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Shifters Vignettes: Emma and Connall

Page 6

by Vivian Wood

  “Connall!” she said, her voice hoarse with panic. She looked down to check on the boy, who was staring at her with no small measure of terror.

  “I’m sorry!” she blurted, not knowing what else to say.

  The wolf came over and growled, then trotted toward the car. He was right, of course. They had to leave immediately.

  “Come with us,” she said, turning her gaze back to the boy.

  “Np freaking way!” the boy yelped, taking a step back. When he shook his head, she pointed an angry finger and yelled at him.

  “We just saved your ass, so get in the damned car! Don’t make me fry you like the other guys!” She’d never do it, but he didn’t have to know that.

  The boy held up his shaking hands, giving her a view of his injury. A bullet had grazed his shoulder, but it didn’t look deadly.

  “That’s right,” she said, feeling just as insane as she’d always worried. “Get in the car. Go!” she shooed him across the yard and into the car’s passenger seat just as people were starting to emerge from their houses, curious about all the noise and the gunshot.

  As soon as Connall jumped in the back seat, his wolfy bulk barely fitting, Emma closed his door and slid into the driver’s seat. She released the emergency break and peeled out, heading for the closest highway on-ramp.

  She felt Connall moving around in the back seat as she merged onto I-10 at full speed, relieved when his warm hand touched her neck. Looking into the rearview mirror, she thought she’d never seen anything more lovely than his extremely pissed-off face.

  “You didn’t tell me you could do that. The fire, I mean,” he said, scowling.

  “I didn’t know I could. I thought they were going to kill you, and I got pissed off. I don’t even know if I could do it again,” Emma admitted.

  “I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering how the hell you just pulled a new ability out of nowhere,” he said.

  “I had good motivation, I guess,” she said with a half smile.

  “You could have just ran,” he said.

  “I could not!” she said, offended.

  “You promised me you would!” he shot back.

  “I lied, obviously. Like I was going to leave you there.”

  “You should have run. There was no reason to risk your life, Emma.”

  “I love you,” she blurted out, biting her lip. She had to laugh then, because his face shifted to complete surprise at her words.

  “And you show me by risking your neck? You really are crazy,” he said, shaking his head. His expression seemed to be more awe than anything else, which Emma supposed she would take. “Don’t you dare do that again.”

  “I’m getting that a lot today,” she quipped. Changing topics, she asked the most important question of the moment.

  “Where the hell am I taking us now?”

  Connall just shook his head again, muttering a curse.

  “What was that?” she asked, bemused.

  “Just keep going east. We’ll get there quickly enough,” he said, closing his eyes and leaning back in his seat.


  Chapter Ten

  “I won’t do it!” Emma said stubbornly, crossing her arms.

  “It’s completely safe, I promise,” Connall coaxed, turning her toward the barn’s wall. The entire wall glowed eerily, crackling like a blank tv channel.

  “It’s unnatural!” she insisted with a frown.

  “I can change into a wolf. You can shoot blue fire from your hands. What’s new?” Connall said, releasing a big sigh.

  He started the engine of the Mercedes again and pressed a button to engage the child locks.

  “Connall, no!” Emma squawked in protest, but Connall didn’t respond.

  “You okay back there, kid?” he asked. When they’d stopped for gas, Connall had taken over driving, putting Emma in the passenger seat and the silent young man in the back.

  The kid shrugged, staring down at his lap.

  “See? He’s not scared. Just close your eyes,” Connall ordered, stepping lightly on the gas.

  Emma squeezed her eyes shut, but that didn’t stop her from feeling a brief moment of weightlessness followed by a split second of freefall. She gasped and flung her arms out, opening her eyes to find herself still in the car. But the car was definitely not in the barn anymore. They were moving down a well-used gravel path that cut through dense, gorgeous forest. The trees arched tall over the path, their leaves shining like emerald gossamer. Patches of crystal blue sky peeped through here and there, and a couple of bunnies hopped happily along beside the gravel road, unconcerned about the car’s presence.

