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Death Shows Up (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 7)

Page 9

by Gillian Larkin

  “Did he write everything down?”

  Louisa nodded. “I was in such a state, I let him take over.” A sob escaped from her.

  Julia said, “Do you think that Brandon was the one who kidnapped you? Do you think he was watching your movements in the cellar?”

  Louisa nodded and then burst into tears. Julia jumped up and ran round to her. She crouched at her side and put her arms around the now shaking woman. Julia felt tears running down her own cheeks.

  Chapter 22

  Louisa stopped crying after a few minutes. Julia handed her a tissue and took one for herself.

  Julia blew her nose and then said, “It’s a good job Brandon Briggs is already dead because I feel like murdering him myself. What did the police say about the kidnapping?”

  Louisa gave her a sad smile. “They never got in touch with me. Brandon said he gave the police his details so that I didn’t have to be troubled by them.”

  “That was thoughtful of him,” Julia said sarcastically.

  “Brandon kept me informed of what the police told him. He took them to the house where I was kept prisoner and the police found some evidence that they could use in their forensic tests. The camera had gone though.”

  Julia frowned. “Didn’t the police get in touch with your mum when she first reported you missing?”

  “Mum didn’t report me missing, Brandon did. He didn’t go away as he planned. He turned up at Mum’s later on the night that he’d planned to go away, the night that I was taken, and said he wanted to see me. They soon realised that something must have happened to me when I didn’t come home. Mum was upset, of course, and Brandon said he would speak to the police, and that he would search the streets until he found me.”

  Julia returned to her seat on the sofa. “So you heard nothing at all from the police?”

  Louisa shook her head. “Brandon was very kind to me after the kidnapping. I was too scared to leave the house and he said that was a probably a good thing. He kept bringing me chocolates and other treats. You can imagine what happened to me then, I piled on the pounds. But I had Brandon, and that’s all that mattered to me. My heart broke when he went away to university. He said he’d be in touch but he never was. I phoned him all the time and wrote tons of letters. I never saw or heard from him until the other day at the audition.”

  Julia shook her head. “I can’t believe how he behaved! Treating you like that! What a … a … I can’t think of a suitably nasty name for him. But what about your university place? What about your future?”

  “I was too scared to go. I didn’t want to leave the house. My weight ballooned and I lost all confidence in myself. Mum was great, she tried to keep my spirits up, but I think she was secretly glad that I was staying at home. I barely left the house since the day that Brandon drove me home that day. When Mum died I became even worse. Well, you know that. That’s when I employed you.” Louisa smiled at her. “I’m glad I did so, I like to think that we’ve become friends.”

  “We are friends. Oh, Louisa, I can’t believe you’ve been through such an ordeal. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I wasn’t ready. I’ve only just started to leave the house. If it wasn’t for you insisting that I join the slimming club I would have become fatter and lonelier.”

  Julia took a sip of her now cold tea. “That pig of a man. If I’d known what he’d done I would have slapped his smug-looking face. I would have …” she hesitated and looked at Louisa. Her words came out before she thought about them. “Louisa, did you kill him? I’d understand if you did.”

  Louisa smiled. “I felt like it, but no, I didn’t. I knew that he recognised me but he was intent on ignoring me. I was determined to get some answers from him. That’s why I went into the costume room on that Wednesday. I just wanted an explanation from him.”

  “But the selfish pig had gone and got himself murdered,” Julia said with a tut. “Have you told DI Clarke about this? About how you know Brandon?”

  “I didn’t, I couldn’t face talking about it. Do you think I should?”

  “It might help with their investigation. For all we know, Brandon could have kidnapped someone else, and that someone could have got their revenge on him.”

  “That’s a good point. If I ring DI Clarke, will you stay here with me when I talk to him?”

  “Of course,” Julia said. She smiled and said, “I know his number off by heart.”

  Louisa phoned the inspector. She said to Julia, “He might be an hour or so. Are you okay to wait with me? Don’t you have work to do?”

