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Page 10

by Kelly Lucille

  Ariel did not care for any of that, she needed one answer only. "Will Brax win?"

  Morax looked from Sara back to her and then to his own mate, where his gaze lingered while he spoke low and sure. "Brax has two advantages Rygan does not, so despite the seeming equality of the battle I would bet on Brax."

  "What advantages?" Ariel asked. Doing her best to swallow both the worry and the pain in her head as she kept her eyes on Morax and waited for what reassurance he could offer.

  "Brax is sane," he said simply his eyes finally returning to Ariel. "And he has you to protect. He would not die without first assuring the threat to you goes with him, at the very least."

  Ariel took in his words and the obvious connection she could feel between him and her sister Megan. She narrowed her eyes on the giant cold eyed Tellox. The last person she would ever want within two feet of her gentle older sister. "You are mated to Megan, right?"

  He nodded his head once, his eyes chilling as he seemed to expect her to denounce him, or something similar. She merely glared at him. "Well, I hope you have other fine qualities, because you suck at reassurance."


  If there had been space in the battle for talk, Brax might have been able to push his unstable brother into careless rage, but the fight was too fast, it was all he could do to stay ahead of the sword thrusts and attacking sand dragons. The only sound between them was the harsh breathing, clang of steel and spark of shields. Then Brax finally saw what he had been waiting for. Rygan was moving slower. Not a lot, but noticeably. He was not used to battle after hundreds of years of training and no real fights, as Brax had hoped, and his endurance was starting to falter. Or he was working some elaborate ruse to draw Brax in and take the fight before it happened in actuality. Brax was hoping for the first but started to plan his moves based on the latter. Either way he knew an opening would be coming soon, he just had to be in a place to take it, without getting himself caught in the trap that would inevitably follow.

  With a lightning fast whirl of steel, he pressed Rygan, and the king responded, parrying the hits, but barely now, and his answering volley that pressed Brax back across the sand was just the smallest bit slower. Not that it made them any less deadly.


  Ariel was still glaring at Morax when the five warriors in the king’s colors came out of whatever stasis they had been standing in and attacked their guards. It was unexpected and useless as far as she could see, because the other men, both Brax's and some she did not recognize were there to push them back, and then Ariel had a very bad feeling. She ran around the distracted Morax, who had pulled his sword and turned his back to place himself between them and the trouble. She heard his curses as she ducked more than one arm or torso that got in her way. She avoided the side where the fighting was happening, but she made it to the lip of the platform where she could finally look down into the sand pits, just in time to see Brax fall.


  It had been a distraction meant for him, Brax knew it from the satisfied look on his brother’s face as he held the naked energy blade at his throat. Brax growled at him, his sword caught behind him and under his thighs so that he could not even raise it to defend himself. It was beyond careless and Rygan's eyes gleamed with cruel satisfaction as a sand beast, one not distracted by the other battle, bounced off the shields of his back with a hungry roar.

  Rygan pulled back the blade for the final deadly thrust and smiled. "I will give your regards to my mate," he said.

  Brax took the chance he had been waiting for and triggered the energy knife he hid in his other hand. It went through Rygan’s energy shields like butter, and right into his exposed heart as he raised his bade up for the kill. His face went almost comically surprised as he fell to his knees before Brax, his sword still raised for the killing blow.

  Brax watched him topple backwards and stood up to look down as the light died from his eyes. Even a Tellox could not come back from an energy blade to the heart. But just in case he raised his sword again and took out the energy shield that still protected him. Then Brax stepped back while the dragons finally got their meal. He did not make any final statements or speak at all or watch life drain from his brother’s eyes. There was nothing more to say.

  Brax felt something brush over his mind and blinked at the caress of reassurance that penetrated his sorrow. Not that he had killed the man who would have destroyed not only the Tellox but his mate and her people as well, but for the brother he could have been, and the king he had been, before madness had taken his mind. He turned toward the control platform knowing that she would be there and met his mates glowing eyes. He dropped the shields he had in place in case the worst happened and did not know which emotion to go with. Relief that she was well and awake, or anger that she had returned to the moon after he had sent her to safety.

  I am having the same problem. Her thoughts whispered through his mind. Profound relief and the remnants of fear and adrenaline that was turning to exasperation as she felt his thoughts. Do I yell at you for taking such chances while I was too out of it to care, or just be happy you survived?

  Bring me up there, he thought back to her. And we will finish this discussion.

  Suddenly Ariel was not so sure she wanted him to finish the discussion, but having him close enough to touch, yeah, that she could get behind.


  Creeg teleported Brax to the command level and as soon as his feet were on solid ground once again his mate was in his arms.

  She breathed against the side of his neck, ignoring the blood and gore coating his leathers and shuddered. He knew from her mind that it was not in revulsion but relief that he was alive. That they had made it. His men were saved, the King was dead, and her sisters were found. All of that worked through her mind and then she just collapsed into his arms and clung to him.

