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Swept (Swept Trilogy)

Page 11

by Becca Nyx

  I hear the siren as the first responders travel down the street, their siren shuts off when they pull into the drive way. I open the door and move back so they can get to her and help her. They check her pulse, listen to her breathe, and then they put a mask over her face and give her oxygen. The medic asks me questions about her, what she was doing, and if she was conscious when she fell. Their words are a blur as they load her into the ambulance and I get in with her. We ride to the hospital and I call my father to tell him where we’re going.

  At the hospital she’s unloaded and I’m ushered into a waiting room while the paramedics work to get her conscious. Tears come to my eyes, how can a simple fall down the stairs cause all of this? My dad rushes in, “How is she where is she?”

  “I don’t know dad, no one has come out.” I answer, looking over at him.

  “Tell, me again, what happened?” He asks wiping his face with his hand, something he does when he stressed out.

  “I told you, she fell down the stairs.” I say continuing to pace.

  “How?” He asks sitting into a chair and looking down.

  “I don’t know I was asleep, I woke up when I heard her fall.”

  “Did they say anything to you?” He asks staring at the floor. He looks shaken; I’ve never seen him like this.

  “They asked me questions, but they didn’t tell me anything about her.” I tell him feeling helpless.

  “What did they do?” He rests his chin in his hands, and I think I see tears starting to form in his eyes. It’s just now dawning on me that my dad loves my mother. Despite what he told me as a twelve year old boy, my father deeply cares about her. I kneel to his side and wrap my arms around him. “They put a mask on her; I guess she’s not breathing well. Her head was bleeding, and she was unconscious.”

  “Is that all?” He asks grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

  “It’s all I know.” I tell him, letting him lean his head on my shoulder.

  A doctor comes out, with a chart, “Mr. Stone?” he says. We both look up at him.

  “Yes?” My dad answers and stands to his feet.

  “Come back with me please.”

  “What about me?” I ask, standing up.

  “Just Mr. Stone right now; we need to talk to him about your mother.”

  “I’ll let you know what they say,” My dad tells me before walking behind the door with the doctor.

  I pace the floor back and forth; I’m worried about my mother. I don’t know how she is, what they’re doing. What if she dies? Can you die from falling down the stairs? Why the oxygen? What’s wrong with her? I wish someone would tell me what’s going on. These questions swirl in my mind for what seems like forever, and then my dad walks towards me.

  “She’s okay.” He says and smiles at me.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank God, can I see her?”

  “Of course, she’s a little bit shaken, but you can go back and see her. I’ll take her to you.”

  I follow my dad into the ER, my mother is lying in a bed, a mask is over her face and an IV in her arm. “Ryan!” She smiles.

  “Are you okay, mom?” I ask and hold her hand

  “Of course, it’ll take more than a flight of stairs to take me out.” She chuckles

  “You scared me,” I tell her as I squeeze her hand.

  “You don’t have anything to worry about, okay.” She says kissing my hand

  “How long are you going to be here?” I ask her

  “I don’t know yet, but Ryan, you don’t need to worry about me. Go back to school, and do me a favor.”

  “What is that mom?”

  “Tell Crystal how you feel. It’s important she knows. Life is too short to not let people know how you feel about them.” She smiles.

  “Okay mom, I’ll tell her,” I agree.

  “I’ll call you when I find out what they’re going to do, okay?”

  “Okay.” I tell her. Dad ushers me out of the room and drives me home. The car is eerily quiet. Dad drops me off at the house and drives back to the hospital. I run upstairs, grab my stuff and run to my car. I start it up and drive back to campus. I feel spurred to get this conversation with Crystal over with. It feels almost like the survival of my mother is pinned on making this happen. I speed all the way back, cutting a three hour drive in half. I somehow avoided being pulled over and I rush into Crystal’s dorm.


  After our conversation I don’t know what to think. There’s something with Gabriel and her mother called her. What does that even mean? I was so certain she was going to say yes right there on the spot and confess her love for me, but of course it didn’t go the way I wanted it to. I feel so frustrated, why doesn’t Crystal want me? Am I not good enough for her? I’ve been there for her, how does she not see how I feel about her? I know someone who appreciates me though. I pull out my phone.

