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Corviticus University: Revelations

Page 25

by J. E. Cluney

  “Yep, that’s right,” I nodded, my eyes trailing over that stunning ripped body. Of course he had no shirt on today, instead showing off his beautiful golden skin. How he looked that good was beyond me, I saw how much he ate and what he drank. And he didn’t go to the gym often, maybe once or twice a week at most around classes. Apparently there was a gym at the university, but I had no interest in it.

  “Lucas has made sure that Gina and Henry have some idea on what’s going on. With their permission, he swung by early this morning and put some wardings up,” Skip reminded me. I was grateful Lucas had wanted to help out, but I wasn’t so sure I wanted my bosses knowing the trouble I was in. I was still new to this job.

  “I know,” I said, tugging at my collar as the heat seeped into me. I wanted to get inside the building and into that sweet air-con.

  “Well, I’ll be back around two-thirty with Lucas and Ollie. We want to grab a late lunch before we head home,” he grinned, and my stomach flipped. God, he had one hell of an effect on me.

  He was the one I hadn’t had yet, hadn’t kissed. And Lucas was off limits for sex at this point.

  But strangely, things were working in my favor. My two bonded guys were willing to share me, and I was allowed to still flirt and tease with the other two. They were like family, and they were adjusting to the thought of sharing me.

  “Have a good day, see you then,” I said with a quick wave as I shoved my phone into my back pocket and headed for Dingo Diner.

  Skip gave me a quick beep as he pulled away, and I grinned as I shook my head.

  I sighed as I pushed through the door and stepped into the cooler air of the cafe.

  There were a few patrons already seated at the booths enjoying breakfast, and I headed around behind the counter instantly as Gina beckoned me over.

  “Good morning, Lucas swung by this morning and filled us in, I hope you’re doing okay,” Gina said as she pursed her lips, her sweet hazel eyes filled with worry.

  Henry stood beside her, keeping an eye on the cooking bacon and eggs as he gave me a sympathetic look.

  “I’m fine, Mr Brady will get it sorted,” I said with a forced smile.

  “Well, you’re safe here now thanks to Lucas. He said you didn’t want them staying at work with you like Skip did the other day, so this was the next best thing.” Gina gave my shoulder a squeeze as she brushed a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear.

  “Yeah, he’s a great guy,” was my pathetic response.

  Gina just smiled at me before she clasped her hands together.

  “Well, it’s a little quiet at the moment, so I wanted to get started on the cupcakes and brownies. We’re getting closer to getting Heather’s magical treats happening, but still a few weeks off. That’ll be exciting once we can incorporate them. We’ll still sell normal treats too though,” Gina said as began getting all the ingredients ready.

  It looked like I was going to be doing chocolate brownies today, and Gina was doing cupcakes.

  “I’d like to get some more cakes going too today now that business is picking up more in the afternoons. I’m thinking banana and carrot cakes. And maybe even a cheesecake?” she said, turning to me for my input.

  “Cheesecake is always a winner,” I said instantly. I did love cheesecake, as would many other Fae. We were suckers for all sorts of sweets, but there was something about cheesecake. And chocolate. You could never go wrong if you had them both.

  “Great! Well, we’ll work on these first, then get started on the cakes in time for the lunchtime rush. You’ll be having lunch closer to two today I’d guess, since the lunchtime rushes have been growing too,” Gina beamed at me as she got started on the cupcake mix.

  I checked the recipe stuck up on the board now, and got to work, making sure to keep an eye out on the counter or for the door chime.

  The day progressed quickly as more people came in once I’d got the brownies done, and then I was constantly working on the banana cake mix and serving, which made the process slow.

  Gina decided that she’d start cheesecakes later in the afternoons so they’d be set for the following day.

  I spent a majority of my time taking orders and making countless coffees and milkshakes, even getting the odd iced coffee request.

  It made it difficult to stress about anything else as I was too busy and focused on the tasks at hand.

