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Sublime Trust

Page 96

by Jaye Peaches

  Jason sighed. “Okay. I accept that only because of hindsight. Martinson remembered Mottram being a decent bloke and a good soldier.”

  I relaxed slightly. Jason had received reassurances, and it made my judgement seem less foolish. “Dougie picked the wrong friend. He doesn’t see it now. One day, he might.” I sniffed, and my tummy rumbled in response to the aroma of food. Perhaps I was hungrier than I thought.

  Jason moved the plate back. “For fuck’s sake, eat. Then tell me what he told you.”

  While I devoured my sandwich, Jason rang to check on Joshua. When he ended the call, I wiped my mouth with the napkin and told him Dougie’s story. I skipped over his reminisces of good times and kept to the important parts. My voice quavered as I told him about Dougie feeling guilty about his running off and his perception of the consequences of his declaration of love and the aftermath it created.

  Silence descended again. I didn’t look at Jason, unable to bear the intensity of his blue gaze. He reached over and captured my right hand then ran his thumb along my knuckles, his little but oh-so-familiar act of reassurance. My shoulders sagged, and I let out a sob of relief, wiping my eyes with the napkin.

  “Shh, babe. I’m not cross.” He grinned fleetingly. “Not true. I was furious and probably scared Joshua when I threw the phone across the room.”

  I flinched at the image of Joshua seeing scary Daddy.

  He squeezed my hand. “Don’t worry, it passed quickly. Nothing like the pitiful eyes of a child to quell a temper. We kissed and made up, Joshua and I.”

  “And us?” I whispered.

  Punishment loomed its ugly head. I had been wilfully disobedient. Although I hadn’t dismissed Gibson from my presence, I had met a man without Jason’s consent, making myself vulnerable.

  “You tell me.”

  He was asking me to decide my own punishment. I’d disobeyed him and forced him to abandon our son. Did I want him to thrash the defiance out of me? Re-assessing my choices, I didn’t believe I deserved it. Jason was my Dominant, but sometimes I had to contemplate withdrawing consent. Should I refuse and deal with the consequences or submit to his intentions?

  I straightened, ready to explain my reasoning. “When I saw Dougie in the gallery, I was afraid. Was he coming to seek revenge, retribution for his friend? In the past, he never gave me any indication I couldn’t trust him. So, I made a decision. You weren’t here, and I did what I believed was best. You see, I have to know, understand why it happened to me. Now, I know. I was the next available person, on hand, easy. His anger at Dougie couldn’t be resolved, and there I was, being a little sassy, awkward, nothing out of the ordinary. But his to do with as he pleased, or so he thought. He raped me to get at Dougie, in a twisted kind of way. He shouted all this abuse at me, but it wasn’t aimed at me.” I paused, holding my breath, expecting some kind of criticism.

  “Go on,” he murmured.

  I released my breath, my confidence growing. The answer to my dilemma became clear. I could do this. I could ask without withdrawing consent. “You’re not going to punish me for defying you. I won’t let you. However. I wouldn’t mind if you reclaimed me. Whatever you think that involves. I feel this urgent need to be part of you, Jason. But, don’t say you’re disciplining me because I won’t accept punishment. Please, that is all I ask of you.”

  I ended my unusually long speech, keeping watch on his unflinching features. His stroking thumb had stilled during my last few sentences, but now it moved across my knuckles once again.

  “You should get back to the gallery. You’ve been missed, and I need to collect a wild child.” He let go of my hand and stood up. “I’ll walk you back across the street.”

  Was that it? His lack of reprimand continued to stun me, and if not for the kiss on the lips as we parted, I would have wondered if I had overstepped my authority, exerted too much control. Jason sped away in his Jaguar, and I threw myself into my work for the rest of the afternoon. I apologised profusely to Nicholas and Mina, and they shrugged off my absence, reminding me of their competence.

