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Heart of a Wolf Wicked Series Book 2

Page 21

by K. D. Friedrich

  Winter placed her hand on Ren's wrist. She gave a gentle squeeze. Tristan noticed how the wolf's tension eased from his shoulders. "Have they heard from Niles?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "He hasn't answered his phone. No one has seen him since he went to hunt for the bastards that have our queen. We have no idea where he is, but we know he's near feral." Ren shook his head. "The pack has asked me to take over until our alpha returns."

  "If you need anything, my pack and I are at your disposal." Tristan cupped the guard’s shoulder. "Just ask."

  A human walked over, his tone flat. "Ren Lee, I'm Detective Avery with the Sixth Precinct's CSI Unit. I was told you were in charge of the shifter's end of the investigation."

  Ren inclined his head. "I am top guard and advisor to Alpha Peyton."

  Avery glanced at Tristan and then Winter. "Perhaps, we should speak over there."

  "This is Tristan MacGlenn, Alpha of the MacGlenn pack and his mate Winter Leery, guard with Blue Coven. Anything you have to say can be said in front of them. They are trusted friends and allies."

  "Okay, well, a video has been recovered from a camera posted across from the explosion site. It’s distorted, but it gives us a shot of the men that forced your alpha female and this other woman to the ambulance. It's grainy, but the lab guys are working on clearing it up.

  "They were good at hiding themselves, but we did get one decent shot of one of the suspects. We're running the face right now, but if he's a supernatural, we might not find him. Our database is still limited with your kind. We do know she was alert and screaming when they dragged her into the ambulance. With the chaos going on no one noticed. They subdued the medic waiting by the door when he attempted to stop them and then threw him in the back alongside the victim. He's right over there under the blanket. The driver was pulled from the front seat, his neck snapped, and thrown in a nearby Dumpster. His body was found this morning.

  "The human," Ren said. He signaled toward the dead man. "Who was he?"

  "From what his coworkers and family said, he was a good man. No record. Not even a speck." The detective shook his head. "He was going to school to become an RN. Had a fiancée he planned on marrying in three months, and volunteered at the local shelter. Not exactly the kind of man to rape some random woman and shoot up drugs."

  "What about the graffiti over there?" asked Tristan.

  "Fresh, probably done at the time of the murder, something tells me it's a distraction. Something to throw us off." The detective frowned. "A way to create false assumptions. Make it look like a hate crime. But I'm not so sure."

  Tristan crossed his arms over his chest. "I agree. None of this adds up."

  "Not by a long shot." The detective grew serious. "A shifter's mate and a vampire's mate are kidnapped by two assailants, but—"

  Tristan cursed. "She was a vampire's mate?"

  "Yes, her ID confirms it. She was married to a vamp named Sampson Torres. His coven has been notified."

  Shaking his head, Tristan said, "I hate to tell you this, Detective, but there's no way her mate will let you and your boys lead this one. They are going to want justice and vengeance."

  "There are laws we all must follow, Alpha MacGlenn, even supernaturals."

  "Yes, the laws of nature, Detective, and no one is immune…not even a human."

  The detective lifted a brow before pointing at the male's body. "Like I was saying, things don't add up. A stand-up citizen. A human. A man with no priors. No record of anything not even a damn speeding ticket, goes nuts, rapes and kills a stranger in a sex-induced rage. There's no evidence of anyone else being involved at the scene. The place was wiped clean except for the two bodies over there. To make it look like the guy acted alone. Why? Why go through all that? Why clean the scene and then shoot the damn guy in the back?"

  Levi hurried over to them. His gaze glowing. "I got a trail on Celine. She was here. I'm shifting, I'll scent better that way. The trail follows north along the river."

  Eagerness flashed in Ren's gaze. "Excellent, go. Contact me with updates."

  Levi shifted and hurried out of the warehouse.

  "We're going to find her and catch the people responsible. I promise you. They will be punished," Winter assured Ren.

  He gave a stiff nod and brushed past her toward some of his men.

