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See You Soon Broadway (Broadway Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Melissa Baldwin

  “Now we have a fabulous after party planned, so please bring your family and friends to celebrate the tremendous talent we have here at Do-Re-Mi Studios.” More cheers and whistles erupt and everyone starts talking at once.

  I start to gather my things when Lucy comes over to me. “Maris, why have you not told me that you’ve been writing songs? All this time and you never said a word? This could be huge for us.”

  I smile. “Honestly, I just started writing for fun. I never thought I would finish a song, let alone perform it.”

  I won’t dare tell her that I’m thinking of quitting the studio. Tonight is obviously not the night to deliver that kind of news.

  “Well, you did and it was the perfect addition to the show, so thank you.” She pulls me in for a tight hug. I guess if she was mad at me for the whole Ash situation she must be over it now.

  When I’m finally able to join my family in the lobby, I’m greeted with cheers from everyone and tears from my mom.

  “Honey, you sounded like an angel,” she says between her blowing her nose in a Kleenex.

  “Maris, the performance was mesmerizing!” Cassie says.

  Kyle kisses me on the cheek and hands me a gorgeous bouquet of roses.

  “Perfection,” he says as he flashes me a loving smile.

  I notice Beatrice and Trevor standing off to the side. I assume they are trying to stay out of the way until Beatrice waves me over.

  She grabs both of my hands. “You sounded just like her, your grandmother. I know she would be so proud tonight.” She gives me a hug and I fight the urge to cry.

  “Maris, it was flawless.” Trevor adds. “We brought these for you; Gran said we had to bring flowers and we thought these were perfect.”

  I stand in shock as he hands me a bouquet—a bouquet of lilacs. They look like the same lilacs that were in my dream and the same lilac that I found on the ground in the park. I’m completely speechless at first.

  “Where did you get these?” I ask. Trevor and Beatrice look back and forth at each other.

  “The florist, why?” he says curiously. I realize that everyone is staring at me now. I need to hurry and think of something to say

  “Oh, I . . . um, they’re just really pretty. Thank you so much.” I sound like a complete idiot, but really, what are the chances that they would bring the same flowers? It has to be another sign that Grandma was with me today. I’ve been thinking about her a lot and I’m sure she would have loved to be here. I’m starting to get emotional again.

  “Okay, who’s ready to go to a party?” I shout. That definitely takes some of the attention off my strange reaction to the flowers. I try to ignore Cassie’s curious glances. I will have to explain my dream to her even though I already know what she’s going to say. I lead the way to the celebration trying to shake the fact that those flowers have to be more than a coincidence.

  I think the best part of being involved in any performance has to be the after party. They’re always so much fun. Maybe it’s all mental, like it’s some sort of stress release. It has always amazed me at how different people act prior to the shows compared to after. Even Ash has been somewhat cordial to me—not exactly nice but cordial. Miranda has definitely fallen all over Mimi as we all expected she would. Both Ash and I take credit for her training, and I’m careful not to remind everyone that she’s been training with me for years as opposed to months with Ash. It would serve her right for all the hell she has put me through over the last several weeks, but since I’m a better person than her, I won’t say anything.

  Trevor and Beatrice leave the party pretty early because she’s tired. I thank them again for the flowers. I get the feeling that Trevor wanted to say something else but he didn’t, so who knows, maybe it’s just my imagination or, more appropriately, my paranoia.

  “We need to have a talk,” Cassie whispers as she comes up behind me. I completely agree with her but this is not the place.

  “Later,” I reply and walk away to talk to my other guests.

  Kyle and I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to each other with everyone interrupting us. It looks like we will have to wait for the impending dinner to have our big talk. I have to admit I’m not looking forward to that at all. He’s being very attentive as usual, affectionate and patient as people come up to talk to me. I wish I knew what he wanted to talk to me about so I can emotionally prepare myself.

  The party is winding down, but the best part of the night for me is when Miranda pulls me aside and asks me to call her. I try not to look overly excited, but I really just want to jump up on the table and start dancing. Granted, I don’t know what she wants me to call her about and I probably shouldn’t get too excited just yet. I mean, I would hope that it’s something about how much she enjoyed my original song and she would love to represent me and she knows that she will be able to get me in a Broadway production. Yes, I have thought about hearing those words from her, or anyone really. A girl can dream, right?

  I’m saying good-bye to my family when Lucy stops us.

  “You should be so very proud of Maris,” she says as she puts her arm around my mom. “She has made me very proud, she’s an integral part of this studio, and I know we have a beautiful future ahead of us.”

  Mom starts crying again and thanks her. I just hang back while they share this moment. I love Lucy and Do-Re-Mi Studios, but I can’t help but think that it may be time for me to move on. I just have a feeling that there’s more out there for my music career and me. I look over at Kyle who’s talking to Georgie and Sophie. I don’t know if he’s ready to move on with me or not and that makes me sad, but I may not be the one that’s enough for him either. He deserves someone who will be completely devoted to him also, and I don’t know that I can be that way for him right now.