  Me: What are you doing?

  Kelly: Right now?

  Me: Yes, right now?

  Kelly: Nothing, why?

  Me: Meet me at my dorm.

  Kelly; Why, so you can just use me again for your dick? No thanks.

  Me: So this is the way you want to be?

  Kelly: Yep.

  Me: Fine, go fuck Nick and I hope you get herpes.

  Kelly: Asshole

  Me: Bitch.

  That didn’t work out how I had planned. I take my car for a drive; I need to clear my head. So much has happened in the last few days and I don’t even know what to do. My phone rings and I answer. It’s Crystal. She wants to go out with me. I punch the air. I did it! I finally get the chance to show her how I feel and I’m going to make sure everything is perfect. I park my car and search on my phone for the perfect place comparing reviews and prices. Once it’s found I call and make reservations. I’m going to knock her socks off. I smile as I think of what I have in store for her. By the end of tonight, she’s going to fall for me and she’ll finally be mine. For once I’ll be more than just the best friend.


  Chapter Twenty


  I throw myself into my studies, finally able to focus, and amaze myself when I realize I’m finally caught up! I congratulate myself by turning some music up and dancing my victory. I can’t wait to tell Ryan about it. I know he’ll be just as excited. I only wish we could have studied together. He’s always been great at motivating me and keeping me focused. It’s almost as if my life has been balanced out again at his return. I didn’t realize just how off I was until now, being with Gabriel has really changed my focus. I’m distracted and constantly thinking about him; and as a result I am unable to accomplish anything. Is this the consequence I have to face if I let myself fall for him completely? I try to imagine that life where everything is unpredictable. I don’t know if I can live with uncertainty. At least with Ryan I know what to expect. I smile as I look at the clock. I need to get ready! Digging through my closet I throw clothes everywhere until I find a beautiful green dress that my mother gave to me before going to college. I had all but forgotten about it until I saw it hanging there by itself as if it was destined to be worn just for this occasion. I put it on and it fits perfectly, accenting my breast and butt in a sultry way. I look through my shoes and settle on a pair of strappy green heels that happed to be the exact color of my dress and set them aside. Next I expertly apply my makeup; once I feel my makeup could rival a model at a photo shoot, I study the outfit as a whole. I smile giddy with excitement; I look amazing!

  An image flutters through my mind of Gabriel ripping off my dress and having his way with me. I let myself enjoy the fantasy, snapping out of it when there’s a knock at my door. I open the door and see Ryan standing before me in a suit and tie. I’ve seen him dressed up, but tonight I realize just how good he looks. Suddenly the same fantasy flickers into my mind, only this time Ryan is ripping my dress off of me instead. I raise my eyebrow liking where this is going, interrupted by the sound of Gabriel’s voice.

  “You look amaz
ing,” he says in awe.

  I blush, “You look great too.”

  Ryan holds out his hand, “Are you ready?”

  I hold up a finger and grab my purse off the table and walk back to Ryan, “Now I am,” I smile taking his hand.

  I never thought that a gesture, like holding his hand would be this simple. In my mind I imagined it would feel weird. He’s been my friend for so long. I’ve never allowed myself to get this close to him. I’m surprised at the ease as we connect on a new level. We just work.

  Arriving at Ryan’s car; I marvel. I wasn’t expecting to see the silver, 1967 Shelby Mustang sitting in the parking lot. Ryan and his father have been working on this car for years. It still wasn’t finished when Ryan left for college.

  I slide my hand over the hood of the car, “It looks amazing.”

  Ryan opens my door for me, “It does, but not as amazing as you, and I’ve been saving it just for this night.”

  Blushing I sit down into the cool black leather seat. I’m amazed at the details Ryan and his father have put into the car. Ryan sits down in the driver’s seat and the engine purrs to life when he starts it. Ryan peels out of the parking lot and I gasp and brace myself against the door.