  By the time I finally took my lunch, I was relieved to be able to sit down for a break and dig into a bacon and egg burger with a vanilla malt milkshake. I checked my phone to find my aunt and uncle had left their place a few hours ago, so they’d be in town quite soon. They had booked a place to stay already, which made me wonder where, since there weren’t any motels out here. Maybe an airbnb then, since they were in abundance. There was even a supe only website for airbnbs too. I was constantly amazed at what was on the supernatural web and facebook groups. Just today I’d seen a witch advertising a pendant that helped make the wearer more attractive. It also had a hefty price tag.

  And a heap of interested comments.

  I’d barely finished my burger when I heard an awfully familiar voice ordering.

  My chest tightened and I forced myself to look at who was standing before the counter.

  Every fiber stiffened as my eyes fell on Derek, who had already turned my way and was giving me a smirk as his nostrils flared. He’d smelt me the moment he walked in.

  I averted my eyes quickly as I slurped the remainder of my milkshake and headed back behind the counter five minutes early.

  I’d rather focus on stacking the dishwasher than possibly have him join me in my booth.

  I ignored those eyes burning into me as I faced away from him, busying myself with small tasks like wrapping cutlery in napkins and refilling the sauces by the grill.

  Why was he here? Why did he come in today of all days?

  I shot a glance back when I thought it was safe, finding he’d sat down at a booth with his order number and was playing on his phone.

  “That guy asked about you, said he used to know you,” Gina remarked as she came around the steel backed table to hang up his order for Henry.

  “Yeah,” I muttered, trying not to sound displeased about it, but I failed miserably.

  “Not on good terms?” she enquired softly.

  “Not at all,” I hissed.

  “Well, I’ll take his food out then, you just keep busy behind here and take orders for me, I’ll handle the floor,” Gina said as she patted my shoulder.

  I gave her a beyond grateful smile and she just nodded at me before heading back out to clear up a table as the customers got up to leave.

  Henry kept an eye on me, and I could tell he knew something was up.

  I couldn’t wait to be done, but a glance at the clock revealed I still had another half an hour to go.

  The door chimed and I heard the comforting voices of my guys, laughing and joking as they came in.

  A wave of relief washed over me as I rounded the bench and headed to the counter to take their order.

  “How’s work going, Bee Sting?” Skip asked as he leaned on the counter. He’d still not found his shirt apparently, and he was drawing a few eyes from the older women who weren’t shy about getting a look.

  “Great,” I lied. I could feel Derek watching me, but I fought the urge to glance his way.

  Ollie noticed him though as he looked around for a booth, and he instantly looked back at me, those amber eyes concerned.

  ‘Want us to wait outside for you instead? We can hang around and grab food elsewhere?’ he offered.

  ‘No, you can eat here. Just don’t sit near him, please.’

  Ollie nodded as Lucas started to order, giving me his gorgeous lopsided smile. But I couldn’t enjoy the sight of them as much as I wanted to, I had too many thoughts racing through my mind.

  Including the shit Derek had brought me.

  Ollie gritted his teeth as he saw my thoughts, especially the one of being hit. I shot him a despe
rate look, one that begged him not to do anything.

  I could feel his anger for me, and how much he wanted to say something to the dingo shifter. But he refrained, just giving me a sorrowful look.


  “Hmm?” I focused back on Lucas as he frowned at me.

  “You didn’t write my order down,” Lucas murmured, and those emerald eyes were searching mine, trying to see what was bothering me.

  “That was my fault,” Ollie jumped in for me.

  “Right,” Lucas murmured, but I knew he wasn’t convinced as he glanced between us. “Well, I’ll go with a works burger, as will Skip, and Ollie?” he turned to the smallest member of the group.

  “Just some fish and chips please,” Ollie said, but his mind was elsewhere. He was unhappy about Derek being here, but he was mostly worried about me and the effect it was having.

  “Drinks?” I asked once I’d written down their meal order.

  “One chocolate milkshake—” Lucas started.

  “Can of coke for me,” Skip cut in, which earned him a pointed look from Lucas.

