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What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3

Page 11

by Marc James

  As they stood outside the Monument admiring the view, there was a nip in the air. Clint sat the suitcase down and put his arms around Scarlett.

  “Do you think this will work?” She asked, looking towards Guy.

  “I have never heard of weed killer, I’d be a lot more confident if we had gunpowder.”

  “We’ve explained this Guy, you can’t get hold of things like that anymore.” Scarlett replied.

  “If it truly is explosive then I see no reason why it should not work.”

  “It will work.” Clint advised. “How will we even get near the car though?”

  “We’ll figure it out.” Scarlett replied.

  “This plan is not very well thought through. When I did this before, our plan had been laid out in detail, we knew what we were doing.” Guy stated.

  “But you failed, maybe if you hadn’t planned it so carefully it would have worked.” Scarlett replied.

  Guy was silenced.

  Scarlett wriggled away from Clint and pulled a cigarette from her bag, before lighting it. She inhaled deeply and stared up at the Monument. She could hardly believe that this was where they were choosing to kill the US President.

  “What do you think your parents will say?” Clint asked.

  She took a deep pull on her cigarette and stared at Clint. “It will be too late for them to do anything. My dad can hardly get too angry, he’s only known me a week. Mum might be a little more annoyed but Guy is right, she did the same thing when she was our age.”

  “If this works you do both realise you may never see them again.” Guy advised.

  Scarlett and Clint just stared at Guy.

  “I imagine there will be some guards, we don’t have that time thing with us. We will need to make a break for it. It will be every man for themselves.” Guy advised.

  “What?” Clint asked stunned.

  “You heard.” Guy replied.

  “You would leave us?”

  “I will do what I can, but I’m just advising you that we will probably not all escape.”

  Scarlett took another draw on her cigarette before replying. “He is probably right.”

  “Are we sure we want to do this?” Clint said nervously.

  “I do.” Scarlett replied instantly.

  “I have no doubt in my mind. This is the right thing to do.”

  “I’m not so sure this is a good idea.” Clint advised, grabbing Scarlett by the arm.

  “Leave then.” She snapped.


  “Guy’s right, we might not all escape, it doesn’t take three people to plant the bomb.”

  “Then Guy can do it.” Clint said.

  Guy glanced at Scarlett a little confused.

  “Are you serious Clint, did you really not think this would be dangerous?” Scarlett asked.

  Clint blushed. “Well, I just thought that we would be planting the bomb and leaving.”

  “Well, we will, but things could go wrong.” Scarlett said rolling her eyes.

  “We should leave it then.” Clint said. “Your mum and dad are right.”

  “Oh my God, Clint just leave, we can do this alone.” Scarlett snapped.

  “Don’t take the Lords name in vain.” Guy barked.

  “Scarlett listen is there really a point in risking your life for this? We don’t even know the man.”

  “What is there to know Clint? My mother, your mother, and Jacob have told us plenty. He is evil!”

  “But maybe they were right. Perhaps the more we interfere, the worse it could get, who knows what will happen?”

  “Clint, we have made our decision. If you do not want to be a part of the plot then just leave.” Guy advised.

  “We don’t know you Guy!” Clint snapped.

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Why are you here, why are you doing this?”

  “From all I have been told about this man, I have drawn the conclusion that he is evil. He has killed countless people, and he has essentially crowned himself King of the entire world. I do not believe he can be allowed to carry on in the same manner. You must stand up to these people Clint or they will go on unchecked and continue to plague the common man. Someone has to make a stand.

  I have nothing to lose, I do not belong here. My reputation has been made non-existent and I stood against the King that was persecuting Catholics. This man is not specifically targeting my religion, he is targeting everyone. I will lay down my life to do what I believe is right.

  Not to mention the debt that I owe to Mr Faraday. He is a great man and I know he wants this done. I will do it for him.”

  Clint was silenced by Guy’s response. “I’m sorry Scarlett but I don’t want to die for this. And you shouldn’t either.”

  “I’m staying.” Scarlett replied. “If I die doing this, then at least I know that I have died for a purpose.”

  “Don’t you want to get to know your father?”

  “Yes, and I will. I do not intend to die today and I’m sure Guy doesn’t either.”

  “Indeed.” Guy replied.

  “Scarlett if you do not intend to die, then perhaps you should reconsider.”

  “I’m sorry Clint, I can’t.”

  “Scarlett, please don’t do this.” He pleaded.

  “I’m sorry Clint.”

  “I am not staying. If you do this, you and Guy are on your own.

  She nodded. “It’s okay Clint. Just go back, I’ll see you later. Don’t tell my Mum about this, or my Dad.”

  Chapter 30

  The rain was pounding down as they stood in the wet mud, the first flashes of lightning had started, the lightning somehow managed to make Auschwitz even more terrifying.

  “And who are these scum?” Mengele asked, staring at Sarah and Jacob.

  Jacob for once had the good sense not to laugh and Sarah looked terrified.

  “American prisoners.” Wernher answered.

  “Well, they are in the right place.” Mengele said with a gruesome smile.

