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Touching Lace: Vaughn Series

Page 9

by Anne Rainey

  “What?” Nick said absently, still keeping an eye on the extremely disgruntled Evan.

  “Where do you think you’re going? I wasn’t through with you.”

  “I’m going to make sure Evan doesn’t make the mistake of getting up.” Then he turned to Blade, looked him square in the eyes and flatly stated, “I love your sister, Blade, and I swear I would never do anything to hurt her. That’s all that should matter to you.”

  Blade seemed to consider his words then nodded, apparently pleased with his answer because he actually smiled. Merrick smiled as well. Soon, both of them smacked him on the back in a show of approval. Nick made his escape before they broke a bone or injured a vital organ with their friendly taps.

  He came right up to Evan, pulled him to his feet and punched him. Blood spurted out of his nose as he clutched and groaned. The two Vaughn brothers in the background cheered him on. “Get lost, dickhead,” Nick growled to Evan.

  With immense male satisfaction, he watched as Evan scrambled and stumbled his way down the walk.

  Nick slammed the door shut, grabbed a startled Lacey in his arms and kissed her full on the mouth. He parted her lips with his tongue and breathed between her lips, “I love you, baby, forever.”

  Lacey sighed and sank into his kiss, repeating the words back to him with all her heart and soul.

  A sense of completeness settled over him. No doubt, their relationship had only just begun, but he was confident that watching the girl of his dreams drift away from him was a thing of the past.

  He had a future of mystery and excitement to look forward to with his best friend and lover by his side every step of the way. It didn’t get any better than that.

  Keeping her in his arms, Nick leaned back enough to see the drowsy look on Lacey’s face. He pushed a few strands of her soft, dark hair behind her ears and asked, “So, what did he want anyway?”

  Lacey rolled her eyes. “Can you believe he wanted me back?”

  Nick had figured as much. “What happened to Christy?”

  She tried valiantly to contain a laugh. “He caught her on his dining room table with a man she picked up while jogging in the park.”

  Nick smirked. “Serves the bastard right.”

  “That’s what I told him.”

  They both started laughing. As they imagined Evan walking in on such a display, they laughed harder.

  “I also told him he might want to go see a doctor and get tested for HIV since it’s clear Christy isn’t all that finicky about who she sleeps with. He went a little white after that. The idiot.”

  Nick let his finger trail a path down her cheek to her neck. He stroked her pulse and felt it quicken under his fingertip.

  “So, what made you want to kick him?” he asked, only half interested in the conversation, because Lacey had begun to smooth her hands down his sides.

  Lacey licked her lips, her gaze never once straying away from his mouth. She was just as aroused as he. Damn, if only they were alone.

  “Lacey?” Nick prompted.

  “Hmm?” she murmured, dazed.

  “Why’d you kick Evan?”

  Lacey blinked, looked into his eyes and said “Oh, right. Well, he told me I was the best thing that ever happened to him.”

  “And that made you want to kick him? Seriously?”

  “No. To tell you the truth, I just felt like it.”

  “You are one scary lady.”

  “You don’t sound upset by that.”

  He winked and leaned down to whisper into her ear, “Seeing you in action is a major turn on for me, baby.”

  Lacey groaned. “Lord, I wish we were alone.”

  “My thought exactly,” he growled. Unable to help himself any longer, Nick let his tongue dart out and touch the soft shell of her ear. He tasted the sweetness of her silky skin and instantly went hard. He heard a few grumbles from the other side of the room and realized Lacey’s brothers were getting quite an eyeful.

  Nick lifted a few inches, stared hard at Lacey and promised, “Tonight, after you’re completely moved in and your family has finally left us alone, you and I are going to have our own private little party.”

  Lacey beamed up at him and asked, “Because of our one month anniversary?”

  Nick shook his head. “Nope.”

  Lacey gave him a puzzled look. “Er then why?”

  “Because I finally got the woman of my dreams,” Nick answered tenderly as he imagined waking up to a soft, warm Lacey every day for the rest of his life.

