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Nova Romae (The Adventures of Christopher Slone Book 2)

Page 11

by Donald Nicklas

  Chapter 6 – Rescue

  Slone was pulling Alaya along as they tried to get as far away from the stricken hover transport as possible. Slone remembered thinking it was great to see some initiative from a resistance organization, but he wished he wasn’t quite as close to the action. Decanus Marshal ran another way to make sure pursuit would be difficult if they were discovered. Slone still had the tap node, which put him in a risky position, should they be caught. He knew this action would cause the Petrov forces to seal the city and make it difficult to get out. They were three city blocks away from the hover transport when it finally hit the ground. Much to Slone’s surprise, a massive explosion that knocked both him and Alaya to the ground and peppered them with debris followed the impact. His last thought before losing consciousness was ‘they hit a munitions transport’. He looked over to see Alaya lying next to him with blood coming from the back of her head. Then he lost consciousness.

  For the next few hours, he was in and out of consciousness. Once he had the sensation of being transported. Another time he woke up for a short time and knew he was in a hospital having his wounds treated. One other time he woke up and saw medical personnel around him. The mission had been easy if not for that attack on the transport. His episodes of consciousness became longer and soon he was wide awake and in some pain from his wounds. His mind began to take stock of his condition and, from what he could see, most of his injuries were impacts from the debris. He knew his cloths were off and he was in a hospital gown. That also meant the Petrov forces had the tap node, if they bothered to go through his clothing. He was hoping to be classified along with the other civilians as collateral damage and they would be questioned as witnesses and released. He looked around his room now and saw another bed nearby with Alaya on it. She had her head bandaged but otherwise looked ok. She was also awake.

  “Alaya,” Slone whispered.

  She turned her head in his direction and smiled. “What happened?”

  “I think the transport blew up. Last I remember we were running from the falling hover and then there was a massive explosion and lights out.” Slone decided to act as if he knew only what a civilian would know and hoped Alaya would pick up on it. First rule of operation behind enemy lines is act as if you are a victim, not a player.

  Alaya sat up. “We have to get home; the children must be worried sick, wondering what happened.” Alaya knew how to play the game.

  As they were talking, they suddenly heard clapping coming from the room entrance. “Very nice acting, you’re well trained,” a deep voice said.

  The Slones both looked in the direction of the clapping and saw a man of medium height and build with black hair showing no evidence of graying. His face was kind, but Slone was not deceived. He wore the drab olive uniform of the Petrov military. The insignia where rank should be was replaced by the letters ‘S.P.’, which Slone knew, meant secret police. All of the corporations had their version of a secret police force and, by convention, they all identified themselves with the ‘S.P.’ letters when in full uniform. They carried no rank, since they had free hand in all military situations and no one outranked them except the higher corporate officers from vice president to CEO. They answered only to the VP of special operations. For convenience, the corporations all adopted a similar ranking and identification system to make all negotiations clear. To them business was war, even if no shots were fired. For this reason Slone had difficulty learning the equivalent ranks among the Romani, since they followed ancient Roman ranks and not corporate. Both Slone and Alaya tried to sit up and discovered they were handcuffed to the bed rails.

  “Let me help you,” Ms. Sinclair. He went over to Alaya and took off her handcuffs. As he cleared the door, Slone noticed guards outside the room. Alaya was surprised at being addressed by her old name.

  “What did you call me? You must be mistaken. My name is Olivia Christopher and that is my husband David Christopher.”

  The stranger looked at her and said in a soft voice, “You can drop the alias. We already identified you through our records, just as we did Captain Slone. You are supposed to be dead, both of you, yet here you are. I’m sure there must be an interesting story behind this. What I want to know is why you are here and what interest does Sinclair Corp have in our little invasion?”

  “I told you, you’re mistaken. I don’t know who you think I am but I’m not that person. I once lived in Sinclair space but that’s about it.”

  A faint smile broke out on the stranger’s face and he said, “We’ll see how long you stick to that story.” He now moved next to Slone’s bed. “How about you, captain? Are you also going along with this story?”

