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Royal Daddy

Page 3

by Emilia Beaumont

  I offered my hand and Angel Lebeau, who was Amazonian in stature, returned the gesture. I liked her immediately. “Just tell me whatever you need, and who you need where. My squad will be happy to fit in wherever they can do the most to help out,” I assured her.

  “Sugar, careful what you offer an old lady! With a face and body like yours to look at, I may just have to keep you right by my side. Say, don’t I know you from somewhere?” she said with a lascivious grin.

  “I was posted here not too long ago, maybe from then? But either way I am yours to command, Miss Lebeau, I don’t think I’d dare do otherwise!”

  Angel smiled at Penny and I caught a sly wink that passed between them. “He can definitely stay,” Angel said under her breath.

  “So, that’s the grand tour. A little worse for wear, but you can’t get a view like that anywhere else, now can you?” Penny said as she gestured to vast landscape beyond.

  We’d wandered around the outskirts of the camp. I didn’t want the tour to end and wanted to extend our time together a little longer. I had obligations, things to do, but right then standing next to fine doctor and observing our surroundings was all that was on my admittedly selfish mind.

  “No, you sure can’t,” I said ignoring the panorama, my eyes on her and only her.

  Penny turned and glanced up at me. A puzzled, but bashful frown made her perfect nose crinkle as she contemplated my words and where my gaze was actually falling. The corners of her mouth lifted, that damned dimple reappearing again.

  Love at first sight? There was no such thing, right?

  Lust, maybe.

  And yet my heart was reverberating in my chest so loudly I almost missed her question.

  “Have you been in the army long?”

  I nodded and jammed my hands into my pockets for fear or doing something stupid. Reaching out to her, taking her into my arms. Shit, I’d only just met the woman and I was already contemplating how she would look naked beneath me, and later a baby at her breast. Steeling myself, I turned my attention to the vista hoping to find a distraction, only to be confronted with a sky that was the same bright colour as her eyes.

  “As long as I can remember. You could say it’s my whole life, or at least the best part of it. How about you? How long have you been out here?”

  “Not that long compared to Angel, Amy, and the rest of the team. Even after four months I’m still considered the new girl.”

  “Do you enjoy it?” I asked, not wanting her to stop talking. I could listen to her sweet drawl till the sun set and came back up again.

  “Oh, yes!” Penny’s face burst into a wide smile, but then she faltered, catching herself. “Well, I mean, I don’t enjoy what is happening to my patients, but…”

  “I understand what you mean; you have a calling.”

  “I guess you could call it that. All I’ve ever wanted to do is help people, the children especially. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else, so I had to come and at least try.”

  “Did you come out here alone?” I asked nonchalantly, hoping I was being subtle. “No husband or boyfriend?”

  “Yup, I mean. Yes, I came out alone. No boyfriend.”

  “So not only are you intelligent and gorgeous, but you’re brave too.”

  “Captain, I think you’ll find you’re wrong on all accounts.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Not from where I’m standing, Miss Hawkins.”

  Penny gave me a furtive glance, her smile slowly disappearing, a seriousness coming over her, and I cursed myself for making her feel awkward.

  Yet in the space of a few moments the distance between us had shrunk. I wasn’t entirely sure or conscious of how we’d managed to become within touching distance of each other.

  Had I stepped closer or had she?

  She gave off an exotic but sweet scent that reminded me of Golden-Delicious apples we got back home. Maybe it was a fragrant body cream she used or perhaps her shampoo, either way I longed to take in more of her smell, burying my face into her hair.

  Penny seemed to realise her close proximity and we both, in a weird comical kind of way, took a step apart. Giving ourselves much needed breathing room. Or at least I know I needed it… It felt like I was in the smallest of saunas, trapped inside with a woman I wasn’t allowed to get close to, and yet the temptation to touch her was almost too much to bear.

  Somehow she’d managed to cast a spell over me and I was in danger of throwing out all of the army regulations, their rules about not fraternising while on the job. Conduct unbecoming.

