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Death Shows Up (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 7)

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by Gillian Larkin

  Julia Blake – Death Shows Up

  For JoEllen – thank you for your support and friendship

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  Julia Blake Cozy Mystery - Death Shows Up

  Chapter 1

  “Amateur dramatics!” Cain declared as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

  Julia Blake looked up from the tiles she was scrubbing. “Pardon? What do you think of these tiles? I’m using a new product on them, they look all sparkly, don’t they?”

  “Amateur dramatics,” Cain repeated and he stepped into the bathroom. “Your dad has asked me to go to the local group tonight and audition for their latest play. It’s something he’s always wanted to do, and I’d like to have a go too. What do you think?”

  Julia stood up and looked at the tiles in admiration. She turned to Cain and said, “I think it’s a good idea if it keeps you two away from the pub. Have you finished the windows?”

  Cain held up a duster and said, “Yes, they look beautiful, as always.”

  Julia collected her cleaning things and went downstairs, Cain followed behind.

  They walked into the living room and found their client, Louisa Porter, sitting at her computer.

  “All done,” Julia said.

  “Cain, I’ve made you a cake to take home,” Louisa said.” You’ll have to take it all and remove temptation from my house. I’m sticking to my diet, no matter what!”

  Cain said, “You really don’t have to make cakes for me, Louisa. It must be difficult for you to smell it cooking if you’re on a diet.”

  Louisa waved a hand at him. “My willpower is getting stronger. I’ve lost fifty pounds since I started this diet.”

  Julia smiled at her. “You’ve done so well, I’m so proud of you for sticking to your diet. I’m not sure I could do anything like that.”

  Louisa looked down at her stomach ruefully and said, “I’ve got a long way to go yet. If it wasn’t for Sherry at the slimming club I’m not sure I would have continued. She is so enthusiastic. She’s constantly encouraging us to think that anything is possible.” She laughed and added, ‘That doesn’t mean to say that I don’t think about chocolate and pizza, I often have dreams that I’m chasing huge slices of pizza down the road.”

  Julia nodded. “I have those dreams too. I must say, Louisa, you look brighter and more confident since you started going to the slimming club.”

  “I do feel a lot better, a lot more sure of myself.” Louisa hesitated as if not sure whether to continue. “I’ve decided, Julia, that I’m going to take more risks in my life and do the things that I’ve always been scared of doing.” She pointed towards her computer. “I’m thinking of applying for a job. It’s only a part-time job as a teaching assistant at a local school. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher but … things happened and I never got a chance to go to university.”

  Julia looked over her shoulder at the screen. “Cloverfield School, that’s where my mum works. I can put in a word with her, if you like?”

  Louisa looked up at her and smiled. “That would be great, thank you. I’ve almost finished the application form. Do you think I should send it today?”

  “No time like the present!” Cain announced with his hands on his hips.

  Julia laughed. “Are you practicing already for your new acting career?”

  Cain nodded and grinned.

  Louisa pressed a button on her keyboard and stood up. “There! I’ve done it! Do you think I’ve got any chance of getting the job?”

  “Of course you have, if it was up to me, I’d be calling you the second I got your application form,” Julia said.

  Louisa gave Julia a gentle smile and said, “You’re such a good friend, Julia.” She turned to Cain. “It was Julia who suggested that I get out and about. She’s been cleaning for me for years and when I grumbled about my weight gain, Julia nagged me to join the local slimming club.”

  Cain nodded sagely. “Julia is very good at nagging.”

  Julia tutted. “I don’t think nagging is the right word, maybe ‘gentle persuasion’ would be more appropriate. You’re too young to be stuck inside all the time, Louisa, you’re not even thirty yet.”

  Louisa looked down on the ground. Julia caught her nervous look and said, “What’s wrong?”

  Louisa looked back up and said, “I’ve got a favour to ask you. I know it’s cheeky of me after all you’ve done for me already, you can say no if you like.”