  She swayed slightly at the contact and Tristan grabbed her. "Are you okay?" His glare pinned Ren.

  Winter patted his cheek. "It's not his fault. His pain. The fear for Celine and their alpha…it’s a lot. A few hours of rest and I will be as good as new, but first, we need to examine the human." She glanced at the male's body hidden by the sheet.

  "I don't like it. You need sleep. You're as white as a ghost and I can feel your exhaustion." He frowned. "But something tells me you'll fight me if I make you leave. Let's check out the body, but as soon as we're done, you're going back to the hotel and getting some rest. No argument."

  She smiled. "Yes, master."

  "I like the sound of that…master sounds about right."

  She shook her head.

  They headed toward the sheet stained in crimson. The stink of blood overwhelmed him. He wasn't sure he could even pinpoint the chemicals from the stench burning his sensitive nose. That is until he knelt beside the body. The all too familiar acid scent of the breeding drug hit him hard making his stomach roll.

  He hissed. "He was pumped full of that damn drug we were given."

  "Are you sure? All I smell is blood." Winter asked. Although her senses were far superior to humans, witches were no match to shifter senses.

  "I'll never forget it. I smell another familiar scent. Magic. Someone used magic to enhance the drug, probably a potion." Tristan lifted the blanket covering the human.

  "Why would they want to shoot a human up with the breeding drug? If those damn scientists were involved, they wouldn't want two humans mating, how would that advance their so-called cause. It doesn't make sense."

  "This wasn't those scientists. This was someone hoping to cause an uprise. Someone who wanted to create a deeper divide between humans and the supernatural community. Someone who would gain much from sparking friction between the races."

  "What do you mean?"

  "What does a supernatural hold above all else?"

  A mate. "This isn't good, Tristan."

  "I doubt it's going to get any better either."

  Chapter 25

  Later that night, Winter sat on the edge of her bed, watching the news coverage of the hotel explosion. Every channel broadcasted images of the tragedy. Dozens killed and many others, of every race, injured. The headline of the New York Times claimed a civil uprising was imminent.

  Humans against supernaturals.

  Witches against shifters.

  Vampires against witches.

  As usual, the media did little to ease the public's concern. Instead, they dished out more and more horrors, feeding the fear and unrest with twenty-four-hour reporting of the growing unrest.

  She rose and stepped over to the bay window overlooking the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Magnus had moved them all to a few town houses set aside in the Fort Hamilton housing section for visiting supernatural officials. The mayor offered Magnus use of the buildings for the duration of the investigation and he accepted.

  Tristan left an hour ago, after giving her a not-so-subtle command to get some rest. She grinned at the memory of his stern expression. Her amusement vanished as the cold emptiness once again settled on the room—the same barren chill she felt seconds after Tristan exited.

  He'd gone with Grayson to the police station to see whether the investigation had any new leads.

  His absence sucked even more energy from her. Not that she'd tell him. His head was big enough. Alpha wolves were an arrogant bunch, but they were also fierce protectors and possessed an unbreakable desire to aid those under their care. From the moment Tristan's father stepped down, Tristan put his people above all else. The way it should be.
br />   She shook her head. All these years and she still pined after him like a foolish child. Time to grow up, Winter. She scolded herself. Get used to being without him. He'll be gone soon enough.

  He had a job to do, after all, a calling gifted by the Gods themselves, just as she had her duty to her fellow guards and her lord.

  The God Cernuous created the alphas to be leaders, protectors, and the strongest of their kind so they can lead. Her Goddess created her to protect and serve all supernatural kind. They both had their purpose in this world. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be to each other.

  Thoughts of their deities sparked concern.

  She wondered where the God and Goddesses of the races were. Many sought council with no reply. Summer, who had been close to the Goddess when they first revealed themselves, had confessed that she'd seen little of her over the last few years and not one visit in months.

  "Goddess, we need you now more than ever," Winter whispered.

  As suspected, her prayer went unanswered.