  Ryan chuckles, I’ve always wanted to do that.” He glances at me, “How was your day?”

  I tell him about my visit with Kelly, and skip the part about the flyers and my chat with Gabriel. Ryan is in such a good mood and it’s a perfect night. I don’t want to ruin it by upsetting him. I brag to him about catching up on my homework. Ryan congratulates me, “Sounds like you deserve to celebrate.”

  I beam at him, “I missed you though, and I really like studying with you, it’s not the same without you.” I’m taken aback by my honesty. I’ve never spoken to Ryan like this. Where is this coming from?

  Ryan reaches over and grabs my hand, “I’ve missed you too, more than you know.” Something swirls deep inside of me; I shift in my seat trying to place it. I finally realize what it is; I have real feelings for Ryan, feelings that go beyond just friendship. It’s not lust that I crave with him, but a relationship. I’ve always had a relationship with him, but now I feel the dynamic changing. I feel myself falling for him and I can see myself with him, loving him and enjoying him.

  Ryan pulls up to the front entrance of a restaurant called, “Imperial Fire.” He turns the engine off and a valet in uniform opens my door. Ryan hands him the keys, and I take hold of Ryan’s arm as he escorts me inside. Ryan gives his name to the Maitre D`. He leads us towards a table, and Ryan taps him on the shoulder, “I’m sorry, but can we be seated over there?” he indicates to a table by the window that has a candle burning in the middle of the table; the setting looks picturesque. The Maitre D` seats us at the table and hands us the menu, “I already know what we’re going to order,” Ryan says; my eyes bulge in surprise. Ryan spouts off what he wants and orders for me as well. I’ve never had anyone do this, order my food for me, except maybe my mother when I was five. I don’t know how to react. Should I feel offended? A part of me is, but there’s a part of me that likes the fact that I don’t have to decide on what to eat. Ryan knows me well. He knows what I like and what I don’t like. I decide to trust his choice and I smile at him.

  Ryan and I spend the evening chatting, and carefully navigating around the subject of Gabriel. As we talk I see a new side of Ryan I’ve never seen before. I see a man that can take care of a lady. I see someone that is gentle, yet in control. I find it attractive, yet scary. I’ve always made decisions about what I want, and it seems that Ryan wants to call the shots. He controls the conversation, but he’s smooth about it. There’s a part of me that likes the fact that he’s this way. I don’t have to do anything but comply. It’s such a weird feeling for me to have someone in control. I think back to all the times I’ve shared with Ryan; him calling me when I was sick, him offering to carry my books for me, driving me places, standing up for me when there was someone being mean to me. My feelings for him are being solidified as I begin to really see the man sitting in front of me.

  Our food comes and I enjoy it thoroughly. After dessert, Ryan pays the check, helps me out of my chair and we walk outside and wait for the valet to bring the car around. Ryan looks deep into my eyes and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear. My cheek tingles where his fingers brushed by. Ryan leans close and I know he’s going to kiss me. He doesn’t have to say anything. We both feel it, and I lean in too. The night has been perfect and what better way to end it than with a kiss. Our lips meet and fireworks seem to go off as we kiss. It is electrifying. I thought my kiss with Gabriel was hot, but this was even hotter. Ryan’s lips take control and set the pace of our kiss. I can feel his passion and love for me as he holds my body tight. It’s over and he releases me. I sway and smile stupidly. My mind tries to grasp and rationalize what just happened. How is it that my friend Ryan, is now possibly more than my friend Ryan?

  Ryan leads me to the car, and opens my door for me, closing it as soon as I’m in, he jumps into the driver’s seat and we drive off into the night.

  Chapter Twenty One


  Ryan pulls into dimly lit parking lot. Yellow lights sparkle overhead, as a few stars twinkle in a dark blue back drop. He turns to me, “Want to go for a walk?”

  I look down at my strappy green heels, “I’m not wearing the right shoes for a walk.”

  Ryan smiles “Don’t worry about that, I’ve got it covered.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll be right back,” Ryan answers as he gets out of the car.