  Nope, it definitely didn’t get any better than that.

  About the Author

  To learn more about Anne Rainey, please visit Send an email to Anne at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Anne!

  Look for these titles by Anne Rainey

  Now Available:

  Haley’s Cabin

  Coming Soon:

  Tasting Candy

  Every good girl longs for a chance to be a little naughty.

  Haley’s Cabin

  © 2007 Anne Rainey

  Raw from an ugly divorce and wrung out from her demanding job, Haley Thorne needs a break. When Haley’s doctor urges her to take a vacation, she heads to her secret cabin in the woods.

  The very first night, Haley dreams of an erotic threesome that leaves her panting and aroused. When sexy police detective Jeremy Pickett shows up at her door, she’s shocked: He looks like the man in her midnight fantasy! Levelheaded Haley unleashes her inner seductress and has a little fun—handcuffs and all!

  Enjoy this excerpt for Haley’s Cabin:

  Haley must still have been dreaming, because things this exciting just didn’t happen to her. Frankly, she’d never met a man like Jay, or Jeremy, rather. He was so straightforward. He saw what he wanted and threw caution to the wind. After being married to Eric, a man who put on a façade to get what he wanted, it was a refreshing change to meet a guy who felt no need to pretend.

  Right at that moment Haley was a few scant inches away from Jay’s impressive chest. God, he looked delicious. She had visions of coasting her tongue over and around each of his nipples, down his torso, then unbuttoning his jean shorts. She’d watch them fall to the floor. Then she’d get to see his erection. Haley wanted her mouth on his cock. She ached to taste him. Honesty forced her to admit she wanted what he’d done to her in her dreams. This was a vacation, after all. A moment out of time. Haley yearned to take some memories back with her on Monday, when her fantasy ended and real life intruded. Something that would last her a lifetime.

  After spending an erotic weekend with Jay/Jeremy Pickett, Haley had a sneaky feeling other men were going to seem pale in comparison.

  “Can you take off your shorts for me, Jay?” Haley asked, feeling bolder now her mind was made up to take what she could from their encounter.

  Jay smiled and in a hoarse whisper replied, “I already took off my top. It’s your turn.”

  Okay, so he was going to play hard to get. No problem.

  “It’s not really fair, though, because this dress is all I’m wearing.” Take that, she thought haughtily.

  Jay’s gaze went south, bypassing her chest and going straight to the notch between her legs. She could have sworn she felt heat there, just from the intensity of his stare.

  His silvery eyes changed to liquid mercury. His words nearly melted her in the chair. “My cock is going to feel so damn good inside you, Haley. So good you’ll forget all about your erotic dream. You’ll beg me, baby. That’s a promise.”

  He stood to his full, impressive height and took off his shorts right there in front of her. Oh my, he was every bit as big as he’d been in her dream. He was full and hard and so ready for her that her mouth watered from the sight. All she’d need do was lean forward and he’d be inside her wet mouth.

  With his feet braced apart, a hard, predatory look on his face, he demanded, “The dress, Hal
ey, off with it.”

  He was no longer the friendly, flirtatious man she’d eaten dinner with. Now Jay was an aggressive and dominant male. The raw masculinity of him turned her on more than anything ever had. If she hadn’t felt so confident about herself, the sheer size of him might’ve intimidated her. Haley was confident, however. She’d gained her confidence the hard way. And she knew, no matter how intimidating he seemed, he’d never hurt her.

  Without standing, Haley slipped her fingers beneath the hem of her dress and inched it upward. By small degrees she bared her thighs. As she reached her bottom, she had to lift slightly to get the dress higher. Soon, it was around her middle. She didn’t get any farther. Jay’s hand was suddenly there, cupping her exposed mound. His nostrils flared and his jaw twitched, as if he wanted to do much more than touch. She liked the thought. Haley wasn’t the type to drive men mindless and it was empowering to realize she had that effect on Jay.

