rage, Edge brought his sword downwards towards Slashes neck. Slash jerked free a long bladed knife from his thigh holster and just managed to deflect the killing blow but the sword still cut deep into Slashes right shoulder, smashing the collar bone. But the magic sawn into his leather jacket, slowed the blades stroke so instead of slicing him in two, the blade slid off his shoulder, taking with it a chunk of flesh. Edge ignored the throwing knife protruding from his guts.

  Priest was moving forward like a runaway tank, his feet digging deep furrows in the grass. Retch had simply plucked the arrows from his body as if they where nothing more than dress makers pins but smoke and insects boiled out of each wound.

  Priest bellowed like an elephant, “Retch you fat bastard of a fallen Monk. Shrug this off.”

  The earth shook under the colossal impact of those two gigantic bodies. Retch wasn’t ready and the blow smashed him back through the wall of an ice cream hut. Ice creams of a dozen varieties flew skywards.

  Priest reeled, grabbing one from the air, “Ah rockets my favourite!”

  He steadied himself and prepared to squash the downed Retch but at that moment Screech locked onto him, “Leave him alooooooooooooone!” Her voice became a scream like nothing anyone could stand! Even The Chosen One covered her ears and turned away. A visible wave of shimmering sound waves struck Priest and actually pushed him backwards. Bracing himself, his feet ploughed deep furrows in the ground as he was forced away from Retch. Blood poured from his eyes and ears. The ice cream flew off the stick in his hand. Finally she drew breath and before she could scream again. A massive arc of electricity hit her square on, setting fire to her habit and knocking her flat on her back.

  Hot Cross was at priests side, “You alright?”

  Priest struggling to see, pointed to one ear and shook his head, “Can’t hear you.” He shouted.

  Heartless circled Claws, his pincher snapping towards her neck. She ducked and slashed him across the forehead. Heartless staggered back, temporally blinded by his own blood.

  Over in the lake, Chris exploded up out of the water like a missile and without conscious thought, streaked across the surface towards the shore, rage displayed on his face. Leech loomed up in front of him driving Chris back under the water. It was shallow so Chris was only half submerged when he slapped the water hard. Flames and steam exploded outwards away from him as the water boiled. Leech seeing the fire ran for his life, only managing to get to solid ground with a split second to spare. Chris stood there up to his knees, dripping water. A cloud of smoke was rolling towards him. Had something caught fire? Then at the last minute he realised it was Ghost.

  The thing engulfed him, instantly cutting him off from the air. Chris tried to suck in oxygen when he heard Judgement whisper in his mind, ‘breath her in’

  So instead of trying to breath in normal air, Chris started to suck Ghost into his lungs. He felt like being sick as the stench entered his body. Yet he took breath after breath.

  He heard a female voice faintly cry out, “No!”

  He’d taken in all he could stand and exhaled loudly, expelling the smoke that was trapped within him in a fit of hacking coughs. Ghost reeled away, her black smoke filled body now resembling a white fog. Chris breathed in fresh air and savoured the taste. Ghost screamed in pain. Chris could actually see her trying to pull parts of the white fog away from the rest of her body, but it blended in with the dark smoke. Still screaming, Ghost fled like an old runaway locomotive streaming black sooty smoke.

  The Chosen One sent a wave of black light that temporally blinded Anvil, enough for her to try once more to attack Chris, raising her gaze she directed a thought of pure heart stopping hatred against him. For a second she took him unawares and he felt the pain in his chest as her will power closed around his heart like a constricting fist. ‘Gather yourself!’ Judgment ordered urgently.

  Chris heard the words and concentrating with all his might, pushed back, blocking her advance. “No more!”’ he shouted.

  When Chris spoke his voice was filled with thunder and lightning. Judgement had blended completely with him, “No more!” Chris roared again. The water parted before him and the ground trembled and shook as he started to stride towards her.

  Edge appeared at her side, his blade flashing as he deflected one of Bulls Eyes bullets.” This is not going well.”

  Anvil had retrieved his massive weapon and his sight, “This was never supposed to be the place, only a meeting between Judgement and Edge.”

  Coffee snarled, “You put Edge before me! He shall pay for that.”

  Claws took this moment to join in the fight again, leaping straight for Heartless. Her fanged mouth aimed for his throat but even though he was temporally blinded with his own crimson blood. A sixth sense made Heartless bring up his clawed metal hand and not expecting him to attack, Claws was taken by surprise as he casually battered her aside. Claws spun across the ground like a rolled up spider, finally coming back to her feet and prepared to charge once again.

  Bulls Eyes weapon boomed again and this time Coffee snatched the bullet out of thin air, directly in front of her face, “You dare!” She raged.

  With one single thought, Bulls Eye was lifted off the hill top he was laying prone upon, nearly three hundred yards away and smashed back down hard, knocking him senseless. His rifle extended before him took the brunt of her rage. It split open like a banana as the chambered round exploded and the telescopic sights shattered. Bulls Eye managed to raise his head just enough to look at the smouldering mess that once was his pride and joy and mutter, “Damn it!” before passing out.

  Cougar and Panther although wounded, were healed enough to charge directly at Huntress. Speed took off like a missile, lifted Panther clean off his feet and together they smashed through a side window on the zoo building eighty yards away.

  The thing called Venom and the one called Claws rushed in to attack Heartless but at that moment a huge shadow fell o
ver them both.

  “Try me I like a damn good fight!” It was Rage.

  His massive fists hissed through the air, first one way then the next. Venom was smashed back into the bushes without ever getting into the fight. However Rages other blow passed over Claws head as she ducked and returned the blow with one of her own.

  Claws slashed open wide furrows in Rages chest, he just grunted once and snarled, “Good hit, now my turn.”

  He pretended to throw a right hook, she ducked again but he met her with a left uppercut that lifted her completely off her feet. Even from where he was standing Chris heard her neck snap.

  “NO!” Edge yelled. Chris noticed something else in his voice that no one else did. ‘How strange!’ He thought.


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