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See You Soon Broadway (Broadway Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Melissa Baldwin

  “Maris, it’s very kind of you to stop by.” She slurs her words. Yep, she’s definitely drunk. It might be my imagination but I really think she’s glaring at me.

  “Thanks. You look nice by the way,” I say and smile sweetly. Wow, that actually sounded sincere.

  She looks down at her dress and starts to run her hands up and down her sides. “I only picked this dress because Trevor loves it so much.”

  Of course Trevor likes that dress considering it’s basically a small piece of fabric that covers her body just enough to not be arrested. I consider making a smart-ass comment but I bite my tongue. I don’t need to give her any more reason to dislike me, and I can’t forget the fact that she’s Liv’s friend. I definitely don’t want to burn that bridge.

  “Don’t you think he looks sexy tonight?” she taunts. This conversation is taking a bad turn really fast.

  “It’s good seeing you,” I say, ignoring her question. “I probably should check on my boyfriend.” I must have said something very interesting because all of a sudden Giselle’s demeanor completely changes.

  “Your boyfriend is here? Where?” she asks. I get the feeling that she thinks I’m lying as if I made up some mystery date that doesn’t exist.

  “He’s sitting in the corner with my brother-in-law, probably playing some football game on their phones. My sister and I dragged them here tonight but they’re good sports nonetheless.”

  I quickly escape and check on the guys who are still in the same spot that we left them in. I really need to get some air so I wander out onto the terrace. I look out into the evening sky and think about how I got here. I know Grandma led me to this point because ever since that moment I found her journal things have changed. I can totally be honest with myself and admit that I find Trevor attractive, and yes, it is interesting that I met him just before meeting Beatrice. But . . .

  “What are you thinking about, young lady?” Beatrice interrupts my thoughts. I sigh because no matter what I do I can’t get a minute to myself. Maybe I should go hide in the bathroom stall to have a minute of privacy. “I’m hoping you’re coming up with a plan to break me out of this place.”

  I smile at her. “Come on, it’s not that bad.”

  “I suppose.” She walks over and joins me where I’m looking out into the sky. “Katherine did a nice job and Charles would have loved this. He loved to go to parties and be surrounded by people. No doubt Katherine got her people skills from him.”

  I stand there and listen. I take a deep breath and ask her the million-dollar question.

  “Beatrice, I want to ask you something.” Her peaceful smile turns into a worried stare. “What really happened between you and Grandma?”

  Silence. But it’s more like awkward and uncomfortable silence.

  “I was wondering when you were going to ask me that. I can only imagine what Maris wrote in that journal.”

  I try to reassure her that there really isn’t much in there except for that one entry. She must believe me because she’s finally ready to talk.

  “Maris was popular and she had many suitors. All through school and even after we had our graduation.” She pauses and closes her eyes. “One summer evening, a group of us went to Coney Island. It was a lot of fun back then, we would go and eat ice cream and talk about our futures. While we were there, we met a few young men—they were all so very nice and believe me when I tell you that Maris got a lot of attention from them. She was beautiful.”

  She pauses again and I can tell she’s remembering everything that happened that night.

  “That’s the night I met Charles. I have to tell you that prior to that night I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but that all changed. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him.”

  I get a little emotional as I watch her face change when she talks about Charles because there’s a certain vulnerability that she doesn’t express at any other time.

  “Charles had a friend that worked at the radio station with Maris, they spent a lot of the evening talking but it was mostly about their mutual friends. I admit I was very jealous, especially when they made plans to go out on a date.”

  I’m listening so intently that I feel like I’m back in 1948 with them.

  “I believe they went out a few times, but Maris told me that she wasn’t ready to settle down. She was very into her career in those days.” She pauses. “Anyway, things kind of fizzled for them within a few weeks. One afternoon, I ran into Charles and we ended up talking for hours. He asked me on a date and I went and we fell in love. The mistake I made was keeping it from Maris, even though she was already dating another man. She felt betrayed and she was very angry with me. I avoided her as much as I could so I could keep it a secret. When she found out . . .” she pauses again. “Well, things were just never the same.”

  She opens her clutch purse and pulls out a tissue. She dabs the corners of her eyes.

  “I never explained things, and to this day I wonder if she thought I stole him from her or that I was making a play for him while they dated. I never did that. Anyway, over time we drifted apart and went on with our lives. We still spoke every now and then and sent Christmas cards over the years but our friendship never really recovered. I lost a very good friend because I was too afraid to be honest. One of the biggest regrets of my life.”

  I pat her on the shoulder. “I’m sure she knew that.”

  “I suppose,” she replies. “I don’t think she had any issue with Charles because she fell madly in love with your grandfather. Her issue was with me and my dishonesty.”