  “Maybe we should get back?” she said quietly while biting her lip, “I still have a few things I need to do.”

  “Of course,” I agreed and gestured for her to go first. I had every intention of escorting her back to the camp without laying my hands on her, getting back to business, but then disaster struck. Or good fortune depending on how you looked at it.

  As the good doctor turned and took a step back, she stumbled, her foot planted awkwardly. An unexpected divot underfoot. Her body twisted in order to compensate, but in the split second that I registered what was happening, it was clear she was about to take a tumble and I took action.

  Nothing short of a fatal blast to the head could’ve stopped me from intervening. In a flash and with a long stride forward, I captured her in my arms before she landed in a heap on the dry arid ground.

  Anyone looking at us in that position, my arms cradling and supporting her weight with her torso close to mine, and her legs extended, would think we’d just finished a frantic salsa and ended with an extravagant dip.

  Penny was breathing hard. Her eyes wide, she gazed up at me, possibly wondering how on earth in the space of a few seconds we’d managed to end up like that.

  Neither of us said a word for what seemed like the longest time. I could’ve held her like that for hours, not caring about the time that slipped away. Anything to be able to look at her.

  Her mouth parted as if to say something, but no words came. I wanted to kiss her.

  It was then I noticed that she was holding onto me too. One of her hands gripped my upper arm and had stayed there even after she was safe from her fall.

  As if reading my thoughts, her hand flexed and released its grip.

  “Are you okay?” I managed to say, finally breaking the silence.

  “I think so.”

  Reluctantly I pulled us out of the impromptu dip and straightened up, waiting till she found her footing before even contemplating letting her stand unaided.

  She winced as she stood.

  “You’re hurt.”

  Penny shook her head and gingerly began to take a step on the foot that was giving her trouble. “I’m okay.”

  “You’re not. Is it your ankle?”

  “I’m fine really. Once I walk it off, I’ll be right as rain, as they say.”

  I stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Let me have a quick look. I want to make sure nothing is broken.”

  She let out a little huff. “Just a twisted ankle is all. I swear I’m fine.” She grimaced as she took another step.

  I stood with my hands on my hips watching as she attempted another step. She did so, but only put her weight down lightly on the ball of her foot.

  “Well, if you won’t let me take a look it at it, you leave me with no other choice.”

  “What do you mean?” she said and glanced at me with determination, fully intent on trying to traverse back to the camp on the uneven ground without any assistance.

  She had another thing coming.

  Before she could stop me or realise my purpose, I got close to her again, bent slightly at the knees and just like that scooped her up into my arms. One swift and fluid movement.

  God did she feel good in my arms, and the look on her face was an added bonus.

  “What on earth do you think you are doing, Captain?” she demanded as I began to take careful but purposeful strides back to camp.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” I
said, failing miserably to hide my smile.

  “Put me down, I can walk.”

  “Nope. Doctor’s orders.”

  Penny scowled at me, pouting, a fierce twinkle in her eyes.

  “But if you want this to go faster, how about you put your arms around my neck? The sooner we get to camp, the sooner you can have your wish and I’ll put you down. And the sooner we can get that ankle looked at.”

  “I told you, it’s nothing,” she replied a little grumpily, but even as she said it, she hooked her arms over my shoulders and clung on tight.

  I smiled and increased my pace.



  “So what did you think of our handsome Captain?” Angel asked me as we watched him head back to his team after he’d insisted taking a look at my ankle. “That is one finely built man, uh-huh! Good hands too.”

  “Angel, try not to eat him for a few months at least. We need him and his team,” I joked and flexed my foot. Robert had quickly strapped it up with a bandage and it felt as good as new. I shivered remembering his fingers on my skin.

  “You cannot tell me you didn’t find him just as pretty to look at, my girl. I could feel the sparks flyin’ between the pair of you. He likes you, and you could use a bit of fun.”