  He kissed her hair and looked up to face the rest of what was coming.

  The first thing he saw were his men. They bowed their heads at him, looked at his mate in his arms and he could see the satisfaction and awe in their faces. Oz and Ren were both wounded, though not badly. Marek and Chevak seemed unharmed. Brax allowed himself to feel the relief his mate was projecting. But it was not over. Not yet. He looked around at the Tellox warriors surrounding them.

  The Tellox took the death of their king in grim silence. The five elite of his forces had all died in their final bid to serve him, except one who was unconscious. No one knew why he was that way, except that he was still fighting when Rygan died, and he just fell, as if a puppet’s strings had been cut.

  The battle was won and the rumbling of the onlookers started. Brax was fairly certain Ariel had fallen asleep in his arms so he shifted her over without jostling her, so that he could take the com Oz was trying to hand him. He looked at Farin and spoke to all of the Tellox with his eyes locked with the other mans.

  "I will not be King.” Before anyone could react to that shocking announcement he went on. “I have been too long away from Tellos and its people to be easily accepted, and I know that many would wonder if my brother’s madness would someday be mine as well. I propose, as one of the last of the original Tellox, and a warrior of great renown that Farin the Dark, take my place as King of the Tellox."

  The silence across the warriors was absolute, until one warrior began to beat the battle armor across his chest in rhythmic clangs. The rest joined him slowly until the whole of the Tellox armies cheered as one.

  Farin looked around him and then sighed long and loud, as if put upon. He grumbled at Brax that he had never liked him, and then turned on his com. "I am no King," he roared, and the cheers cut off until he was able to continue without yelling. "We are warriors, bred for battle, we do not need fancy titles for that. I will command the Tellox armies. If any would challenge me for the post of High Commander now is your chance," he pointed to Rygan in the sand being torn apart and fought over by dragons. "The sand is already christened with the blood of a would be king, you are
welcome to join him."

  None took him up on it. "Your first command is to form your Calvern and return to your ships. We will begin the mate hunt."

  Ariel jerked awake and wondered what she had missed when she heard the warriors roaring their approval only to go silent again.

  "It was never logical to assume that because one family of women were found on Earth to be mates to the Tellox, that all Tellox would find mates there." He looked at the three Tellox females and smiled. "Anyone that had dealings with Earth can see that these females are not typical of their kind. I believe it is something else that makes these females blood mates. If it was found once, it can be found again. We will hunt." More roars of agreement. "But not on one planet, but on all of them."

  He looked across at the other warriors, running his eyes over all the silent Tellox. "We rarely mingle with the females of other races, even as we are compelled to keep moving, and searching for we knew not what. Now we know what we look for. That at least is a relief. Especially because we have proof it can be found. And who’s to say the children of these unions will not produce daughters that will one day be Tellox mates?" This time the silence was absolute, and Ariel was not the only sister who did not like what he was suggesting, or what it might mean to their children, if they decided to breed, that was. But Farin was going on and the Tellox along the cliffs were listening as if what he was saying dripped gold into their ears. "Our blood mates are out there. So, form your Calvern, return to your ships and begin the hunt in any planet you feel drawn to explore. Find your blood mates. That is my first order as your High Commander."

  If Ariel thought they were loud before, it was nothing to the battle roars that went up at Farin's words. She looked up to meet her sisters’ eyes. It was good news for Earth at least, but the rest of the galaxy? Did things just get better or worse?

  She shook off her thoughts as a waste of time. It was out of her control, so worrying about it was useless. Only time would tell how the Tellox would evolve with their new purpose. She saw the same thoughts in her sisters’ eyes and blew out a breath. Allowing some of her tense worry to flow away. Civil war had been avoided, and it seemed that Creeg and his men, as well as Brax and his were no longer branded as traitors. And with the announcement that they could father future mates, Farin had also turned the new couples into something to be guarded and defended. Ariel turned her eyes to the black-eyed High Commander with new respect and saw that he was already looking back at her. He smiled, the smile did not reach his eyes, but she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knew exactly what he was doing.

  Not to be underestimated, she thought. Understanding why Brax had chosen him. Sara caught her eyes then and nodded. She saw it too. Whether he was the greatest warrior of the men standing there, he was in her sisters’ opinion the most dangerous and that was saying something in this company. Ariel was suddenly very glad that he seemed to be on their side.

  Yes, Brax said into her thoughts. They do not call him Farin the dark for his eye color. Even I would not challenge him if there was another choice.

  Is he that good in a fight?

  No, Brax said thinking about it. But to see him in battle is to fear him, like it is your first fight. It makes his opponents careless. I do not fear much, but I would not battle Farin the Dark if I could avoid it.


  Once the dead were thrown down to join their king’s remains, everyone alive left.

  Ariel had stood in the circle of Brax's arms and marveled at first the brutal treatment of the dead, and then the swift change in power. It was, in her opinion, both disturbing and anti-climactic.