  I went to Blythewood to be with Joshua. Jason had rearranged for us to return to the city the next day. Unhindered by a tight schedule, I bathed Joshua, read him extra stories, and laid him in his cot.

  Jason, having acknowledged my return, didn’t interfere as I spent quality time with my son. Once he’d fallen asleep, I cooked up some leftovers from the fridge and served the evening meal to Jason.

  We ate in silence. The tension between us hung in the air like a barrier. Everything felt wrong and out of place. Where had been our usual playful banter, his kisses and the odd swats of my bottom while I cooked? I was desperate for his decision because then I could be at peace and move on from this hellish insecurity.

  However, I daren’t disturb his contemplations, unsure if I should push him into an answer. I’d learnt, finally, not to rush him or make uninvited expectations of what was to follow, but just go with the flow.

  After the meal, as he sat drinking the last mouthfuls of his wine, I wiped down the worktops.

  Would he whisk me off to the lair to remind me of the importance of obedience? To reinforce his control over me. Not a punishment, but something intense and lingering.

  Or the marital bedroom to rekindle our love? Wash away the tension and smooth over the cracks.

  Perhaps, an evening spent watching a movie or reading in the sitting room while we observed the dusk descend over the garden? A re-set without the intensity of emotions, and a reminder we were always happy in each other’s company.

  All those scenarios were possible. With a wry smile, I squeezed out the dishcloth and hung it on the mixer tap. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t my decision. I had made my choice a long time ago. I chose to be a submissive and to offer my submission to Jason. I didn’t have to know or worry about what he wished or desired from me. The relief flooded back into me, and I held back the tears for a moment, staring at my reflection in the kitchen window. I could see him in the faint reflection, still sitting at the table, waiting patiently.

  Just let go. Be his.

  He rose, and I followed his progress across the room. He stood behind me and took my hand, tugging on it a fraction.

  “Come.” A simple command with no hint of where, but I would follow regardless.

  Gripping his hand, I felt the energy buzz between us, moving back and forth in a ceaseless exchange. A beautiful dynamic that nothing or nobody could destroy.


  I rest my eyes for a few minutes. Computer screens will be the ruin of my eyesight. The office door is slightly ajar, and I hear Carla’s voice, not the actual words, but her tone. She is giving someone an earful. The phone call ends, and I call out, “Carla, coffee, please!”

  “Coming, Mr Lucas,” she hollers.

  I imagine her scraping back her chair and setting up a fresh coffee filter. I drink too much coffee. I know this, but it will keep me going until the end of the working day. This evening, I will be at Blythewood, my true home. Gemma will greet me in the hallway, and, taking my coat and shoes, she will welcome me with her kisses and sometimes, if she feels the need, she will kneel and rest against my legs. I will touch her hair and give her words of comfort.

  I open my eyes and there in front of me on my desk are two photos. One is of Gemma, taken on her 30th birthday, her face turned to look back over her shoulder, her smile subtle, like the Mona Lisa, and her necklace glittering in the sunlight.

  Next to her photo is another. Joshua beaming at me with his blue eyes fixed on the camera. He’s clapping his hands. Propped between his legs is another child, a tiny baby, barely a few days old—his sister, my daughter, Amelia, the image of her beautiful mother.

  I am content. My business continues to survive whatever is flung at it by the economic climate, the morass of bureaucracy, and the unpredictable world of international politics. No longer do I seek to expand. I have a business to consolidate and manage. An empire for my children to inherit.

  My wife is my perfect spouse. From out of her traumatic ashes, she has risen like a phoenix into an exceptionally sexual, masochistic submissive, a realisation of my dream. She is an embodiment of my passions, and she grows in strength every year as I continue to control her sensual being. Definitions and rules cease to be of consequence when she does all that I wish her to do. Her limitations are minimal, and she pleases me in many ways beyond our original agreement. She is all I need in a companion—my lover, wife and, as I smile at her photo, my little subbie to cherish.


