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Touching Lace: Vaughn Series

Page 6

by Anne Rainey

  “Life is so not fair,” Lacey grumbled as she rolled out of bed, hastily shed her clothes and hopped into Nick’s shower. She wanted to find him and apologize properly for being so terribly rude. With any luck, he’d give her another chance.

  Ten minutes later, she stepped out of the shower and dried off using one of his oversized towels. She pressed her nose to the terrycloth and inhaled. Was it her imagination or could she really smell him? She slipped into a pair of jean shorts and a black crop top that she’d left at his place before then left the room. She didn’t bother to fix her hair; it would just have to dry naturally.

  Moving down the hallway, she was caught by the sound of snoring. Nick always snored ridiculously loud. She looked toward the couch and there he lay, sprawled out. No shirt, no shoes, nothing but his jeans with the top button undone. Lord have mercy, the man had a fine looking chest and abs.

  Tufts of soft, dark hair curled around each nipple and trailed a path downward over a taut stomach, only to disappear into the waistband of his jeans. His jaw was unshaven. If it were possible, he looked even more gorgeous. Sort of rougher around the edges. She had a moment to wonder what he’d look like with a mustache. Hmm, very handsome, probably. The man looked sinful no matter what.

  Lacey tiptoed over to the coffee table directly across from the couch and sat. She touched his jaw. He had such strong, masculine features. She traced one finger down his face to his collarbone and his chest. She had the overpowering urge to lick his nipples.

  But her finger had a mind of its own as it continued to travel down his perfect body only to trace the button on his pants. Just as she started to reluctantly pull her hand away, Lacey heard a gravelly voice say, "Don’t stop now, I was just beginning to enjoy myself."

  She thrust backward as if burned. "Uh, sorry. I was just, um, well, I was…" What could she say? Uh gee I was just molesting you in your sleep. No biggie.

  “I was only trying to wake you.”

  “I could really get use to that kind of wake up call.”

  He had a lethal glint in his dark fathomless eyes. One she’d never seen before, and it prompted her into action. “Well, now that you’re up, I wanted to tell you how sorry I was for falling asleep on you last night. It was rude and unforgivable.” She started to get up, but his hand snaked out and grabbed her arm, holding her in place.

  “You have no idea how up I am,” he growled. “And I never did get my good night kiss. You owe me, Lace, and now I’m collecting.” He pulled her off the table and on top of him then crushed his mouth to hers.

  It was a hard, brutal kiss, not at all gentle. Nick was hot and insistent. Something inside of her responded to his primitive demand. She didn’t want it to end. Yet, at the same time, she needed it to stop..

  His lips stayed hard against hers, and the feel of him beneath her had her losing reason. Lacey wanted him to take her. She wanted to please him. To do everything he wished and fulfill all his fantasies.

  Last night, Nick had relished taking Lacey to bed, tucking her in and letting her dream deeply. This morning, he was beyond ready to get inside her tight body. Now was the time for him to get a taste of what had been out of his reach for far too long.

  Nick wanted to seduce her into submitting to him. He could, and he knew it. He needed to take the lead. To show her how perfect it could be. How perfect he knew it would be, because everything about Lacey was perfect.

  She was what a man desired in a woman. Soft, womanly curves, a sweet innocence that made him want to shelter and protect, and a hot, steamy inner passion just begging to be released. She was so ripe. Nick ached to pluck her from the vine that kept her chained and taste every juicy inch.

  Lacey whimpered and went pliant in his arms. It was all the encouragement he needed. If Nick couldn’t have all of her today, right now then he’d at least take a sample. Something that would stick with him, tide him over until he could have it all.

  He used his tongue to coax her lips apart, licking at the delicate skin until she finally surrendered. He entered the sweet cavern of her mouth and explored its wet heat. He moved his tongue in a rhythm akin to making love, going slowly in and out, building the pleasure by small measures. Suddenly, Lacey’s delicate hands were in his hair. She grabbed handfuls and pulled him closer still.