  Julia waved a hand at her. “Cain is dealing with everything, it’s good for him to have some responsibility. Do you want to help me do some snooping? I haven’t told you about the man in black yet.” She waggled her eyebrows dramatically.

  Louisa laughed. “I love snooping! Wait whilst I make us a fresh cuppa.” She stood up. “Julia, thanks for listening. I feel lighter already.”

  Julia shrugged her thanks away. “It’s nothing, that’s what friends do.”

  Chapter 23

  Julia typed Fabian Black’s name into the online search engine. Louisa watched over her shoulder. “I can’t believe I never noticed this man sitting behind you.”

  Julia said, “I think you were too engrossed in the play. I’m glad Yvonne saw him because I was beginning to doubt my sanity. Look, there he is.”

  Louisa’s face screwed up. “He looks like one of those Goth types, doesn’t he? Do you think that’s his real name?”

  “I’ve no idea.” Julia tapped away again. “Oh, look at this. I’ve put Brandon’s name in too and look what’s come up. Brandon and Black Productions.”

  Louisa narrowed her eyes. “What does it say? It’s very small writing.”

  “Brandon and Black are a script writing company.” Julia looked back over her shoulder and shared a look with Louisa. She turned back to the computer and carried on reading. “It seems that they write scripts to order, but they also write their own scripts and then put plays on. Look at these photos, they look very chummy, don’t they?”

  Louisa moved her head closer. “Look at the date, the last post was six months ago. The posts were every week up to that point.”

  “Well spotted. Let’s try something else.” Julia typed in ‘Brandon Productions’. Nothing came up. She then tried ‘Black Productions’. “Now, look at this, it’s more recent. It seems that Fabian Black set up his business on his own.”

  “Or kept the original business and shoved Brandon out,” Louisa pointed out. “They may have had disagreements and decided to end their partnership.”

  “Maybe. Let me find out more about Fabian, there can’t be many people with that name. Let’s see if he’s on any social websites.”

  There was silence for a moment as Julia did another search. She jumped as Louisa shouted, “There! Look!”

  Julia clicked on the link and found a social site that Fabian was a member of. Julia said, “He’s posted every day, sometimes several times.” She paused and then added, “Until the day he got knocked over and became unconscious. Look at what he’s written.”

  They read silently for a few minutes.

  Julia spoke, “Do you think that ‘the thieving northerner’ could be Brandon?”

  “I think it could be. He mentions being betrayed, and stabbed in the back, and being taken advantage of. That sounds like something Brandon would do.”

  Julia tapped her chin. “I wonder what Brandon stole.”

  Louisa put her hand on Julia’s shoulder. Julia looked at her. Louisa said, “What if Brandon stole his play, the one that we’re now rehearsing for? If I’d written a play like that, and someone stole it, I’d be mad.”

  Julia nodded. “Mad enough to hunt that person down and kill them? Yes, I think so. But if Fabian Black did kill Brandon Briggs, who tried to kill Fabian Black?”

  “It could just be a coincidence,” Louisa said.

  “Did you know that Brandon had arranged for a famous critic to
be at the opening night of the play? I think he was hoping to get some good publicity that would then supercharge his career.”

  “Ooo, supercharge his career. I like that expression. No, I didn’t know about the critic. Is he still coming?”

  “Yes, Eric told me he was,” Julia said.

  Louisa’s eyes widened. “Does that mean that Eric will get credit for the play, and he’ll get the supercharging instead?”

  Julia said, “Maybe Eric found out about the stolen play and maybe he knew Fabian was the real writer.”

  Louisa continued for her, “And maybe Eric saw Fabian kill Brandon and tried to blackmail him. And Fabian said, ‘Not on your nelly! I’m the writer of this fine play! I’m going to get the credit for it! I’m going to supercharge my career right to the moon’” Louisa burst out laughing. “I think we’re getting carried away.”