  “I’m really looking forward to dinner tomorrow night,” Kyle says when we finally have a few minutes alone with each other before he leaves.

  “Me, too.” I smile. “I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to spend much time with you tonight, you know how crazy these parties can be.”

  He nods. “Of course. You were fantastic tonight. It’s completely expected that everyone would want a few minutes of your time. You really stole the show.”

  That’s very nice of him to say, but I really don’t think I stole the show. I think all of our students were fantastic with Mimi leading the way.

  “Thank you, Kyle.” When I give him a hug, I start to feel really emotional again. Maybe I’m PMSing? After he’s gone, Georgie is my last remaining guest.

  “Awesome show, girlfriend. I’m going to stop by the hospital on my way home. Dr. Scott is on call tonight, so I told him I’d grab some food with him.”

  I’m actually relieved that she won’t be home right away because I’m exhausted and I know she would want to talk about everything that happened tonight. I can’t wait to get home and crawl into bed. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be another emotional day. I’m about to leave when Sophie stops me.

  “We did it,” she exclaims. “Do you think Miranda is going to pursue Mimi? Did you see Ash following her around? She was so obvious; I got the feeling Miranda wasn’t that impressed with her. I’m sure Miranda has handled girls like Ash before.”

  I can tell that Sophie really wants to keep talking, but I’m just so tired. I tell her that I will call her tomorrow so we can talk more.

  “Wait!” She puts her hands on my shoulders. “I have to ask you one more thing, are you sure that Trevor has a girlfriend?” she asks curiously. I hope she doesn’t ask me to try to set her up with him. I’m not the best matchmaker, especially for a man I have a (small) crush on.

  “Yes. Why?”

  She gets a mischievous look on her face. “I’ll tell you why, because he watched you the entire night. I think he likes you.” Okay, I didn’t expect her to say that. “That’s ridiculous, we’re just family friends.” This is true, we are family friends . . . sort of.

  “I knew you would say tha
t, but trust me when I tell you that I’m really good at sensing this kind of stuff. My aunt had the sixth sense and they say it’s hereditary.”

  Holy crap, Sophie thinks she’s a medium. Here I was searching the Internet for psychics and I’ve known one all along.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so. Anyway, I’m really exhausted, so can we talk tomorrow?” I have to get home or I may fall asleep at the wheel. I’m so glad this night is over, especially now.

  Chapter 17

  Why won’t people let me sleep? I finally turned off my phone after all the early morning phone calls. I don’t know why I didn’t do it last night. I was so tired that I barely made it to my bed. My mom has called three times to tell me that moving is officially taking place next week. Apparently, she wants the whole family to be at the new condo the first night. I’ve been ignoring this move but not entirely on purpose being that I’ve had plenty of my own drama to deal with. She says they’re mostly packed up and ready, and according to Cassie, the new condo is very tranquil and Zen, whatever the hell that means.

  Speaking of Cassie, she also called me this morning and I know exactly what she wants to talk about. I admit, I want to talk to her too but not when I’m trying to sleep. Thankfully, Georgie has left me alone but who knows what time she got in last night or if she’s even home.

  As I’ve been in and out of sleep, I’m trying to think about what I need to say to Kyle at dinner. I’m going to be honest with him and tell him that I have to give NYC a try, if I don’t I will always wonder. I can’t go through my life like that and I wouldn’t want to hold him back either. I have no doubt that I love him, but I’m still not sure that’s enough.

  When I finally realize that I’m not going back to sleep, I call Cassie back. I tell her all about my dream and seeing the lilac in the park.

  “I’m so jealous,” she exclaims. “Do you know how special it is for Grandma to visit you from the other side?” I knew she would believe me because this is totally her thing.

  “So, you don’t think it was just some stress-induced wild dream? It really happened?” I ask her. I’m relieved that I’m not completely losing my mind.

  “No!” she says adamantly.

  She goes on to ask me about Trevor. This was the part I was not looking forward to talking about but I know I have to. I fully unload on her—everything about Kyle and New York and the few moments I’ve had with Trevor.

  “Wow,” she says finally. “I think that’s what Grandma meant by following your heart. You will have to decide if Kyle is what you want, but I think there may really be something there with Trevor, or maybe you are just meant to follow your heart to New York? Maybe she wasn’t talking about anything having to do with your relationship or a man?”

  Ugh! She’s supposed to be helping me not confusing me even more. I thank her and tell her I will keep her posted on how things go at dinner tonight. One way or another, a decision has to be made.