  She wiggled, and he moved his hand away, seemingly reluctantly, and she took the dress off the rest of the way. Haley sat in the hard wooden kitchen chair, totally nude, while she let him look his fill. She only hoped he liked what he saw or she would absolutely die of mortification.

  As if reading her thoughts, Jay groaned. “You look so sweet sitting there. So bashful with your legs pressed tight together.” He snared her gaze with his own. “I can’t wait to spread you open, to see that lovely cunt dripping from the first orgasm I give you, baby.”

  She couldn’t think. Couldn’t even speak. Jay had taken the heavy weight of his cock in his hand and began rubbing himself as he spoke to her. The sight of him mesmerized Haley. His words penetrated, and she managed to ask, “First orgasm?”

  A slow grin spread across his face as he crouched in front of her. He leaned forward and took her nipple into his mouth, softly suckling on her.

  “Oh, God.”

  Jay laved at her, loving in his assault. Haley could have come right there, without him so much as touching her clit.

  Abruptly, he stood, staring down at her now glistening breast. “I’m really going to enjoy playing with your pretty tits.” He stopped touching himself and took her hand, pulling her out of the cold chair and leading her to the backdoor. When he opened it, a rush of brisk night air came in and she was reminded of the dream once again. It was chilly then, too, when she’d let him and Marissa into her house.

  Together, they stepped out onto a stone walkway leading to a secluded spot which hid the Jacuzzi. Thick shrubs and colorful flowers formed a wall around it. They were in their own private paradise.

  As he took her to the side of the hot tub, Haley noticed he’d set out candles. All shapes and sizes glowed everywhere—on the ground, the little outdoor table next to the tub and along one edge of the walk. The sweet smell of vanilla permeated the air. She wanted to comment on the romance of it all, but before she could, Jay leaned down and whispered another erotic promise into her ear.

  “I’ll make you come so many times you’ll wish to be my sex slave.” He licked the spot beneath her ear, and her body shook and her mind went blank. “I’m going to turn you into a little wanton.” He moved farther down her neck, tasting her, nibbling on her overheated skin. “My own private submissive,” Jay promised, then he lifted away from her and ordered, “Get into the water now.”

  She obeyed. There was really never any other choice. Every fiber of her being was tuned in and turned on, and she longed to submit to him. Just as he promised, she already ached to be his dutiful slave.

  What if “the one who got away”…didn’t?


  © 2007 Patrice Michelle

  Deidre Nelson has never forgotten the man who stole her heart so effectively a decade ago. When circumstances bring her back to Ventura, Texas to look after her parents' B&B, she prepares to face Jonas Mendez, the sexy wrangler-turned sheriff, with growing anticipation.

  Deidre’s engaging smile and seductive gaze has haunted Jonas for ten years. But life’s cruel ironies pepper his past, leaving him guarded and wary. He vows to keep his interaction with Deidre strictly professional while she's in Ventura.

  But when vandalism at the B&B turns life-threatening, Jonas finds himself intimately involved with the one woman he has always wanted but never touched.

  As a decade of built-up anticipation becomes reality, suddenly the line between protector and possessor begins to blur.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Anticipation:

  Once she’d locked the door and walked down the stairs to stand beside Jonas, the air around them grew strangely quiet. He slid his hands around her waist. She relished every second of his warm palms touching the bit of skin below her tank top as he easily lifted her up on his horse.

  Deidre tried to sit sidesaddle, but Jonas squeezed her waist. “You’ll have to sit astride, darlin’, or it’ll make for an uncomfortable ride.”

  She squirmed nervously at the idea of sitting astride in a skirt. “I really should go change clothes—”

  Before she could finish, he gripped her hip with one hand and slid his other hand up her calf, pushing her skirt up until her thigh was bared. “Lift your leg over.”

  At his soft command, she did as he asked and moved her right leg over the horse’s back. Without a word, Jonas swept up on the saddle behind her.

  “Comfortable?” She tilted her eyebrow, casting a quick gaze over her shoulder.