  She turned and walked over to the large mirror attached to the dresser. Glancing at her reflection, she cringed at the deep, dark circles under her eyes. Her skin held little color and the tint of her eyes had dimmed.

  A few hours of rest did little to recharge her magical battery. She didn't need sleep. She needed to run with nature. Soak up the energy of the trees and fauna. It had been a while since she embraced the energy of the earth.

  "Perhaps, a run in the nearby park will improve your mood."

  Winter spun to find Magnus leaning against the doorway of her room. His arms crossed over his chest. There was no use denying her weakened state, the blood link they shared made lying impossible.

  Magnus stepped farther into the room. "I hear that the council of witches set aside a section of the nearby nature preserve for constituents to unwind, so to speak. I can have the car take you there."

  "You have no idea how perfect that sounds. Would you like to join me? Even a vampire can enjoy a run."

  Magnus smiled. "Sounds like fun, but I'm needed here. Go with Aric. The witch looks like he could use a boost as well."

  Winter smiled. "I'll have to do that." She walked over to her suitcase for a change of clothes. "Did you want something else or was this just a friendly visit."

  He lifted a brow. "Do I need a reason to visit my dear friend and trusted guard?" Oh, yeah, he so wanted something. Magnus laughed as if he heard her thought. He strolled in. "I see things are progressing with Alpha MacGlenn." Magnus no doubt smelled Tristan's scent on her.

  She shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know what you mean." She tossed her jogging pants on the bed along with her favorite hoodie. She didn't care for the direction of this conversation and wanted it to end quickly.

  Magnus grinned. Wider this time, but she noticed a trace of irritation in his expression. "There can only be one alpha in our district. Peyton pack already has an alpha so…if things move forward in your mating there are some difficult choices you must make."

  "I'm not going anywhere, Magnus, if that's what you're worried about. This is my home."

  "Home is where your heart lies, Winter. And as much as I want to have you here, I know your heart rests in the hands of your mate. I fear you will not find happiness if you stay here."

  "I've worked so hard to be where I am here. I can't just leave all I've accomplished for someone who I can't fully trust. Who I doubt I'll ever be able to trust." She lowered her head. "He hurt me."

  Magnus tipped her chin up with his finger. He may appear no older than her, but his eyes held centuries of life. "I see no deceit in his gaze when he looks at you. Although his mind is closed to me, I see his love for you as clearly as I see the way you light up when you look at him." Magnus stepped back. "There is no doubt the wolf is in love with you. He is your true mate, but only you can decide if that is enough."

  "Magnus, I—"

  He inclined his head. "I await your decision."

  Levi skidded in front of the doorway. With his super-healing abilities, the wolf had healed almost completely. "Winter, we need you. They found Niles."

  "Is he okay?"

  "He's in a bad way. Feral. He has a pair of human men cornered. Men he thinks had something to do with Celine's disappearance."

  Magnus glanced at Winter. "He contacted me earlier. We got some intel on the kidnapping. I shouldn't have let him know."

  Levi scowled at the vampire. "His mate is missing, if you don't remember. He has every right to question those who might know something."

  "Where is he?" Winter asked.

  "I'll take you. Let's go."

  A thick tension filled the small space in the car as they sped to Niles's location.

  When they arrived, they found Niles pacing in the warehouse with two men huddled in a dark corner. One wore a doctor's coat. The other looked like a lowlife hood from the streets.

  Niles's eyes were deep amber, almost red. Fur had sprouted on his face, neck, and arms. His human form had doubled in size as if stuck between his bear and humanity. He spun when they entered. A roar exploded from him.

  "I told you I wanted their leader." His voice sounded inhuman. Winter took a cautious step toward him. "Stay away from me, witch. I will not be denied. I need to know where she is."

  "I know, Niles," she whispered.

  She raised her hand and let her power drift out toward him. Her touch would work better, but judging by the wildness in his gaze, she doubted he'd allow her any closer. She knew the blast of comfort struck the moment his eyes softened and his breathing grew even.