  “There was no such thing,” I quickly denied, but could feel a blush colouring my cheeks even as I did so.

  I had to agree with her; Captain Robert Haven was about the sexiest thing I had ever seen. He had long limbs and was perfectly formed. He had a defined, strong physique that even made his desert fatigues look like they were tailor-made. I didn’t dare wonder what he might look like in dress uniform; I’d be nothing but a puddle on the floor! Who wasn’t a sucker for a man in uniform? I was definitely no exception, and he was the best looking man I had seen in a long while.

  But I knew I couldn’t get caught up in wild girlish fantasies; I was here to do a job, not to drool over the oh-so gorgeous Captain Haven, or let men whisk me off my feet! I shook my head and scattered away the inappropriate thoughts that continued to light a fire upon my rosy cheeks.

  “You could do worse. I know they say that Brits are a bit stuffy and don’t make good lovers—but I’ve certainly never found any truth to that!”

  “Really?” I blurted before I could even stop to ask if I even wanted to know the answer. Images of Captain Haven with his top off, his fingers reaching for his belt buckle, flashed before my eyes.

  “Really. The major was British and he was definitely the best lover I have ever had. But, I think the lovely captain would beat him hands down. Did you see those hands? Those long, strong fingers… I’d let him administer whatever medicine he wanted, if you know what I mean!”

  I slapped her playfully. I had seen his hands, allowed them to touch me, and lazily dreamed about what he could do with them. I’d tried to not make it so obvious when I’d been talking to him but decided that having my gaze settle upon his hands instead of his gorgeous face was the more appropriate option; if I’d kept staring at him the way I wanted to, he would’ve thought I was crazy, and of course my bright red face would’ve given me away.

  “Get your mind back on your work, Angel, we have babies to save,” I said seriously, though the intent of my words was directed predominately to myself. Captain Haven would certainly make very beautiful babies, I mused, but then immediately scolded myself for the thought.

  “Oh, if I must. Are you sure your ankle is up to it?”

  “Yeah, it’s just a little tender is all. The captain overreacted, he didn’t need to carry me all the way back.”

  “Awfully gallant of him, though.”

  “I suppose,” I said trying to hide my glee.

  To be fair it was probably the most exciting thing to have happened to me in a very long while. It wasn’t every day a handsome officer, that you’ve just met, scoops you up and carries you like you weigh nothing, and then soothes your aches and pains!

  “Well, you can’t tell me the image of that perfect butt isn’t going to be walking round your head too for the rest of the day? Or dare I say it, the whole damn week! If you even try to convince me otherwise I may have to assume that you are blind. Or that you’ve got no feelings in that cold, chaste, and virginal little body of yours!” Angel said with a teasing grin.

  “I am not cold, and I’m certainly not a virgin,” I protested. I felt things; just because I didn’t tend to act on all my feelings or tell the world about them didn’t mean they weren’t there.

  They were hidden, out of sight, and it was for the best; for my own good, I thought. I didn’t want to let even Angel know just how Robert Haven had made me feel because then I would also have to admit it to myself. And no doubt Angel would relentlessly encourage me to pursue something that had no hopes of ever lasting. Flings, even with the most handsome soldier, weren’t for me.

  I’d dated as a teenager back in Great Falls growing up, and at college too, of course. I’d also had a pretty serious relationship with a fellow intern at Johns Hopkins, but not one of those guys had ever made my palms sweaty just from looking at him.

  Not one of them had sent a ripple of pleasure through every cell of my body just by shaking my hand. And certainly, none of them had made me feel hot and wet with a single flirtatious comment.

  I was going to have to be really careful around Captain Robert Haven, because I simply couldn’t bear the thought of him knowing how loudly my heart had been beating in my chest as we walked side by side, or how much I had wanted to push back that stray lock of hair that kept falling so appealingly over his right eye. Or how when he had me in his arms I wanted to tilt my head towards him, meet his lips, and surprise him with a kiss.

