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Topaz Goes Downunder (Jewels Cafe Book 18)

Page 8

by J. E. Cluney

  “It’s fine, it’ll be good as new by tomorrow I think,” Darcy murmured. “You sure you’re feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said firmly, although I wouldn’t tell him I was feeling a little drained even now. Hell, I’d just slept for hours, how could I still be tired?

  “Well, we’re thinking we could just do a nice quiet night tonight. Maybe catch an action movie, have some food out, then get ice-cream afterwards?” Darcy suggested.

  I nodded, even though I would’ve been quite happy curling up in bed with one of my guys instead and eating ice-cream from a tub. But this was a holiday, and I would treat it as such.

  “Okay, well, once Tyler is out of the shower, we’ll get ready. I’ve chosen a few potential movies, let me know which one you want to see. And I was thinking maybe Italian for dinner?” Darcy suggested.

  “Sounds good,” I murmured as I stretched.

  I climbed out of bed, joining the guys at the table as Darcy got me a cup of water, which I downed quickly.

  I went over the movies with Darcy, choosing an action flick we’d all enjoy, before grabbing some clothes and heading out to the showers with my towel and flip-flops. I’d shower and pop on my pajamas before coming back to the camper and changing into a dress for tonight. I didn’t feel like trying to put one on with heels in the public showers.

  I waved to the few shifter kangaroos as they packed up their camp, before yawning again.

  God, I was still tired. How strange. It had to be the heat.

  Our night was quiet, with a nice pesto pasta dinner for me, while the boys ordered a mix of pizzas and pastas. I downed the Sprite I ordered, easily polishing off my meal again before lounging back and watching the guys finish up.

  Tyler was looking heaps better, and he was quite happy as he shared some of the things they’d gotten up to last night after we left.

  Including Lachy setting his shorts on fire by accident.

  And Darren crushing some poor camper’s tent by accident when he fell on it.

  I just shook my head, not believing how crazy these kangaroo shifters could be.

  We headed off as soon as the boys finished their meals, intent to catch our movie.

  I sat between Tyler and Darcy for the movie, finding it odd that I struggled to stay awake for it.

  I put it down to still being drained from healing and the heat.

  Afterwards, we stopped in at an ice-cream shop, and I ordered a sticky date pudding sundae thing, which was utterly delicious but a little too much sweetness for me.

  That didn’t stop me from easily finishing it though in record time.

  We drove over to a nearby beach, and the boys finished off their ice-creams as we sat at a small picnic table overlooking the ocean.

  The cool ocean breeze made goosebumps prickle up on my arms, and Jackson wrapped a warm arm around me as I took in the gorgeous beach under the night sky.

  It was so quiet here, only the sound of the crashing waves before us despite the streets behind us.

  It was peaceful.

  Tonight had been a good night despite how the day had started.

  “Thanks for the night out. I think I needed it,” I admitted as Tyler scowled as his ice-cream dripped down the front of his shirt.

  I just shook my head at this.

  “Yeah, we figured you needed a quiet, good night to help balance everything out,” Jackson murmured.

  “You weren’t wrong,” I sighed, closing my eyes as Jackson trailed his fingers up and down my arm, making me quiver from the sweet sensation.

  “We’ll probably spend another night at the beach campgrounds, then we’ll head off,” Darcy noted.

  “Go to the zoo,” I murmured.

  “Yep, see all their wildlife,” Darcy nodded.

  “I want to see their tigers,” Tyler grinned.

  “I was looking at their animal encounters online. We could have photos taken with some animals there. Echidnas, koalas, the sorts,” Jackson mused.

  “We’ll figure it out,” I murmured, stifling a yawn.

  “Tired already?” Darcy frowned.

  “It’s been a crazy day,” I chuckled. I was allowed to be tired.

  Darcy nodded, but his concerned hazel eyes trailed over me.

  I didn’t want him worrying, I was just drained from all the chaos today, the heat and healing only adding to it.