  I nod my head. “You know, before you came out here I was thinking about how I got to this point. I really feel like I was meant to find her journal, like it all happened for a reason.”

  She reaches for my hand. “I completely agree and that’s why I was so happy to meet you. But then when you mentioned the journal, I was afraid of what it said about me. I wanted to tell you the truth but I was embarrassed . . . I wish I had explained everything to her and apologized.”

  I can see the regret in her eyes and I feel sorry for her. I can’t imagine how it must feel to let all these years pass and never resolve a conflict.

  “Who knows? Maybe my finding the journal and meeting you was her way of telling you that she forgives you.” Her eyes fill with tears and she hugs me.

  “Thank you.” She whispers, “Or maybe we were supposed to meet because for some other reason, like . . .”

  “Gran, what are you doing?” Trevor interrupts us. “Mom’s in there ready to lose it because you aren’t mingling.”

  I can see the annoyance on Beatrice’s face as she rolls her eyes. I try to hide my smile.

  “Are you blind? I’m mingling with one of my guests right here.”

  I stand back while Beatrice rants about spending the time at her birthday party the way she wants. It’s kind of funny to see her acting like a child. She finally stomps off leaving me with Trevor. Neither of us says a word.

  “So,” he says. Oh my gosh, why the hell is this so awkward? “Sorry I interrupted your conversation.”

  “That’s okay. I’m pretty used to it by now.” I smile playfully. He catches my eye and for the first time I notice something different. Maybe it’s my imagination but I suddenly feel a strange connection, or has it been here this whole time?

  “Oh really, and what’s that supposed to mean?” he says as he moves closer to me. All of a sudden my heart starts to race but I don’t move away. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Hmm . . . well, you seem to keep popping up wherever I am. I’m starting to wonder if you’re doing it on purpose,” I reply sarcastically. “Maybe you were the one who ran into me and made me spill my drink on you?”

  I’m expecting some kind of smart-ass reply but what I get is shocking.

  “Maybe I am doing it on purpose.”

  For the first time since I met Trevor, he seems to be serious, dead serious.

  “You’re funny,” I say nervously
as I punch him on the arm, expecting some kind of delayed joke.

  He grabs my wrist as I punch him and pulls me closer to him. Our faces are now inches apart. This can’t be happening, my sweet Kyle is right inside. I’m a horrible person.

  “What are you doing?” I say as I pull away even though I really don’t want to. I wait for him to say something.

  “I don’t know but I’m not going to pretend that I don’t feel something.” He moves closer to me again. “Let’s be serious, we run into each other at a party and then meet again at my Gran’s house. What are the chances?”

  I turn away because I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to hurt Kyle and I don’t want to make a mistake.

  “This is crazy,” I say loudly.

  “I know,” he whispers in my ear. ”I’m sorry if I’m making you feel uncomfortable.”

  Uncomfortable does not even come close to how I’m feeling. I have so many emotions going on right now that I don’t know what to do or say. I glance back through the French doors into the ballroom where I see Giselle. That’s just the reminder I need that no matter what we are feeling out here, our lives are right inside those doors.

  “Wait.” I stop him as he leans in toward me. “Are you forgetting someone?” I point to Giselle. I’m sure she will go postal if she comes out and catches us caught up in this moment.

  “No, I haven’t forgotten,” he says sadly. I knew it, as soon as I bring up Giselle his tone changes. It’s understandable that we feel a connection but it’s also possible that we both have gotten a little caught up in a strange situation.

  I nod my head. “I thought so.” We both stand there awkwardly again.

  “I better get back in there. I’ve been gone way too long and I’m sure Kyle’s looking for me.” He doesn’t stop me as I walk away, leaving him alone. I think it’s about time for us to leave because as far as I’m concerned this party is over.

  Chapter 14

  I really wish someone would give me an answer. I think I’ve become completely desperate because as soon as I get home from the party I start looking up psychics online. I’ve never actually been to a psychic because I’m really scared of what they’re going to tell me. But at this point, I don’t know what else to do.

  I couldn’t wait to leave Beatrice’s party. After the strange encounter with Trevor, I joined Kyle in the corner and didn’t move from that spot. Cassie relentlessly asked me to talk to her in private again but I managed to avoid it. After Katherine’s big cake presentation, we all gathered to say our good-byes to Beatrice and her family. Giselle was standing along with them as if she’s a permanent member of their family. And maybe she is.

  Trevor and I made eye contact a few times but I quickly looked away. Unfortunately, my very observant sister was watching the whole thing. As soon as I get home, I turn my phone off. I wouldn’t be surprised to get a knock at my door in the middle of the night.