  “Where the hell are we?” Emma gasped, pressing her face against the window to take it all in.

  “Between places. Fae magic, werewolves, blah blah blah. I’ll tell you the whole story later,” he explained.

  “Can’t wait,” she mumbled, staring at several modelesque women sitting on a picnic table in the middle of a giant grassy clearing. The clearing was surrounded by a number of impressive-looking buildings, all different in design.

  “That’s the main Den and the Grass,” Connall said, not even slowing down. He drove right past that part and soon pulled up at a small gray house, honking the horn.

  An extremely tall dark-haired hunk appeared in the front yard, shirtless. A petite blonde woman followed, wearing only a man’s button up shirt. A couple, obviously.

  Connall rolled down the window.

  “Jace, my man! Brought someone for you to meet!” he shouted. Turning to their back seat passenger, he jerked a thumb.

  “This is your stop for now, kid. We’ll be back in a few days.”

  The kid looked terrified, but scrambled out of the car. Without another word, Connall backed the car out of the yard and sped off, leaving the teenager staring at the two half-dressed twentysomethings.

  “Nice,” Emma said, pursing her lips.

  “He’s not going to want to be around for what happens next,” Connall said, pulling the car into another yard. This house was similar, but blue.

  “What- what happens next?” Emma asked. Connall jumped out of the car and slammed his door, then came around and opened her side. Emma got out, looking around uncertainly.

  “This is the guest house,” Connall explained. “And as to what happens next-”

  He took a couple of steps forward, backing Emma up against the hood of the Mercedes. Still he didn’t stop until her knees were spread and he stood between her legs, staring down at her.

  “You will never-” he leaned down and pulled her flush to his body.

  “Ever-” he leaned down and dropped a burning kiss to her lips.

  “Ever scare me like that again,” he whispered, kissing her again. This time his kiss was deeper, searing her from the inside out and leaving her breathless.

  “Tell me you understand so I can take you inside and ravish you,” he demanded, nipping at her earlobe.

  “I- I understand,” she said breathily, staring up at him in wonder. How in the world had this incredible male become hers?

  “And who do you belong to, Emma?” he purred, his tone belying the hint of threat in his words.

  “I belong to you,” she said, reaching up to touch his arms.

  “Connall. ‘I belong to you, Connall’”, he corrected, catching her wrists.

  “I belong to you, Connall,” she said, biting her lip. The anticipation was killing her, if he didn’t take her in the damned house right now…

  “And not just right now, Emma. I want to be the only one, for the rest of my lifetime. I won’t accept anything less,” he said, staring her down.

  “Oh,” she breathed, wide-eyed.

  “Say yes,” he prompted.

  “Yes, Connall,” she said, wanting to throw her arms around his neck.

  “Stay put,” he ordered. She watched impatiently as he opened the trunk, producing an elegant white box tied with blood-red bow. He handed it to her. “Hold this.”

ll slid an arm around her waist and scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder like a caveman. She shivered, watching the world pass dizzily until Connall threw her down in the middle of a huge, soft bed.

  “I never stay in one place for long. I travel all over the South for my work,” he said suddenly.

  “O-okay,” Emma said, not sure what he was talking about but willing to agree to anything that made him show her more of that incredible body.

  Connall knelt on the bed and tugged Emma’s shirt up and over her head, tossing it aside. Wherever this was going, she liked it.

  “I am stubborn as hell, and I don’t always the right things to say. And I’m messy. I never fold any of my clothes,” he said as he unzipped and unbuttoned her jeans, then pulled them down off her legs.

  She opened her mouth to respond, but he shook his head.

  “Just listen. You might as well know it all right now. I stole a pack of cigarettes once, when I was fifteen. I cheated to pass the Spanish requirements to get into college. I’m possessive, and picky, and I don’t eat anything purple. It’s unnatural,” he said sternly.