  “I’d say let’s go for a dip in the water, but we can do that when we get back, let you get home and sleep if you want,” Tyler said as he finished off his ice-cream, ignoring the mess he’d made on his shirt.

  I nodded, and we headed back to the car, Jackson holding me close.

  Sleep sounded like the best thing.

  I sighed as we got to the camper, and I slid out of my dress before collapsing into bed.

  “Hey, I’m sorry about this morning. For stressing you out, and making you drain yourself,” Tyler murmured as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” I mumbled.

  “You were pretty upset earlier,” he reminded me.

  “I was stressed and worried about you, but you’re safe now, and everything is good again,” I murmured as I crawled up to the pillows and flopped my head onto one.

  “At least you seem good as new almost. Already wanting to go swimming,” I chuckled.

  He’d mentioned it again in the car, and Darcy had remarked on how the salt water would be good for his wound.

  “Well, it’s not like we’re on a holiday or anything,” he smirked. “I’m sorry, Topaz. I never wanted to worry you. I wanted us all to enjoy this holiday.”

  “Ugh, stop apologizing. It’s fine, we’re going to have an awesome holiday,” I groaned as I swatted his leg. “Just a rocky start, but tonight was good.”

  “That’s good. I hoped you enjoyed the movie, you seemed to love your ice-cream,” he chuckled.

  “It was sooo good. Way too sweet, but I don’t care,” I chuckled.

  “Well, I’ll let you rest,” he sighed as he rubbed my back as I lay on my stomach.

  “I’ll go take a dip with you if you want, I feel like I need to burn off that sundae,” Darcy said from the kitchen, and Tyler lit up.

  “I’m calling it a night too, you two have fun,” Jackson waved them off.

  I heard them murmur to one another, obviously a little worried about me. I gave up on trying to reassure them, and Tyler and Darcy headed off as Jackson came over and laid down beside me.

  “I swear to God, if you ask me how I’m feeling, I’m going to bite you,” I groaned.

  He snorted at this, and proceeded to tickle my back, making me relax completely.

  “I won’t. I know Darcy is worried about you though. You can’t blame him. I think we’re all still adjusting to this heat, and today was a hectic one for sure.”

  “Mmmhmm,” I mumbled.

  “Besides, you’d tell us if something was wrong,” he added, and I sighed.

  “Honestly, I’m tired as fuck. All I want is some back tickles and to fall asleep,” I said honestly.

  “Well, do it then,” he murmured as he shuffled closer, still tickling my back softly.

  “You’re the best,” I mumbled into my pillow.

  “I know, I try hard,” he chuckled, and I playfully hit him softly.

  I melted into the bed as he continued gently tracing over my bare skin, and I easily fell into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of the ocean.

  I sat at the table, groggy and sipping my caramel latte as Darcy made bacon and eggs for us.

  At least I finally felt like I’d had enough rest, and Tyler looked like nothing had even happened to him yesterday.

  “So, beach day today?” Tyler double-checked.

  “Yep, time to get my tan on while enjoying a good book,” I sighed at the thought. What better way to spend a vacation.

  “Lachy told me there’s a jet-ski hire company somewhere around here, and kayaks. So I might see what I can find,” Tyler said exci

  “That could be fun,” Jackson nodded as he leaned back in his seat.

  Yeah, it did sound fun, but I was more inclined to relax my way, reading and lazing in the sun.

  They could have fun with their sporty shit.

  “Well, you guys can drive off in search of them, I’m going to head down to the beach after breakfast with my umbrella and kindle and have a relaxing day today. I need it,” I stated as Darcy dumped a plate of bacon and eggs before me.

  My mouth watered at the sight, and I set my mug down to dig in.

  “Fine, don’t join us, spoilsport,” Tyler grumbled.

  “I might join you two. Never been on a jet-ski before, and haven’t kayaked in a few years,” Darcy mused, enticed by the thought of trying it out.

  “We should go fishing too,” Tyler added.

  “With what gear?” I smirked.

  “We can buy some, or you can probably rent it too somewhere,” Tyler shrugged.