  One of the humans attempted to stand. Niles spun, his attention drawn to the movement. His pain and fury shot through the link she formed between them.

  "If I were you, human, I'd sit my ass back down. Now," Winter said through gritted teeth. The man did as ordered.

  She took a deep breath and drew closer. Niles growled low and menacing. He didn't strike, but if any of the humans attempted to flee, Niles would no doubt rip them apart.

  "You will have whatever you need," Winter assured him. "I swear it, but they will be of no use if they're dead."

  She stood inches from him now. Her fingers slid over his shoulders. His entire body began to shake. She shivered at the cold fury that flooded her through her power. Niles fell to his knees before her. Tears burst from his eyes, his pain so raw it forced a physical burn to rattle her skull. She dropped beside him and took him into her arms.

  Levi stepped beside them. "Take these men into custody. And change the doctor's clothes. The damn coward pissed all over himself. I'll be damned if I have to smell him the entire ride home." He scowled at the man as he was escorted past them. "Next time you chose to mess with an alpha, wear a damn diaper. You fucking stink."

  Winter wasn't sure how long she held Niles in her arms before a hand slipped over her shoulder.

  "Baby, come on, let's get you home." Winter glanced up to find Tristian's warm smile. She nodded and let Tristan guide her to his side.

  Levi helped his alpha stand.

  "I'm good." Nile's patted his tracker's face. The gentle gesture meant to reassure his pack mate. He faced Winter. "You have done me and my pack a great service." His voice calmer. "Celine…" He swallowed. "Celine would be grateful for your kindness." He turned and walked out with Levi by his side.

  She stood. A powerful wave of dizziness slammed into her. She felt herself going down, but she never hit the ground. The next thing she knew she was swept up into a pair of muscular arms. She glanced up to find Tristan's concerned eyes glaring at her. He cradled her against his chest with the upmost care as he silently stalked out of the building and toward a nearby Town Car.

  She hadn't noticed when Tristan arrived at the warehouse, but it didn't matter. She was grateful he was there. She burrowed in his warmth and for once in a long while, let someone take care of her.

  "Why did you come here without me? Do you realize how dangerous a feral shifter is?" His fury reached for her gift. Surprised b
y his sudden anger, she glared at him.

  She struggled out of his arms. So much for leaning on someone else. "Put me down. Now."

  Despite her resistance, he didn't set her on her feet until they reached the car.

  "I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it," she grumbled.

  "What are you talking about?" He stepped closer, crowding her against the rear passenger door. "What you did was foolish."

  "What I did was my job." She poked him in the chest. "One night together and you think you can dictate me? I'm not that silly girl anymore."

  "Oh, I know."

  She frowned. "Niles needed me. Had I not come, he might have killed those men."

  "He might have killed you."

  He was in her face now. Waves of his fear crashed against her power. She understood his concern but refused to accept his anger. He needed to understand. This job wasn't just what she did, it was who she was. She faced danger every day and would continue to do so.

  She glared into his eyes. "I've been doing this job a long time, Tristan. I don't need you to hold my hand."

  "I'm not saying—"

  She lowered her voice. "Just because we slept together it doesn't give you the right to dictate to me." He took a step back. "I should never have let it—"

  "What…you should never have what, Win?"

  Levi jogged over. "What's going on? I can hear you two all the way on the other side of the lot."

  She pushed Tristan aside. "Nothing is going on. Just a slight disagreement when it comes to my life. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm exhausted and I would like to go back to the base to get some rest." When Tristan opened the front passenger door to get in, she snapped, "Alone."

  She plopped down on the back seat and slammed her door shut. "Take me back to Fort Hamilton."

  The driver nodded, pulled away, and sped up the block. She didn't bother to glance back at the frown that knew would be gracing Tristan's handsome features.


  Tristan still shook from the fear crashing over him and the pain of her words burning him to the core. She regretted their night together, the most incredible moment of his life. She may not have finished her thought, but he read the rest of her statement in her eyes.


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