The Big Book of Irony
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Ali G Indahouse
All in the Family
Altman, Robert
ambient irony
America, irony in
The American Language (Mencken)
amicable irony
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Anatomy of Criticism (Frye)
Andersen, Kurt
Andersen, Wes
Anderson, Gary
Anderson, Sam
Anolli, Luigi
Arctic Dreams (Lopez)
“Are You Now or Were You Ever?” (Miller)
Argonauts of the Western Pacific (Malinowski)
The Aristocrats
Arte of English Poesie (Puttenham)
Arts and Crafts movement
Atlanta Falcons
Atoms for Peace program
attire. See also T-shirts
regional variations with ironic
Austen, Jane
auto-ironic cameo
Baird, Zoe
Barrison Sisters
Barth, John
Barthelme, Frederick
Barthelme, Steven
Beard, Frank
Beavis and Butt-Head
Beethoven, Ludwig van
behavioral irony
“Behind Dark Glasses: Irony As a Strategy for Indirect Communication” (Anolli)
Being There
The Believer Book of Writers Talking to Writers (McEwan)
Bemis, Henry
Benes, Elaine
Bennett, William
Berg, A. Scott
Berlin Wall
Berlusconi, Silvio
Bernhard, Sandra
Berra, Lawrence Peter (“Yogi Berra”)
Berry, David
Bertsch, Charlie
Berubé, M.
Best in Show
Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche)
Bhanji, Krishna. See Kingsley, Ben
Bibesco, Elizabeth
Blake, Robert
“Blame The New Yorker” (Kirn)
Bonds, Barry
The Book of Virtues (Bennett)
Booth, Wayne C.
Bourke-White, Margaret
Bourne, Randolph
Bowler, Gerry
Bradbury, Ray
Bradley, Ed
Brain Droppings (Carlin)
Branch, Taylor
Brice, Fanny
Broyard, Anatole
Bruce, Lenny
B-36 Peacemaker nuclear bomber
Bugs Bunny
bullshit, irony v.
Burke, Kenneth
Burroughs, William
Bush, George W.
Camus, Albert
Canada. See also Canucks
Cantor, Paul A.
Carlin, George
Carlyle, Thomas
Carrot Top
Carson, Johnny
Carter, E. Graydon
cartoons. See also Beavis and Butt-Head; The Simpsons
The New Yorker
Cervantes, Miguel de
Chappelle, Dave
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chavez, Linda
Chekhov, Anton
Chemerinsky, Erwin
Cheshire Medical Center
Chicago Cubs
Chicago Daily Tribune
The Children of the Night (Robinson)
Cioran, E. M.
City Aphorisms (Cooley)
Clarke, Arthur C.
Clear Skies Initiative
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. See Twain, Mark
Cline, Patsy
Clinton, Bill
Cohen, Sacha Baron (“Ali G”)
coincidence, irony v.
Colbert, Stephen
Colebrook, Claire
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collateral Damage
Columbia Encyclopedia
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English (Wilson)
Combs, Sean
The Comedian as Confidence Man: Studies in Irony Fatigue (Kaufman)
The Complete Book of Running (Fixx)
The Concept of Irony (Kierkegaard)
Conley, Kevin
The Conqueror
Conversations (Davies)
Cook, Peter
Cooley, Mason
Coors, Adolph III
cosmic irony
Costello, Elvis
Coupland, Douglas
Craig, Cairns
Crow, Sheryl
Cruise, Tom
The Cunning Man (Davies)
Curry, Tim
cynicism, irony v.
da Vinci, Leonardo
David, Larry
Davies, Robertson
dead irony
Dell computer company
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Depression Era
derision preemption
Derrida, Jacques
Despair, Inc.
Detroit Tigers
Deutsch, Donny
Dewey, Thomas E.
dialectical irony
Diamond, Neil
Dickens, Charles
A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (Fowler)
Dictionary of the English Language (Johnson)
Dillard, Annie
Dirty Dancing
Divine Irony (Holland)
The Doctor’s Dilemma (Shaw)
Dogg, Snoop
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Double Down: Reflections on Gambling and Loss (Barthelme and Barthelme)
double entendre
Dowd, Maureen
dramatic irony
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Duke, David
Dumont, Margaret
Durst, Will
Dylan, Bob
Eco, Umberto
Eggers, Dave
Escher, M. C.