  Right. Rent some fishing rods. He’d be better off buying some cheapies somewhere.

  “Whatever. You guys have fun,” I mumbled through a mouthful of bacon and egg.

  They fell quiet as they got their breakfast served up, and we enjoyed a peaceful breakfast with only the sound of wildlife outside and the distant crashing of the waves.

  I couldn’t wait to plop down on a towel before the ocean, tucked under my umbrella, and read away for hours.

  I’d earned it.


  My morning was peaceful as I read a cozy paranormal mystery, and Darcy texted me informing me they’d found a jet-ski place. He sent me through a few snaps, and I chuckled at how Tyler was trying to pull off some stunts.

  At least they were having fun.

  A few shifters milled around on the beach today, but, being a weekday, it was mostly quiet, and I was more than content with that.

  I finished my entire novel in peace, grateful I’d brought a bottle of water with me, although the cool ocean breeze was keeping me from overheating, especially since I was under my umbrella.

  I took a break from reading, moving my umbrella so I could sun-bake a little while staring out at the ocean.

  I spied a couple walking along the beach, the woman holding a baby while the father held the hand of a little girl.

  I smiled as they walked along the water’s edge.

  All three of my guys would make wonderful dads one day. I could just see Darcy fussing over them, playing doctor and teaching them how to write, while Jackson would be playing with stuffed toys and tickling them.

  Tyler would be the outdoorsy one, teaching them sports and keeping them active.

  And all three of them would be protective as hell of them.

  I snorted to myself as I imagined Tyler picking a fight with another dad if his child hurt ours, or Darcy telling off someone else’s kid. Jackson would probably be calm, but could switch easily in my opinion, if another parent were to challenge him. He was laid-back, but I doubted he’d take shit from anyone.

  My phone pinged, and I glanced down at it, unlocking the screen and nearly choking as I sipped my water.

  Well, they’d been kicked off the jet-skis, thanks to Tyler trying to do a flip on it despite the rules saying he couldn’t. At least he’d only received a warning.

  Darcy had even snuck a pic of him arguing with the business owner, half his ass showing since he’d fallen off the jet-ski before getting into the argument.

  I just shook my head, and Darcy sent through a new message that they were off to do some kayaking now, and they’d be back in a few hours. He just wanted to make sure I was okay.

  My phone pinged from Jackson, telling me to keep relaxing and taking it easy, savor my alone time before I got stuck with them all again.

  I just shook my head before reaching for my kindle.


  I grinned as the little girl waved to me as she ran over, her father jogging after her.

  “Hi,” I smiled back.

  “Izzy, you’re meant to hold my hand. I’m so sorry,” the father apologized.

  “It’s fine,” I waved him off. “Are you having fun at the beach?” I asked her, and she nodded with a wide grin.

  She looked to be only four, with gorgeous golden curls tucked under her pink hat, and she was wearing a purple one-piece with a frilly skirt. She had the cutest dimples as she beamed at me, and I couldn’t stop smiling in return. She was also holding a purple bucket and small spade.

  “Where’s your family?” she asked.

  “They’re about to go kayaking. We’re on holiday here,” I explained. “I’m reading instead.”

  “We’re on holiday too!” she said enthusiastically. “I like books.”

  The father gave me a sheepish smile, but allowed Izzy to continue chatting with me as his partner joined us.

  “Making new friends?” she chuckled as the baby in her arms gurgled.

  “Yes, what’s your name?” Izzy asked as she sat down in the sand near me, clearly transfixed by some shells she’d spotted jutting from the sand. She sat her bucket down beside her as she began sifting through the sand.

  “My name’s Topaz,” I said. “And you’re Izzy, right?”

  “Yep!” she said brightly as she inspected a small shell.

  “Isabella. I’m Harley, this is my wife Renae, and our other daughter, Olivia,” the man introduced them all.

  “Nice to meet you all,” I nodded.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what are you?” Renae asked as she gently patted Olivia’s back as she held her against her shoulder.