  “I’m so glad we can finally spend some time together.” Kyle warmly welcomes me in when I arrive for dinner. He has a nice glass of wine waiting for me along with some delicious bruschetta for an appetizer. Did I mention that Kyle is an amazing cook? This is not a surprise considering he’s almost the perfect man. I can only cook eggs, and that’s on a good day. I probably won’t make the best wife, but I can bake so I guess that’s a plus. Georgie keeps asking me to take a cooking class with her. It’s actually not a bad idea, but I would be afraid I’d burn the place down.

  “Me, too.” I smile. “I’m sorry again about last night; I hope it didn’t seem like I was ignoring you.”

  “No, not at all. It was a busy and exciting night for you.”

  As soon as we are comfortably sitting down to dinner, Kyle starts to ask about my parents’ move. “You haven’t mentioned anything about it, but they told me last night that it’s happening pretty soon.” He gives me a sympathetic look.

  “Yep. It’s really happening,” I tell him. “Mom wants me to come to the new place that night so that we can all be there together.” I roll my eyes. “It really doesn’t make any sense since they won’t even be settled in yet. Unless she thinks we’re all going to help them unpack?” Now I’m starting to wonder if that’s why she wants us all there so badly.

  Our conversation continues but I can see that Kyle is becoming a little more anxious. He keeps drinking his wine and pouring more. Before he gets drunk, he finally brings up the elephant in the room. “I invited you over because I wanted to talk. I know things didn’t go the way you wanted them to in New York and that was my fault. I was so preoccupied with the promotion that I didn’t consider you and your feelings at all.”

  “It’s okay.” I smile. “It was a work trip and I knew that when you invited me. I shouldn’t have acted like a spoiled brat.”

  He grabs my hand. “Anyway, I know you said that you needed to think about things and make some decisions, so hopefully this will help.” I really need to speak up as well, but it appears that he has this all planned out.

  “I wanted to wait until after dinner to talk about this, but I’ve been so anxious and nervous about it. We’ve been together for too long for me not to show you how fully committed I am too you.” I try to interrupt him but he stops and reaches in his pocket. He pulls out a small blue box and not just any blue box. The Tiffany blue box wrapped in the perfect white ribbon.

  Wait. He’s not. He can’t be . . .

  “Maris Forrester, I love you and I want to be with you . . . forever. I‘ve been thinking about this for a while and the New York trip just made me realize that I needed to take this step.”

  This can’t be happening. He is.

  He gets down on one knee and opens the Tiffany blue box and there it is. It has to be one of the most amazing rings I’ve ever seen. I don’t take my eyes off of it until I hear the words, “Maris, will you marry me?”

  I look up at his handsome face, his eyes are sparkling and his perfect white teeth are sparkling under his gorgeous smile. I feel like I’m dreaming again. I can’t give him an answer yet, and I’m afraid I’m about to shatter his heart into a million pieces.

  “Kyle.” I grab his hand and motion for him to get up from the floor. “We need to talk.” His sweet smile fades. “I love you, too, but this is moving really fast. Seriously, don’t you think that we should talk about it before taking such an important step?” I explain my feelings to him and he listens without saying a word. I tell him that I think I should give New York a try and I know he has no desire to move there, especially with the new job. He shrugs his shoulders.

  “I would never expect you to leave this opportunity that you’ve worked so hard for.”

  He still doesn’t say anything as he stares out the window, so I continue talking.

  “I told you when we were in New York that I would consider everything before making any decisions. Last night when I was on stage—I loved every second of it. It’s the first place that I’ve felt like I belonged in a while . . . does that make sense?”


  “Kyle, please say something,” I beg. I just hope he doesn’t start crying. I keep eyeing the shiny thing that just came out of the Tiffany blue box. Wait until Georgie hears about this.

  “So, let’s just say that I would consider going to New York with you, would you accept my marriage proposal?” he asks finally. “You say you love me, but you seem so willing to just leave, like it’s easy for you.”

  Wow. I have no idea how to answer that.

  “It’s not easy at all,” I reply finally. “And even if you came to New York, which I would love, I still don’t know if I’m ready to get married.” I can see the disappointment on his face and I feel so guilty. I look around at the dinner he’s prepared—complete with the wine, candles, music, and of course the blue box. Am I crazy? Most women only dream about the perfect man and the perfect proposal. I have both and I’m thinking of turning it down.

  “Will you just take a few days to think
about it?” he asks. Hmm . . . this is totally my chance to ask the same of him.

  “I will, if you think about coming with me.” I know that he won’t come to New York, but it never hurts to ask.

  “Okay,” he agrees.

  He asks me to hold on to the little blue box to which I decline. I don’t need that gorgeous thing clouding my judgment.

  He looks completely heartbroken. Okay, so maybe it’s not that big of a deal for me to hold on to it, but it will stay in the box and not on my finger.

  “Will you tell me one thing though?” he asks. I nod my head.

  “Do you like the ring?”

  Is he crazy? Of course I like it.

  “Yes!” I exclaim. “I love it. I just don’t want us to rush into something that we may regret later.”


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