  “We are actually here for more workers Josef.” The younger Wernher explained.

  Mengele stared at Jacob, Chase noticed Jacob smirking at Mengele. Chase smacked him with the butt of his gun. Jacob fell to the ground into the soaking mud and looked up aggressively at Chase. Chase couldn’t help but smile. Sarah gave him a dirty look.

  “Why do you need more?” Mengele asked in frustration.

  “It is to do with time travel.” Wernher replied.

  Chase stared at him in bemusement, it was supposed to be V2 rockets, he glanced towards Sarah who also looked baffled. Jacob looked as though he had expected this, and Edward was rooted to the spot. The older Wernher did not seem fazed by it.

  “Is that so?” Mengele smiled.

  “That’s right Josef.”

  “I think I know who you are looking for, follow me.”

  Mengele led the way as both Wernher’s followed him eagerly, Edward too followed closely. Chase waited for Jacob to get back to his feet, as did Sarah.

  “I hope you enjoyed that.” Jacob snapped.

  “I did.” Chase replied.

  “I’ll get you back.” Jacob said, spitting blood.

  “What is Wernher doing?” Sarah whispered.

  “I have no idea.” Chase replied.

  “I think we may have made a mistake.” Sarah said.

  They walked away from the brick buildings and they saw a pillar of smoke coming from the other side of the camp, the stench in the air was overpowering.

  “That smell is repulsive.” Sarah whispered.

  “That is people that you are smelling, burning people.” Jacob advised.

  “What the hell are we doing?”

  “I’m starting to wonder that myself.” Chase stated.

  “It will be fine.” Jacob advised.

  “How can you be so sure?” Chase asked.

  “Because I do not intend to die today.” He smiled.

  Mengele, both Wernher’s, and Edward Teller
, were around ten metres in front of the others. Edward was trying to listen in to the conversation, but his German was quite poor.

  “Josef, could I talk to you in private.” Wernher asked.

  “You are quite safe to speak here Wernher.”

  “No, when we get to the prisoners I need to talk to you.” Wernher replied.

  Josef nodded and picked up the pace, as did everyone else.

  Chapter 31

  Bonnie sat staring out of the front window of the Mercedes, observing the tanks ahead of them. She could feel sweat pouring from her, she had never seen so many guns and guards, let alone tanks.

  “What are we going to do Clyde?” She asked.

  Clyde was silent, he was smoking a cigar contemplating the same thing.

  “Clyde what are we going to do?” She repeated.

  Clyde pulled deeply on his cigar and turned to face her. “I think we should go.”

  “Now?” She asked.

  “If we wait for them and they get caught, we are fucked!”

  Bonnie turned to look towards the camp, she could no longer see them. “How will we get passed the checkpoints? We can’t speak German.” She took out a cigarette and lit one as well.

  “So what do you think?” Clyde asked, the sweat was now shining on his forehead.

  “We need to give them some more time.” She said, taking a draw on her cigarette.

  “How much time?” Clyde asked.

  “I don’t know, but they did save us.” She said, secretly wishing Clyde would have another idea.

  He sighed. “We have machine guns in the trunk.” He stepped from the car and made his way to the trunk, removing the guns before sliding them into the back seat of the car. “If they come back then at least they’ll have some fire power, the first sign of trouble and we’re gone.”

  “We need to wait for Sarah and the Doctor, he gave me that machine, we can’t leave him.”

  “Fine, we wait for them to come back, if no one else does then we leave.”

  “I wish we had never come here.” Bonnie spoke, almost crying.

  Clyde put his hand on her lap. “I won’t let anything happen to you Bonnie. I love you.”

  “I love you Clyde. When we do get back to America can we go straight?”

  “You want to give it all up?”

  “If we keep going, we will die. You know that as well as I do. This way we can start afresh, a new start. Just the two of us, no looking over our shoulders to see if they spotted us, no more death.”

  “We can do whatever you want baby.” Clyde smiled. “We will need money though.”

  Bonnie sighed. “So what do you propose?”

  “Given what Wernher’s house was like I imagine he has money, probably some valuable possessions.”

  “You want to rob him?” Bonnie laughed.

  “An ideal final job.” Clyde smiled.

  “Maybe we could kill him and have his house, it was beautiful.”


  “If Jacob gets out of here are we going to kill him?” Bonnie asked.

  “Yes.” Clyde replied confidently.

  Chapter 32

  The sun was beginning to break through the cream curtains, giving the first sign of light to the room. Jane just watched him sleeping, she couldn’t believe after all these years that she had him back. What she couldn’t believe more was that he still loved her, despite her age. She wasn’t the beautiful woman she had once been. The years had been kind to her, but she knew people would think her a cradle snatcher if they saw them together. Salmond had seemed very surprised to find out that they were married.

  She slid out from the bed silently and walked through to the living room. Her mobile was lying on the couch, she sat down and found his number before calling. After three rings, she heard the voice of the First Minister.

  “Good morning Jane.” He said cheerfully.

  “Morning Alex, how are you?”

  “Very well, are we all set for today?”

  “That’s actually why I’m calling. I can’t let him do this.”