ESPN SportsCenter
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
“E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction” (Wallace)
euphemism, irony v.
Everett, Barbara
exclamation points
existential irony. See ambient irony
Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury)
failed irony. See forced irony
false irony. See forced irony
Farley, Chris
fate, irony of
Father Knows Best?
Father’s Day
faux irony. See forced irony
Fernandez, James W.
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Fielding, Henry
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fixx, Jim
Flaubert, Gustave
For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today (Purdy)
forced irony
Fowler, H. W.
France, Anatole
Franken, Al
Frankfurt, Harry G.
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, Joe
Frye, Northrop
Fussell, Paul
Future Farmers of America
Gardenia, Vincent
Garg, Anu
Gates, David
Gaultier, Jean Paul
Gaye, Marvin
gay marriage
Gehrig, Lou
air quotes
irony in
Gibbons, Billy F.
Gibson, William
“Gift of the Magi” (Henry)
Giuliani, Rudolph
“Glib Is Out, Sincere Is In—The Age of Irony Is Waning, So Mean What You Say” (Leibrock)
God Is an Iron (Robinson)
/> Goldberg, Jonah
Gone: The Last Days of The New Yorker (Adler)
Gordon, Artemus
Gordon, Charles
Goulet, Robert
Graff, G.
Graves, Robert
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
Green, Dennis
Greenspan, Alan
Grey, Jennifer
Griffin, Kathy
Guest, Christopher
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)
Haldeman, H. R.
Hamilton, George
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hammer, A. J.
A Handful of Dust
Hanks, Tom
Hannah, Daryl
Hardy, Thomas
Has Been (Shatner)
Hasidic clothing
Havel, Václav
Haven (Bibesco)
Hawke, Ethan
Hayward, Susan
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Eggers)
Heller, Joseph
Hemingway, Ernest
Henry, O.
Hess, Rudolf
Hewson, Paul David. See Bono
Hill, Dusty
The Hipster Handbook (Lanham)
Hirohito, Emperor
Hirschorn, Michael
Hitler, Adolf
Hoffenstein, Samuel
Hogan’s Heroes
Holland, Glenn S.
Holmes, Katie
Holocaust Memorial
Homicide: Life on the Street
Homeland Security (Department of)
Hoover, Herbert
Horowitz, Mark
Houston’s Museum of Fine Arts
Huber, Mary Taylor
Hughes, Howard
Hugo, Victor
Human, All Too Human (Nietzsche)
hurricane coverage
Hush Puppies
Hussein, Saddam
Hutcheon, Linda
Hyde, Lewis
hypocrisy, irony v.
I Am Charlotte Simmons (Wolfe)
If I Were a Carpenter
Imitation of Christ (Kempis)
Industrial Revolution
In Pursuit of Laughter (Repplier)
Institutio Oratoria (Quintillian)
Intoxicated by My Illness and Other Writings on Life and Death (Broyard)
“Ironic” (Morissette)
ironic consumption
ironic twist
attire with
bullshit v.
coincidence v.
cynicism v.
defense of
double entendre as
euphemism v.
of fate
forms of
Greek root of
history of
hypocrisy v.
masters of
mirroring itself
naming with
opposites with
punctuation of
quality gradations of
quantities of
regional variations in
sarcasm v.
self-test for
sensibility of
twist with
understatement as
words used with
Irony (Muecke)
“Irony: A Few Simple Definitions” (Thompson)
Irony and the Ironic (Muecke)
Irony in Action: Anthropology, Practice, and the Moral Imagination (Fernandez and Huber)
Irony Lives! (Krassner)
Irony’s Edge: The Theory and Politics of Irony (Hutcheon)
Irony: The New Critical Idiom (Colebrook)
italics, speaking in
Jackson, Michael
Japanese Family Leave Act of 1942
Jarmusch, Jim
JetBlue Flight
Jewishness. See Yiddishkeit
Joel, Billy
Johnson, Samuel
Dictionary of the English Language
joke dancing
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Jones, Norah
Jonson, Ben
Jordan, Michael
Joseph Andrews (Fielding)
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
The Joys of Yiddish (Rosten)
Judge, Mike
Kafka, Franz
Kane, Evangeline
Kaufman, Andy
Kaufman, Will
Kempis, Thomas à
Kent cigarettes
Khan, Genghis
Kierkegaard, Søren
Kim Jong-il
Kindler, Andy
King, Larry
King, Rodney
Kingsley, Ben
Kirn, Walter
Kleiner, Carolyn
Klemperer, Werner
knee-jerk irony
Koko (gorilla)
Kolb, Carol
Kong, T. J.