  Nick took his mouth from hers. “Baby, I want you. I want to be buried inside of you until you scream my name. God, how I’ve fantasized about that.” He shut his eyes for a minute in an effort to gain control before opening them again. “But I’m not sure you’re ready.” When she started to protest, he hushed her by placing his index finger to her lips. “I will give you an appetizer.” No way was he going to leave her wanting.

  Nick turned them so she lay against the couch, his body covering hers. He touched his tongue to her lips again, but this time it was just a bare whisper. Even so, Lacey whimpered again. The teasing little sound could be addicting.

  He kissed each of her eyelids and trailed his lips along her cheeks, taking his time, drawing out the pleasure. If only it would last forever. Every time she blinked, every time she moved, he wanted her to think only of him and beg him for more.

  Sitting back on his haunches, he pulled her top up over her head, and threw it on the floor. She wasn’t wearing a bra and his eyes drank in her delicate form. Baby-pink. That was the shade of her nipples. They were large and puffy. He’d never seen anything sweeter, or more tempting.

  “Oh, baby, you are every man’s fantasy come to life, and you’re all mine.”

  Not giving her a chance to respond, he leaned down and sucked one pink tip into his mouth, rolling it with his tongue and biting it lightly, giving in to the frantic need clawing at him. He closed his eyes and savored her unique flavor.

  One last lick and he released the hard bud then pulled back to gaze into her eyes. “You taste as good as you smell. Somehow I knew you would.” His voice was almost unrecognizable even to him. He descended onto the other breast, brushing it with his tongue while his hand was busy toying and kneading the other.

  “Nick, please, I want you.”

  It was almost too much. He stopped his ministrations and taunted, “Good, I want you crazy for it, Lace.” Then he crawled down her body, and undid the fly to her jean shorts. He slithered them down her strong, runner’s legs, kissing each inch of flesh he exposed. He stopped in surprise when he got her shorts off all the way and looked at her panties. “Christ, had I known what you were wearing I would have moved a hell of a lot faster.”

  She wore a lacey turquoise thong. Nick could clearly see her brown curls underneath the scarce covering. The beautiful sight fired his blood.

  It made him so hard he ached.

  “Did I ever tell you that turquoise is my favorite color?” he asked, his eyes never leaving her nest of curls. When he thought he heard a whispered “no”, he groaned, “Well it sure as hell is now.”

  With her shorts all the way off, he looked down at her. Passion darkened her pale blue eyes and her face was rosy from the scrape of his morning stubble. Her damp, silky hair fanned out across the cushion. He had a moment to think of just how sexy she appeared. His gaze darted to her nipples, distended and wet from his loving. He rumbled his approval and fondled the firm globes. He’d waited for this moment far too long and yet it was better than he’d ever imagined. He felt like a kid with a new toy.

  Lacey brought up her hands in a modest attempt to cover her body from his view. He wouldn’t let her hide. Nick clutched her wrists in one of his fists then raised them above her head. She was totally exposed to him. Vulnerable and submissive. His dick throbbed.

  “Don’t ever cover yourself from me,” he ordered. “I won’t have you feeling embarrassed. Remember lesson one?”

  She nodded.

  “Mmm, good girl.”

  He lowered his head and kissed the wetness between her thighs. He sucked her tiny nub into his mouth, panties and all. Lacey went wild beneath him. It was so damn erotic to suck on her swollen c
lit through lace.

  She tried to pry her hands free, but Nick wouldn’t let her. He held her still and continued to keep her restrained while he teased and stroked her to a fever pitch. All at once, she moaned his name and pushed her pussy into his eager mouth as her climax washed over her.

  While she continued to pulse and arch into him, Nick knew it was the first time he’d tasted heaven. At Lacey’s wild response, he had to wonder how long it’d been since she’d had an orgasm. Hadn’t Evan considered Lacey’s pleasure over his own? Probably not, the selfish prick. He could kill Evan. Still, Nick was glad to be the man to make her come so completely undone now. He’d never heard a more beautiful sound.

  When her spasms subsided, he demanded, “Open your pretty eyes, Lace.” When she obeyed, his voice turned as hard as steel. “You’re mine now.” He licked her clit once more, sealing the deal. “Every delicious inch of you.”