  “Connall…” she started again, but he shushed her.

  “I’m not perfect, but I swear to you, Emma. If you’ll have me properly, I’ll never look at another woman. I’ll take care of you every day for the rest of your life, and give you anything you ask me for.”

  Emma looked up at him with a soft smile, letting him get all the talking out of the way.

  “I’ve been chasing you for a year, and now that I have you I’ll worship you every day of my life. You just have to do one thing for me, Em.”

  “What’s that?” Emma asked, looking into his eyes.

  “Tell me you love me again. Tell me you’re mine,” he grated, taking her mouth again and kissing her deeply. He did more than simply taste, he he took. He possessed. By the time he pulled away, she was fiery hot and panting, wanting more.

  “Connall,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

  “Yeah?” he asked, managing to look a tiny bit worried.

  “I love you, and I’m yours,” she said simply, reaching to pull him down onto the bed. He came willingly, groaning as he disentangled himself.

  “I have to go get something. Open the box while I’m gone.”

  Emma pouted, but he was already out the door. She heard the front door slam, and frowned as she pulled the beautiful box close. Untying the ribbon, she pulled the lid off and gasped.

  Nestled in layers of sweetly perfumed tissue paper lay a bit of red silk. When she pulled it out, she was shocked to find the stunning red bustier she’d admired on Magazine St. Not only that, but also the matching garters and stockings as well.

  She couldn’t help but grin at his cheek. He’d followed her around and watched her shop! He was an absolute cad, but…

  She was still going to keep it. She wasn’t about to backtrack by getting dressed again right now, but this bustier was going to get some good use very soon.

  She wouldn’t have had time anyway, because the front door banged again and Connall reappeared. He held a bottle of clear blue liquid, marked only with a red cross on the side. She thought perhaps it was some kind of lotion or lubricant, but he just set it aside and sat down next to her.

  “You have too many clothes on,” Emma pointed out, giving him a pouty expression.

  He leaned close and gave her another brief kiss before standing to strip off his shirt and jeans, quickly tossing them aside. Emma couldn’t help but stare at his awe-inspiring body, now completely bare before her.

  “Satisfied?” he asked, giving her a smug smile.

  “Not in the least,” she said. “Now come kiss me.”

  He obliged, but after a moment he broke away and pressed kisses to her neck, her shoulders, nibbled at her earlobes. He cupped one of her breasts and found her nipple with his hot tongue and teeth, making her cry out in pleasure.

  Emma ran her hands over his shoulders and back, touching every bit of skin she could reach. He pressed into her touch, encouraging her. She felt emboldened and slid her hand down to touch his side, his hip, his butt.

  He mirrored her touches, exploring every curve and dip with obvious pleasure. They lay together, just touching and kissing for ages. Finally Emma worked up the nerve to slip her hand down from his navel, tracing the light trail of hair that led to his hardness.

  The second the trailed her fingertips down the silky length of his cock, he cursed and tensed, trying to capture her hand. She persisted, taking his length in her hand and stroking experimentally. He thrust into her hand and gritted his teeth, his whole body going completely stiff as he tried to restrain himself.

  If he liked her touch that much…

  Emma swept her hair out of her face and leaned closer, running the tip of her nose along his shaft. His breath caught, and she flicked out the tip of her tongue to taste him. Connall moaned and dug his fingers into her long hair, which made her smile.

  She took him in her hand again and slid his tip into the heat of her mouth, eliciting a strangled cry. She took him in deeper, little by little. He was too big for her to swallow whole, but she compensated by holding him firmly in her fist and syncing the movements of her hand and mouth.

  “Gods, Emma. You’re killing me,” he ground out, pulling her away and laying her body against his. Cradling her body in the shelter of his arms, he laid her on her back and gently parted her thighs. He traced his fingers down the inside of her thigh, making her shiver.