  “What’s the favour?” Julia said.

  Louisa went on, “Because I’ve lost two stones, Sherry’s going to have a special celebration at the slimming club meeting tonight. She does this whenever anyone reaches a milestone. There are a few other members who have also reached their goals. I think I get some sort of ribbon, or certificate. Julia, would you mind going with me, as a friend? It would mean a lot to me.”

  Julia smiled at her. “Of course I’ll come with you. Thank you for asking me. That’s very kind of you. Shall I pick you up?”

  Louisa shook her head. “St Andrew’s is only one mile away from here so I’ll walk. I like to take every opportunity to exercise. You know that I’ve had several health issues over the years, but I’m starting to feel better with each pound that I lose. I like being able to move around more.”

  Julia and Cain said their goodbyes and left Louisa’s house. Cain carried a cake tin carefully to Julia’s car and placed it on the back seat.

  As they drove away, Cain said, “It’s great to see Louisa smiling so much more. I haven’t known her long but even I can see the difference in her. She seems much more confident and she moves around the house a lot more now. I saw her walking to the shops last week.”

  Julia nodded. “I’ve been cleaning for her for about five years now. Louisa’s mum used to do all the cleaning, Louisa couldn’t manage when her mum died so she hired me. Louisa used to sit in that big armchair and watch me as I worked. She seemed suspicious of me at first but, gradually, we started to chat and we became friends. I’m quite sure that she could do the cleaning work herself now but I think she likes our company. She doesn’t leave the house often and I know that she has a lot of things delivered instead of going out for them.” Julia shook her head slightly as she concentrated on her driving.

  Cain asked, “Has she always been housebound? Did she have an accident that caused her to become like that?”

  Julia shook her head. “I’ve heard rumours saying that something terrible happened to Louisa when she was in her late teens. Nobody knows the exact details, not even Mum and Dad And you know how Dad knows everything about people in this town.”

  “What kind of terrible thing?”

  “Nobody knows, something about a traumatic event, it was so bad that Louisa was too scared to leave her house.”

  “That’s so sad,” Cain said.

  Julia said, “It is, but you’ve seen how much better she looks, and feels, since she started to lose weight. And, she’s actually applied for a job! It’s great news. Louisa is a lovely person and I wish only the best for her.”

  Chapter 2

  At 7 p.m. that night, Julia waited in her car outside St Andrew’s Church. The slimming club had been holding its meetings here for as long as Julia could remember. There had always been a sign up on the church notice board about the meetings since Julia was a little girl. She thought about the first meeting that she’d gone to with Louisa. Louisa had wanted her moral support and Julia was more than happy to give it. Julia smiled as she remembered how nervous Louisa was back then, and how she wanted to sit at the bac
k at the hall during the meeting. Julia also recalled how welcoming and friendly the slimming club leader, Sherry Cooper, was. She’d made Louisa feel welcome in no time and was soon devising a realistic slimming plan for her.

  Julia spotted Louisa walking towards the church hall and was pleased to notice that the young woman was now holding herself straighter and her head higher as she walked. She could almost see the increased confidence in her.

  Julia got out of the car and walked towards her. She saw Louisa’s confused look and said, “What’s wrong? Have we got the wrong night?”

  Louisa pointed to the parked cars at the side of the road. “These cars don’t look familiar, I’ve got used to seeing the cars that belong to the other club members.”

  “Perhaps they’ve all got new cars,” Julia said with a shrug. “Or they’ve parked round the corner.”

  “Maybe they have. Thanks again for coming with me, Julia, I do appreciate it.”

  Julia linked her hand through Louisa’s arm and said, “Let me tell you again how proud I am of you. I’ve spoken to Mum about your job application and she will keep a look out for it and make sure the head teacher sees it.”

  Louisa smiled and said, “That’s so kind of you, thank you.” As she opened the door to St Andrew’s Church hall, a gasp escaped from her. “Who are these people? I don’t recognise anyone.”