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
Kosinski, Jerzy
Krassner, Paul
Kristol, Bill
Kubrick, Stanley
Lagerfeld, Karl
“Lamb to the Slaughter”
Lanham, Robert
Larsen, Eric
Last, Tony
Late Night with Conan O’Brien
Lava lamps
Lehmann, Chris
Leibrock, Rachel
Leno, Jay
Letterman, David
Levy, Eugene
The Life I Really Lived (West)
Life magazine
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Lipsky, David
Looking for Richard (Everett)
Lopez, Barry
“Love-Songs, at Once Tender and Informative—An Unusual Combination in Verses of This Character” (Hoffenstein)
Love Story
Loxley, James
Lynn, Vera
MAD magazine
The Magic Mountain (Mann)
Magritte, René
Maher, Bill
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Malkovich, John
Mamet, David
Man, Paul de
Mankoff, Robert
Mann, Thomas
Marcos, Ferdinand
Margoshes, Dr. Liz
“Marlboro Man.” See McLean, David
Marshall, Garry
Martin, Steve
Marx, Groucho
Massachusetts Supreme Court
Matheson, Carl
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maupassant, Guy de
McCain, John
McEwan, Ian
McGrath, Charles
McLean, David (“Marlboro Man”)
Mencken, H. L.
Meredith, Burgess
Merritt, Stephin
Messerschmitt, Willy
metaphysical irony. See ambient irony
Michaels, Lorne
A Mighty Wind
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Dennis
Minnesota Vikings
A Modest Proposal (Swift)
Mona Lisa
Montaigne, Michel de<
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The Moon and Sixpence (Maugham)
Morissette, Alanis
Morreale, Joanne
Morris chair
Morris, William
Muecke, D. C.
Mugabe, Robert
Mull, Martin
Munro, Alice
Murray, Bill
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nagako, Empress
National Review
National Science Foundation
“The Necklace” (Maupassant)
Negreanu, Daniel
Neuman, Alfred E.
neural network
Nevada atomic test site
The New Inn (Jonson)
Newman, Randy
The New York Times
The New Yorker
Nicholson, Jack
Nichomachean Ethics (Aristotle)
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
9/11 attacks
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell)
Nixon, Richard
Nobel, Alfred
Nobel Prize
Noles, Dickie
Oedipus the King (Sophocles)
O’Hara, Catherine
Oldenburg, Claes
Olney, Dr. Richard
On Bullshit (Frankfurt)
The Onion
Oration on Voltaire (Hugo)
O’Reilly, Bill
Orwell, George
Orwellian irony
Parker, Dorothy
Partridge, Eric
Patten, Chris
Pecker (Waters)
Perot, H. Ross
Phillips, Tom
Pickens, Slim
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Dillard)
Pirandello, Luigi
Pitt, Brad
Piven, Jeremy
plastic surgery
The Player
“The Players: A New Generation Makes a Card Game a Career Choice”
poker face
political correctness
pop culture
“Post-Election Musings on the Healing Power of Irony” (Robinson)
“The Post Modern Ironic Wink” (Coupland)
“The Post Modern Ironic Wink” (Rueckert)
postmodern irony
Powell, Dick
Prescott, John
Presley, Elvis
Pride and Prejudice (Austen)
Principles of Literary Criticism (Richards)
Proust, Marcel
pseudo irony. See forced irony
Puckett, Kirby
Pulitzer, Joseph
exclamation points in
quotation marks in
Purdy, Jedediah
Puttenham, George
Quayle, Dan
Queenan, Joe
quotation marks
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Rather, Dan
Rat Pack
Reagan, Ronald
Reality Bites
The Red Lily (France)
“Regulations for Literary Criticism in the 1990s” (Berubé and Graff)
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Repo Man
Repplier, Agnes
The Review of Contemporary Fiction (Wallace)
rhetorical irony. See verbal irony
A Rhetoric of Irony (Booth)
A Rhetoric of Motives (Burke)
“The Rhetoric of Temporality” (Man)
Richards, I. A.