  I shut my eyes. A negative image of my painting forms in the darkness. A satisfying illusion, and I open my eyes to reflect on my creation. Not one for the gallery, or even a frame, it is an experiment of colour and form. Abstract in nature and the product of a medley of brush strokes, rather like one of my son’s pictures.

  He is playing with Clara on the floor in the atelier. He whoops as he smashes together his favourite comic adventure characters, probably Batman or Spiderman. So like a boy, loud and boisterous. I hope he learns his father’s self-control.

  Asleep in her Moses basket is Amelia. Mine to nurture and to ensure she will always have a sense of worth and independence. Whatever anyone else might think about my submission, I know I am strong and resilient, and I have my self-esteem back in force. I have Jason to thank for that. Putting my broken pieces back together, he moulded me into his perfect mate and submissive lover. I don’t mind why he chose me because he gives back in so many ways, and each one is fundamental to my survival and my love for him. My devotion to Jason and the connection we have as submissive and Dominant are unwavering and cemented to unbreakable foundations.

  Today I cannot sit on my bottom. I paint standing up. Pulling down the waistband of my sweat pants, I look at my marks with a happy smile. The relics of a spanking, delivered not as a punishment—Jason rarely punishes me these days—but during an erotic scene in his lair. I wear these marks with pride. If I could have asked for them, I would have. I did not ask; he knew what I needed and gave them to me yesterday. I am infected by his eternal love, and there is no cure. I need him, and I will always give him what he needs—my love, my submission, my fidelity.


  Author’s website

  Includes bonus stories about key characters.

  Other books by Jaye Peaches

  Perfect Notes

  Callie is all he desires – the tonic for his dominance, but to fulfil their dreams she must succumb to his passions.

  Amateur Clarinettist, Callie, turns up for an orchestra rehearsal following a six-week absence to find a new conductor in residence. Stefan – a charismatic man with ambitions to be a composer. After he gives her a lift home, he invites her to his house for a practice session. What begins as a music lesson ends with a passionate display of dominance by Stefan.

  As their sexual affair blossoms, Callie is increasingly drawn to find out more about her aspiring composer and why he is a potent lover in the bedroom. When she turns up unexpectedly at his house, she is shocked to find him in the company of a naked woman. Horrified to think he might have betrayed her, she calls an end to their relationship, but persistent Stefan begs for a second chance.

  Encouraged by her boss to resolve her feelings towards Stefan, Callie seeks out a friend of his, hoping to understand what drives him to dominate, but the explanation given creates more unresolved issues for Callie. Determined to seek out the truth, she plans to confront Stefan. By then, Stefan has gone abroad. Callie must make a decision. Cash in her savings and follow Stefan or banish him from her life. If she does the latter, she will never understand the nature of the intense emotions he has awoken within her. Dare she love him?

  Published by Totally Bound



  Touched in ways she never thought possible, Tania meets a man who will take her completely.

  Tania Havers has no time for sex, never mind romance or boyfriends. Life as an investment analyst in the City of London gives her plenty of stress and competition from equally ambitious work colleagues.

  On the advice of a friend, Tania tries out something different—tantric massages. Meeting Adam, an erotic masseur with hands that send her into sensual oblivion, she begins a covert affair, one that takes them out of the massage parlour, into a hotel room, then to her apartment and finally his basement, where Adam shows Tania his secret passion—one he wishes to explore with her.

  While their erotic pastimes bring relief, Tania’s career intrudes on their relationship. Driven by ambition, she will deal with obstacles as she sees fit. Adam is about to find out whether Tania has room in her life—and in her heart—for him or whether she will sacrifice their love to save her career.

  Published by Totally Bound


  Viola’s Heart Strings

  After a chance meeting, young Viola Pritchard finds herself married to the enigmatic Sir Anton Valise. The innocent Viola falls fast for her new husband. She loves him and only wishes to please him and be the wife he wishes her to be. She's surprised to find that she craves Anton's passionate and dominant lovemaking, and even lusts for him to take her in more erotic ways.