  Julia smiled and said, “You might be on to something. Eric could have known about the script but wanted the praise for himself, so he tried to silence Fabian.” She tutted and shook her head. “If only the stupid man would regain consciousness and talk, then we’d know.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to be patient, Ms Blake.”

  Julia and Louisa shrieked at the same time. They spun around to face the unsmiling face of DI Clarke.

  Julia patted her chest. “I think my heart actually stopped then! Why have you crept up on us? How long have you been standing there?”

  DI Clarke replied, “The front door is ajar. I did knock but you obviously didn’t hear me above the racket you were both making. And I’ve been standing here for the last five minutes, unnoticed I might add. If I was a serial killer you’d both be dead by now.”

  “That’s a cheery thought,” Julia said as she tried to regain her composure. “Did you hear what we found out about Fabian Black? He used to work with Brandon Briggs.”

  “I do know that. We also have access to the Internet at our police station. My officers have made enquiries. I did enjoy listening to your wild accusations about Mr Black and his possible stolen script. Now, Ms Porter, I believe you wanted to speak to me about the statement you gave on the night that Mr Briggs died.”

  Julia saw the sadness return to Louisa’s face and said, “Do you want me to tell the inspector?”

  Louisa shook her head. “No, thank you. It helps to talk about it. Will you stay nearby?”

  “I’ll make us a cup of tea. Inspector, would you like one?” Julia asked. She was surprised when he said yes as he normally refused all offers of refreshment.

  Julia left the room and headed towards the kitchen. She looked back and was surprised to see that DI Clarke was sitting down with a concerned look on his face. Perhaps he had picked up on something in Louisa’s tone. Perhaps he was human after all.

  Chapter 24

  Julia could hear Louisa’s voice from the kitchen. It sounded stronger now and she didn’t stop as she told DI Clarke about her history with Brandon Briggs. The inspector was silent.

  Julia returned a few minutes later with three cups of tea. She set them down silently on the table and then took a seat next to the inspector.

  Louisa continued with her story. Her voice caught now and again at the most difficult parts. When she got to the end of the story, Louisa’s voice broke and she began to cry. Julia quickly filled in the rest of the details for the inspector.

  DI Clarke handed Louisa a tissue from his pocket and said, “I’m so sorry to hear about your ordeal. Thank you for sharing that with me, I can see how difficult it was for you. It troubles me that no one from the police department ever contacted you, that is most unusual. If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to make a call to confirm something.” He stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

  Julia smiled at Louisa and and said, “I’m very proud of you for going through that again.”

  Louisa reached for her tea. “Thank you. I’m not sure I’d be as brave if you weren’t here. I’ve got a favour to ask you in a moment.”

  DI Clarke returned to the room, his face was grim, more than usual. He said, “Ms Porter, I regret to inform you that your kidnapping was never reported to the police. Neither was your initial disappearance. It seems that Mr Briggs lied when he told you he’d reported your kidnapping to the police.”

  Louisa nodded. “I did suspect that was the case. Thank you for checking that out.”

  He gave her a nod. “I have to go now. Thank you again for this extra information.”

  “You haven’t touched your tea,” Julia pointed out.

  The inspector reached for his cup and took a drink. “That’s surprisingly good, Ms Blake. Perhaps you should stick to making tea and leave police investigations to me. Goodbye. I’ll see myself out. And I’ll close the door behind me.”

  “Good, we don’t want any old riffraff walking in,” Julia added. She could have sworn that the inspector smiled as he walked away. She turned to Louisa and said, “What’s this favour that you want to ask me?”

  “Will you come with me to the rehearsal tonight? Again.”

  “Tonight? Are you sure you want to go? You’ve had a difficult day.”

  “All the more reason to go. I don’t want to get back into the habit of staying stuck indoors. We’ve got new information now, we can see if anyone acts suspiciously.”

  Julia said, “Do you mean Eric?”

  Louisa nodded. “Why don’t we try and mention Fabian Black’s name to him? See what his reaction is.”

  “Yes, I like that. Good idea. Shall I pick you up?”