  “And a vanilla malt milkshake,” Lucas finished.

  “Got it, paying separately or altogether?” I asked. “Or I can shout, since Skip got pizzas the other night?”

  “Sure, you can do that if you want,” Skip shrugged as he peered around the cafe. I could tell he knew something was up, and he did give Derek a once over.

  I even flicked my eyes over at the dingo shifter, seeing him glaring back at Skip.

  That made me feel better, somewhat. He was unhappy about the guys being here and talking with me.


  “Well, I’ll get this sorted for you guys, you go sit,” I said as I pulled my phone out. I’d added my card into the wallet app now, so I used it to pay for their order before heading around to stick it up for Henry.

  I heard Ollie urge them towards a booth at the other end of the cafe. It would still mean I’d have to walk past Derek though.

  I made a coffee and served up a brownie slice, which Gina came and took from me to take out to the customer waiting for it.

  I wanted to take the boys order out. Otherwise both Skip and Lucas would certainly know something was up.

  ‘I haven’t told them anything,’ Ollie informed me.

  Good. I could see that going badly if he did. At least he had the sense not to start anything, even if he was unhappy about it all.

  Once Henry was working on their burgers and the fish while the chips were frying, I started on the milkshakes.

  I imagined the chocolate was for Ollie, as he’d ordered it last time too. Which meant the vanilla malt was for Lucas. Guess we had the same taste there.

  I had them done before the food, and I shook my head when Gina made the move to take them for me.

  “I’ve got it,” I smiled, but it was strained.

  She just gave me a careful look but nodded.

  I headed out, ignoring Derek as I walked past him to the booth with the boys. Gina had already served him his burger, and he’d grabbed his own drink from the fridge, as had Skip.

  “Everything all right?” Skip asked as I set the drinks down on the table.

  “Yeah, of course,” I lied, but he didn’t look convinced.

  “Something’s bothering you, did something happen?” Lucas asked as he eyed the cafe.

  “Nothing. Don’t worry about it, I’ll talk more once I finish. I’ve only got another twenty minutes,” I said, giving them my best forced smile.

  Lucas just nodded and I headed back for their burgers and fish.

  It was a careful balancing act with the three plates, but I’d learned over the years how to manage it with ease as I took the meals out to them. This time Derek watched me the whole way.

  “Well, enjoy!” I beamed, but they were all giving me a quizzical look. How could they see through me so easily?

  I spun on my heels, hoping they wouldn’t press me.

  They didn’t.

  I kept my eyes on the counter as I headed back, but I knew my luck had run out.

  “You’re just going to ignore me?” Derek asked as I moved past him. I slowed, only giving him the slightest glance.

  “I’m working, sorry. Enjoy your meal,” I said, making sure to keep my cheeriness plastered on. I’d wanted to shove all sorts of horrid nasty things into his burger. But I wanted this job, and being rude to a customer was a sure way to lose it.

  And I knew my magic was boiling, wanting to cause havoc. I was doing my best to keep it in check for once.

  He didn’t say another word, which relieved me as I started unloading the dishwasher and stacking it.

  My hands shook as I did this, and I had to take a moment to catch my breath.

  He shouldn’t still have this power over me. I’d left him. I was free.

  He couldn’t hurt me anymore.

  So what was this feeling of dread and fear coiling up inside me?

  The next ten minutes were excruciating slow, but I focused on any duties behind the counter as I listened to Skip laugh while they guys conversed.

  ‘He’s leaving,’ Ollie informed me, and I dared a look out to see the wretched dingo shifter pushing out the door.

  The tension eased from my shoulders, and I sighed as I spied some more customers coming in. I had another ten minutes, so once I’d taken their order, I’d tidy up the tables since Gina was busy prepping some food for tonight. They did a small dinner at 6pm, closing at 7pm. They managed these hours solo or with the other casual they had on who would sometimes come in after me to do an afternoon shift. She studied on Fridays I’d learned, so it worked in her favor.

  I took the orders of the two women who’d come in, making their coffees right away and grabbing out the slices they’d wanted.