  Sara had been the one to question Farin's intentions toward Earth females. Belligerently, and with challenge of her own in her voice.

  Something about her made the eyes of the Tellox new high commander gleam with what looked almost like humor in that cold face. But he answered her easy enough.

  He looked between the three females and then to the rest of the men who stood around them in differing protective stances.

  "Rygan thought to change females to suit us. It is time, I think, for the Tellox to make the changes." Farin was going on. "Earth is only one of many places to look. The point is we have a purpose again. One not based on blood and death but on life and possibility. We look for blood mates," he said finishing.

  "And Earth?" Sara asked insistently wanting an answer, as did they all.

  "Will be dealt with as all other planets we have diplomatic dealings with. If an accord can be reached between our people, our warriors will have the chance to mingle with Earth females, the same as all the others." He shrugged. "If Earth does not want to negotiate, well, we shall see what comes. But no Tellox will be hunting there until that avenue is at least explored."

  Ariel grimaced, she had serious doubts that Earth would ignore peace talks with the Tellox. There was too much they could offer them in exchange, and too much danger to Earth if they refused.

  "Rygan was experimenting on his warriors and had plans to do the same to find females for your people," Ariel said her eyes on Farin, assessing his reactions. She did not know him, besides the fact that he was scary and had a brain in his head. What he said sounded logical, but she would hold off judgment until she saw his actions, not just his words.

  "After I have finished here I will return to Tellos and ensure that everything he was doing is destroyed." He looked grim. "I have long suspected something like that but without proof..." he looked from the females to the surrounding men. "Will you be returning to Tellos and your lands there?

  Creeg exchanged a glance with Morax and then looked down at his mate who stood at his side. "We have found our place. We will not be returning."

  If Farin was surprised by that he did not show it. He turned to look at Brax and Ariel. His brow raised in question.

  Brax shook his head. Ariel looked up at him and he met her eyes even as he answered. "We are undecided about what we will be doing, but I do not think Tellos will ever be home for us."

  Ariel did not mean to, but she was pretty sure she telegraphed her relief at that, even before she felt the caress of her mate across her mind. "I will discuss it with my men and they will be free to make their own choices. If they are welcome?"

  "They are, as are you all should you choose it." Farin seemed to go to a place inside himself before he looked back at them all. "Though something tells me Tellos will not be the choice of too many, when there is a hunt to be started."

  Brax shrugged. "Few ever stayed for long unless they served the king. I do not see that changing now."

  Farin nodded. Then he looked from the men to the women at their sides. "Three mates found," he said almost reverently. "Let the hunt begin."


  Ariel was still thinking on the new Commander’s final words when they teleported to Creeg's ship. It really had not occurred to her that Brax would still want to fight after everything that happened, but the first thing he said to her when they were safe aboard was inflammatory to say the least.

  "What the hell were you thinking returning to the surface like that?" The growl would have grabbed her attention even if the hand that wrapped around her arm to whip her around had not. And since she was still dizzy and wanting nothing so much as a bed and an aspirin, the quick grab was enough to ignite her own temper. Though admittedly hers was not nearly as incendiary as his was.

  She just looked at him coldly and arched a brow. Her brain was feeling sluggish, her limbs weighted, so she knew she was not going to last much longer. She searched through all her responses for one that would end this argument before it really got annoying and settled on one guaranteed to derail the big warrior. If this did not work she would just pass out and let him carry her to bed, something she could feel not far away anyway. "What would you have done, if it was me?"

  Brax ground his teeth, at her calm non-answer. He would have ripped apart the world to get back to her, no matter what it took, but he did not say that. "You are clever enough
to know that you would only distract me going back there."

  "Maybe," she said fighting a yawn. "But I could not have stayed safe on the ship while you fought your brother to the death any more than you could if it had been me."

  He narrowed his eyes at both her calm words and the yawn he could see her fighting. "Am I boring you?" he growled.

  "I'm just tired. It's been a long day," she looked around. "Is it still considered day in space?"

  Brax ground his teeth at her inane question and attempt to distract him. He searched her thoughts and knew no matter what he said she would not admit that she was in the wrong, mostly because in her tired thoughts she knew she would do the exact same thing all over again. He yanked her to him, kissing her until she lost her detached air and melted into his arms. Finally, he pulled back assured that he had the complete attention of all that amazing brain of hers. "If you had been hurt none of the rest would have mattered," he growled low burying his face in her hair. "You have an amazing capacity for critical thinking and logical planning in that brain of yours," he grumbled, not even slightly joking. "Next time use it."

  Her feet dangling a foot off the floor, if Ariel did not feel his sincerity she might have been angered at his attempt at emotional manipulation, but she could feel that that was not what this was, so she just sighed and wrapped herself around him. "It might not have been the smartest move," she admitted with her own grumble.

  A gasp was shocked out of both her sisters.

  "Have you ever heard Ariel admit she was wrong?" Sara asked Megan behind them.


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