  Kyle didn’t really say much on the ride home. I’m a little paranoid that he saw something while I was outside with Trevor. Truthfully, things have been different since the New York trip, so much so that I’m starting to wonder if things will ever be the same again.

  I finally give up on my psychic search and crawl into bed.


  I open my eyes and look around. Okay, I admit I’m starting to freak out; maybe all of this stress is causing me to become a sleepwalker. Somehow I ended up in the park around the corner from home, but I have no idea how I got here.


  I look around to see who’s calling my name. The voice is coming from behind the most beautiful lilac bushes I’ve ever seen. Just then she appears.

  “Oh my gosh . . . Grandma?”

  I can’t believe this is happening. I run across the grass to her outstretched arms. I feel the warmth as her arms wrap around me.

  “That was a beautiful performance, my darling,” she says softly. Oh my gosh! It was her all along in those dreams. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize her voice before now, but it’s definitely her because she calls everyone “darling.”

  “How are you here right now?” I ask. She looks at me and caresses my cheek.

  “What do you mean?” she laughs. “I’ve been here all along.”

  I think I’m going to cry because somehow deep down I knew it was her. I have so much I want to say to her that I don’t know where to begin.

  “Grandma, I found your journal and then everything got crazy. My life is such a mess right now and I don’t know how to fix it. Please tell me what to do,” I beg.

  She stares at me with her sparkling blue eyes. I think I’m still in shock that she’s here, wait until I tell Cassie. She totally gets into all of this stuff.

  “You will make the right decision, you just need to follow your heart,” she replies.

  Ha, that’s easier said than done. That wasn’t the answer I was hoping for. I start to ramble on about the journal and Beatrice and New York. She just continues to smile at me, but she still doesn’t give me any answers.

  “I love you, my darling. Remember to follow your heart.” She reaches up and places her hand on my cheek and then she turns around and starts walking back toward the lilac bushes.

  That’s it? She’s leaving?

  “Wait, where are you going?” I yell. All of a sudden I’m standing alone in the middle of the park and she’s gone.

  “Wait,” I yell again.

  “Maris, wake up.” I sit up and all of a sudden I’m back in my bedroom. Georgie is standing over me looking really pissed off.

  “You were screaming.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you,” I apologize and look around my room.

  “I think you woke the whole city,” she yells as she heads back to her room.

  I look at the time and it’s 4:30 a.m., that dream seemed so real. I lie back down and try to force myself to go back to sleep. I wish I could be back with my Grandma. Without thinking about it, I kick the covers off, put on my shoes, and head to the park.

  Okay, I admit it may be a little insane to go to the park at this time of night or morning or whatever it is, but I have to do it. I walk-run around the corner and of course the park is empty. I sit down on my bench; I guess it was all a dream. I think back to what she told me, follow my heart. How am I supposed to do that when I don’t know what’s in my heart? I sit for a while and think about everything that’s been happening. My relationship with Kyle was fine until I started thinking about moving. Am I just being selfish? I mean, Kyle just got the job he had been hoping for and I expect him to just pick up and leave? I know how hard he has worked. That’s not fair of me to expect that of him.

  Then there’s Trevor—he’s this handsome and mysterious stranger that I met on accident, then the shocker that he turns out to be Beatrice’s grandson. Am I the only one who has been ignoring something that’s been staring me in the face? I know I was meant to meet Beatrice, but what about Trevor? Was I really meant to meet him, too?

  Before I think anymore about my personal life, I have to make it through this recital. I have a few a few days and I still have a lot of work to do. My eyes start to feel heavy, so I start to head back to my apartment when something in the grass catches my eye. I walk over to see what it is and I get chills all over my body. It’s a lilac! I look around the park for the trees that were in my dream, but there are none. I pick up the flower and smile— it wasn’t just a dream after all.


  This girl has become a complete nightmare. I’m sitting here in my rehearsal with Mimi and she’s out of control. We have two more rehearsals left before the recital and I have considered quitting more times than I can count. A few days ago, Sophie even came in to give me a pep talk. Lucy has one more meeting planned for tomorrow and I’m dreading that as well. Somehow Ash and I have managed to completely avoid each other even when we had to run through the show.

  “I think I’m done for the day,” Mimi says as she picks up her books. We’ve been rehea
rsing for forty-five minutes but only have had about twenty minutes of quality rehearsing time. The rest of the time has been nothing but complaining and whining.

  I really want to tell her to go ahead and leave but I ask her for one more run-through.

  “I’m ready. I’ll see ya tomorrow,” she says as she picks up her Vera Bradley backpack and throws it over her shoulder.


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