  “No, I’ll walk. I like walking, it gives me chance to think,” Louisa said.

  Julia said goodbye and drove home. She phoned Cain as soon as she walked into her house. She told him she’d been at Louisa’s house all afternoon but she didn’t give him the details of Louisa’s kidnapping, it wasn’t her place to do so.

  Cain told her that Dad had picked him up from their last client’s apartment. He added, “We went for fish and chips. How come you never take me for fish and chips after work?”

  “You’re watching your weight, remember?” Julia filled him on the news about Fabian Black. Cain said he would try to mention that name in front of Eric too.

  Julia made some dinner for herself but found that she couldn’t eat much. She couldn’t stop thinking about Louisa and her kidnapping. What sort of person does that to another? Brandon ruined her life and then carried on with his own as if nothing had happened. Julia didn’t go as far as to think he deserved to be murdered but the thought definitely floated into her mind for a second or two.

  A short time later, Julia found herself back in St Andrew’s hall. All the excitement that she’d felt when she’d first read the script had now evaporated. She wished Brandon Briggs had kept his grubby self in London. But then again, it was because of Brandon that Louisa had opened up about her past.

  Julia paid close attention to Eric and his movements. He seemed in high spirits again tonight. Julia saw that both Louisa and Cain spoke to him on different occasions. Whatever they were saying was met with a confused look from Eric.

  When the rehearsals had finished Cain walked over to Julia and said, “I told Eric that someone called Fabian Black was the victim of a hit and run outside his school. He seemed surprised to hear it.”

  Louisa joined them and nodded at Cain’s news. “I told Eric a bit of a lie. I said that during a conversation I had with Brandon, he mentioned a script writing friend of his, Fabian Black, who might come up from London to watch the show. I asked Eric if Fabian had been in touch with him at all. He said he’d never heard of Fabian Black.”

  Julia looked from one to the other. “Do you believe Eric?”

  “I’m not sure,” Cain said.

  “Me neither,” Louisa said. “The thing is, Eric’s a very good actor.”

  “Hmm, that’s true. What are we going to do now?” Julia asked.

  Louisa stifled a yawn and said, “I’m going to try and have a good night’s sleep. Julia, could I have a lift home, pl

  Julia said goodbye to Cain and waved over to her dad.

  Dad jogged over to her side and enveloped her in a big hug. He kissed her on the top of her head and said, “I hope you’re not doing too much, love. You look tired. Go home and get some rest.” He released her.

  Julia smiled back at him. Her attention was drawn towards the stage. Eric was looking right at her. He raised his hand and smiled at her. Julia couldn’t read the expression on his face but, despite his smile, Eric’s face did not look friendly. Julia felt a shiver travel down her spine. She turned away from Eric and headed towards the door, Louisa at her side.

  Chapter 25

  Julia drove towards their next job the following morning as Cain finished off the banana bread. At Louisa’s request, she told Cain all about the kidnapping. She ended with, “Louisa wanted you to know, she wanted to stop keeping secrets from people. I think she feels incredibly relieved to get the truth out.” Julia pulled up outside their client’s house and switched the engine off.

  Cain shook his head slowly. “Poor Louisa, I can’t believe it. How could she keep that a secret all these years? And how could Brandon be that nasty?” Cain looked through the windscreen, a pained expression crossed his face. “I don’t know why I’m surprised, not after my time in prison. People love having power over someone weaker than them.” He looked back at Julia. “Did you notice some of the looks that people were giving Louisa last night?”

  “No, I was focused on Eric. What kind of looks?”

  “Looking at her for too long, and not in a good way. As if they were sizing her up. I heard some mutterings when she came on to the stage, but I couldn’t hear what people were saying.”

  “Do you think they consider Louisa to be a suspect?”

  Cain nodded, “I think they do. But why now? They didn’t give her those sorts of looks at the previous rehearsal.”

  Julia thought for a moment. “Do you think someone is spreading rumours about her, to throw suspicion off themselves? Who would do such a thing?”


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