  “Not quite,” he whispered in her ear. At the same time, he used his thighs and hips to slide her body forward until her bunched skirt was all that sat between her pubic bone and the saddle horn.

  Molding his chest to her back and his thighs around her hips, he put his arms around her waist and unwound the reins from the top of the saddle horn. “Now I’m ready.”

  The sensation of the hard horn between her thighs and the cowboy’s muscular body surrounding hers sent her heart rate soaring. Deidre gripped the top of the saddle horn and let out an edgy laugh. “Just don’t gallop, ’kay?”

  Jonas urged the horse into a walk toward the trails behind the B&B. “We’ll take it nice and slow, I promise.”

  As they entered the darkened woods, Deidre shivered at the change in temperature. Even though the evening sun slanted through the canopy of trees, bathing her skin in ribbons of diluted golden warmth, the forest’s shade brought an exciting coolness in contrast to Jonas’ body heat radiating against her back. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensual combination.

  “Does this trail lead to the Mendez property?” she asked.

  “Mmm, hmm.” His chest rumbled against her back as he rubbed his nose along her neck. “Do you want to know how many times I’ve thought about you?”

  She jerked her eyes open, surprised by his question. “How many?”

  His left hand spread across her exposed thigh and his fingers tightened around the bare flesh. “I’ve lost count.”

  Jonas’ sincere admission caused the butterflies in her stomach to stir in haphazard abandon. Earlier today might have been about emotional limitations, but tonight was about confessions, she realized. “I’ve never forgotten you.”

  He gripped her thigh harder. “I never cheated on her.”

  Deidre understood the anguish in his voice. She placed her hand over his, her heart tripping at a rabbit’s pace. “I know. Your integrity was one of the things I admired so much about you.”

  His body tensed behind her. “I’ll never say the words ‘will you marry me’ again.”

  The vehemence in his words told her just how much his ex-fiancée’s betrayal had hurt him. Deidre’s heart went out to this strong, self-contained man. Even though his statement tore her up inside, she admired him more for being honest with her upfront.

  Running her hand across his warm one, she laced their fingers together and let out a soft sigh. “We’ve both had our share of disappointments in life. I just want to feel your arms around me. I don’t have any expectations beyond that.”

  Jonas brushed her hair to the side
and buried his nose against her neck. “I’m sorry, Deidre. You blew me away the moment I saw you again after all these years. There needs to be pure honesty between us.”

  “No expectations, Jonas….just anticipation,” she said at the same time the tiny niggling voice in her mind dared to rear its ugly head. I hope I haven’t built you up in my mind to be a bigger-than-life, beyond exceptional lover. But the throbbing ache between her legs reminded her that the man definitely knew how to leave her wanting.

  “Anticipation,” he said in a husky tone as he laid the reins across Admiral’s neck. The horse continued to plod along without guidance as if he knew the trail well.

  Deidre’s pulse thrummed when he placed his hands on her legs then slid her skirt higher, exposing her thighs completely.

  He cupped his fingers along the bend of her legs and began circling his thumbs on her muscles just above her knees. She bit her lip to keep from moaning at the sensations rocking through her.

  As he moved his hands higher, massaging her muscles in small circles, tiny tremors started in her inner thighs and slowly wound their way to her sex. With a low growl rumbling in his chest, Jonas shifted his weight forward in the saddle, forcing her body fully flush against the saddle horn until she literally rode the hard surface.

  Each dip and sway of the horse’s movements caused her mound to rub and bump against the saddle horn. Agonizing friction built and ricocheted through her sex, tensing her lower muscles. Deidre tightened her thighs around the horse and swallowed a moan.

  “I feel your tension. I know you’re holding back. I want to hear your excitement,” Jonas said at the same time he gripped her inner thighs and forced her legs open wider. His action no longer allowed her to stop the constant pressure against her sensitive parts. Deidre began to pant then gasp each time the horse’s movements made her body meet the molded surface.

  Jonas moved his thighs behind hers, keeping her sex flush with the horn. The sensation of his hard cock pressing against her backside made her want to whimper.


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