  “Tiger shifter,” I answered, knowing she probably didn’t recognize my scent.

  They were some kind of bird shifters, reminding me of the eagles back home.

  “Wow, I’ve never met a tiger shifter before,” she said, smiling brightly. Izzy got her blonde locks from her mother, although the curls were completely her own, since her mother had straight hair, and her father’s short brown hair lacked any curls.

  “Izzy, we should keep going. We’ve got to get home for when grandpa arrives,” the father reminded his daughter.

  “And I’m sure Topaz wants to get back to her reading,” Renae added as she gave me an apologetic smile.

  “Not at all. But it sounds like you need to get going. Thanks for stopping to say hi, Izzy,” I said warmly, and Izzy smiled at me before offering me the shell in her hand.

  “A present. I’ve got enough shells,” she stated as she held her bucket out for me to look into. There were quite a few shells in there.

  “Aw, thank you. That’s so sweet. I’ll keep it so I remember my holiday here,” I said sweetly.

  “Okay, bye-bye,” Izzy waved as her parents farewelled me and continued on their way.

  I eyed the cute little cone shell, making sure there was no little hermit crab calling it home.

  I watched the family continue on their way, imagining a life with children of my own.

  “Damn, never thought I’d cave and want them,” I mused to myself. I’d always been on the fence, more towards not wanting them really, but I guess that was changing now that I was settling down with my guys.

  Children. How would we even do that? Would I try with just one of my guys? How would we know who was the father otherwise?

  I groaned as I thought about it.

  Having more than one partner sure was going to make it hard. And we’d not discussed children before really. Did they even want any?

  I sighed as I pulled my umbrella over me again, and got started on my next book.

  I definitely didn’t need to be thinking about children right now.

  I returned to the camper when Darcy texted saying they were headed back, but were picking up some fishing supplies on the way for cheap to try their luck this afternoon. I was ready to catch a quick nap before they got back, and I’d devoured another book while relaxing on the beach.

  I made myself a cold milo, finding the unique drink oddly to my liking, and sat on
the bed with a packet of Tim Tams as I considered reading another book.

  I’d annihilate my whole kindle stash at this rate.

  Instead, I found myself thinking back to Izzy. God, she made me want a daughter of my own. I honestly thought she’d be the luckiest little girl in the world having three dads, and I knew they’d all love her to the moon and back.


  Children. We did need to discuss that topic. Especially now that we were settling down together in our joint home. Finances weren’t a problem, and I knew the Pride would be ecstatic to have more young join, although I had a feeling some would find the multiple mates thing a unique subject.

  I shook my head, amazed that I was putting so much thought into this. Was I even ready to be a mom? The thought of going through the birthing process scared me, but being a shifter, I’d heal easily. If Jackson was the father, what would the chances be of our child being a tiger shifter? Would it end up being a panther shifter?

  “Jeez, relax, getting ahead of yourself,” I muttered.

  I crunched down on another Tim Tam as I opened up another book to delve into. All this relaxation was just what the doctor ordered. Although I needed to be careful of what I ate, or I was going to seriously pack on some weight.

  Not that I cared right now.

  I enjoyed my milo, already wondering what the plans were going to be for dinner. I’d count this little chocolate snack as a lunch, so I’d try to push the guys to do an early dinner.

  “Well, Miss Stackhouse, what adventures are we up to now?” I murmured as I started the third book in the series. I hadn’t read the series for years, and it was nice time to revisit the world of my favorite vampires.

  I awoke to Darcy nudging my shoulder softly, and I rolled over, splaying my arms out wide and grumbling.

  He chuckled as he leaned down, allowing me to pull him into my arms and cuddle him.

  “Been asleep a while?” he murmured as I nuzzled his cheek.

  “Just a bit,” I sighed. “Did you go fishing?”

  “Yep,” Tyler answered from the front of the camper, and I sat up to stretch.

  Darcy picked up the packet of Tim Tams on the bedside table and took the back to the fridge while shaking his head.


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