  Determined not to repeat mistakes from his past, Anton tries to keep Viola at a distance. Her sweet submission and unflagging loyalty prove to be his weakness. The baronet introduces rules to ensure his new wife will remain obedient, not trusting that her intentions could be so pure.

  When Viola discovers a series of secret rooms and a diary left behind by Anton's late wife, she unearths a chilling mystery. With tension between the couple rising, Anton and Viola's relationship reaches a crisis point. Can Viola crack the armor around her baronet's safely guarded heart?

  Published by Baronet Press


  Mastering Meg

  When Megan is rude to a troublesome patient at the dental clinic where she works, the man who catches her in the act is none other than the tall, dark, and handsome Dr. Jeremy Rawlings. After informing Megan that it is clear from her behaviour that she is in desperate need of discipline, Jeremy instructs her to remain at the office after work for a sound spanking.

  Despite her embarrassment at the prospect of such a humiliating punishment, Megan finds herself doing as she is told. Once her panties are down and her bottom is properly bared, her spanking turns out to be firm, unyielding, and painfully thorough. But Jeremy’s manner during her chastisement is sincere and kind, and before she knows it she has promised to apologize sincerely for her rudeness.

  Though his standards for her are exacting, Megan finds herself more aroused by Jeremy than she has been by any man before, and she doesn’t hesitate to agree when he asks her to be his submissive. But will her penchant for mischief and defiance mean that she spends most of her time with a red bottom?

  Published by Stormy Night Publications


  In Enemy Hands

  A historical spanking romance with a stern hero and a feisty heroine.

  When the rest of her household flees the family estate during the English Civil War, Hester Cavell, a proud Royalist supporter, stays behind hoping to protect her home. Unfortunately for Hester, she quickly finds that she is no match for a troop of Parliamentarian dragoons, led by Captain Daniel Hasard. Once the dragoons take control of her house, Daniel lets Hester stay with her servants, but he warns her that he will punish her severely if she causes any trouble.

  Despite Daniel’s warning, it isn’t long before Hester risks her safety and attempts to sabotage his troops, earning her a long, hard switching on her bare bottom. But as the weeks pass, she begins to realize that the man behind the enemy uniform is loving, intelligent, and kind, and she can’t help but grow more and more attracted to him. Daniel returns Hester’s affection, and while they remain enemies by day to protect her reputation, they soon become passionate lovers by night.

>   Not wanting the servants to guess at their games, Hester continues to make a pretence at mischief, and Daniel continues to punish her sternly. But when a servant at last finds out the truth of their relationship, will it bring an end to their newfound romance, or will Daniel cast aside politics and allegiances and ask for her hand in marriage?

  Published by Stormy Night Publications


  Bound by Her Promise

  A futuristic spanking romance set on a mining colony on Jupiter's moon, Callisto.

  When twenty-two-year-old Lysa travels to the Outer Rim Colony on Callisto to be a miner’s wife, she isn’t in it for love or even for the fairly generous pay. She undertakes the voyage because the government refuses to let women into technological fields, and the mining colony is her only chance at learning in secret. But upon reaching the colony, it isn’t long before Lysa wonders if she is in way over her head.

  Blake, the man she is to marry, brings her almost immediately to the colony doctor for an incredibly thorough, humiliating medical examination. Even more disturbing is the fact that apparently her marriage contract gives Blake the right to discipline her when he feels it necessary, including by means of a bare-bottom spanking.

  After Lysa confesses to Blake the real reason she came to the colony, he reluctantly agrees to help her as long as she promises not to neglect her wifely duties. To her surprise, despite her new husband’s less-than-enlightened views on how a misbehaving wife should be dealt with, Lysa soon find herself both enjoying his company and craving his skilled, dominant lovemaking. But when the head of the colony learns that Lysa is illegally studying to be an engineer and that Blake is helping her, will they be forced apart forever?


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