  Julia stepped into the hall and looked at the people inside. She did recognise at least two of them, Dad and Cain. They were chatting to each other at the far side of the room. Dad looked over and raised his eyebrows in surprise. He patted Cain on the shoulder and then pointed towards Julia and Louisa.

  Julia and Louisa walked over to them. Dad said, “I didn’t know you were interested in amateur dramatics.” He turned to Louisa and added, “It’s lovely to see you, Louisa, you’re looking well.”

  A pink tinge came to Louisa’s cheeks and she smiled shyly at Dad.

  Julia said “What do you mean, amateur dramatics? This is supposed to be the slimming club meeting, Louisa comes here every Monday and Wednesday, and it’s Monday today. What’s going on?”

  “It’s definitely not the slimming club meeting,” Dad said. He took a flyer out of his pocket and opened it. He showed it to them. “Look, it definitely says that the first meeting of the amateur dramatics group is in St Andrew’s Church hall this Monday at seven p.m.”

  Louisa frowned and said, “Then where am I supposed to go for the slimming club meeting?”

  An older woman rushed into the hall, her hands clasped to her chest and her face red. She glanced quickly around the room before her gaze landed on Louisa. She threw her arms in the air and ran over to her. “Oh Louisa! I’ve been trying to phone you all day but I haven’t been able to get through.”

  Louisa said, “I have been having trouble with my phone. Sherry, what’s going on?”

  Sherry tutted and put her hands on her hips. “You won’t believe this, I got a call from Reverend Thompson this morning to say I can no longer use this church hall for our slimming club meetings. I asked him why not, but he was very offhand with me and wouldn’t give me a reason. Our slimming club has been coming to this church hall for years!”

  Julia shook her head in disgust. “That’s terrible! Where are you going to have your meetings now?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll find somewhere. I will not be defeated by Reverend Thompson! I’m determined to find somewhere else for us to meet, so I’ve got some calls to make. In the meantime, Louisa, you stick to your diet, you’re doing incredibly well.” Sherry looked around the hall. “What exactly is going on here anyway?”

  Dad stepped forward and showed Sherry the flyer. Sherry read it and frowned. “Amateur dramatics? When did you get this flyer?”

  Dad said, “I got it at the library, about a week ago. Which means …”

  Julia finished for him, “Which means that Reverend Thompson knew about this last week.”

  “And the coward only told me about it today. Never mind, I’ll sort this out. I’d better go. Sorry again, Louisa for this mix-up. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  Sherry smiled at them, looked around the hall once more, tutted, and then swiftly walked out of the hall.

  Julia looked at Louisa and said, “What are you going to do now? Do you want a lift home?”

  Louisa pressed her lips together and shook her head. “Do you remember what I said earlier today? That I was going to take more risks, be braver?”

  ”I certainly do,” Julia said.

  Louisa lifted her chin. “I think I’ll join the amateur dramatics group, if they’ll have me.”

  Dad smiled at her and said, “I think the group would be lucky to have someone like you.”

  Louisa glanced at Julia and gave her a small smile. “Would you mind staying with me?”

  Dad answered for her, “Our Julia hasn’t anything else to do on a Monday night, of course she’ll stay.”

  Julia paid no attention to his comment. She was too busy looking at Louisa’s face which had now turned bright red. Julia looked back over her shoulder to see what Louisa was staring at so fixedly.

  A young man walked towards them, a big smile on his face and his arms open in a welcoming gesture. He said, “Welcome to this first meeting of our amateur dramatics group. I’m Brandon Briggs and I’m the director, and the writer, of the play that we’ll be performing.”

  Julia’s hand shot out towards Louisa as the young woman swayed slightly. Louisa grimaced and said, “Sorry, Julia, I think all this excitement has gone to my head.” She followed this with a nervous laugh but Julia wasn’t convinced that she was joking. Did Louisa know Brandon Briggs?