  I took it all out to them before heading over to the guys to begin clearing their table.

  “Feeling better?” Lucas noted as I managed a warm smile at them.


  “We’ll wait for you to tell us what’s going on, your shift is nearly over,” Skip said as he moved his empty coke can closer for me, considering he was closest to the window.

  I just nodded as I took their dishes away and returned to give the table a wipe. I then cleared Derek’s table up, glad that he was gone.

  I hoped I’d not be too unlucky at uni with him. I’d done well so far in not running into him. Just the rest of the year to go.

  The last few minutes ticked by, and Gina waved me off when I asked if she needed me to stick around. She had it all under control, and Henry gave me a pleasant wave as I headed out to meet with the guys.

  They all stood and walked over to the door as I came around the counter, and Lucas held the door open for all of us.

  The warm afternoon air made me groan, and Skip just laughed as he threw his arms out to soak up the warm sun on his bare chest.

  “Enjoy it Bee Sting, Autumn and Winter can get cold up here on the range,” he teased, but I just grumbled.

  ‘Ally, we should get in the car,’ Ollie’s voice was prompt and filled with urgency.

  I quickly understood why when I spied Derek waiting by his white Ford Falcon. He gave me a smirk, and I bit my lip as Skip spoke with Lucas about dinner plans as they headed for the car. Ollie was beside me instantly, and his presence reassured me.

  Too bad Derek was now walking over.

  “Hey Allison!” he called out, and the guys fell silent as all eyes focused on the shifter headed our way.

  Skip’s nostrils flared, and I knew he was determining just what he was dealing with.

  “Dingo shifter,” Skip murmured, giving me a quizzical look. A silent question to whether or not this was the dingo shifter.

  “Why’d you avoid me? I don’t bite,” Derek sneered as he came to a standstill a few feet away.

  Skip had planted himself a little out before me, and Lucas was beside him, watching me carefully.

  “I don’t think she wants to talk to you,” L
ucas stated. The tone he used made me do a double take. That was a serious ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone if I’d ever heard one.

  “Nice suit,” Derek shot back, unimpressed with the threatening tone.

  Lucas didn’t even entertain that with a response, and I felt Ollie’s hand slip into mine.

  My heart was pounding, and my palms were growing sweaty. The horrid afternoon heat was not helping either.

  ‘It’s okay,’ Ollie tried to reassure me.

  “Is he your new fuck buddy?” Derek asked, noting Ollie holding my hand. “Does he know you lied to me about being a virgin? Yeah, you can have my scraps, little shifter. She was a lying little bitch,” he snorted, and Ollie’s hand tightened on mine.

  Skip growled as he stepped forward, and Derek’s expression turned to amusement.

  “Someone got a little crush?” Derek teased, his eyes falling back on me.

  Why was he doing this? Why wasn’t he intimidated by the guys? Surely three guys were enough to deter him? Or maybe he was just that stupid and crazy.

  I’d go with the latter.

  “Do you know what happened to her? All those stories she would tell. Playing victim?” Derek scoffed, and I clenched my jaw as my throat constricted.

  And to think I’d once loved this piece of shit.

  “You need to shut up now,” Skip snapped, and I could see the muscles flexing in his back. He was practically vibrating with restrained fury.

  “I’d do what he says,” Lucas added, and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he faced off with Derek.

  “So she’s got a little group of fuck buddies, she really decided to go completely hoe,” Derek remarked.

  I gasped as Skip launched forward, slamming a fist right into Derek’s face and knocking him to the ground. The sound of his fist cracking against Derek’s face made me shudder.

  Ollie pulled me closer to the car as Derek shot up, fury and hatred in his eyes as they glowed amber like the dingo inside him.

  “You wanna go, mate? I’ll fuck you up for hurting her, you cunt!” Skip roared as he started towards him again.

  “Skip!” Lucas warned as I whimpered.

  I didn’t want them fighting. Although I doubted Derek could best Skip, dingo shifter or not.


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