  Lacey couldn’t speak if her life depended on it. She’d never experienced anything to compare to what he’d just done. He hadn’t even taken off her panties. Hell, she would agree to just about anything if it meant he’d do that again.

  Completely sated and wonderfully relaxed, Lacey decided to close her eyes and savor the satisfaction for just a moment, though when she did Nick’s weight lifted. Curious, she opened them again. He was sitting in the couch’s matching blue recliner adjacent to her, his head in his hands.

  She lifted to a sitting position by sheer force of will. “Nick, what’s the matter?”

  He lifted his head and stared at her. “Baby, I need a shower. A damn cold one. If I don’t get it quick, I’m liable to jump you.”

  Lacey got up from the couch, wearing only the damp thong panties, and walked over to stand directly in front of him. She stood so he was eye level with her breasts then brazenly asserted, “One good turn deserves another.” While he watched, she slowly got down on her knees in front of him, placed her hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him backwards. He resisted.

  “You don’t have to do this. I only wanted to make you feel good. Christ, I needed to make you feel good.”

  Lordy, he was adorable. His expression was so loving and tender and sweet. Lacey’s heart swelled. “I’m not doing this because I have to, Nick. I want to touch you, to feel your hard cock in my hands. Please don’t deny me.”

  It was the truth. She did want to touch him. She wanted to bring him to climax in the same way he had her. She wanted to watch as he lost all control.

  “God, baby, I’m so fucking hard for you right now. I’m afraid I won’t be gentle, and I don’t want you afraid of me.”

  Even his voice sounded ruthless, but she wasn’t letting him go to a cold shower. “Then don’t be gentle,” she whispered. “Nothing you do could ever frighten me. I trust you.”

  She leaned forward and licked his nipple, touching the curling dark hair with her tongue. She heard him groan then he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her forward. She licked a sensual path down his muscled chest to his flat stomach.

  “Do you like that?” she asked in a hushed tone. “Do you like my tongue on you, Nick?” She thought she heard him mumble something. She was sure it was as close to a yes as she was going to get.

  “That’s good, because I love tasting you.” She leaned back and unzipped his already unbuttoned pants. They weren’t loose fitting, but she was able to reach inside to cup him.

  “You are so hard…so big.” She couldn’t keep the shock out of her voice.

  “For you, baby, hard for you,” he gruffly replied.

  She pulled her hand free and started to yank his pants down, desperate to see him, to touch him without any barriers. Lacey had never felt so wild before. So anxious to stroke. To feel with her tongue. Make love with her mouth.

  It was a major turn-on. Her own desire mounted again at the thought of giving him oral pleasure. She always assumed it was only the man that benefited. How wrong. She’d been wrong about a lot of things. She also knew in her heart that it would not be the same for her. Only with Nick could she melt this way.

  “Help me take your pants off, Nick.”

  He raised his buttocks off the chair then pushed his pants and boxers down to his ankles. He sat back again and watched her. Tracked her every movement like a jungle cat ready to pounce.

  It thrilled her to have Nick’s warm brown eyes zeroed in on her. Lacey looked at his rigid length then back up at him. She smiled naughtily. “I’m one lucky girl.”

  She wrapped her hand around the base of him and touched his dripping tip with her tongue. She tasted his male essence and salty arousal.

  His fingers dug deep into her hair, clutching her scalp. She peered up at him, and while they locked eyes, Lacey opened her mouth and sucked him deep. She watched as he threw his head back and groaned. She took him in farther then slid his hot length all the way out again. She teased the bulbous head with her tongue and heard him curse. She smiled, enjoying herself. Suddenly, his gentleness was gone and he took the lead right back.

  “You’re playing with fire, baby,” Nick growled then grabbed handfuls of her hair on both sides of her head, and guided her down until her mouth was stuffed full with his girth. His balls pressed against her chin, and Lacey moaned in delight. She closed her eyes, bent her head slightly and sucked him down her throat.

  He was buried balls deep inside of her mouth now, and she knew he was all but ready to explode. She’d won their little game of tug-o-war. Of course, she didn’t think Nick was all that unhappy about losing.