  When his fingers finally pushed aside her panties and touched her center, she cried out and bucked against his touch. He pulled back and practically ripped the panties off her body. In the next second he was sliding a finger into her core, making her wild with want.

  He introduced another finger, gently rubbing his thumb against her most sensitive spot at the same time. She was on the verge of something, on the edge of the highest cliff, ready to jump. She just needed…

  He withdrew his fingers and she let out an impatient whine.

  “You’ll not go without, love,” he promised, rolling his body to cover hers.

  She felt him press at her entrance and let out a deep moan. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him close as he sunk deep inside her.

  “Gods, Emma,” he said again, gripping her tightly as he withdrew and plunged in again. Despite her slick readiness, she felt stretched to her limits as he began to thrust in earnest.

  Ripples of sensation ran through her body, making every muscle tense and release. With each thrust he was rubbing her most sensitive spot, making her toes curl with pleasure. She hovered for a long beat, quivering with her need for release.

  “Let go,” Connall pleaded, causing a wave of sensation to rise and crest inside her body. It broke suddenly, dragging Emma away and down, leaving her senseless for a long moment. She cried out his name, her nails digging into his shoulders as his movements quickened with desperation.

  “Come for me,” Emma gasped, clinging to him as he thrust wildly.

  He let out a long bellow as he released, pouring his seed into her hotly. Even after he finished, he still thrust gently a few times as if needing everything he could get from her.


  Chapter Eleven

  “Hold still,” he said raggedly, withdrawing. He rolled over and picked up the bottle of blue gel he’d brought in earlier, opening it and squirting out a bit onto his fingers. He swept her sweat-dampened hair off her shoulder, dropping a tender kiss there. He brushed his fingertips there, rubbing the gel in a small circle. The spot tingled, quickly going numb.

  Emma opened her mouth to ask what he was doing, but his other hand came up to tease her breast. Her attention shifted, and she let out a little mewl of pleasure. Then suddenly she felt a flash of pain as he sunk his teeth into the muscle at the nape of her neck, increasing the pressure until he broke the skin. She cried out and he immediately removed his mouth.

  “What the fuck?” she asked, rolling away from him. />
  “I’m sorry, Emma. I needed to mark you. To keep you safe,” he explained, looking less guilty than she thought warranted.

  “You bit me!” she accused, touching the sensitive wound on the back of her neck.

  “Yes,” he said apologetically. “And now you’ll need to do it to me to complete the bond. You don’t have to use the gel, though. It tastes horrible.”

  “I am not going to bite you! Are you crazy?” she asked, glaring at her lover.

  “Emma,” he said, catching her fluttering hands as she tried to push him away.

  “You are crazy!” she repeated, her anger turning to worry.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, their gazes locking.

  “When you’re not biting me, I do!”

  “I told you that you were mine. Now I’ve made you mine, in the Shifter world. Don’t you want to reciprocate?” he asked calmly.

  “You want me to… to mark my territory?” Emma asked, uncertain.

  “I want you to make it so that everyone will know that we belong together. I can walk up to any female of my kind and they’ll know that I belong to someone.”

  Emma bit her lip. It was a crazy request, but wasn’t this what she wanted? Commitment from the man she recognized as her soulmate? A guarantee that he’d only ever seek her out for the rest of their lives? Yes, it was.

  “Okay,” she said finally, furrowing her brow.

  “Good,” he said, offering his neck. “Do it fast and hard, please.”

  Emma blinked, looking at his tanned, muscular neck. She took a deep breath and went for it, biting him as hard as she knew how. It took a long moment for her teeth to break the skin, but Connall didn’t do more than tense for a moment under her assault.

  Releasing him, she licked her lips and tasted the exotic tang of blood.

  Connall pulled her close, cocooning her in his arms. He whispered sweet things to her, stroking her body softly until she relaxed again. Her last waking thought was that she wouldn’t dream of him tonight, not after having him in the flesh. She supposed she’d just have to settle for having him every minute for the rest of her life.


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