  I hear noises in the trunk of the car, and then the door slams shut. Ryan opens my door and hands me a pair of shoes and socks. I look at the tag on the shoes; they’re my size. I thank Ryan and put them on, wondering how he got my shoe size, but then the answer becomes obvious. He’s my friend and he knows me well, so of course he would know my shoe size. Ryan helps me out of the car and we walk towards a path hand in hand. It’s a mild night with a warm breeze, the moon peaks behind the trees, and more stars shimmer as twilight turns into night. I breathe in the fresh air and slowly let it out, savoring the scent. It really is a perfect night. We walk down the path hand in hand talking about the fun times that we’ve shared. We laugh as we enjoy each other’s company. Ryan makes everything easy, I don’t have to worry about telling him stories of boyfriends in my past, or telling him about why I act the way I do. Then I remember, He doesn’t know about Gabriel. I feel guilty and ashamed. It’s only fair that I tell him. I stop and turn to him. I must have looked worried because Ryan stops, “What’s wrong?” he asks studying my face.

  I look down at the pavement and shuffle my feet, “I don’t want to ruin a perfect night,”

  Ryan reaches for my hand, clasping it, “Then, don’t.” and walks forward.

  “But it’s important.” I plead.

  “Let’s just enjoy the evening, right here, right now. We can worry about whatever else is so important later.” Ryan urges.

  “Okay,” I comply falling into step with him. We turn around and start walking back towards the car; we continue to reminisce as we go. Before I know it, we’re at the car again

  “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time how I feel about you.” He pauses and holds his hands in mine. “When I saw you kissing Gabriel I couldn’t let you go. I’m just sorry I acted the way I did and I regret that I waited so long to tell you.”

  “Why didn’t you say something before?”

  “I couldn’t; I wasn’t sure what your reaction would be.”

  “Why now? What changed?” I ask my eyes searching his

  “Because I can’t stand the thought of losing you; I don’t know what it is about being here, but I feel bolder. I feel more empowered to get what I want and I want you, Crystal. Every single time I would see you with some other guy I would wish it was me. Every single time you had your heart shattered, I was wishing I could tell you and make you understand how I felt; my heart would break w
ith yours. I hated seeing you in pain. When I saw you with Gabriel, I couldn’t bare it. If your heart broke again I’m afraid it would be my un-doing. I can’t go through that again. I can’t bear to see you break. I want you to be with me. I promise to never hurt you, to always love you. I want to be your guide and help you get what you want. I want to protect you from any storms that may come your way. I want to make your life easy. I want to…”

  I break him off pressing my lips against his. There’s so much passion in our kiss, and for the first time I can see our lives together. With him I’m safe. There is no uncertainty, and I find comfort in that.

  Ryan pulls away; we enter the car and Ryan drives, taking me back to my dorm. I stare at him as we go; trying to wrap my head around what just happened. I know he will do everything that he promises, and I know he’ll take care of me, because he always has, for the first time, I’m not afraid of what life may bring, because Ryan is here with me, and he’s in love with me.

  We pull into the parking lot by my dorm. He leans close to me and we kiss again, and I melt as we kiss. I feel like a puddle of goo and I want him closer to me. I want him to hold me, I want him to touch me and I want to make love with him. I’m taken aback, there’s a difference between what I want with Gabriel and what I want with Ryan. Gabriel, I wanted to fuck, I wanted him to pound into me, and have hot dirty sex, but Ryan? I want slow passion filled sex; the kind that you see in the movies when two lovers finally come together for the first time. It’s beautiful and magical all at once.

  Ryan gets out of the car and opens my door for me. He holds my hand as I stand up out of his car, and we walk hand in hand towards the entrance to my dorm. I see Gabriel walking towards me. What is he doing here? I wonder.

  “Crystal.” He says grabbing my hand

  “Gabriel? What’s going on?” I ask stopping.

  “What are you doing here?” Ryan asks.

  “Did you tell him about us?” Gabriel asks


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