  She continued to suck on him, licking and teasing then deliberately pressed her naked breasts against his hair-roughened thighs, massaging her aching nipples against his skin. As she swirled her tongue around his heavy length and played with the slit at the very tip, Nick lifted his hips off the chair and pushed into her mouth so far she nearly gagged. Lacey took him even higher when she cupped his sac and squeezed. He bucked and clutched at her head, fucking her face then let out a roar and exploded. She drank every drop, hungry for his hot, salty fluid.

  She raised her head and licked her lips clean. Giving him a much too naive smile, Lacey teased, “Was that to your liking, kind sir?”

  “Damn, woman.”

  He looked at her quizzically for a moment, while he took a moment to catch his breath. Finally he mumbled, “You continue to surprise me, baby.”

  “Do you still need a cold shower?” she asked, feigning innocence.

  He looked at her as if she’d lost her mind and let out a deep, belly laugh. “No, I definitely do not.” Then he grinned and asked, “Does this mean you’ll do that every time I feel the need for a cold shower?” His eyes lit up at the prospect.

  It was her turn to laugh.

  Chapter Seven

  Damn, what a way to start the day, Nick thought with male satisfaction. He could seriously get used to this. He buttoned his jeans and stood. Just as he was about to go to the kitchen to put something together for breakfast, he heard a tiny tinkling noise. He looked around the room and realized the sound came from Lacey’s purse.

  Her cell phone.

  She was in the bathroom, doing whatever women did after an orgasm, so he moved to answer it for her. He grabbed her purse off the table by the front door where she’d haphazardly tossed it the night before. If that bastard Evan was calling to apologize, he had another thing coming.

  He located the phone in a little zipper compartment and flipped it open. “Hello.”

  An annoyed voice on the other end snarled, “Who the hell is this?”

  The deep baritone didn’t sound like Evan. That pissed him off further. Just how many men had her cell number? “Nick. Who the hell is this?”

  “Nick?” the voice said, as if puzzled by that revelation.

  Nick gritted his teeth. “That’s what I said. Now you feel like telling me who you are or am I going to have to hang up on you?”

  The guy had the nerve to chuckle before replying, “Nick, it’s me, Blade.”

Oops. Way to go, Nick. “Oh, sorry about that, Blade. I didn’t recognize your voice.”

  “So I gathered.” There was a pause, and then, “Uh, what are you doing answering my sister’s cell at six o’clock in the morning?”

  Oops again. He definitely was not winning any points with Lacey’s oldest brother. Blade was a difficult man at the best of times, and he was incredibly too protective of his baby sister.

  “She spent the night at my place.”

  Nick was a grown man, and he had absolutely nothing to hide.

  Except the minor detail that he was teaching Lacey how to please a man.


  Just the one word, but Nick could still hear Blade’s disapproval. He sighed. “Blade, your sister’s been through a tough breakup, and I didn’t want her to be alone last night.” Well, it was partially true. Her family didn’t need to know every fucking detail of their relationship. Besides, he’d already been through the third degree with Merrick. How many times must a man go through the Spanish Inquisition?

  There was silence for a moment then Blade grumbled, “Yeah, I heard about Evan and Christy. I never liked that little weasel.”

  Nick wasn’t sure which of the two Blade referred to, Evan or Christy. Blade didn’t elucidate.

  “I’m thinking Evan may like to know what I think about guys who treat my sister like dirt.”

  Oh man, Lacey would not appreciate any interference from Blade. According to Merrick, Blade had already called Evan. Anything beyond that was sure to set Lacey’s independent streak off. She considered herself a grown woman, able to take care of her own affairs. But, knowing Blade, he would do as he pleased. Nick couldn’t help but like the way the man’s mind worked. Nick had wanted to be the one to pound Evan into the ground. And yet, if he left it to Blade, Lacey wouldn’t be mad at him, she’d be mad at her brother and Evan would still get pounded. A win-win situation. Besides, Lacey would forgive her brother. She always did whenever he pulled his older brother routine. Which was often.


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