  Slone looked at him and noticed a subtle burn scar on the left cheek. It looked like someone had applied a poker to him in the past. A similar fate was no doubt awaiting them. “I’m not a captain in any military and I don’t know what you’re talking about. My wife and I are tourists on this planet and are stuck here because of your invasion.”

  The stranger laughed, “New Wales has been accused of being many things, but a tourist attraction is a new one. But wait, where are my manners? I never introduced myself. My name is Grisha Novicov and I am head of the intelligence unit attached to the 24th division of the Petrov armed forces. It is my task to find out exactly what you are doing here and if you are spying for Sinclair Corp.”

  “We’re not spies.”

  Novicov replied, “If not, then tell me what a tourist is doing with a tap node in an encryption we have never seen. You can imagine, as part of my job, I do a lot of decrypting and am familiar with the basic appearance of all corporate codes, yet here we have one that no one has ever seen nor has any idea how to decrypt. How do you explain that?”

  “A tap node? No idea what that is. I found an electronic device on the street as we were walking along, before something happened to that transport. I was going to turn it in, but then the explosion occurred. I’m glad you have it now.”

  After he said this, Slone realized how lame it sounded. He could tell by the smile on Novicov’s face that he found it as amusing as Slone would if someone told him that story.

  “Well I’m sure our techs will crack it soon enough. By the way, we are also missing our military governor assigned to this planet. Any idea about him?”

  Slone took note that they had not yet found the body in the tunnel. That was good or they would be standing in front of a wall shortly. Slone responded, “Sorry, I didn’t even know you had a governor here.”

  Without warning, Novicov slapped Slone hard across the face and he knew the nice part was over. Novicov turned to the guards outside the door. “Take them into the subbasement.”

  Slone and Alaya were roughly taken out of their beds and pushed into the hall. They were still in hospital gowns, but did have their underwear on. Obviously, their cloths were minutely examined. They would not find anything there, since they were obtained from Balin refugees and no military clothing of any kind was worn. He and Alaya were sore from the explosion but otherwise seemed ok. Alaya was walking under her own power, as was Slone. Now they had to take care to watch for any opportunity to escape, though he had no idea where he was other than a hospital. As they moved down the corridor, patients and staff watched them and many had pity in their eyes. They saw others taken away by Petrov forces, never to be seen again. They were taken in a freight elevator down to the subbasement. There they entered a room, filled with electrical equipment and other devices, that Slone recognized as a torture chamber. Interrogation was about to begin. Novicov had Slone and Alaya tied to metal tables. The table was cold against Slone’s back.

  “We in the Petrov Corp don’t believe in beating people or cutting them. I think all you need to get information is a spot of electricity,” this last was said with a hint of pleasure.

  There were two guards and an assistant in the room. The guards were on either side of the entrance door. The assistant was standing at an electrical panel. Novicov went over to Alaya and l
ooked her up and down. “It would be a shame to hurt such a lovely lady. I’m still trying to figure out why your father would send his daughter on such a high risk mission,” he said as he stroked his chin. “Very curious. However, those questions will have to wait. We have more pressing issues to talk about.”

  Novicov walked over to Slone. “Now, captain. How about you tell me why you’re really here and what does Sinclair Corp have to do with all of this?”

  “I told you, we are not who you think we are and know nothing about Sinclair Corp.”

  “Wrong answer,” Novicov replied and nodded in the direction of his assistant, who then pushed a button. Slone could feel the electricity course through his body. His muscles contracted and his back arched. Most people think it is just the pain of the current that hurts, when being electrocuted, but there is actually more pain from both sets of muscle groups pulling against the same bone, simultaneously.

  The question was asked several times with the same result. Novicov then moved on to Alaya and asked her the question. Again, not the answer he wanted and she had the electricity applied to her. She tried to stifle a scream and Slone screamed, “Leave her alone.”

  Novicov answered, “Tell us what we want to know.”