  No, I reminded myself. He had a job to do and I had one too. Besides, he would only be here for three months anyway and I wasn’t the kind to go in for a casual relationship. Knowing myself, I thought, I’d most likely end up with a broken heart. But I was getting ahead of myself, conjuring up an imaginary fling when he probably didn’t even like me anyway. He was just being a gentleman. Doing a soldier’s duty. Nothing more.

  And the next few days I was proven right.

  Captain Haven barely glanced or took notice of me. Which was for the best. We had work to do. More important things to consider. But at least he was a man of his word. It turned out that he had spoken truly; his squad were happy to fall in line and do whatever was asked of them. And thankfully, they were a good natured bunch to have around. Within a few short days each member became indispensable—though we all knew too well that we would have to give them back to the army in due time.

  Being a skilled surgeon, I didn’t see much of the captain during the week that followed either. Part of me was a little sad about that, but the other—the much more sensible and logical part—was glad for the respite from my body’s relentless cravings for him.

  The constant onslaught of cases provided me a never ending distraction and I was able to get on with my work without always thinking about what he might be doing, or when we would meet next. Though thoughts of him touching my skin again, being so close, didn’t quite disappear. They were like shadowy revenants that crept up on me when I lay in my bunk or when I caught myself looking for him along corridors.

  My thoughts would drift while I did mundane tasks, to him and his incredible sexy British accent. It was the King’s English, formal and proper and yet at the same time intimate, like his words tasted of honey. There was no way I could completely forget that he was in the camp.

  My desire to see him always ramped up when my day was done and I was sat in the canteen eating my meals. It was like I had no ability to stop myself seeking him out, always hoping to catch a glimpse of him walking by. I was practically obsessed.

  But today was my lucky day.

  I watched him hungrily as he queued for his supper, almost drooling into my food as I shyly studied him from afar. Across the room he laughed with his army buddies.

  “You need to go and talk to him. I�
��m beginning to think I’m back in the school cafeteria,” Amy said grinning from ear to ear.

  “What?” I said as I looked up and focused upon Amy, who was sitting right across from me. When had she gotten here?

  Amy giggled. “I am back in high school! You’ve got it bad, girl. I said you should go talk to him.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” I replied and concentrated on my still full tray of now very cold food.

  Like Angel, Amy found it funny that I had fallen so hard for the delicious captain. “You’ll be asking me to go and ask him out on a date for you soon. Or passing notes to him.”

  “Don’t be so cruel, I’m not a kid.”

  “Oh, you know I’m only teasing. But you totally have puppy eyes for him.” She paused and rested her hand on top of mine. “Look, where’s the harm? He’ll only be here for a few months. The longer you leave it, the less likely you’ll ever make a move, and then he will be gone and you’ll never know what might have been. Hell, Penny, I thought we had battered the shy little Montana girl thing from you ages ago! You’re no fool, and neither is he. You’d both be going into it all with your eyes open,” she said before glancing over at him. “And your legs too!”

  “You just had to lower the tone, didn’t you?” I said flushing madly.

  I hated that my close friends had seen how much I liked him even though I’d tried so hard to hide it. Obviously not hard enough, I thought.

  She was right; I was a love-sick puppy and my desire for him was clearly stamped all across my face in indelible ink. But I hated too that they all thought they knew what would be good for me. And I couldn’t help but think that no matter what happened I would only be scratching an itch. He wouldn’t be here long enough for us to build the kind of foundations that a long distance relationship would need—let alone one that could withstand the added concerns that came from what both of us did for a living.

  “Penny, I know what you’re thinking. It’s written all over your prudish little face. But, you can’t deny yourself these things when they show up. Life is short! Just look around you. You can’t keep saying ‘when I get back home’, or even try and work out what kind of a future or relationship you might have when you work here. You have to just get on and do it. You, or he, could be dead or dying tomorrow. If you really do want him, you have to silence all those voices in your head, hon, and take one tiny risk.”


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