  Salmond was silent.

  “I’m sorry Alex, but we haven’t managed to spend time together for a long time, for many reasons. I will not allow him to risk his life, I’ve only just gotten him back. He barely knows his daughter and she needs a father Alex. I’m sure you can understand that?”

  Salmond cleared his throat. “Yes I can, I’m a little disappointed I must admit.”

  “Alex if you want Abaddon dead, you can find someone else to do it. I’m not letting my husband die for Independence. I made an agreement with him that we would warn you, and we did that. He sprang that on me in your office, I tried to object, and as you saw I was against it. He is reckless, he doesn’t think things through. He is my husband and my child’s father, we need him more than you do.”

  “Of course Jane, I understand that. I don’t want you to lose him, it was his idea remember, not mine.”

  “I know that.” She snapped.

  “We can figure this out. I’m still going to the Monument, so look out on the news, he will still have a surprise in store for him.”

  “Good, I hope you know I will still do all I can to help you, just nothing dangerous. My family is my life now.”

  “Jane you are a member of my team, nothing has changed in that regard. We can forget the whole thing.”

  “Thank you.” She said. It felt as though the weight of the world had been removed from her shoulders.

  She crept back to the bedroom and slid back into bed beside Faraday, he began to stir at the disturbance. He opened his eye and smiled at her, she smiled back. After so many years apart it was still incredible to have him back.

  “I just got off the phone with Alex Salmond.”

  “Is something wrong?” Faraday asked with concern.

  “No, nothing is wrong. I told him you couldn’t help him.”

  Faraday sat up and his face turned to one of anger. “Why the hell would you do that?”

  “Because it’s dangerous Faraday!”

  “So was Dallas, but we did that.” He snapped.

  “That was a long time ago.”

  “For you maybe.”

  Jane blushed. “Don’t you want to have a life James? We are home, we are finally home! We have a child, we are married. We own a pub, we can have a good life here. There is no reason to risk all of that!”

  “It’s our responsibility!”

  “Is it? If we had left well alone to begin with, Abaddon would never have become President. We wouldn’t be in this position. How do you know that by getting involved we won’t make things worse?”

  “But Abaddon is in power, we have to stop him!”

  “This isn’t a conversation James. This is an order. You are not doing this and that is final. I’ve raised our daughter for twenty-one years by myself. She is a good kid and I won’t allow her father to kill himself. Don’t you realise that everything we went through was to get into this position? That was why you came back for me! In 1969, I told you I wanted to go home, but you kept saying no. I told you I was pregnant, and you claimed I had done it on purpose. I put up with that shit then, but I’m not a young girl anymore, I have responsibilities and I’ve grown up. It’s time that you did the same, and if you don’t then, that’s it for us.”

  Faraday could not believe what she was saying. “That’s it for us?”

  “I’ve raised her for twenty-one years by myself and she is my daughter, she has waited her entire life to meet you. And you are going to risk getting to know her in order to kill a man? Don’t you realise how stupid that is?”

  “You know it is the right thing to do.” Faraday argued.

  “Is it?”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Most men would do the right thing by their wife and by their child. Do we even mean anything to you?”

  “Of course you do.”

  “Well, it sure doesn’t seem like it.” Jane barked.

  Faraday star
ed at her, he understood her point but why didn’t she understand his? “After this I’ll stop.”

  “No, if you do this it’s over.”

  Faraday sighed. “Fine, I won’t do anything.”

  “Good. I think in that spirit we should destroy the wormhole generator, let’s get back to normality.”

  “Really?” Faraday asked in surprise.

  “It’s dangerous to keep hold of it, we need to move on.”

  “I don’t think we should be too hasty.” Faraday argued.

  “I’ve had enough of this.” Jane stated.

  Faraday nodded apologetically. “Okay.”

  They rose from the bed and walked through to the table in the living room, where the wormhole generator lay. Faraday picked it up, he didn’t want to do it, but he knew it was what Jane wanted.

  They were interrupted as Clint entered the flat.

  “Where have you been Clint?” Jane asked.

  He looked flushed, he was wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans with a pair of black Converse trainers.

  “There’s something I need to tell you both.” He looked scared.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Scarlett and Guy are about to assassinate Abaddon Wolf.”

  “What?” Jane shrieked.

  “How?” Faraday asked.

  “They have some weed killer that was made illegal a few years ago for being explosive. They are going to plant it in his car.”

  “This is your fault Faraday! In twenty years she has never gotten into any trouble and you are here for one week!”

  Faraday glanced at the clock that hung on the wall. “We have one hour until he gets there, we can still make it.”

  “My car is downstairs.” Clint advised.

  “Let’s go!” Jane yelled.

  Chapter 33

  As the rain thumped down on the car, Bobby managed to secure a sheet of metal between the back seats and the rear window, you couldn’t see through it and he hoped that bullets wouldn’t be able to get through it. He struggled out of the car and joined Will and Emmerich who were standing staring at the black Volkswagen, all of the windows apart from the front window were now covered by sheets of metal and pieces of wood, it was the most hideous car they had ever seen.


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