  As the last word left his lips, the door flew open and an apparition, that froze all of the Petrov personnel, came through the door like a flash. It was something out of their nightmares as children when they heard stories of dinosaurs. A clawed hand lashed out at the same time the tail whipped around in an arc. The scale armored tail impaled one of the guards through the chest while the second guard had his throat ripped out by a clawed had. The apparition then leapt across the room and clawed open the chest of the assistant with its foot. This all happened in the span of two seconds and Slone quickly spoke as he saw Sly heading for Novicov. “Sly, don’t kill him yet.”

  Sly quickly changed intent, grabbed Novicov around the neck, and disarmed him in one quick move. Sly then dragged the Petrov interrogator along as she deftly slit the restraints on Slone and Alaya. She then picked up Novicov as if he were feather light and sat him on the table Alaya just left.

  Slone went over and closed the door. He then looked about the room at the carnage. There was blood everywhere. Then he looked at Sly standing over Novicov, who was sitting on the table in a state of shock. He was not dealing well with his first alien encounter. Slone walked over to him. “To answer your question, we have nothing to do with Sinclair Corp and are not spies for them. Notice I did not say we weren’t spies, but we belong to a different group. Now take off your clothes.”

  Novicov was still in shock so Slone slapped him hard across the face, since he owed him that. He came to his senses and took off his shirt and trousers along with his shoes and socks. Slone put them on. They were a little big but they would have to do. The shoes were a bit snug. He also put on his uniform jacket and gun belt with the pistol in the holster. He checked the ammo clip and was delighted to find it full.

  “What am I going to wear?” Alaya asked.

  Slone looked at her with her short hospital gown. “I kind of like what you have on, but it won’t do. Sly made a bit of a mess here but see if you can cobble together a shirt and trousers. There’s a jacket hanging on the hook in the corner.

  Alaya found a shirt and pants from the guards whose bloodstains she could hide under the coat. She also took their shoes. Since Sly had torn the assistant’s chest open, he wasn’t wearing anything not blood soaked. Alaya found the assistant’s lab coat in the corner and put it on. She then took a model stance and asked how she looked.

  “I think we’ve both looked better dear, but you’re always a beauty.”

  “Thanks, way to woo a girl. What now.”

  Slone turned to Novicov, “Do you have a hovercraft outside?”

  Novicov could not take his eyes from Sly. Partly because he saw his first alien and partly because there was a reptile death grip on his neck. “It’s at the front entrance of the hospital. Designated SP0101. But you’ll never make it out of here alive, not with this monstrosity.”

  Novicov was getting some of his senses back. He would have to be dealt with.

  “Sly,” Slone said, “I’ll get the hovercraft. You take Alaya with you and protect her. They won’t question this uniform if they’re good little soldiers, but they will question her. Did you come in a side entrance?”

  The usually quivering preceded Sly’s response, “Sss. I came in a side door on ground floor.”

  “Ok you and Alaya go that way and I will get the hovercraft and pick you up. Time to go. Sly take care of our friend here.”

  Sly unhesitatingly punctured Novicov’s right and left carotid arteries and held him powerless until the lifeblood drained from him. He sampled a little of the blood as it spurted out. “Sss. Humans sweet. Sly likes humans.”

  Slone and Alaya looked at each other. “Try not to be too sweet, Hon,” Slone quipped as he left the room.

  Sly and Alaya also left and she followed the serpent down the corridor to the stairwell. She was still a little wobbly so Sly carried her up the stairs. Serpents are much stronger than humans of equal size are, due to their muscle structure. When they got to the door, Sly removed his makeshift locking bar and peered out. The side street was deserted and he kept watch at the door as they waited for Slone.