  Chapter 3

  Julia took a moment to study Brandon Briggs. From his stance and open smile she could see that he was a confident man. His casual dress looked modern, and expensive. So did his casual hairstyle. If he did recognise Louisa he showed no sign of it as he smiled at each person in the group.

  Brandon said, “I’m sure we’ll get to know each other better over the coming weeks. I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to come here tonight.”

  Julia couldn’t help herself. She said, “The local slimming group usually meet here on Monday and Wednesday nights. The leader, Sherry Cooper, was just here and said that Reverend Thompson had phoned her earlier and told her the slimming club could no longer use this hall.”

  Brandon’s face creased in confusion. “Really? I don’t know anything about that. I am sorry if I’ve inconvenienced anyone.” He clasped his hands in front of him and continued. “I really am sorry. Please excuse me, I have to say hello to someone.” He gave them another bright smile before walking away.

  “What a nice chap,” Dad said. “Why do you have to interrogate people, Julia? You don’t work for the police.”

  Cain interjected, “She would make a good police officer though, Ray. She’d badger people until they admitted the truth.”

  Dad nodded. “Aye, she would.”

  Julia tried to defend herself. “I was just trying to establish why the hall is now being used for amateur dramatics, that’s all. Who is this Brandon guy anyway? I’ve never heard of him, has anyone else?”

  Louisa shook her head. Dad said, “Well, you know Eric Murphy, don’t you?”

  Julia nodded. “Everyone knows Eric Murphy, he’s our local celebrity.”

  “I’ve heard of him,” Cain said. “Isn’t he always in the newspaper? Doing local shows and opening new shops and stuff?”

  Dad let out a guffaw. “He’s a real peacock, is Eric. He likes to be the centre of attention. He teaches drama at the Edgethorpe High School. Anyway, he’s here tonight, somewhere in the hall …”

  Julia, Cain and Louisa immediately looked away from Dad and around the room as if looking for Wally out of Where’s Wally fame. Cain pointed a finger at a man in his sixties wearing a bright red shirt. The man was holding court in front of a group of awestruck people. Julia and Louisa nodded. Julia wondered how they’d missed seeing
him the moment they’d walked into the hall, that shirt was like a shining beacon.

  Dad cleared his throat and they all looked back at him. “As I was saying, Eric Murphy is here. I had a quick word with him and it seems that Brandon Briggs is an ex-student of his. Brandon went to some fancy drama school in London and apparently did very well. He’s a famous scriptwriter and has put on many independent plays in London, all to great acclaim. According to Eric.”

  Julia voiced everyone’s thoughts, “What’s he doing here then?”

  “What an excellent question, young lady!” a voice boomed out behind their group. Eric Murphy glided towards them, a huge smile on his slightly orange face. Julia blinked at the brightness of his red shirt, would it be rude if she put her sunglasses on? Eric’s hands moved towards his chest and his expression changed from friendly to concerned in a micro-second. He continued, “That dear boy, Brandon, has written a special script just for our little town. It’s his way of thanking me for all the tremendous support that I’ve given him over the years. He sent me an email a few months back with a copy of the script.” Eric sighed noisily. “It was the most magnificent script that I’ve ever read in my entire life. It brought tears to my eyes with its beauty.” On cue he wiped away an imaginary tear.

  Julia said, “What’s the play about?” She ignored the hard look that Dad gave her. She didn’t have time for such dramatics, even if this was a meeting of the amateur dramatics group.

  Eric raised a finger and said, “All will be revealed soon, dear girl! You are all going to have a copy of the play before you audition. Of course, you won’t be able to take the script home unless you are given a part in the play. We don’t want any plagiarism going on.” He let out such a boom of a laugh that all four people in the group jumped. Eric looked dramatically from left to right and then stepped closer. His voice lowered as he said, “Between you, me and the gatepost, there is a rumour that we’re not going to put the play on in this hall, we’re going to put it on at the town hall.” He took a step back and raised his eyebrows expectantly.


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