  Meanwhile, Slone took the elevator up to the ground floor and followed the signs to the lobby. When he got there, he found himself in a spacious room with the front entrance guarded and consisting of a wall of glass with the entrance doors in the middle. There was a guard at the information desk and two at the front door. He knew this was going to be tricky. Novicov had left his military hat in Slone’s hospital room and it was not available to Slone in the basement. He was going to tell the guards he left it in his hovercraft, but now he realized they must know the real Novicov. He decided to tough it out. He walked with deliberate and speedy steps right to the front door. As he passed the information desk, he looked away and did not see the guard stand up, snap to attention and salute as he went by. So far, it looked good. Now he was approaching the front door and things seemed to be going well. He was even able to see the designated hovercraft standing right outside. As he approached the guards, they snapped to attention and did not seem to look at him. Just as he made it to the doors, the alarms went off and a voice over the intercom ordered a lockdown of the hospital and the apprehension of anyone in a secret police uniform. Before the guards could react, Slone pulled his gun and plugged the guard to the right of the door. He then fired a shot into the door glass and prayed it was not bulletproof. Without breaking stride, he swiveled to the left and shot the second guard through the temple before he could react to the message. Someone had found the carnage in the basement. A bullet whizzed past Slone and helped take out the door glass. Slone leapt through the door and ran to the hovercraft.

  As he hoped, it was a military craft with a turreted Gatling gun. He entered the craft and closed the door just as several shots hit the armored side. Slone activated the controls and put on the pilot’s helmet that gave him fire control. He rotated the turret and fired a volley of shots into the lobby, shattering the glass wall. As everyone around him ducked, he flew around the building until he found a side door in a small street. He waited a second and nothing happened so he continued around the next corner and again stopped in from of a side door. This time the door flew open and Alaya came out and climbed into the craft. Slone indicated she should take the gunner’s seat in the turret, which she did. Sly also came in, moved to the back of the craft, and curled up, as if to say his job was done. Slone was always amazed at the even nature of the serpents.

  Slone sped out of the administrative district and began to recognize some landmarks. He came to the wreckage of the hover transport and followed the main street out of the city.

  “We have company,” Alaya said. “Two patrol craft.”

  The words were hardly out of her mouth then the rear of their craft w
as peppered with bullets. The rear armor held, for now. Slone could hear Alaya returning fire. She was a good shot with a Gatling gun and one of her bullets pierced the windshield of one of the following craft and instantly killed the pilot. The pursuing craft veered suddenly to the left and crashed into a building. The second craft was still firing as they neared the city limits checkpoint. As they reached the checkpoint, the guards opened fire with their automatic rifles. Slone’s windshield was peppered with shots and a few made it through. Slone took out the checkpoint with a well-placed missile. Just as the missile hit its target, a missile from the pursuing hover hit them, and damaged both of their rear repulsors. Slone had trouble keeping the craft level but was able to streak out of the city and continued along the highway heading west. As the battle in the air continued, the pedestrians below the craft scattered into the surrounding jungle. The chasing vehicle began to close the distance and fired another missile. This time Slone noticed it, swerved at the last second and the missile flew past and exploded in the jungle. Slone heard Alaya firing and she kept firing on the pursuit until the gun overheated and shut down. However, the damage was done and Slone heard the explosion as the craft crashed into the jungle. They were clear now but the combat damage took its toll. Their hovercraft became unmanageable and Slone put it down in the middle of the highway.

  “Let’s go, we have to get off the road. Sly, lead us back to the ship.”

  Sly bounded out of the craft and signaled them to come. She tested the air and sensed pursuit, but far off. They overshot the ship by a kilometer, which was good, since they would not be expected to backtrack. She plunged into the jungle and the Slones followed. After about a kilometer, Sly turned east as they heard commotion at a distance in the direction of the hovercraft. Slone realized Sly was taking a circuitous route and it took another half hour of slow going through the jungle to get to the clearing where the ship was. As Slone was about to give a signal, Sly bounded out of the jungle and entered the clearing. The Romani guards were startled but Slone assumed they must be used to serpent ways, since they didn’t pull a gun or fire a shot. The Slones came slowly out of the jungle. Alaya went first, since Slone was wearing a Petrov uniform. When they were both recognized and welcomed aboard, they took a few minutes to talk about their missions. They were introduced to Tavia who was universally liked by the crew. She seemed constantly excited to see a live alien. She also made every effort to talk with Sly if she had a chance.


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